
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 19: Happy Supper

After leaving the kitchen, Cho was still stunned.

It wasn't until she reached an abandoned classroom that she regained her senses.

"I didn't know there were so many house-elves in the Hogwarts kitchen."

Cho sighed with emotion.

Although Cho is already in second grade, she doesn't know that their usual food is made by house-elves.

Alvin nodded in agreement. Although he had known many elves at Hogwarts for a long time, he was still shocked when he saw more than a hundred house elves working together.

Walking into the classroom, the twins and Lee skillfully put the food on the table.

Roast Lamb, Roast Chicken, and Fried Sausage. Cornish pasty.

Yorkshire Pudding, Pumpkin Pasty, and a Bisque.

Finally, Lee Jordan opened the bag in his hand, and there were several bottles inside, which contained a golden liquid.

"what is this?"

Looking at the bottles, Cho asked curiously.


The twins showed off proudly.

"How did you buy it, will they sell it to minors?"

Lee Jordan shrugged.

"When you grew up like me, the waiter of Three Broomsticks didn't even ask my age and sold it to me directly."


Hearing Lee's answer, Cho couldn't help laughing out loud. Indeed, it is really difficult for you to tell how old a black man is, and he looks old.

Looking at the sumptuous food on the table, Alvin's appetite also came up.

You know it's already midnight, and it's five or six hours after dinner time. My stomach is full.

But he still asked Cho to drink less.

Cho frowned and nodded in agreement.

"Come on, toast, and celebrate that our Hogwarts Night Squad has a new member!"

George pulled over a stool, stepped on it with one foot, raised the wine bottle in his hand, and motioned to the crowd.


The rest of the people also had a similar bottle and clinked it.

After drinking it, Alvin felt that the taste was unexpectedly soft, and the wine taste was not strong.

Looking at Cho, Cho also seemed to think that the taste of this thing was good, and even took a few sips.

Seeing this Alvin quickly stopped her, the banquet has just started, don't get drunk as soon as you come up.

Although butter beer is not strong, it is also alcoholic.

"Alvin, this is good, I wanted to try it a long time ago, but my parents always said I was not an adult and wouldn't let me drink it."

After two glasses of wine, Cho's little face turned red and excitedly said to Alvin.

Today's behavior made her very excited. Cho, who has been a good girl since she was a child, has never been so naughty. She broke at least ten school rules in one night and drank alcohol.

Looking at Cho Chang's naive appearance, Alvin also found it very interesting. coax

"If you like it, I will often bring you here in the future."

The twins and Lee Jordan next to him were booing.

"Alvin, we know of many secret passages to Hogsmeade. If you want to go, contact us in advance next time."

George and Fred took it all in, Alvin smiled and nodded.

A few people stopped talking, burying their heads and eating, clinking glasses, and drinking butterbeer from time to time.

A small banquet was formed in this abandoned classroom.

Soon, the food on the table was wiped out, and several people ate it.

Feeling uncomfortable sitting like this, Alvin took out his wand, summoned a few chairs with a Levitation Charm, and cast a Transfiguration Charm, turning them into reclining chairs.

After a few people saw it, their eyes lit up. Is there such a good thing? They all lay down immediately.


Everyone let out a satisfied sigh and let out a sigh of relief.

Cho next to him couldn't help but sigh.

"Alvin, your Transfiguration is good. Our second graders haven't learned how to transform such a large object."

Fred, next to him, also gave a thumbs up

"Don't tell me you haven't learned it in second grade, even us in third grade couldn't do it. Looks like pulling Alvin to our Hogwarts night tour group was the right choice."

Alvin waved his hand, indicating that it was nothing. He gently held the little hand of the girl next to him, and his body rhythmically swayed on the reclining chair.

For a time, there was only the sound of the rocking chair shaking in the entire classroom. "

After a while, Alvin stretched and asked the twins lazily.

"Don't you have two brothers at Hogwarts, why didn't you call them this time?"

"You mean Percy and Ron?"

"Don't be kidding, if we let our prefect know what we did today, we'll get a Howler from mom the next day."

Fred's voice sounded with a firm tone.

"As for our Ronnie, that's mom's good baby, how could we have damaged him."

After that, Fred laughed himself, and the rest of the people also laughed when they heard it.

Percy's reputation is not very good in Gryffindor, and the little lions are complaining because of his Prefect status.

Alvin also always believed that someone as ambitious as Percy should go to Slytherin, not Gryffindor.

It might be because of his bloodline that the Sorting Hat didn't even look at Percy's other qualities. After all, the Weasleys were born Gryffindors.

Afterward, George and Fred shared some of their "deeds of glory" over the past two years.

Even shared some secret passages at Hogwarts. Alvin and Cho enjoyed it with gusto and felt that the twins' school life was really exciting.

The happy time is always short. After a while, everyone felt a little sleepy. After cleaning up the classroom and restoring everything to its original state, several people went back to their respective common room.

Alvin was afraid they would be caught by Filch after drinking a lot of butterbeer, so the twins and Lee cast a Disillusionment Charm. A few people left.