
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 341: Malfoy's request

Outside the carriage, Alvin and Draco stood in front of the window, looking at the distant scenery before them.

Because it is a prefect's carriage, only a few people are coming and going here. Most of the prefects have gone to patrol around.

After the fourth grade, Alvin's layout became deeper and deeper because of the Triwizard hegemony.

His extracurricular classes didn't go on, plus Ravenclaw and Slytherin rarely took classes together.

The connection between him and Draco also faded a lot.

However, Alvin knew exactly why Draco came to him today.

"Congratulations on becoming a Prefect, Draco."

Seeing that Draco didn't mean to speak, Alvin started to speak.

Draco smiled bitterly. "What's the use of the prefect? Now that the Malfoy family has reached the cliff's edge, only you can pull us."

What he said today was not on his whim but told by Lucius Malfoy.

Because of the diary matter, Lucius Malfoy's status in Voldemort's heart plummeted. He lived with trepidation every day, fearing that he would be liquidated one day.

In addition, the current situation has become more and more bizarre. Even Grindelwald ran out to join in the fun. The Malfoy family no longer wanted to put treasure on Voldemort.

Lucius Malfoy began to find a way out for his children, and Alvin was his first choice.

Compared with Dumbledore, Alvin's attitude toward pure blood is more moderate, and the future potential is greater.

Alvin waved his hand, pulled Draco into his thinking space, and explained the effect here. He breathed a sigh of relief at this time, and his words became much more presumptuous.

"You-Know-Who is pressing on our family step by step. If it wasn't for Aunt Bella's help, any Death Eater could step on us."

"Alvin, the Malfoys need your help, and we will pay for it at all costs."

Reaching out a hand, a chair appeared in front of Alvin.

"Draco, do you speak for your family?"

Draco nodded. At this time, he was no longer the dragging brother. He was talking to Alvin as the future patriarch of the Malfoy Family.

"Not only the Malfoy family but also several other families want to connect with you, and we all agree that the future of You-Know-Who is doomed to be extremely tragic."

"However, now he is still strong, and we cannot resist. We need your help."

Alvin is unmoved. These families are born for profit.

Voldemort couldn't bring them enough benefits, so they dissented, so what about himself in the future?

Although he has enough confidence to suppress all dissatisfaction, he doesn't want to make trouble for himself.

As for Malfoy, with his previous friendship, he would still pull on him as appropriate.

"Two conditions. The first, temporarily by Voldemort's side."

"Second, Bellatrix must die, and I won't let her live long."

"As for the other families, you can decide, but my request is absolute loyalty. You should know how to do it."

After extending two fingers, Alvin slowly said his request while Draco fell silent.

Although Bellatrix is crazy, she is good to the Malfoy family, and Draco struggles to give up on her.

After hesitating for a long time, he nodded lightly and agreed to Alvin's conditions.

For the family's sake, anything can be thrown away when necessary.

"I understand. I will tell my father when I return, and you will know the dynamics of You-Know-Who."

Alvin sneered. "No need, Draco. I already have my people by Voldemort's side."

"I accept you only to see what Voldemort will look like when he sees so many people betraying him."

Draco was stunned when he heard that. After realizing he said goodbye to Alvin and then left.

When Draco left, the journey became much calmer, the train quickly arrived at Hogsmeade, and Alvin fulfilled his prefect duties for the first time.

All the Ravenclaw students lined up obediently under his command and entered the carriage one by one.

He noticed that there was no sign of Harry and the others along the way, but the twins appeared and waved at him with a smile.

They seem to have no idea what just happened.

Hagrid, who usually guides first-year students, did not appear, and Professor Flitwick took his place.

Through the familiar oak gate, Alvin returned to Hogwarts again.

The corridor was illuminated red by torches, and the students excitedly exchanged news during the summer vacation. Grindelwald was the word that appeared most frequently.

And second most is Harry.

Ravenclaw's ghost, Helena, flew to Alvin's side.

"Long time no see, Alvin."

Cho looked at her boyfriend strangely, and the meaning was obvious.

"You won't let go of ghosts, will you?"

Alvin was speechless, and Helena came to say hello attentively because he had taken his mother away for a summer vacation.

Rowena Ravenclaw's body floated out of the Resurrection Stone. Helena's eyes lit up, and she flew away with her mother, not even attending the entrance banquet.

Cho was confused. She was still very enthusiastic just now. Why did she just say a word and then leave?

Before long, all the students had arrived, but Dumbledore did not appear in his place, but Alvin saw a pink toad.

The Great Hall became extremely quiet when the Sorting Hat began to sing.

As an annual repertoire, The Sorting Hat's lyrics are different each year, which is a Hogwarts tradition.

But this year's situation is more special. The Sorting Hat first introduced the purpose and philosophy of each House.

Immediately afterward, he warned everyone that Hogwarts was facing the danger of division and called on the various Houses to put aside their prejudices and unite.

The little wizards frowned, thinking about the meaning.

Professor McGonagall came to the Sorting Hat, and the unsmiling expression made the first-year students who were about to enter the school afraid.

Without waiting for Dumbledore, she directly started the sorting ceremony. The long line of first-year students began to shorten. After the last student was sorted into Hufflepuff, the ceremony ended.

At this time, the heavy door of the Great Hall was slowly pushed open, and Dumbledore appeared there with Harry, Ron, and Ginny.

Everyone looked over in unison.

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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