
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 182: Reappearance of The Dementors

On the Quidditch pitch, Alvin sat in the audience, and Luna and Astoria sat on his left and right sides.

"Why are you sitting here with Ravenclaw?"

Looking at Astoria next to him, Alvin was a little puzzled.

"Today isn't a Slytherin match. I can do whatever I want."

Astoria said with her chest raised, her eyes still looking at Luna on the other side.

Looking at the two blond little beauties, Alvin was also dumbfounded.

Astoria is competing with Luna, and the two girl's beam seems to have been starting since last year's entrance ceremony.

Astoria, like Hermione, thought Luna's search for the Crumple-Horned Snorkack was whimsical.

Although the relationship between the two people is not bad at regular times, they will always compete in inexplicable places.

Alvin also ignored her. This was the first time Alvin watched Ravenclaw's game in the stands. How should he put it? It felt pretty good.

Gryffindor and Ravenclaw also gave warm applause when the players of the two teams walked out of the tunnel with broomsticks.

"Go, Ravenclaw!"

"Gryffindor wins!"

The little wizards on both sides worked hard to cheer for their houses.

Alvin waved his wand, and a Ravenclaw emblem with a blue eagle fluttered in the wind.


In an instant, Ravenclaw's voice grew louder.

After Cho saw Alvin and the others, she smiled and waved in this direction.

Luna stood up and held the drawing board in her hand, filled with words of cheer for Cho.

Wood was a little nervous at this time.

He saw Ravenclaw's two Firebolts appear here.

One was in Cho's hands, while the other was assigned to a Chaser by Roger Davies.

"Harry! It's all up to you!"

Shouting at the front, Wood was already pressing the pressure onto Harry.

Of course. The pressure brought by Firebolt is too intense.

As an avid Quidditch enthusiast, Wood knew that the Firebolt's parameters far surpassed all contemporary brooms.

Now he can only hope that Harry's flying skills are better than Cho's and that he can catch the Golden Snitch as soon as possible.

Harry nodded firmly to Wood.

At the beginning of the game, players from both sides also took off one after another.

Today's weather is a bit bad, the wind is blowing continuously, and the dark clouds are heavy on everyone's heads.

Sure enough, heavy rain came, as estimated in the ten minutes of the game.

Alvin wanted to cast the Meteolojinx Recanto, but it was too late.

If he shoots now, it will interfere with the game's progress, and Ravenclaw will be directly punished for losing the game.

The players on the field struggled against the bad weather.

Harry watched Cho's movements closely, but the storm and the almost cloudy sky made visibility poor.

He could only barely see Cho's blurry figure.

No one noticed that the dark clouds over the Forbidden Forest became denser, like ink that had been overturned.

And it kept surging in the direction of the Quidditch pitch.

"Did you feel a little cold all of a sudden?"

A little wizard asked his companion, and at the same time, he couldn't help tightening his school uniform.

But his companion did not answer him but stared blankly at the dark cloud.

"It's the Dementors! The Dementors are coming!"

As he shouted, the people also noticed it and looked at this scene in horror.

Harry was flying like a headless fly in the sky. Suddenly, a familiar and terrifying cold snap hit him again.

A cold, desperate, yet unforgettable memory came to his mind.

The woman's begging voice and sharp laugh made him unable to hold the broom in his hand.

"Harry! He fell from the sky!"

The sharp-eyed little wizard discovered Harry's condition and shouted.

Naturally, Alvin saw it, too, and shook his head sadly.

Initially, he wanted to use this opportunity to force Harry to see if he could learn the Patronus Charm, but unfortunately, it failed.

Alvin had long anticipated that the Dementors would be unbearable to move out today. After all, the Quidditch pitch was like a piece of fat far away from the sky, and the Dementors couldn't help it.

Dumbledore has left since the last Sirius invasion, so he has to do it.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Alvin's voice was audible in the storm. A dazzling silver-white brilliance cut through the dark sky.

The originally panicked little wizards also felt a warm force, and the panic was dispelled a lot.

They all set their sights on that ray of light.

Two beast calls came out, and the silver-white brilliance quickly converged into a phoenix and a unicorn.

The light emanating from them dispelled some of the dark clouds in the sky and gave courage to many.

Gradually, senior students, led by the two Patronum, also took out their wands.

"Expecto Patronum!"

Several high-achieving senior students summoned their own Patronus, followed behind the unicorn, and rushed among the Dementors.

The phoenix flew by at a low altitude, accurately catching Harry, who was falling from the sky.

The Dementors at this time were already numb. When they saw the unicorn figures and the phoenix figures, they also remembered them.

These two Patronum dominated their fear at the beginning.

A group of Patronums led by the unicorn rampaged, rushing hordes of Dementors. Soon, they fled in all directions.

And the little wizards below cheered.




Who doesn't know who started, and the audience was shouting Gaunt, which made Alvin dumbfounded.

If Dumbledore saw this, he must have thought he was the next Voldemort.

And Astoria was standing beside Luna with a sly smile.

"If you do it, Alvin will be angry."

Luna looked at the little fox-like Astoria, a little helpless. She was the one who started it just now.

Although she and Astoria are in the same grade, they are like a little child.

"No, Alvin was never mad at me."

Saying these words arrogantly, Astoria smiled and pulled Luna to find Alvin.

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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