
Harry Potter : Degenerate Reborn In The World Of Harry Potter

(On hiatus not dropped, I am pumping out chapters for the Game of thrones fanfiction) This Novel Is Written For Those Who Have Read And Enjoyed My Previous Novel Exclusively. If You Can't Handle That One You Surely Won't Handle This One. also it's a crackfic so turn brain off if necessary, I'm still new to writing. A Degenerate is Reborn into the world of Harry Potter into the Tonks Family. As the son of Edward Tonks and Andromeda Black. As a relative of the Most ancient and Noble House of Black, incest and lusting for power is in his blood....with a Beautiful Older sister and mother in the house nothing and no one will stop him from getting what he wants. ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ R18 ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️ Not to be viewed by those under 18 years of age. Extreme graphic content, Extreme Depictions of Violence, Graphic Sexual Content. (Rated A) I recommend you begin reading my other story first. . . All characters depicted in this story are 18 years old or older and are purely fictional and are not meant to represent any real person. This story is an artistic un-closeted display of the repressed undertones present in the Harry Potter series of literature and is granted artistic freedom of representation. No money is made off of this work and only my Original characters belong to me.

SERBMADHAUS · Book&Literature
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14 Chs

Ch 11 Pecan Pie

(Character ages in description)

Snape entered the Classroom as the doors flung open and his Robes Billowed majestically...'I really had to find the spell to make my robes move like that' I thought to myself

He rushed to the front of the classroom and eyed us all with a disgusted look on his face before he began speaking.

 "There will be no foolish wand-waving or silly incantations in this class. As such, I don't expect many of you to appreciate the subtle science and exact art that is potion-making. However, for those select few who possess the predisposition, I can teach you how to bewitch the mind and ensnare the senses. I can tell you how to bottle fame, brew glory and even put a stopper in death."

Snape then jerked his eyes to me and saw me flirting with Daphne while he was speaking...he did not look happy but this girl was just too cute when I teased her so I couldn't help myself.

"Then again, maybe some of you have come to Hogwarts in possession of abilities so formidable that you feel confident enough... to not... pay... attention." Snape spat while looking at me and walked over to where I was. 

I was pinching Daphne's cheek softly as she tried to get me to stop and pay attention.


"Mr. Black. Our... Second... celebrity. Tell me, what potion would use the ingredients of Scurvy grass, Lovage, Sneezewort, and Frogs Brains?" He asked while staring directly into my eyes.

I wrapped my arm around Daphne's waist and brought her in closer before answering.

"Those ingredients are used in a Potion of Befuddlement Professor." I answered confidently.


"Correct..... Where, Mr. Black Would ashwinder eggs be found and for which potions are they used?" He asked....ashwinder eggs didn't appear in our textbooks until the sixth year so he was just trying to fuck with me but that's fine.

"Ashwinder eggs are the eggs of the Ashwinder, a magical serpent which was born from the embers of an unattended magical fire. They are used in a Edurus Potion, Fexis Felicis, and Various love potions Sir." I told him as I rubbed Daphne's head.

"Very good Mister Black....Clearly someone read their textbooks as they should have... Ten points for Slytherin....." Then he moved on and began his short lecture for a few minutes before telling us to brew the cure for boils.....the steps were all written in our textbooks so it'd be fairly easy.

After about fifteen minutes I finished my potion, it let out a purple puff of smoke when it was done.

When it was finished I transferred it over to a clear bottle..... I observed it for a moment, It was a shimmering blue hue then I put the cork on the bottle and turned to Daphne and started to help her out.

Snape walked over and picked up the potion and scrutinized it..... He uncorked it and took a whiff before putting it down.

"Ten points to Slytherin for a completed potion...I expect this quality from the rest of you." He said as he walked away to belittle some Hufflepuff students.

The period finished soon after and I earned my house thirty points in the first day.... Almost to easy.

I left Walked with Daphne to our next class she walked close beside me but I didn't hold her hand unlike Hermione.... That would be later.

Halfway there I spotted Hermione walking to class in the same direction as us.

When she saw Daphne beside me I noticed her scrunch her face at Daphne and rush to me.

She jumped in to a hug. "I missed you Helios...." She said cutely while burying her face in my chest As she marked her territory in front of Miss Greengrass. 

"I missed you too..... How was your class did everything go well?" I asked while i kissed her on the forehead.

We began walking to our class and talking between the three of us, Hermione was wrapped around my right arm as Daphne walked closely on my left and would rub against me purposely..... Hermione would secretly glare at her whenever she did.

Soon we reached The McGonagall's Class quite early and walked in.

It was entirely empty except for Neville and one of the Patil sisters in could hardly tell them apart.

I told the girls to go find us seats as I headed to the teachers desk where the tabby colored Cat with white markings of glasses on its face sat.

I reached out and rubbed the cats head... It hissed at first but before long it started purring at me subconsciously.

I leaned down and whispered "Hi professor McGonagall." As soon as I said that she hissed and smacked me on the face with her paws.

I just laughed a bit before walking to sit between my girls who were bickering with eachother already.

As I walked up Hermione looked at me and complained. "Helios, Daphne is saying that you're going to have more than one wife.... She's lying right?!?!" She asked while pouting.

"she is right....I am the last Black left who can produce legitimate Heirs.... Putting aside that you've seen my potential as a wizard, my bloodline is to valuable not to pass on and I'm sure once other Noble families notice my strength they will either try to destroy me or connect with me through marriage."

"If that's true then I can't be with you." She said but I could hear the lack of determination in her sweet voice.

I sat down and wrapped an arm around her waist as she tried to push me away.

"Hermione it's too late for that choice.... You're mine already there's no backing out now for any reason....." I told her as I leaned my against hers.

I sensed a small smile appear on her face when I said that.

Then I looked over to Daphne and grabbed her waist and brought her in close.

"You're also mine as of now....I'll be sending a letter to your parents soon to make it official." I told the blushing Daphne.

"You better I can't imagine being with anyone else from our year.... They're all so dumb and gross." Daphne whispered in my ear.

We spent the next few minutes chatting as McGonagall in cat form glared at me from her desk.

Once almost everyone was in the classroom and the bell rang the two idiots came running through the door.

"Whew! We Made it! Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?" Ron panted out as he patted Harry's shoulder.

That's when McGonagall leapt from her desk and transformed back into her human form Infront of the whole class.

"That was bloody brilliant!!!" Ron yelled out idiotically while Ms.Mcgonnagal did not look amused.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr. Weasley. Perhaps, it'd be more useful if I were to transfigure Mr. Potter and yourself into a pocketwatch. That way, one of you might be on time." She scolded the both of them harshly

"We got lost." Harry responded weakly

"Then perhaps a map? I trust you don't need one to find your seats" she finished and pointed the students away as they scrambled to find their seats.

McGonagall then began her lecture on the history of transfiguration and it's limitations withing the wizarding world.

After half an hour she brought out a box full of matches and handed one to each student.

"Use what I have taught you to convert these matches into needles....you have until the end of class please begin." She spoke as she walked around slowly while observing the students.

When she reached our table she saw Both me and Hermione were done with our Needles while Daphne was nearly finished as I guided her on perfecting her intent.

Hermiones needle was a shimmering silver with 'H.G' scribed on the side. McGonagall gave Griffindor Five points for her work.

When she picked up my needle she stared a bit incredulously at it. It was Solid Gold with miniscule Flowery Engraving all around it and 'A.N.H' Engraved beautifully on its side.

"Mister Black what does A, N ,H mean?" She asked me while inspecting the golden needle.

"Andromeda, Nymphadora, Helios.....my family Miss McGonagall." I told her 

"I've rarely seen such a wonderful display of transfiguration from a first year....and on the first day too...ten points Slytherin....do you mind if I keep the needle as an example for my other classes?" 

"Go right ahead Miss McGonagall." I told her with a cheeky smile and went back to helping Daphne who finished soon after.

The class finished fairly quickly and about half of the students managed 'Needles' although they were usually misshapen.

It was now time for lunch in the great hall so all the students made their way there.

This time I walked with Hermione Holding my Right arm and Daphne my left.....honestly I just needed a girl to sit on my lap and feed me....that'd be the life.

When we entered the hall we drew strange eyes from both the Gryffindor and Slytherin tables but I really didn't give a shit.

I spotted Big Sis sitting with Hannah Abbott on the edge of the Hufflepuff table and holding seats for us as she called me over.

I headed over with my girls and hugged Big Sis as she kissed my cheek. "This is gonna be our new spot, I talked with the Hufflepuffs and they don't mind having you and your girlfriends here." She told me.

 then she pulled me in and whispered in my ear. "You need to go easier on me little brother I could hardly walk to class this morning without a potion." Then she playfully punched my arm.

"Alright Hermione, Daphne this is my Beautiful Big Sister, introduce yourselves I need to go talk with my mother for now." I told them as I gave Daphne and Hermione each a kiss on the cheek.

I walked up to my mother who was next to Flitwick and Miss Sprout.

I overheard Flitwick ranting at my mother as I walked up to the professors table.

"He needs to compete in the EuroWizard Duelling Tournament....it would be a wonderful way to cement him as the powerful new head of House Black and from his chantless casting I'm positive he will win!" 

"Well professor here he comes why not ask him directly." My mother said a bit amused at the half goblins antics.

"Helios my boy I already prepared the paperwork, in two months is the tournament you just need to sign.....it's against wizard students who have not yet graduated but I have a feeling you will show even seventh year students their place with what I've heard from your mother about the training you do at home!!!" He yelled out with a crazy look in his eye....he always seemed really calm but I guess Duelling gets his goblin blood burning.

"I would be honored Professor Flitwick, I'll sign the papers right now." I told him as I took out my feather and began signing the papers.

"All done." I told him and handed them back.

"Good.....Good....." He told me and got back to devouring some elk meat in his plate.

I turned back to my mother and took her hand in for a kiss since the table was too large for us to hug.

"I see you've picked up another girl my son..." she told me teasingly

"Yes I was wondering if you'd send a marriage request to her parents, they are of House Greengrass." I told her while looking back at Daphne who was chatting with Big Sis.

"You're in luck because they have already sent us an offer....Her father Ignatius lll heard about the Sword Debacle and was the first to send me an offer....I've gotten others but I will wait and see what you think of them." She took out a letter from her enchanted satchel and I opened it to have a look.....the conditions were all acceptable.

"Send him a letter of acceptance Ill see you 'later' Motherq." I told her while emphasizing 'Later' since I planned to visit her tonight and turned around...

I wanted to hop over and bend her over the table but that would have to wait until tonight.

What surprised me was an Old Majestic voice calling me from my right.

"Mister Black would you mind coming here for a moment." Dumbledore called out.

"Of course headmaster how many I be of service"

I spoke as I looked into his twinkling blue eyes....he didn't try to read my mind since I was sure he'd tried with Nymphy or Mom and got a nasty surprise from the Rings defenses.

"I heard from Mr.Flitwick that you had an altercation with Ronald Weasley....I would like to hear your side of the story." He spoke in a grandfatherly tone.

"Of course Headmaster, Mr. Weasley insulted my Betrothed....as a Wizard and Heir of a Noble House I couldn't let the insult stand so I took appropriate action in accordance with Wizarding law and made him apologize." I spoke as if I did nothing wrong.

"But violence is almost never the answer Heir Black....I would like you to reflect on your actions and think of a way which might be handled peacefully." He told me then took a sip of wine from his chalice.

"I wholeheartedly agree with you Headmaster that violence is rarely the answer...but I take the Honor of all women seriously...especially those close to me and I would resort to the same violence to defend that honor wether it be from Mr. Weasley or even someone as powerful as yourself no matter the consequences." I told him while gesturing at my mother and my girls back at the table.

He rubbed his beard in thought for a few moments before nodding. "The defense of women is a noble cause Heir Black....but still try not to send students to miss pomferey every time they insult one of your ever increasing girlfriends." He told me half chuckling. 

"I'll do my best Headmaster." I responded with a smile and walked back to my girls.

"Andromeda can he really cast without a wand or chants?" I overheard Dumbledore asking my mother as I neared our table with my Vampiric senses.

"My boy is like no other.....Like Merlin reborn if you leave out his overwhelming interest in pretty girls." My mother said and most of the teachers at the table broke into laughter.

McGonagall then told them in an angry voice of how I knew she was a cat and petted her anyways and that even got Dumbledore laughing out loud.

When I sat at the Table I noticed that Nymphadora saved me a seat next to Hannah Abbott so I sat next to her as Hermione and Daphne sat across from me.

"Hello nice to finally meet you Miss Abbott I am Helios Octavius Black....I'm sure we have D.A.D.A and Herbology together I hope we can be friends "

I told her as I took her dainty hand in for a kiss.

She blushed deeply as she stared at me with her Big Gray eyes and twirled her hair on her finger.

"Nice to meet you Helios....I'm Hannah Abbott....your sister has told me lots of good things about you..." She gushed....just what the hell was Nymphy telling people about me?

That's when I received two light kicks in the shins from across the table....Hermione and Daphne gave me a 'really bruh...right in front of us' look and I just smiled at them and kept talking with Hannah as Big Sis slid her hand onto my thigh and slowly neared my cock.

I looked over at Nymphy and realized that she had metamophagized another arm to be eating regularly over the table while her real arm was pulling my cock out of my pants.

Unlike in the movie these tables all had a black tablecloth covering them so no one could see what was going on but it was still extreme to do this in a hall filled with hundreds of people.....Fortune favors the bold I guess.

I just kept talking with my girls and flirting with Hannah who Hermione and Daphne slowly warmed up to after they realized what a sweetheart she was, as Nymphadora slowly and methodically jerked me off under the table after she managed to pull my cock free.

All the girls personalities were vastly different, Hermione was like spicy cinnamon, Daphne like refreshing mint while Hannah was a warm freshly baked pecan pie.

After a while I though fuck it and just let myself enjoy the secret handjob as I flirted with the beautiful girls around me.

After about half an hour I felt myself ready to burst and Nymphadora felt it too so she acted like she dropped something and crawled under the Table.

The tablecloth covered her as she wrapped her lips around my cock and began sucking it hard so she could get a taste of semen.

My cock throbbed in her hot wet mouth as spurt after spurt of semen shot into her waiting mouth and she swallowed every drop as if it were the elixir of life.

Midway through me cumming in Nymphadora's mouth while Daphne and Hannah were chatting intensely, Hermione noticed something strange going on...I saw her eyebrows furrow as she looked at me for a second.

Then she bent over and lifted the tablecloth to look under the table and spotted Nymphy who was in her knees slurping away at my cock like there was no tomorrow. 

She stayed frozen while looking at my sister suck out my semen in the middle of Lunch until Nymphy was done.

When Nymphy spotted Hermione looking at her she opened her mouth and showed Hermione the mouthful of cum she hadn't swallowed yet....then she closed her mouth and gulped before giving my cock one final lick and climbing back into her seat.

Hermiones face was beet red as she looked at Nymphadora wiping the corners of her mouth on a napkin.

Then she looked at me just as red so I just leaned over the table and gave her a deep kiss on the lips and whispered in her ear. "You'll be doing that soon enough." She turned even more red and began to stare at her plate in embarrassment while picking at her food.

Daphne grew a bit jealous. "If you're gonna kiss her you have to kiss me as well." She td me with a mischievous smile.

I just leaned over the table and brought her in for a kiss as well and by this time the older students had taken notice and began to cheer and jeer a bit.

Next was Hannah who mumbled out..."And what about me?" In a cute voice so I grabbed her by the waist and kissed her as well and by the third girl the older male students were about to start a riot in cheers and applause.

"And what about me~" Nymphadora asked seductively. Honestly I didn't give a shit if others saw me kiss my sister so I grabbed her by the cheek and brought her in for a deep kiss as well.

At this point the entire all lost their minds and began chanting "Helios!!!Helios!!!Helios!!!" In celebration of the youngest playboy they'd ever seen. 

That's when Dumbledore empowered his voice and called for us to settle down.

"PLEASE EVERYONE....CALM DOWN....MISTER BLACK PLEASE TRY AND KEEP YOUR EXCENTRICITIES TO A MINIMUM DURING LUNCH HOURS...." At that the lunch tables calmed down and we finished lunch without issue.

Nymphadora walked over and sat beside Hermione and began to talk to her about what she was doing and how it's the ultimate show of love to take care of her partner....she then brought her in closer and whispered all the things I'd do to her later on and I could practically see steam coming out of Hermiones ears.

Soon enough it was time to head to the next class period, I kissed Daphne and Hermione goodbye and headed to Defense Against The Dark Arts with Hannah in tow.

Nymphadora was walking and talking with Daphne and Hermione since they all had classes in the same part of the castle. 

When I entered the room I was hit with the terrible putrid smell of Garlic and Rotten flesh...my Vampiric senses were far better than a normal man so I was assaulted by the stench.

I quickly pulled out a scent two talismans from my Dimensional store and slapped the extra one in Hannah so we both could get some much needed protection.....it was still quite early so we waited for the professor and students to show up as I got to know Hannah a bit better.
