
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 38: The Garden of Eden

Inside the Potions Office.

Snape held a booklet blankly, without saying a word.

This booklet, officially Alvin sent his enchantment Charm "The Garden of Eden" and some tips.

Thinking of Alvin, Snape's heart was still a little complicated.

The same mixed blood, the same beloved witch, the same extraordinary talent, the same extraordinary talent in potions.

Well, this kid is better than him in other subjects.

However, the choices of the two were decidedly different, and Snape chose Slytherin.

But Alvin chose his little witch.

Sometimes Snape would wonder, if he had gone to Gryffindor, would everything have been different?

So, he kept his eyes on Alvin, because Alvin represented another possibility, the one he wanted most.

But now, Alvin had brought the Charm, allowing Snape to find the answer himself.

Flip through the booklet and look at Alvin's introduction to the spell above.

"The more you know about a person, the more realistic you can create an effect."

Whether it was Lily or James Potter, Snape dared to guarantee, that he was the person who knew them best, no one.

Not even James Potter's follower, Black.

Thinking of this, Snape gritted his teeth and began to learn about the Garden of Eden.

With his current level, he successfully mastered this Charm in less than half a day.

Without hesitation, the wand was aimed at his temple, drawing out wisps of smoke.

"Eden reappears!"

The Charm was uttered, and the scene before Snape's eyes changed, becoming the scene of his sorting ceremony.

Looking at the face that he will never forget for a lifetime, Snape's eyes were flushed, and there were already hot tears.

After forcibly calming himself down and taking a few deep breaths, Snape drew out a mental force and poured it into little Snape's body, replacing him.


in spiritual space.

Snape stepped onto the high platform and put on the Sorting Hat.

"Not bad talent, well, bloodline can also be,"

came the lazy voice of the Sorting Hat

"Shut up! I'm going to Gryffindor"

Snape immediately interrupted when he heard the same comment as back then.

"Boy, what did you say?"

The Sorting Hat was stunned. For so many years, he had never seen such a tyrannical little wizard.

"I said, shut up! I'm going to Gryffindor! Never mind blood, ambition! I just want to go to Gryffindor!"

Snape roared inwardly, roaring impatiently.

The Sorting Hat seemed terrified and immediately agreed.

"Gryffindor! Kid, get me off your head!"

Snape took off his hat immediately and walked down the high platform impatiently to the girl who had appeared in his dreams countless times but could never meet again.


He murmured as if a little in his voice would frighten the girl in front of him.

"I didn't expect you to come to Gryffindor, you kept saying you wanted to go to Slytherin."

Lily didn't notice that Snape in front of her had changed to another person (should it count?), and said happily.

"Where you are, I will be there."

Snape's unequivocal answer made Lily stunned for a moment. She didn't expect Snape to say such a thing.

A blush appeared on the face

"You... what did you say?"

Lily's tone stammered.

"We're best friends, and of course, we're going to be in the same house, aren't we?"

Snape also reacted, he couldn't control himself, he was too excited.


Next, although Snape, who became a little lion, was a little out of tune with this house, he had more time with Lily, and he didn't say those hurtful words.

The relationship between the two gradually deepened, and they took classes together every day, went to the library together, and studied potions together.

And James Potter saw that the two were so good, and he had no room to start, and turned to pursue a Quidditch team player. The intersection between the two sides gradually diminished.

The good times didn't last long. Because of Voldemort, the entire magical world fell into darkness. Lily joined the Order of the Phoenix because of her worship of Dumbledore.

In the end, both of them sacrificed in one mission.

Reality, Potions Office.

Snape retracted his mental body and slowly opened his eyes.

Although a long time has passed in the memory space, the reality is only a few minutes.

Although tears kept flowing from both eyes, deep tears formed on his cheeks.

But the corners of Snape's mouth were indeed smiling.

He could finally be sure that Lily had feelings for him, and that he had indeed sacrificed all of this with his own hands, and handed Lily over to others.

Some people, once missed, is forever. . .

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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