
Harry Potter: Card Drawing System

Follow Alvin's journey in the world of Harry Potter with a card drawing system. If you want to support and motivate me to continue translating this novel, you can do it through Patreon: www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack. *I don't own the copyright of such fanfic or the contents of the novel Harry Potter book.* *This novel is not mine. It is obtained from a Chinese fan-fic platform.*

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Chapter 152: Return to England!

The next day, the news of the existence of the Alchemy Creature spread all over the magic world.

Especially in England, to change the subject, Fudge asked the Daily Prophet to report the news of Alvin after he returned, and it had to grab the headlines.

As a result, all wizarding families who subscribed to the Daily Prophet received news from Alvin early in the morning.

Hogwarts, Headmaster's Office.

At this time, Dumbledore was also holding a copy of the Daily Prophet with Alvin's news on it.

"I can't believe that he can already do this..."

Dumbledore muttered to himself, his expression a little tired.

Because of the Horcrux thing and the incident that Alvin made last time, Dumbledore has been looking for recent traces of Voldemort and clues about the Horcrux.

He had just returned from Albania and found some traces of Voldemort. According to his observation, Voldemort was still in a state of being worse than death.

He now suspects that it was not Voldemort who caused such a significant disturbance around Hogwarts last time. Another mysterious powerhouse has likely appeared in the wizarding world.

Voldemort's hidden danger has not been eliminated, and another mysterious powerhouse has come, which makes Dumbledore, who is more than 100 years old, feel a little powerless.

Saw Alvin's news this morning, and it's one of the few good news he's received recently.

At Cho's home.

At this time, Cho was having breakfast with his parents.

Sirui Chang habitually picked up the Daily Prophet, but his eyes widened instantly after seeing today's headline.

"Cho! Helen! Come and see!"

The mother and daughter walked over curiously and looked at the newspaper in his hand.

"The thirteen-year-old alchemist, the pride of England, reveals the genius life of Alvin Gaunt, the father of Alchemy Creatures!"

After reading it, Sirui Chang asked Cho, "Do you know about this?"

Cho nodded in confusion, but his little head still couldn't turn around, "I know what summit he is going to attend in France, but I didn't expect Alvin to be so awesome."

As he spoke, a small star appeared in Cho's eyes. She put down the tableware in his hand and ran upstairs.

"Dad, Mom, I'll stop eating. For now, I'm going to write to Alvin!"

Seeing their daughter's fiery look, they both shook their heads in unison.

However, they still feel a little sigh in their heart. This boyfriend that girl is looking for is amazing!

At Granger's house, Hermione happily shared her joy with her parents after seeing the news of Alvin. Unfortunately, the Grangers were confused about these things, and the depressed little witch could only do happy for Alvin alone.

Ottery St. Catchpole

This is a gathering place for wizards, and the Luna family lives on top of a hill with a stream.

At this time, Luna is wearing a long floral dress and a straw hat, a necklace of Butterbeer caps, and airship earrings.

The little witch was sitting on a lawn, holding not her favorite, The Quibbler, but a copy of the Daily Prophet.

After seeing the news of Alvin, the little witch's eyes lit up a little when his father's voice came from a distance.

"Luna! Have you read the Daily Prophet? The Ministry of Magic is constructing another fictitious genius, and they must have a bigger conspiracy..."

"Dad!" Luna interrupted her father, her ethereal voice a little more serious.

"Alvin, he's not fictitious. He's my friend."

After she finished speaking, she ignored his dad and carefully cut out the report about Alvin.

After the Alchemy Summit, other alchemists from all over the world also returned to their countries.

However, Alvin and Fleur did not leave Beauxbatons immediately but were accompanied by Fleur. They had a good time at the school for two days before returning to Nico's house.

And the days that followed went by very quickly.

Every day Alvin was with Fleur or discussing how to turn Muggles into wizards with Nico.

Nico suggested that Alvin first try to turn Squib into a standard wizard.

After all, the Squib is a strange state between Muggles and wizards. If Alvin can understand the Squib research, he believes it will significantly help Alvin.

Alvin thought it was very reasonable. After he is ready to go back, he will secretly observe Filch...

Fleur also lives in the house these days.

When Alvin was busy, Fleur would play with Celestia and Fury, which wouldn't be so dull.

During this period, the two returned to Fleur's house and met Fleur's mother and sister.

As for the grandmother she often talked about, she lived in the tribe of Veela.

Fleur's mother is delighted with Alvin. The news of the Alchemy Summit has been spread wildly in major newspapers, making Fleur's mother feel that her daughter has climbed high.

And Fleur's younger sister, little Gabrielle Delacour, is also cute and lovely.

The cute look makes Alvin feel that having a little sister is good.

The time came to the end of August in this relaxed atmosphere, and it was time for Alvin to leave.

Even though preparations have been made, Fleur is still a little unhappy on this day.

"Okay, just another year, and when you're in seventh grade, you can come to Hogwarts to compete in the Triwizard Tournament."

Alvin stroked Fleur's silver hair and said comfortingly.

In his previous life, as a native of the Chinese Nation, Alvin can be described as an ancestral white-haired control. This characteristic has also been brought to this world, and he is now in love with Fleur's silver hair.

"You also said that we have to wait a year. Why can't we do it this year?"

Fleur pouted and said unhappily.

The two of them knew about the Triwizard Tournament. As for the source of the news, it was the alchemy friends that Alvin had met.

Due to too much preparation, many alchemists are contributing to this grand event. They will naturally mention some when they communicate.

And Alvin also told Fleur the news.

This year, Fleur is in the sixth grade when she starts school, and she will be in the seventh grade when she goes to the Triwizard Tournament next year.

At that time, Fleur can stay in England directly after graduation, and the two will not have to endure the torture of this long-distance relationship.

After flirting with Alvin for a while, Fleur left Alvin's arms with a face full of reluctance and watched her fiancé go.

Advanced Chapters can be found here (www.p@tre0n.com/AsFBlack)

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