
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 35: Nicolas Flamel

Seeing Alvin's guilty conscience, Cho's laughter grew even louder.

Although Alvin was purely jealous, Cho was still very happy, which was exactly what her sweetheart cared about in her performance.

As for Cedric, who suffered an infallible disaster?

Sorry, Cho said she didn't know him, Cedric Diggory, who is that? Don't delay me watching my boyfriend look jealous.

Listening to Cho's laughter, Alvin became more and more embarrassed.

At this time, Cedric Diggory and the other Hufflepuffs came over.

The two Houses don't have any grudges. It's normal to say hello after the game.

Cedric, who was covered in injuries, walked over to Alvin, stretched out his hand, and said with a wry smile.

"Hello, my name is Cedric Diggory, I know you, Alvin Gaunt, have I offended you before?"

Looking at Cedric with a bruised nose and a swollen face, Alvin was also a little embarrassed.

"No, I just think you are a threat to Cho. Your flying skills are very good. I'm sorry today."

Alvin said nice things, ready to fool Cedric away. Cho next to him covered his mouth and snickered when she saw it.

Cedric also felt nothing after hearing it and agreed with his statement. After all, Alvin also avoided the vital spot to hit.

"I can't compare to you, your batting skills are too good, you should be on the national team."

Cedric also expressed his approval of Alvin and then left with the others.

Alvin also dragged Cho and ran away, for fear of being scolded by the little wizard Hufflepuff.


It's December, and outside the castle, it's already snowing heavily.

The grass was also covered with snowflakes.

and the land was vast.

Christmas is also approaching. The Head of the various Houses began to ask about the little wizards staying in School for Christmas.

Alvin was alone and naturally stayed.

Originally, Cho also wanted to stay here with Alvin and spend a wonderful Christmas vacation with him.

But just a week before Christmas, Cho received a letter from home.

In the letter, Cho's mother rejected his idea, saying that she and Cho's father would take her back to the East.

Cho is very helpless. Out of guilt for Alvin, Cho has been obedient to Alvin these few days.

Instead, Alvin received a lot of benefits.

It doesn't matter to him.

We haven't seen each other for a few days. When the Christmas holidays are over, can't the two still be together every day?

However, the gift for Cho can only be sent to her before school starts.

This is the surprise he carefully prepared for Cho.

After sending away the tearful Cho, Alvin returned to the castle.

Suddenly, a brown-haired ball ran over and pulled Alvin into a corner.

It was Hermione.

Alvin said helplessly: "Hermione, why are you so sneaky every time, why do you have to come to such a place where no one has anything to do?"

Hermione blushed when she heard this.

Yeah, why does she have to go to an empty place every time to find Alvin?

But she didn't have time to worry. Speak quickly.

"Alvin, I need your help."

"Do you know who Nicolas Flamel is?"

Alvin suddenly, did Hermione and the others still find out here?

Alvin thought about it and decided to tell Hermione.

After all, they would know about this in the future and tell her now so Hermione wouldn't waste too much time on useless books.

"Nicolas Flamel was a great alchemist, and his greatest work was the Philosopher's Stone."

"The Philosopher's Stone grants immortality and makes gold. Nicolas Flamel and his wife have lived from the 14th century to the present."

"At the same time, he is also a friend of Dumbledore. He is also one of the founders of the French School of Witchcraft and Wizardry Beauxbatons."

After speaking in one breath, Alvin quietly looked at Hermione, whose mouth was slightly open.

"Yes, the Philosopher's Stone, Snape's goal is the Philosopher's Stone!"

"Thank you, Alvin! I'll go first, I have something to do!"

After the little witch finished speaking, she found that the behavior of throwing it away after use was rather sloppy, so she prepared to reproduce the scene, nodded, and kissed it.

Alvin was taken advantage of once, how could Hermione succeed again?

So he turned his head directly, found the lips that Hermione wanted to kiss on his cheek, and kissed them.


Hermione's eyes widened, and her brain stopped thinking. The body also froze, and there was no sign of resistance at all.

It wasn't until Alvin's lips slowly moved away from hers that she regained her senses.


She gave Alvin a fierce look, Hermione's face was flushed red, and her fair skin seemed to ooze blood.

Pushing Alvin away from wrapping her arms around her, Hermione ran away like an escape without looking back.

Alvin smiled, kissing is not kissing, as for what?

But listening to Hermione's words just now, they still suspected that Snape was a bad guy and was going to steal the Philosopher's Stone.

I don't know how Hermione, Harry, and Ron would react when they found out that the final boss turned out to be Quirrell.

It's really fun.

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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