
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 184: Changes in Knockturn Alley

Knockturn Alley, Arya Manor.

Today is the second day of Christmas. At this time, Alvin is sitting by the window, enjoying the view of the snow outside the window.

Holding a cup of hot tea in his hand, Alvin's thoughts drifted to nowhere.

He suddenly found that life after leaving Hogwarts was so boring.

Life suddenly became dull without a few little girls and the funny Weasley brothers.

In particular, Arya has been on the right track, and absolutely nothing needs his efforts.

This made him feel even more empty.

At this moment, Arya pushed open the door and walked in.

"You've watched the snow all morning. Aren't you bored?"

Getting herself a cup of tea, Arya teases Alvin.

Stretching, Alvin stood up, "No way. Who made you so capable? I found it unnecessary for me to appear here."

Hearing Alvin's compliments, Arya was also very happy.

Everyone wants their achievements recognized by the people they value, and Alvin's words compliment her.

Although she thought so, Arya was still very humble, "You have won the prize. I'm still far behind. At least there is still some darkness in England that we can't touch."

Alvin was a little speechless. He didn't expect the witch in front of him to be so ambitious.

In today's Knockturn Alley, the Arya family can be said to be covering the sky with one hand. Even many pure-blooded nobles now have to look at her face and act.

The most obvious example is Borgin and Burkes.

As a Sacred Twenty-Eight, Burkes, as long as he wants to continue doing business in Knockturn Alley, must obtain Arya's consent and give her a portion of the profits.

But he didn't want to worry about it. Anyway, no matter how Arya developed, it was the power he had in the end.

Seeing Alvin's bored appearance, Arya invited him. "Anyway, you have nothing important right now. Why don't you accompany me to patrol Knockturn Alley."

Every month, Arya will visit all the businesses in Knockturn Alley to check the operation of each shop or whether there are any violations of their rules.

Of course, this invitation to Alvin was also meant to show him his credit.

Alvin has never interfered in her affairs since he helped her conquer the other two families.

Although this kind of boss was her dream, Alvin's indifferent attitude also made her a little depressed.

Just take this opportunity to let Alvin know how well-organized Knockturn Alley is.

Hearing Arya's invitation, Alvin nodded and agreed.

It's a big New Year's Eve, and he's not doing anything, so it better hang out.

After changing into a black robe, Alvin and Arya left the manor.

Walking down the street at Knockturn Alley, the situation here is very different from when Alvin first came.

The rubbish that used to be everywhere, the wandering wizards sleeping on the streets, have disappeared.

Instead, the floors and walls are clean.

If it weren't for the pedestrians on the street, that was still stealthy, and there weren't be as many people in Diagon Alley. Alvin almost thought it was Diagon Alley.

"These people respect you very much."

Along the way, all the shopkeepers or pedestrians who saw Alvin and Arya would respectfully come forward and say hello.

"There's no respect. It's just fear."

Arya laughed to herself.

Being able to manage this group of wizards with complex composition and orderly management is not something that can be achieved with the respect of others.

Blood and fire along the way are also essential.

Alvin naturally understood what she meant, but he didn't say anything. Arya is not a weak woman and doesn't need other people's comfort.

"Has the Ministry of Magic noticed any changes here?"

It is said that all interested people should see the changes in Knockturn Alley, but the Ministry of Magic has been slow to act.

This also makes Alvin somewhat incomprehensible.

Hearing Alvin asking about this, Arya's face became weird.

"Actually... the Ministry of Magic has already sent someone."


Hearing this, Alvin was a little surprised. Why didn't he hear her say it before?

Afraid of Alvin's misunderstanding, Arya hurriedly told what happened

"Actually, I wanted to report to you back then, but the Ministry of Magic sent Lockhart to investigate."


Could there be such a coincidence?

Is that person the Ministry of Magic sent to investigate me?

Seeing Alvin's unexpected expression, Arya nodded in confirmation.

"I was also surprised initially, but this is also a good thing. Lockhart greeted us in advance and let us make a gesture of cooperation between the three major families to fool the Ministry of Magic."

"It was simple. After that, we gave Fudge some Galleons, and we promised nothing would go wrong, and it was over."

Nodding, Alvin also understood everything she said with certainty.

"Is it something to do with Lockhart's promotion so quickly after that?"

"You're right. That's it. It's a blessing in disguise."

Sure enough, it would be a waste for Lockhart to be a liar teaching or something. He was born to be a politician.

Just as the two were walking and chatting, Alvin suddenly felt that the Resurrection Stone he used as a pendant had become a little hot.

I took out the Resurrection Stone and found that the color of the Resurrection Stone had not changed, but it was flashing a strange red light.

"What is this?" Arya asked curiously.

Alvin didn't answer. It was the first time he saw the Resurrection Stone in this state.

Looking around, Alvin didn't notice anything special.

Walking around tentatively, Alvin found that the temperature of the Resurrection Stone was also changing.

Finally, after he stopped and walked for a while, he came to an abandoned house.

The temperature of the Resurrection Stone no longer changed after approaching the house, and Alvin could probably determine that the reason for the change in the Resurrection Stone was inside.

But when Arya saw this house, her face changed.

Pushing open the door, Alvin walked straight in, an imaginary figure was absorbed by the Resurrection Stone, and the speed was so fast that he didn't even react.

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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