
Harry Potter By

A gamer system maybe

Zac_Millar · Others
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14 Chs


Chapter 10: The book and the ship. At first, as he opened his eyes, Harry thought that everything that had happened was nothing more than another of the many dreams he always had: another dream where an unknown relative came and took him away from the Dursleys. But to his joy, that thought soon proved to be wrong when he finished opening his eyes he spotted the kind face of the woman who was his aunt. And it was then that two sensations assaulted his senses: joy and ... shame. Seeing his aunt's face, he immediately remembered the little number he had just mounted, causing the embarrassment to take over his being. With a blush on his cheeks, he wondered, how had it been possible that he had collapsed so easily before a stranger? Now I didn't even know what to tell the woman in front. "You don't have to feel ashamed - exclaimed the woman, whose name Harry knew it was Sally." Crying is not bad nor is it a sign of weakness. Sometimes it is necessary to cry and allow ourselves to get rid of what afflicts our interior. Leaving those emotions locked up allowing them to accumulate in the long run will only be harmful. There was a kind of melancholy in the tone of his recently discovered aunt in saying that, Harry noted. It was almost as if she spoke from her own experience. - Oh, sorry; I just noticed that I haven't even introduced myself - said the woman with an embarrassed smile on her face -. My name is Sally, Sally Jackson. And, as I suppose they should have already informed you, I am your aunt. Harry was not sure that responding to that woman, the discomfort preventing him from acting as he normally did. However, for his fortune he had [the player's mind], so things as simple as they were worth and shame he could ignore them as one who ignores something inconvenient. Thanks to that, he was able to respond to his aunt with everything his magnificent social skills allowed. - My name is Harry Potter - he said, and then made a mental face immediately. Unfortunately, as a by-product of lacking friends (courtesy of Dudley) and having lived with people who hated to speak to them, Harry lacked social skills. He was not at all what one would call a "social butterfly." As proof of this was the fact that he only related to four people, one of these being a snake and the other three holders of more than double his age. - "At least I didn't sound rude" - Harry thought as a self-counseling, while thanking the courtesy lessons that Mrs. Booker had given her. "I already knew, Harry," Sally replied, not seem to care about Harry's dryness at all. I don't know if they told you before, but you have a very nice name. Although I suppose it is to be expected. Surely Lily was the one who put it on you. Harry wanted to tell Sally that he had bad taste if he considered his name to be pretty. For him, his name was extremely common; Something that was extra-ordinary instead of something extraordinary. He would prefer a thousand times to have a unique name like Adrian instead of simply calling himself "Harry." If it weren't because it was the only thing his parents had given him, he would even be willing to change it when he was an adult. However, he did not tell Sally anything he was thinking, since when he analyzed what he had said he realized a fact that he could not overlook. - Did you ... met my mother? - he asked, then grimace in his mind again and contain the desire to hit his face for asking such stupidity. Of course I was going to meet her! They were relatives! Fortunately, Sally didn't make fun of him as his uncles would have done if he had made such a mistake. - Yes, Harry. I met your mother - Sally replied, a flash of melancholy appearing in her tone momentarily when she said that. She and I were intimate friends. We grew up together, since his mother, your grandmother Rose, and my mother, your great-aunt Estelle, were twin sisters; something that made us your mother and me into cousins-sisters. Harry listened to her rapt. That was the first time he heard about his relatives. - We did everything together - Sally continued to say -. We slept together. We ate together. We play together. We bothered his sister together. We did the homework together. We even bathed together - she gave a smile when she said that. We were extremely close. Since I had never had a sister, she treated her as such, and she in turn saw in me more a sister than she saw in her own biological sister. There was a moment of silence after Sally said that. It wasn't until that moment that Harry realized that his aunt was deliberately avoiding pronouncing his aunt Petunia's name. - If they were so close - he suddenly released, breaking the silence - then why did they separate? A flash of sadness appeared on his aunt's face upon hearing that question. - It was for major causes - she said -. My father was American, and as such a large part of his life was in the United States. He came to England because some minor businesses he had took him to travel here. At first it was supposed to be a short trip, but then he fell in love with my mother, and since he didn't want to travel to the United States, they lived a great part of his life here, to the point that I was born in this country. However, my father was not a millionaire, and the business he had here in England quickly failed, forcing him to return, and in turn forcing my mother and me to move to the United States when I was 11 years old. She then remained silent again for a moment after saying that. Harry didn't know what to say. What I heard seemed extremely hard. Living all the time in a country, calling it your home and forging unwavering ties in it, and then just having to leave it sounded so ... painful. He couldn't even imagine how his aunt should feel. And then, with a stab going through his mind, he realized that he was forcing his aunt to talk about that past she remembered with such love and melancholy. - I'm sorry. I didn't want to make her feel bad - he said, the guilt and the self-reproach touring him. But, to his surprise, Sally smiled at him. - You don't have to apologize, honey. Those memories don't hurt. On the contrary, I keep them with care in my heart. And besides ... - She gave him a look full of compassion and compression, totally different from the looks full of annoyance and displeasure that Aunt Petunia always gave her - ... I'm sure you should want someone to tell you about your mother's things. Harry couldn't oppose him. Having grown up under the mandate of the Dursleys, whose motto was: "Don't ask questions!" He had never known anything about his relatives. Aunt Petunia found it terrible to talk about her sister, to the point that she had never pronounced her name on his front. He only knew about his parents was that they had died in a car accident, and even that turned out to be a lie that hid the terrible and fanciful truth. That was why Harry, who until little did not even know his parents' name, found a kind of comforting feeling in knowing details about them. He felt that he was closer to them and that he also discovered more of himself when he knew how they had been when they were alive. And somehow Harry couldn't understand, Sally seemed to be aware of this fact. - I can tell you many things about Lily - she said, smiling at him. Although I don't know much about her life after we parted, I can tell you how she was when I was a child. Harry found no reasons to reject his proposal. Thus, Sally told him about her mother. She told him that she was intelligent like no other, being able to understand things that children older than she couldn't. She told him that she was compassionate and friendly, being able to make friends with anyone, even though she also had a good batch of temperament. She also told him about their friendships, among which she highlighted one Severus Snape, who apparently was, after Sally herself, her mother's best friend. She also told him other things; things about herself. Things like she was an orphan (although he already knew) of parents since she was three years old, the product of a tragic plane crash; Just as he told her that she had lived with a paternal uncle until he was 18 (she didn't specify it, but Harry deduced that he had also died). She also told him that she dreamed of being a writer, although at the moment she worked in a humble candy store. And of course, as was natural for a mother, she also told her about her son: Percy Jackson; Who, Sally told him, was currently on the ship in which they had come from the United States. She told him many stories about him. Stories and shameful facts such as that he drool when he slept, that he had been afraid of clowns until he was ten years old, that he once when he was little walked naked on a whole beach, and another bunch of sultry anecdotes that Harry assumed his cousin would never wish they were revealed and that they would make him die of shame if he discovered that someone (Harry) I knew them. (As a separate issue, Harry told himself that he was never going to do something embarrassing in front of Sally. She seemed to love to narrate the experiences that most people preferred to forget) One thing Harry noticed was that when his aunt talked about his cousin, his tone was filled with an unparalleled love. A feeling that for a small moment made a drop of envy appear in his heart. - "She must love him very much" - he thought at that moment, forcing that harmful feeling to depart from his mind with the help of [the player's mind] Another thing to note was that she never told him about this Gabe, who, Harry Sabia, beat him, nor did he talk to him about who Percy's father had been. Harry on the other hand didn't bother her asking about them. Instead, Harry preferred to listen carefully, asking an occasional question and telling Sally the odd thing in his life when he asked. He did not realize, but while he did that soon all discomfort disappeared, and soon he was speaking to Sally as if he had known her for a lifetime; as if he had grown up with her instead of having grown up with his unpleasant uncles. And so they were, until time flew, and more than an hour was consumed. TOC. TOC. - Pass - said Harry and Sally in unison, causing a smile to appear on each other's face. And instantly the door was opened, being Mrs. Johnson neither more nor less who passed through her. - I see, Mrs. Jackson, that you and Harry have managed to get along in an incredible way - said Mrs. Johnson, smiling when she saw them. Sally nodded - Yes. It turned out to be that my nephew is a lovely boy - when he said this he looked at the direction of Harry, who flushed. Mrs. Johnson's smile widened upon hearing that. - I'm glad to hear that - he said -. Now, if it's not too much trouble, please go to the hall. My classmates are waiting for you to sign all the relevant details and Dr. Healer also wants to talk to you about a few important things. Upon hearing that, Sally got up from the hospital bed chair where Harry was –– Place where she had been sitting since the conversation began - and approached the door, her slightly wobbly step and her sifted gaze on Harry with concern. - Do not worry about your nephew - said Mrs. Johnson when I noticed Sally's concern - I will keep you company while you are busy. Even though he heard Mrs. Johnson's words, Sally's concern did not diminish. Noticing this, Harry, feeling a warm sensation in his stomach, gave him a smile and told him not to worry. Sally gave him one last look, as if saying, "Are you sure?", Before leaving when he received another reassuring smile from Harry. And with the sound of the door being closed, Sally left the room. - Apparently everything went well. No, Harry? - Mrs. Johnson immediately exclaimed when Sally disappeared. Harry gave him a smile - Yes, everything went well. She is a very nice woman, and the truth is if I would like to live with her. It was not at all as I imagined it - the last Harry said it in a whisper, but by the face that Mrs. Johnson made, she had probably reached the ear of her ex-teacher. - I'm glad to hear that - Mrs. Johnson replied -. The truth I also had my doubts about her; Especially since when he called her for her reason he refused to travel by plane and decided to come by his own means. But when I saw her I realized that all my worries were unfounded. - Yes, from afar it shows that she is a very good person - Harry replied, to his mind arriving the memories of his conversation and the hug she gave him - Whatever, did I just hear well? Did you just say that you were the one who called you? - He asked when he realized what Mrs. Johnson had said. Mrs. Johnson smiled at him, amused. - Yes, it was me - she parked -. You should not know this, Harry, but I am a person with a little authority in the magical world; more or less what you would call a "secret agent." Something like acting as a Muggle government agent is totally easy for me. Harry looked at her for a second. Thanks to [Observe, he had already made the idea that Mrs. Johnson was a kind of secret agent, so he wasn't really surprised by that. Actually what caught his attention was ... - Why do you tell me this? Isn't it supposed that the "secret" part in secret agent is because nobody should find out who you are? Mrs. Johnson's smile disappeared, which caused Harry to realize that his question was more serious than he had thought. - Usually it would be - she replied -. Hidden in the shadows; unknown to all; A ghost that does not exist for anyone: that is what people like me are supposed to be. However, that is something impossible; Nothing but an illusive fantasy of the Muggle. In this world there are hundreds of types of magical beings. Some may read minds, others detect any presence and there are even beings who with just one look can find out lots of information about what they see ... Harry's eyebrows rose when they heard the latter. Didn't that sound extremely familiar? - ... In this kind of world - continued Mrs. Johnson, ignorant of her thoughts - ... Keeping a secret is almost impossible. So people like me decided to act in the following way: being part of a "superior" whole, they placed spells so powerful that I can't even explain what they do, they turned their own being into "something that can't be explained with words" Harry gave him a confused look, without understanding at all what he was explaining. Noticing this, Mrs. Johnson immediately proceeded to explain herself, - even if you see it, you can't describe it; A memory that although it is in your mind is not accessible; One thing that cannot be explained in words: something "ineffable" - exclaimed this -. That is what I am. - But that's ... - Harry murmured, extremely surprised. - Yes, it's something amazing - Mrs. Johnson nodded. But it is not a fact that gives permission to laziness. It is not allowed to let many people be part of the "secret," and as such I and my people strive not to be discovered by many people. I would usually have to erase your memory, but given who you are and in view of what happened I was allowed to become part of the "secret" Harry could not help but shudder a little. Does that mean if I tell you someone about you being an agent sending someone to get rid of me? Mrs. Johnson smiled at him, between amused and exasperated. Oh, Harry. Didn't you hear anything I just told you? Even if you wanted, you can't say anything to anyone. I will give you proof of this. Tell me, who is Mrs. Johnson? Harry couldn't help looking at her like he was crazy. "Who is Mrs. Johnson?" What kind of question was that?! Mrs. Johnson was Mrs. Johnson! - "Wait, isn't there a problem in that?" - he asked. Yes, Mrs. Johnson was Mrs. Johnson, but what did that mean? Who was Mrs. Johnson for him apart from Mrs. Johnson? How did Mrs. Johnson look for him apart from "as Mrs. Johnson always looked"? What had Mrs. Johnson told her apart from "something"? Feeling a migraine emerge in her brain, Harry grabbed his head and gave Mrs. Johnson a confused look. - You see what I tell you - said the aforementioned -. It is something so confusing that even if you would like to explain it. Something more terrible than the spell [taboo] and [enchantment fidelio]. I'm not even sure how it works, all I know is that it doesn't affect your mind but it affects your soul although Harry didn't know what the spell [Taboo] and [Fidelio enchantment] did, he gave Mrs. Johnson the reason. That thing was terrible. Even [the player's mind] couldn't block whatever he did. - If I'm telling you this, it's not just wanting to tell you, Harry - Mrs. Johnson told him. I tell you it is because it is necessary for you to have a safeguard for when your aunt takes you to the United States. She already told me that they will live in New York, and that is extremely worrying. In that place the magical problems happen very, very often, and the Macusa (the American magical police) of that part does not get along very well with the British magicians following a certain incident related to magical creatures ... - "Incident related to magical creatures?" - Harry wondered, curious, but not to the point of wanting to interrupt Mrs. Johnson. - ... So I contacted my superiors and we have decided to become part of the "secret." By doing this you can ask for help from any ineffable American you meet - Mrs. Johnson told him, seconds before the door was touched and a shy "Mrs. Johnson, could a moment come?" Sonara. - Excuse me, Harry, but I have to go - said his ex-teacher, as he approached the door. - Wait! - Harry interrupted her. How is he supposed to find one of these "ineffable Americans"? - If you really need it, believe me it will be very easy to find them - it was the response of Mrs. Johnson, who smiled mysteriously and opened the door and then left for it. Harry stared at the door for a couple of seconds. - "That doesn't explain anything to me" - he thought with a drop of sweat slipping down his neck. He stared at the door for a second, wondering what Mrs. Johnson was referring to, when he heard a shocking noise: - "" Dare mo go utsumikumachi! .. "-" What is that noise?! " - Harry wondered, coming out of his previous thoughts when he heard that hellish noise - It's horrible! Sounds like a cat is dying next to an amplifier! Grabbing his ears, Harry took a quick look at his surroundings, in search of the person responsible for that noise that would make Satan himself cry. Almost instantly he found the person in charge. - "" Kawaita Kaze Fukinuketeku! "- Harmusp sang, his song being a kind of shriek so terrible that Harry was surprised that the glasses of the place were not they will explode spontaneously - Oh, how good! You're finally awake!» - she exclaimed, stopping singing to Harry's relief, and then approaching him quickly Harry gave him a trembling look for a second as he watched her approach, his ears hurting him so much that he for a moment thought they were going to start bleeding. He opened his mouth, ready to ask Harmusp to never use the deadly weapon that was his voice that way He analyzed his snake partner carefully and blinked, surprised. - You ... are you bigger? - He asked. In response, Harmusp gave him a smile - "Oh, did you notice?" - She said. Harry kept looking at her, thinking that her eyes were cheating on them, because instead of a small snake he was seeing a medium-sized snake, whose extension, he supposed, was approximately 25 centimeters, - But what happened to you? How did you grow up so much? - He asked him again, without believing the change of his partner. Harmusp's smile grew. - I don't know what you are surprised. Hadn't I told you that I am part of those magical creatures that grow physically based on the amount of mana they possess? - she said. Harry blinked -. No, you didn't tell me. - "Oh, well, I already told you" - She quickly approached the bed where he was after saying that. - Wait, is that the only thing you are going to say? - he asked, a little disbelief in his tone - aren't you going to give me an incredible explanation of the reason for your change, or at least tell me where You were? Harmusp gave a sigh -. Okay, it's fine. Although I really have a lot to say. I grew up because my mana increased, and since the increase in this was so fast, I take a week to develop in a normal way. I really don't understand why you are so surprised. This is a minimum part of the maximum size I can reach »When I heard the last part, Harry imagined a Harmusp of a long Hose of a fire truck, causing him to shudder. Harmusp was not going to grow so much, right?! -" But changing the subject, tell me, is there any news? " - the snake asked him while he was in front of him, taking him out of his thoughts. Upon hearing the question, Harry shook his head, getting rid of those thoughts, and then proceeding to explain to Harmusp everything that had happened (which was not really much). - "Uh, what do you have a new family? - Harmusp asked, to receive a assent - that is great, that is great. Harry! It's almost like one of those anime I was watching! Surely your aunt and / or your cousin have super special magical powers and have evil forces looking for them for it!» - Please, Harmusp - Harry said, smiling amused at the occurrences of his partner -. Don't say nonsense. Real life is not like anime. It is impossible that something as problematic as what you say happens. Harmusp gave him a suspicious look - "Do you remember that in your basement we fight with a rat king and that in the forest we just stumble?" - she asked him. Harry immediately made a face. The truth is that in his life the incredibly inconvenient and fanciful things happened very often, but still ... - That is one thing and that of my aunt and my cousin is another. - "Okay, it's fine. As you say - Harmusp replied, without paying special attention to his words -. Better forget what I said and give me space to roll up arm. It is not going to be that someone comes» Paying attention to him, Harry allowed Harmusp to climb his body (which caused him tickle) to reach his right arm, where he is, although he was almost as big as his arm, he easily rolled up until he took his typical tattoo shape. - "I just hope my aunt doesn't take so long - Harry thought - I want to leave here. Unfortunately, as Harry soon discovered, his aunt took a long time to do whatever he was doing. ... Several hours later ... - we arrived - Sally said happily -. After about an hour and a half of travel, here is the port of Southampton! Getting off the taxi in which they had traveled, Harry took a look at the port. - Yes, it's a ... port - he replied in an extremely poetic way - a very beautiful port. In response, Sally gave him a funny look. I guess you don't like ports a lot. Harry didn't know what to tell him. It wasn't that he hated the ports, it was simply that he wasn't a lover of these. They didn't call him so much to get to the point of shouting: "Oh, a port! Kyaaaaaaaa! » - I understand that the ports don't call your attention so much - Sally told him - but you have to know that this port is very rich in history. Listen to what this booklet says - she took a brochure from her wallet after saying that. «Southampton, one of the main port cities throughout the United Kingdom. It was initially founded by Romans with the name of Clausentum. He is remarkably famous for being the main starting point in London to travel to New York, and much of the boat trips between the United Kingdom and the United States are made from here: being the best example of them the famous Titanic trip ... Sally made a face and kept silent for a moment when he realized what he had just said, surely thought the same as Harry: «Tremendous good omen for when you are about to make a trip by boat». - Better forget the brochure - he said as he put the mentioned object of new account in his wallet -. Come, hurry up. I want you to see the ship where we are going to travel - he exclaimed, in what was an obvious attempt to change the subject, while he grabbed his arm and walked hurriedly. For a moment, Harry wondered who the boy was between the two. - «Don't be rude - he rebuked himself immediately. She is just trying to have a moment of family union with you »but, as Harmusp said, it would have been much better if her family union time had consisted of a night of movies than making the same journey of a ship that sank. - "But well, no way" - he told himself as he followed his aunt quickly, until after several minutes he finally stopped. - Ready, Harry. Admire the Pequod II ship! - Sally said, extending his arm theatrically with a funny smile on his face when doing so, taking him out of his thoughts while showing him the so-called Pequod ship, which was ... - "... a total garbage! - Harmusp exclaimed in Harry's mind, disgust and fear mixed mixed in his tone. Are we really going to travel on this? - she asked. And Harmusp had more than enough reasons to say that, Harry thought. The Pequod II ship looked the same as its name was heard: totally horrible. For starters, the ship was made of wood, just as if it were one of those ships made hundreds of years ago. In fact, Harry reflected to himself, it was very likely that the ship had been made hundreds of years ago, since the wood looked so moldy that it seemed that the minimum movement would break. The only good point he had in his favor was that it was huge, but even that was something terrible, since it seemed that his size was due to some crazy ship builder had merged three ships into one. In short, Harry thought without giving the slightest importance to the other details of the ship, the ship was a total affront against maritime safety laws. - I know it doesn't look very good to say, but - Sally exclaimed when she noticed her gaze -, she is much safer and resistant than she seems. In the eight days I was in it, no incident happened. In addition - she added - the crew you drive it is very capable. You have nothing to worry about. Harry looked at her for a moment, not knowing very well whether to trust his word. Wondering if perhaps if he should resume his plan to flee, he threw a [watch] on the ship. Ping! [Pequod II ship] [A ship that is a remnant of the original Pequod ship. It has been renovated with fragments of two other ships, which generates its current appearance. It looks terrible and gives off an air of insecurity in general, but it is extremely resistant and safe (unless, of course, it meets whales or icebergs) is a very, very special ship, just like its crew] - "Well - Harry thought - because it is apparently safe" - his gaze turned to Sally after thinking that -. Okay, he trusted you. I'm going to give the benefit of the doubt to this ship - he said. Hearing it, Sally smiled. - I'm glad to hear that - he said, then approaching a kind of rope at one end of the ship and shouting: - Ishmael! I'm here! Surprised to hear her scream, Harry put his hands toward his (still sore) ears as he looked at Sally impressed. I couldn't believe that someone as kind as Sally was able to scream so loudly! - "I guess in the end if she is a relative of Aunt Petunia" - he told himself, remembering how his aunt was able to destroy windows (and eardrums) with his shrieks. - "You know, this makes me think that it is very possible that there is Banshie's blood in your family" - said Harmusp, his tone too serious, in Harry's opinion. Unfortunately, Harry could not answer Harmusp, because just then a "pum" rang, making him come out immediately of his thoughts, just to see how a drawbridge (similar to those of pirate movies) had fallen in front of him and his aunt. "Come, Harry," said his aunt Sally, beckoning him - let's go up. Harry wasn't sure about that (the bridge seemed perfect for the scene of a tragedy), but in the end he climbed, without an alternative, since his kind and very careful aunt kindly grabbed him by the arm and prevented him from breaking from her. - They came quickly - exclaimed a young man of apparent twenty years -. I thought it would take longer. - Yes, I also thought it would take longer, Ishmael - Sally replied -. But in the end everything was surprisingly easy. I only had to sign a few papers and submit Harry to a few exams, and they simply allowed me to take my nephew. Hearing it, Harry couldn't help but remember how they had left the hospital so easily. It had been so extraordinarily easy and seemed to have lacked so many adequate processes, that if he had not known that Mrs. Johnson had put his magical hand, he would have suspected. - Well, whatever. I'm glad they are here. So we can sail faster - he replied to Sally The so-called Ishmael, then set his gaze on Harry -. You must be Harry, right? Nice to meet you, my name is Ishmael - he said, extending his hand towards Harry. "Nice to meet you, Ishmael," Harry replied, grabbing his hand and looking at him curiously. Excuse the question, but are you the captain of this ship? Ishmael smiled, amused - you don't know how many times they asked me that question - he said, then proceed to answer him -. No, I am not the captain; I am the vice-captain. But since our captain is not very likely to treat people, I am the person who takes care of most of the time of the ship and the crew. Harry nodded, implying that he understood. However, in reality that was nothing more than a trick to prevent Ishmael from realizing how he detailed it. And there was something very strange about him, Harry told himself. It was so ... ordinary. His features were faint and lacking the brightness of ugliness or beauty; Something as insignificant as the appearance of the extra movie. And while that in the first instance didn't seem really strange, since there were many "ordinary" people in life whose face was easily forgettable, Ishmael simply took him to another level: it was as if he lacked any presence; as if it were a kind of mirage or illusion instead of a real person. And besides, what he did above all that Harry suspected of him was ... [Ishmael - navigator] [Lv 20] ... his level higher than a normal person. Harry was even willing to throw a [watch] Ismael when Sally grabbed him by the arm and dragged him excitedly somewhere. "Excuse me for grabbing like that, Harry - Sally exclaimed, his voice so sweet that Harry just couldn't get mad at her - but I want you to meet someone very special. Although a part of his mind was still focused on the mystery that Ismael represented, Harry's train of thought refocused on Sally upon hearing what she said. "Know someone"? Did he mean ...? - Percy, honey, come. I want you to meet someone. And then, when those words came out of Sally's mouth, a black-haired teenager who was on the deck seeing the remoteness of the sea, walked quickly but without hurry to them. - Percy, this is Harry. Harry, this is Percy - Sally said, pointing respectively to each one -. As you should have noticed, you are cousins and you will live together from now on, so I want you to know each other well. I know they will. You are quite similar, but just in case ... - She started walking hurriedly, moving away from both of them - ... I'll leave you alone to make it easier for you! And after saying that, she hurriedly left, probably talking to Ishmael or another crew member Harry didn't know. It was then that an awkward silence formed. Usually, Harry didn't dislike the silence. When he lived with Aunt Petunia or Uncle Vernon, who loved shouting at him for the slightest excuse that could occur to them, silence was the only comfort he had. However, there were times when silence was unpleasant: being with his newly discovered cousin without anyone saying anything was one of those occasions. And, as it had been said before, Harry was inept to relate to others. He was not able to start a conversation and usually was not able to keep them either. The only way he could start a conversation with someone was that the person he spoke was very proactive and was possessing enough patience and kindness to understand his silence and at the same time include him in the conversation. And although Percy looked like a proactive person, he for some reason also remained silent, which made an extremely uncomfortable silence form between the two. - «You know, I had thought it was impossible that there was something more uncomfortable than being put in a suitcase and being locked in a box - I exclaim Harmusp - but I was wrong. This is one hundred thousand times worse! I was less bored in the box! " Harry ignored Harmusp's comment. The burlesque comments of his companion Viperina were of no use. Instead, he concealed Percy in a sneaky way, trying to find something to start the conversation with. Percy was, as Sally had said, very similar to him. Or at least physically speaking. He was dark-haired, had green-blue eyes (more blue than green, really) and in his features Harry found the occasional trait he saw when he saw himself in the mirror. However, there were more differences than similarities. Where Harry was pale in an alarming degree that could only be attributed to him to live in a cupboard, Percy had a healthy tan color on his skin, typical of the one who spends most of his time. In addition to that, Harry was (to his own shame) short for his age and extremely skinny, while Percy, despite not being the taller boy or a person with as many kilos as Dudley, was much taller and stuffed than Harry, in a way that Harry could only blame him on the difference between someone like Sally and people like the Dursleys. And most important of all, their positions were different. Harry used to walk with his eyes down; A false gesture self-learned by himself to be able to please his uncles by giving them the idea that he feared them, and thus, making use of wisdom, not bringing problems about his own person. For his part, Percy walked with the elevation in a challenging way; A rebel gesture of someone who, although he knew he was acting recklessly, preferred to be punished to bow his head. And Harry supposed there would be much more difference, but there were things that simple human eyes were unable to see at first sight. Thinking that, and without anything to say to him, Harry threw a nervous [watch] about Percy. [Perseus «Percy» Jacks] [Age: 12 years] [Title: Problem boy]. [Race: Human? (2vit and 2dex]) [Status: alive]. [LV 1] [HP: 280/280] [MP: 60/60] [STR: 4] [Vit: 6 (2): 8] [END: 6] [AGI: 5] [Dex: 5 (2): 7] [Mag: 1) [Int: 5] [Wis: 3] [Cha: 10 (9): 1] [Luc:? (It is too bad to describe it)] [Traits: humanoid. Male ?] [Percy is what one calls "a circumstantial problem boy." He suffers from THDA –– Hyperactive Attention Deficit Disorder –– and dyslexia, which prevent him from giving adequate development in classes, which gives him a bad reputation with teachers. When this is added that he has a terribly bad luck and is always in the wrong place at the wrong time, it is possible to understand the reason that he has been expelled from five schools] [He is outgoing, loyal and is usually able to engineer a lot of bad jokes and sarcastic jokes in a matter of moments. He is the son of Sally Jackson and? He loves his mother, who is the very embodiment of the concept of motherhood, with fortitude, and hates Gabe, who is crap from a person, with fervor] [He doesn't know what to think of Harry and is trying to devise a way to start a conversation, since he knows that Harry is his cousin, and wants to get along with him. He has Harry in an attempt [I like] for the same, but this may change depending on the way they both relate from now on] Harry was curious about many things in that window. First of all, was your cousin not human? (Inside Harmusp gave a kind of Victoria snort). Second, why was Percy's father's name hidden? Was it something so important that the level of [observing] was not high enough to reveal it? - «And also, why despite being a level 01 has such high physical statistics? - he wondered, envious -. Seriously, he almost has half of me [HP] and I'm already at level 10! » But, Harry reflected to himself, maybe the problem was that thanks to [malnourished] his [HP] was super low instead of Percy's [HP] super tall. - So ... are you from England? - Percy asked, breaking the silence and forcing Harry out of his thoughts. Is it true that here all the nannies are transported with umbrellas and that all of you every hour have a cup of tea? Harry didn't know what to feel at that comment. Should he laugh or be offended? - "We better go for both things" - and you tell me - he inquired on his part - is it true that you drool when you sleep? Percy's face turned a slight pinkish color. C-How do you know that?! - "Then it's true," he thought, and then said to Percy: -. You mom told me. Percy put on a face that Harry didn't know how to decipher. Thinking about it later, Harry thought that the comment he had made was probably not the best move to make friends with someone. On the contrary, normal people would be offended and close to make friends with someone who said that kind of comments. Fortunately, Percy seemed not to be a normal person. - So ... do you like skates? - Percy asked, pretending to be Harry, he hadn't asked if he drool when he slept. This time Harry did make his best attempt to start a conversation. - No, but I don't dislike it, so it wouldn't be bad if you told me about them. It was then that Percy proceeded to tell him about the skates. And that was just the beginning of the conversation. Talking to Percy, in Harry's opinion was fun. Maybe it was because they both had the strange habit of distracting themselves and changing the subject spontaneously, but talking to him was not boring or difficult at all. It felt natural. As if finally ... as if he had finally found someone who, although different, was similar to him. Something similar should happen to Percy, because he never proved disgusted or bored; On the contrary, he seemed to have fun talking to Harry. And in the conversation Harry found out about the reason. It turned out that Percy, like him, didn't have a lot of friends. The only person who was his friend, he said, was one Grover Underwood, who attended the same academy as him. But even with him the conversations were not as easy as with Harry. In fact, it was something so rare that Harry was surprised why the two got so well. The two were from different countries, their tastes were very different and their accents and use different from English words sometimes made it difficult for them to communicate. Harry wondered what would be the reason they got along so well. Maybe it was the blood calling? - "Or maybe ..." - Harry told himself distractedly, to his mind reaching the feeling of warmth of Sally's hug and the pair of additional arms he thought he had felt at that moment. Anyway, Harry told himself, no matter the reasons. They got along well, period. As most books said, human beings were capricious and really did not need special reasons to relate to each other. - And then Mr. Brunner in disguise in Roman armor shouted "Go ahead!" While he didn't challenge us to run to the board to write the names of all the Greek and Roman people who once lived, to their mothers and the gods they worshiped - Percy told him. Harry smiled, amused. Sounds interesting. The funniest thing that happened to me with a teacher was when one suddenly the wig changed color. Of course, he thought to himself, that was discounting the super magical fight in which he participated with Mrs. Johnson. However, even though his anecdote was not so interesting, Percy also smiled, amused. That is great too! It was just at that moment that Sally arrived. - Apparently they are getting along very well - he exclaimed smiling, although Harry detected how a pisca of relief appeared on his face, almost as if he had thought they were going to hate themselves to death and start a fierce fight with swords -. I'm sorry to interrupt them, but I came to tell you that dinner is ready. When he heard her, Harry looked around, just to realize that, between the taxi ride and the conversation with Percy, he had already got dark. - Okay, mom. We are already going there - Percy replied to Sally, so much complicity in his tone when he said the word "come on" that without friends Harry could not help feeling warm. - «I seriously believe that I will like to live with my aunt and my cousin - repeated Harry to himself, smiling. ... at night ... - "I keep saying: This ship is a dump!" - Harmusp exclaimed as Harry fixed the bed of his room (or cabin, as he was apparently told on the ships), which looked like a mixture between the torture instrument known as "iron maiden," an Egyptian sarcophagus and a surfboard. - "Hey, I'm surprised to hear you - Harry replied, without giving special importance to the appearance of his bed (he was used to discomfort thanks to the Dursleys) -. During the whole dinner and part of the conversation with Percy you didn't talk »- he said. - «Hey, I did it because I didn't want to bother you. You saw yourself very busy talking to your cousin and didn't want to interrupt - Harmusp said, so much understanding and wisdom in his tone that Harry was impressed. Besides, your cousin smells horrible »Harry's impression disappeared upon hearing that. - «What are you talking about? For me it smelled like a normal person; Although with a little sea aroma, yes, but as we are on a ship I did not see anything strange »Harmusp gave a snort -« Oh, Quetzalcoatl bless human beings and their lower abilities! I am sure that if you had smelled what I smelled, when you would like to learn memory erase spells »-« Does such evil smell? »- Harry asked, noting that in the tone of anguish and suffering of Harmusp there was no hint of joking. - «" Bad "? Bad is when you are watching a chapter of your favorite anime and suddenly interrupt the transmission! - the snake replied. Oh no; Your cousin is something else. If you put together the smell of the undead with that of your uncle Vernon's socks and multiply it by a million, it still couldn't be compared to your cousin's smell! - «You must be exaggerating - he replied -. After all, if it's so bad, shouldn't my aunt also smell terribly? Like her mother, she must spend a lot of time with Percy, so it would be logical if the smell hit her »-« Oh, your aunt also smells bad - Harmusp replied. However, its smell is bearable; Terrible, but still under the standard. Your cousin, on the other hand, is something else; Somehow it is as if whatever makes him smell so bad he had gotten together with something very powerful and had increased in a bad way »Harry thought he was exaggerating. It couldn't be so bad, right? - «Well, then we fixed the bad smell of Percy - he told Harmusp, to his mind arriving the memory of the spell book he had obtained. Maybe there was a spell to remove the bad smell. For now, let's move on to a more important topic »-« How what? After hearing his partner's question, Harry looked around quickly, seeing if there was anyone around. When he didn't notice anything, he summoned his [inventory] and took out the pen and the letter that Mrs. Booker had left. - "Like this - he said -. Mrs. Booker left this letter and this pen next to Vassago's wand (which I will show you later), and according to [watch] and the game, this pen is hers. Do you have any idea what kind of being this pen can be? Harmusp was silent for a minute. - «Harmusp! I'm talking to you! " - Harry yelled then. - «Sorry - the snake apologized - is that seeing that pen only confirms my suspicions, and the truth is not reassuring - she sighed. Harry could feel the fear contained in that exhalation. Before explaining anything, concentrate and use your [magic perception] on the pen so you can understand me »- he asked a little surprised, Harry paid attention to him. Concentrating, he returned his attention to his "sixth sense," allowing him to function at full capacity. In doing so, hundreds of colors filled all his primary senses: the blue of the air, the green that came off his own body, a strange white color that was detached by the ship and ... a gigantic swell of golden energy detached by the feather in his hands. Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! When detecting the? Issued by the pen of ¿?, [magical perception] has risen!] Amazed as it was, Harry did not give great importance to the announcement. - «What…? What is this?! » - "Do you understand why I was so scared?" - Harmusp asked. For his part, Harry still did not accommodate what he was "seeing" - "What is this, Harmusp? »- he asked. - «This is the energy emitted by a being of Mrs. Booler's class - Harmusp explained -. A being that is the maximum form of spiritual life and whose powers are a very manifestation of man's imagination. A being whose existence originates from nothingness and whose power is to crush human concepts as if they were simple pieces of paper. A being who is worshiped by millions: a divine spirit - Harmusp gave a nervous exhalation. Or put another way: a god »Harry did not accommodate what he was hearing. A god, a mythological being like Odin, Zeus or Ra? Was that what Mrs. Booker was? In other circumstances, Harry wouldn't have believed what he was hearing, but at this time he simply had no alternative. Thanks to [magical perception] I could see the amount of energy that a simple pen could emit, and this was so great that he simply could not imagine the amount of energy the body had from where that simple pen came from. - «Of course, I am not talking about God with a capital" D "that most of you human beings worship. Those are already big words - Harmusp continued explaining -. Instead, I am talking about the greatest beings that exist in this world. Beings whose power derives directly from human faith, and whose destructive capacities are comparable to incarnations themselves of nature »-" Then - Harry asked, still without believing the fact that Mrs. Booker (and probably Mr. Booker too) was a divine being -, what I am seeing is the magical power of a God? » - "No, it's not magical power" - Harmusp contradicted -. Instead of mana, divine spirits possess divine power; an energy derived from his [divinity] and with which they make uses of their [divine authorities] ... and because of the amount of divine power that pen emits, I believe that Mrs. Booker is a divine spirit of the stature of extremely powerful gods like the three greats of Greek mythology, Odin and Thor of the Nordics or the various incarnations of the Egyptian god. "Harry was not sure that tell Harmusp about it. Although he was not a mythology master, he had a good knowledge of this thanks to his passion for reading. He knew a good amount of gods and goddesses and could defend himself in most myths. However, he did not know any goddess related to crows that was so important as to be compared to someone like Zeus. In fact, the only god he knew had a close relationship with the crows was Odin, and unless it turned out that Odin was a woman, Harry had no idea who Mrs. Booker could be. But now that Harry was thinking about it, that really wasn't that important. After all, the main question was ... - "Why was a god interested in me?" To which Harmusp replied: - «It is very difficult to know. The gods are very capricious and act in ways that mortals cannot understand. The most logical thing would be that Mrs. Booker has a romantic interest in you, but the truth is that she did not look like a Greek goddess who is carried away by her low impulses »Harry could green at the idea of Mrs. Booker in love with him. She was like a kind of grandmother for him! - "Can't there be another reason?" - "Well, really yes, but I really didn't want to think about it, I shudder just thinking what it would hold for us if it turns out that you are ... - Harmusp shut up itself. Forget it. We better pay attention to Mrs. Booker's letter and see the grimoire she gave you. It is not going to be that she gets angry and destroys the ship in a cholera attack »Although Harry was a little curious about Harmusp's unfinished phrase, he concentrated mainly on the last part of what she said. - "Let us check the grimoire right now, you say?" - he repeated. - «Yes, that is what I said - Harmusp replied -. Whoever that Booker is, it is very likely that the grimoire he gave us has a pisca of his true identity. In addition - she added - just imagine the kind of magical knowledge that a grimoire must have given by a god! Surely it contains super powerful spells or trap skills! "-" But - Harry exclaimed, still doubtful - isn't it supposed to be super risky to open a grimoire? Willn't something horrible happen if I open it? - «Well, the truth is that opening a grimoire if it is very dangerous, but compared to the danger of ignoring a request from a god is nothing - Harmusp replied -. Just create one [empty dungeon] and open it. Anyway, it was already very likely that we died when traveling on this ship »ignoring the last part, Harry complied with Harmusp's request. He raised his hand, concentrating some magical energy (or mana) on it, and exclaimed quietly: - [Create dungeon: empty dungeon] And immediately, a lot of psychedelic lights that Harry had already begun to get used to appeared around him. Seconds later, when those lights disappeared, Harry witnessed how he was apparently in the same horrible (and unhygienic) room in which he had been a few seconds ago. But this time Harry could realize the difference. Thanks to [magical perception], Harry could realize many things he was previously unable to notice. He was able to notice how the colors that had previously been in the room had disappeared for the most part, being that only the gigantic golden light of the pen that he held in his hands and the energy emitted by his body which filled the room. It wasn't as if there was no mana in the room; After all, the [empty dungeon] was made of mana. Instead, it was simply that the energy that flowed "naturally" in the real world did not flow in the same way in the [empty dungeon] and it wasn't just the mana. With his improved senses, Harry was able to notice how the buzzing of mosquitoes, the breath of the wind and even the sensation of the ship moving had disappeared. It was, just as the name of the dungeon said it, a feeling that the place was "empty" - "Hey! Have you finished looking at the place stunnedly? We have something more important than to be impressed by the ugliness of the room, remember? "Immediately, Harry woke up when he heard Harmusp's words. - "True, true" - he said, then summon his [inventory, put the raven feather in his hands, and take out the grimoire that Mrs. Booker had given him. And just at the moment he did that, a green light appeared on his right arm, which after disappearing revealed Harmusp in all his serpentine and crystalline glory. - "It is better if we are separated when you open it - she explained to his gaze -. We don't know what can happen exactly when we open it. It is so possible that it absorbs us and transports us to a parallel world like the one that explodes spontaneously. In case anything happens, it will be much better if we are separated »Harry thought that she wanted to say:" It will be easier for me to escape "-" Then - Harmusp continued, ignorant of his thoughts - I think it's time for you to open it "- she gave a nervous exhalation to say the latter. Harry returned his attention to the grimoire after Harmusp said that. It was the same book that the Booker Messrs had given him: a book practically equal to any other, with the only difference that its cover was written in a language unknown to Harry. However, that was only external appearance. Thanks to his extrasensory abilities, Harry was able to see how the book had a lot of mana for its entire length; A mana as powerful as that of Mrs. Booker's pen, but much more controlled, to the point that Harry was not sure if he was feeling all the mana of the book or if he was somehow retaining much of his power. And in addition to all that, there was also the detail that the book seemed to "talk to him," thousands of whispers tempting him to do horrible things coming to his mind and being immediately blocked by [the player's mind]. - "Good - Harry thought, his hands sweating a little from the nerves -, the time came" and after thinking that, Harry grabbed the cover of the book. Trembling, he slowly took off the book cover, until the sheets of this were quickly exposed. And then, the moment he did that ... ... absolutely nothing happened. - «Eh? - Exclaimed Harmusp to a ball-shaped side, a trembling eye opening and focusing on Harry -. Nothing happened? " Harry detected a mixed mixture of relief and disappointment in the Harmusp tone by saying this. The truth understood his partner. While it was great that nothing horrible had happened, it was simply disappointing that nothing happened. Because of the amount of mana that the grimoire had, Harry thought that at least one mystical light would fill the room when he opened the book. "Well, we weren't vaporized or eaten by an extraterrestrial octopus, so I think everything went well - Harmusp spoke again as he approached Harry." The first step has already been completed successfully. Now the step two is missing: read its content - she focused her gaze on Harry -. Fortunately, this task will be super easy for you. Thanks to [the player's mind] you can resist any form of mind control that the grimoire uses over you, so you just have to worry about this trying to steal your soul »- What do you try to steal from me? - Harry repeated, hoping he heard badly. - «Don't worry about it. There is only a 50% chance of that happening »- Harmusp replied doing a tail with his tail, downplaying the fact that Harry might lose his soul. Harry almost if he throws back at that moment (he didn't want his soul to be stolen!), But using [the player's mind] he suppressed all the fear he felt, and he focused his eyes on the pages of the book, where he spotted ... ... Absolutely nothing. - Eh, Harmusp; This book is empty - he said, disappointment filling his tone by saying that. - «There is nothing?! - Harmusp asked incredulously, as he approached quickly towards Harry, who put the book on the floor to make it easier for her to read it. You are right. There is nothing here. P-But ... »- She stuttered, apparently not knowing very well what to say. "I think Mrs. Booker scamped us," Harry exclaimed. I guess she is actually Loki of Norse mythology. Only he could find fun scam people this way ... In fact, it makes a lot of sense. He can become women and animals after all. "No," Harmusp exclaimed, rejecting his words. It just can't be that there is nothing in this book. It emits too much mana to be nothing important…. No. There must be some error. Something must be escaping me. I must have forgotten something ... I know! I have it! Hurriedly, she threw herself on the book, being positioned on top of it. Harry wanted to ask him what he was doing, but then he witnessed how Harmusp's crystalline body was surrounded by a mantle of energy. - "If this doesn't work, I don't know what it will!" - He heard her exclaim. It was then that Harry saw what he was doing with the mantle of energy he had conjured: he was sending it to the book. He approached quickly. He could not allow Harmusp to waste his energies by risking suffering a {rebound}. But it moved too late. At that moment, while Harmusp was sending his mana to the grimoire, a huge ghostly circle full of gibberish appeared above it, shining in such an intense way that both the physical sight and the magic sight of Harry were blinded. He felt like a stranger flow he walked through his body, and then, almost in a trance, he began to hear words transmitted directly to his mind. Mythological archive Primordial beings section. Code B: The history of the immortal (I) emerged from the humblest origins, she is one of the most fearsome beings in the whole world. Possessing a wisdom equal to that of the Golden King who saw the depths, nothing at all stages of reality escapes her. Possessing an unparalleled force, she is an incarnation of Mother Earth; This is because she fed on the remains of the monstrous and divine primal mother Marine of the ancient Sumerian. Possessing kindness like no other, she was worshiped by men, which attracted the wrath of the gods. His name is…. Mythological archive Primordial beings section. Code B: The history of the immortal (VIII) [...] And after all this, only his descendants, the powerful race of the Musanus, remained as the only vestige of the Trail of the Almighty Immortal. […] Ping! [CONGRATULATIONS! Ancestral mystical knowledge has been forced directly into your brain! You get [share senses] as a new compound effect of {parselcraft}!] Ping! [Congratulations, Harmusp! The grimoire [?] Has aroused your advantage [magical (special) (sealed) perception, causing it to become [magical perception [special]!] Immediately, while feeling his senses return to normal, Harry opened his eyes, noticing that he was lying on the floor in doing so. - "Where are you, Harmusp?" - he asked, worried about his partner, his voice coming out like a mere whisper to feel like his whole body and his mind still seemed to be in two different planes. - «Don't worry, Harry. Here I am »and after hearing those words, Harry saw how his serpentine companion quickly approached him. And when he had it directly in front, he ... ... was surprised - your eyes ... - Harry exclaimed, stuttering due to fatigue and surprise - ... what happened to your eyes? - "It's nothing worrisome," his partner replied, his eyes shining like an infinite kaleidoscope and lacking any similarity with the common eyes of a normal snake. It's just a gift from the grimoire. A gift of my race that is usually awakened with age and experience »- U-a gift? - Harry repeated as he tried to get up from the floor using his hands, without any success. "Yes," his serpentine companion reaffirmed, his words loaded with a wisdom that Harry found improperly of her. A gift given by my divine ancestor, the immortal: the ability to recognize and understand any kind of magical mystery before my eyes »She focused her gaze on him. - «And it's fantastic. I can see things that I was only able to imagine before. Beautiful things. Fascinating things. Terrible things - she gave a distracted look on her scar -. All kinds of magic or magical mystery is no longer secret to me. Whether good or bad, as long as he is at this stage of reality in front of me, I ... I can understand him »Harry looked at her, amazed to hear her speak in that way so… archaic. She, however, completely ignored him and focused her gaze on the grimoire. "And that's why I know what this is," he exclaimed. It is something incredible and at the same time something simple. It is a device that automatically analyzes every mystery that it finds around it and supplies it to the user in the easiest way possible. It is both an apparatus of knowledge, as an instrument that awakens powers. In fact, taking into account what you can do…. She looked up in the air ... - Aissi, can you absorb this grimoire? Harry didn't understand what Harmusp was saying. What did Aissi absorb the grimoire? Was that even possible? -… Request understood, individual harmusp. Answer: It is completely possible. However, ask: Does the player want me to perform this procedure? Note that if all the natural processes of the grimoire are carried out they will be absorbed by the game. Stunned as he was, Harry did not understand that Aissi was asking him a question until Harmusp said: "Say yes, Harry" - Yes, if I accept that you perform that procedure - he exclaimed then, despite not even knowing what he was saying. - Understood - Aissi replied -. Starting with the absorption process ... and then, after Aissi pronounced those words, the grimoire that was lying on the floor was covered in a light similar to what appeared when Harry absorbed books to gain new skills, only this time it was neither Harry nor Harmusp who were absorbing books. - «What are you doing? - Harry asked Harmusp, finally reincorporated. - "He is following my request" - he simply answered Harmusp. Harry made a face, not liking the mysterious and ominous way of speaking that his partner now used. He wanted to make a burlesque comment, with the intention of making her return to her old self, but then a "ping!" It rang and a window appeared, preventing him from speaking. [Congratulations! The function [library] to the [menu] of the game has been added!] Harry looked stunnedly at the announcement that was in front of him, unable to react to the speed of the things that were happening around him. - "Good - exclaimed Harmusp, an expression of distant satisfaction appearing on his face. She posed her resplendent gaze on Harry after saying that. Now, let's talk about that small and Machiavellian fragment of soul on your forehead. This story will continue ... Player status ... [Name: Harry James Potter]. [Age. 10 years] [Title: The player (25% to the EXP gain up to level 10)]. [Race: Human ...? (1 MAG and 1 DEX)] [Status: I live? Spiritually merged]. [Lv 10. Exp 8.077, 375 / 12,150] [HP: 700. (Reg. 3.5 Sec.)] [MP: 432.1 / 432.1 (Reg. 2,5429085 Sec.)] [Str: 10 (-5): 5] [Vit: 10 (-5): 5] [End: 10 (5): 5] [AGI: 11] [Dex: 12 (2): 14] [Mag: 15 (-7.5): 10.5 (3): 10.5 (10.71] [Int: 15 (-7.5): 7.5] [WIS: 11 (-5.5): 5.5 (5,885)] [Cha: 10] [Luc: 10 (1.5: 11.5) [Points: 5] [Money: 14 £] Family status ... [Harmusp] [Race: Musanu (Magic Snake)] [Lv 11. Exp. 1.822 / 12.150] [Race: Musanu] [HP: 650/650 (Reg. 6.5 sec.] [MP: 350/350 (Reg. 3.5 sec.] [ATK: 100] [Def: 100] [ATK Mag: 100] [Def Mag: 150] [SPD: 100] [Points: 5] Excerpt from [Library] About the divine spirits ... A divine spirit (also known as "Deuz" or God) is the maximum form of spiritual life that exists in the world. They are an imitation of the primordials (read the archive: "primordial") and therefore, they can be considered as the "children" of these. However, this logic can only be applied to those divine spirits whose [divine authority] embodies a mentioned aspect primordial That is, the gods that handle destiny are the "children" of destiny, those who handle death are the "children" of death and those who handle life (creation) are the "children" of life. Divine spirits are beings that are generated in two ways: derived from chaos (nothingness) or derived from another divine spirit. It is well known that the former are more powerful than the latter. Divine spirits are beings that feed on human faith. They lack the concept of death that most mortal beings possess. They, although capable of being physically destroyed, cannot perish; Its essence being immortal. In return, of losing human faith, they become extinct. (However, this is not applicable to those divine spirits that originate from chaos itself) Finally, the divine spirits possess two qualities that make them stand out from other beings: their [divinity] and their [divine authorities] ... it turned out that if I could publish a chap. new quickly. Anyway, let's talk about chap.… I like this chap. It's not as cool as the previous one, but it has many fantastic details. I really like it because we are already advancing in the plot in general, Percy even appeared! He did not have a participation so say "wow, what participation!" But understand that there are many things to deal with and simply chap. He didn't give me more importance. Seriously, originally in this chap. There would be Time Skip and everything, but in the end I decided not to force things much and do things little by little. Now, let me tell you about a few specific details of chap. First, when Sally speaks to Harry they will notice that she says she lost her parents at thirteen, which contradicts the canon, since she lost them when she was 5 years old. This is intentional, a way of saying "this is an Au!" Now, being an AU does not mean that suddenly men become women or those things that most AUs over-use, rather it is only a methodology to apply certain things to my story. In addition, you know what happens when a fic is Au to the canon and it remains as a parallel universe (wink) by the way, talking about the same scene, notice that Harry feels compassion for Sally when she tells him that he left England, but he does not feel even the slightest sadness at the fact of leaving the country. This was not totally intentional, but I liked how I finish and I would like to highlight it. And leaving that aside, I have nothing more to say, the rest speaks for himself. All I tell them is that they earn 50 points for Hogwarts' favorite home if they tell me what anime was the song Harmusp was singing. And if they guess what the bow is about thanks to what was shown, they take 100 extra points, so call now! It is a limited time offer! XD And well, with nothing more to say (thank God!), I say goodbye. I await your reviews. Many, but thank you all for the support! With that said, RAGM-0802 says goodbye. Goodbye! Chapter 11: Dreams, Magic and ❱