
Harry Potter By

A gamer system maybe

Zac_Millar · Others
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14 Chs

Gamer 10

Interlude: Consequences and changes - Agent specialized in battle, Marilyn Johnson, holder of the magic designation "SJ-M / Prodigious", reporting to duty, Commander - Understood. Confirmed magical designation. Proceed to start with the situation report, Agent Johnson. - Understood, commander - Marilyn said serenely, her voice not showing any emotion -. The current situation is unfortunate, but accessible within the parameters. Despite the destruction caused, the secret statute has managed to remain intact. Fortunately, the number of fatalities is minimal; Only 20 deaths have occurred, being the balance of injured estimated so far in ... - enough, agent Johnson - interrupted the cold voice of his boss -. At the moment, the number of Muggle victims is irrelevant; Only the fact that the secret statute remains intact is enough for me. What I want to know is the condition in which Mr. Potter is, who, in case he does not remember it, is the reason why he is on the site. Marilyn clenched her teeth for a second, not liking him as his boss had minimized the matter related to the Muggles - the condition of the young Potter is stable - he said after a few seconds, his serene tone hiding what he really felt -. The rapid use of [Protego totalum] by me in a small area instead of being conjured in a wide area as usual was, as the researchers concluded, perfect; The barrier was a hundred times more powerful than normal, which allowed both my person and that of the young Potter to leave with only minor injuries. However, for some reason that escapes my knowledge, the young Potter has entered a kind of coma; It is nothing serious, probably because of a kind of over exposure to magical energy, but according to the analyzes performed it is very likely that it will take about a period of 10 days to wake up. - HMN. I see - replied his boss, the news did not seem to like or dislike him because of how little Marilyn could discern from his tone -. And the condition of their relatives? - He asked without being able to avoid it, a grimace of disgust appeared on Marilyn's face. She quickly suppressed it and proceeded to answer the question. - The condition of the Dursley family is also stable - "unfortunately," Marilyn thought as she spoke. They only suffered a few minor burns and the worst scare of his life, but nothing serious. If I am honest, neither I nor my partner are exactly sure how this happened, since in the area where the aforementioned family lives there is, apart from the surveillance enchantments imposed by Albus Dumbledore, no magical defense. We theorize that probably the [protective room] that is generated as a result of the [blood protection] generated on the young Potter is responsible; But, since protection lacks adequate force, this is really unlikely. Marilyn decided to silence herself the theory, engineered by her and her partner, that the Dursleys were the first specimens of half-human half-cucarch hybrids seen in the magical world, knowing that her boss did not like jokes. - I see - he just said his boss again. If it weren't because I was used to that kind of attitude, Marilyn would already be annoyed at the indifference she was treated with. About the fugitive Vassago Brown? Hearing that name, Marilyn frowned for a second, even more disgusted than when she heard the name of the Dursleys. - Dead - she said -. Since his body was immobilized by the work of a [Petrificus Totalus Duo], he was unable to generate a defensive measure, so the explosion generated by his own hand through the serial generation of the [Thurisaz Rune] resulted in his own death; This was discovered when I and my partner discovered and collected their remains, which, by the way, was a terrible job of doing - the disgust she felt increased after saying the last thing. He still remembered the smell of burnt meat his boss, however, he ignored his feelings (as he used to) and asked: -. And the librarians? The question, having taken her by surprise, made her put aside her disgust. - There is no less trace of them - Marilyn replied quickly, after recovering from the surprise -. Despite the immensity amount of energy they possess, it is not possible to detect the smallest trace of their presence. It is impossible to infer that they are dead by the explosion, since somehow the surroundings of the library where they resided did not suffer even the slightest scratch. In addition, any question generated to the local workers led to the fact that no one knows any booker gentlemen and that the entire library is in charge of Emma Watson, a simple common civilian. - That is slightly alarming - his boss replied. Internally, Marilyn felt satisfied with herself for having surprised him. That beings with such a large magical power disappear from one moment to another is simply ... we must take predictive measures. We cannot let something like what happens in the United States often happen to us. We must anticipate anything they may be planning. But that will be later ... - he murmured, then put his attention back on Marilyn -. Pay attention, Agent Johnson; I will proceed to give you the last indications regarding your mission with Mr. Potter. Marilyn couldn't help but get exalted slightly - Last indications? Sir, won't you be referring to ...? - Yes. I am referring to his work as guardian of the young Potter has come to an end - his boss confirmed his suspicion. Marilyn contained the protest that was about to escape from her lips. Nothing he said would change his mind. Don't feel bad. This decision is not due to the latest events; Although none of this would have happened, I would probably be saying these same words at this time; After all, it is a mandate of the sphere. This time Marilyn couldn't contain her surprise. - Sir, did you just say that the sphere has left a message again?! Marilyn thought that the fact that she raised her tone could be forgiven given the magnitude of the news she just received. The sphere of which his boss spoke was the sphere of destiny, a strange sphere-shaped contraption that had been found by the British division of the ineffable about two centuries ago. The sphere had been detected by the very high amount of magic waves that it emitted, which had caused the ineffable of the time to rush to the area where it was quickly, thinking that it was a creature of rank A or higher that had manifested in this plane. When the ineffable of that time realized that everything was caused by a very small glass sphere, similar to those found in those Muggle Divination Shops, they could not help but contain their disbelief. Quickly they sent to analyze that strange sphere, wishing to know what it was that made him have such an immense amount of energy. Unfortunately, as they soon discovered, the work was impossible. The sphere was an object as unintelligible as the veil of death that was present in the Death Chamber of the Department of Mysteries, no matter how much they tried to analyze it, all the data given by the sphere were as numerous and variable as the stars in the sky, and as compressible as the magical laws of fairies. Simply nothing they did had results. However, despite all this, a fact could be collected from the sphere: from time to time, when a magician approached him, strange messages appeared inside the device; The messages were varied, but they all had something in common: each and every one of them preludes something that would happen with catastrophic consequences. At first, the ineffable of that time did not realize this fact. The messages given by the sphere of destiny were by no means similar to the prophecies. The best way to define it, in Marilyn's opinion, would be like those subliminal messages that used to appear in the series and that made no sense until the event related to the message occurred, with the slight difference that instead of being related to a series, these messages usually used to be related to the closest wizard thought process. To give an example, once a chocolate-loving magician approached the sphere unconsciously while eating one of the sweets he loved so much, which caused the sphere to give a location next to a date and a message of a fortune cookie that said: "What you love so much would lead you to perdition." The magician at first did not understand at all what he wanted to imply the message, so he waited for the date that the sphere had given him and approached with a squad of ineffable to the location that the aforementioned gadget had given him, interested and worried at the same time, since he was aware of the history of the sphere. It turned out that an organization of rebel wizards and sorcerers had summoned an older demon in the area, which, of all the things there were and for having, manifested itself using chocolate as a physical container. In the end the demon did what all the demons do when they are summoned by arrogant and inexperienced magicians: he killed those who summoned him and decided to show him the world the terrible power of chocolate. To prevent that from happening, the ineffable ones had to face the creature. The fight was extremely horrible. Although most of the ineffable survived and managed to end the older demon, all present and a large part of the adjacent population ended with tooth decay, early diabetes and chocolate in places where chocolate should not be, so the incident ended up being called "the chocolate tragedy" and the ineffable Britons were banned from eating chocolate for a century ... but the latter is not the case. The important thing was that thanks to all those events of the past, the ineffable had learned to pay attention to all the messages given by the sphere of destiny, a decision that later proved to be very successful, since thanks to the sphere they managed to avoid hundreds of incidents such as: the war between the British vampires of the Vulturi clan and the lycans of California, the revolt of the dark elves, Obtaining the hidden treasure of Sir Francis Drake by terrorist magicians and the terrible and tragic battle against the evil spirits of cookies who wished to dominate the world. It was because of all these facts that Marilyn was absolutely surprised by the news given by her boss. She knew, thanks to her boss, she had confessed that her mission was due to a message given by the sphere of destiny in which she said her name with a message she wrote: "She must protect Potter and prevent her from separating from her relatives"; And besides, she also knew that never since the sphere had been in possession of the ineffable she had given two messages related to the same subject. - As you just heard, Agent Johnson; The sphere has given a message related to Mr. Potter for the second time - his boss reaffirmed him. This time the message says: "The son of the Potter must be with them" and gave the name and location of a certain family other than the Dursleys. Hearing his boss, Marilyn was surprised ... and also got angry. After all the terrible things he had done for Harry to stay with the Dursleys, was it supposed that it didn't matter that he was with them? Was everything Harry suffered completely lacking in relevance? Everything bad he had done by order of his boss in the name of the "greater good" made no sense?! - I understand his surprise, Agent Johnson, and I offer him my sincere apologies for the inconvenience caused - his boss indicated, his voice full of tiredness and a slight touch of regret. Marilyn gave a damn about her repentance. - I think, commander, that those apologies should not be given to my person - she exposed coldly. His boss coughed feignedly. - I understand what you mean, Agent Johnson, but you know that is impossible. A magician of my position is not allowed to appear before a child, regardless of whether it is the very child-who-lived, without a valid reason - he excused himself. Marilyn decided to ignore what she had just heard. If I paid attention, the safest thing is that he committed a barbarity. - Sir, can you know what family the message refers to? Are they by chance the families of Narcissa Malfoy or Andromeda Tonks, who are the last daughters of the Black family, and therefore the last closest relatives of Mr. Potter? She ignored Sirius Black and Bellatrix Lestrange for reasons that were more than obvious. - Although those would be the most logical options, Agent Johnson, I'm afraid she's wrong - her boss replied -. It is not about any of the families related to James Potter or the magical world. Actually, it's the opposite ... Marilyn's gesture was filled with an impression she couldn't hide - sir, are you referring to what I think you are referring to? - she asked in disbelief, to receive an assent from her commander -. But how is that possible? Isn't she supposed to have no family member alive apart from her sister? - questioned. - I understand your surprise, agent. Even we were surprised at the fact - explained his boss -. We even conducted an exhaustive investigation based on the names and location given by the sphere using the help of the International Fund. And the result was that this family does exist and if it has ties, although distant, with the deceased Mrs. de Potter. Marilyn still did not fit in her surprise. But, sir, shouldn't Albus Dumbledore have been aware of this fact? His boss smiled coldly. - Agent Johnson, are you talking about Albus Dumbledore himself who didn't bother to appear at the Dursley house since he left the young Potter in the place, preferring to rely on simple and sabotaged surveillance enchantments, as well as the alterable testimonies of a squib? The same Albus Dumbledore that you have never seen in the 8 years you have been taking care of the young Potter? The same Albus Dumbledore who is currently in France, ignorant of the catastrophe in this small town? The smile on his boss's face disappeared. Because, if we are talking about Albus Dumbledore himself, you can realize that the arrogance and ingenuity of the so-called second largest magician in Britain makes this comet reckless actions improper of an experienced old man who has witnessed two wars. Marilyn was silent. She remembered the kindness and warmth of the old man surnamed as Dumbledore and knew completely that he was a kind person who would never be able to do anything to hurt a child, but she, having faced many evil people in her career as ineffable, knew that kindness and kindness was sometimes one of the greatest sins in the world. He was unable to blame his former director for trusting the Dursleys; After all, if it weren't because she had seen him, he would never believe that someone would be able to commit such atrocities against someone with his same blood, but ... - "He was too careless - she thought. At least he should have visited Harry once every six months to see how he was »After all, she told herself, who knows what would have happened to Harry if she hadn't met him when Vassago Brown decided to exploit all Privet Drive, including himself. - Anyway, Agent Johnson - continued his boss, causing her to get out of his thoughts -, if what worries him is that Dumbledore finds out that Harry Potter has "disappeared," then he has nothing to worry about. Knowing the old man's modus operandis, it is very likely that while the young Potter does not reach Hogwarts he does not dare to take the trouble to investigate the whereabouts of the child-who-lived. And by the time I do, it will be too late; All our forces, including those of the International Fund, will be busy preventing their investigation; And as you know, when the ineffable we propose something, not even someone like Albus Dumbledore can prevent us from doing so. His boss smiled again, and if it weren't because he was part of the ineffable, Marilyn would have been afraid of the organization's capabilities. - And if that's all you have to say, Agent Johnson, then you can wait for him to send you the indicated family data and proceed to ... - Wait! - Marilyn interrupted her boss suddenly. - What's up? - He asked this, with what seemed to be slight irritation. - If I don't need to do ... er, the young Potter with the Dursleys, then, is the fate of that family to be relevant to the mission? - she asked. His message seemed to be very clear to his boss. - As long as it does not violate the Muggles Protection Law or the Secret Statute, neither the Ministry of Magic nor the ineffable happens what happens to simple Muggles. Marilyn smiled. "As long as the spells do not or kill them, you can do whatever you want": that was what his boss had wanted to imply between the lines. - If that is all you have to say - said his boss, some irritation in his voice -, then please wait for him to send him the data of the aforementioned family and proceed to cut off the communications by lowering the toilet. - Understood, boss! - Marilyn exclaimed smiling while making a military greeting, then proceeding to lower the crank of the toilet. And while she listened to the sound of the toilet when she was lowered and saw how a projection of light (similar to that of the Muggles holograms) of her boss was swallowed by the toilet, she wondered, so it seemed to be the hundredth time, who had been the idea that the ineffable communicated by toilets - "By this method of communications I prefer to take risks making face-to-face reports - Marilyn thought distracted to herself, while proceeding to use a [Wingardium leviosa] to take out a small bottle with a piece of paper inside that had been sent by her boss. But even though he had to use an [anti-bacterial enchantment] on the little bottle to read the note, Marilyn kept smiling as vividly and cruelly as he had been doing since his boss gave him permission to give his deserved to the Dursleys. - «I wonder, what should I do with them? - she asked for a second, before smiling even more and snapping her fingers -. I already have it! - And in other news, we have just been informed that the woman and the man who managed to survive almost unharmed to the tragedy of Privet Drive have been learned by the forces of the justices on charges of child abuse, negligence and possible violation of human rights. The son of both, Dudley Dursley, has been put in charge of government custody while the trial is reali ... - Wow, go. Never thought that the always kind Marilyn would be able to do something like that - said a boy of apparent ten years, blonde hair and blue eyes while turning off the TV. Beside him, Marilyn gave him a severe look. - It was the least they deserved. Rather I think I was very kind to them, Damien - she said. Damian smiled angelicly. - You're right. I would have transformed them into animals and then threw them into the slaughterhouse - said the -. But I know you didn't come to talk about those pathetic human shares. So, tell me, what did the boss tell you? - Well, basically they just reassigned me - Marilyn replied - ... Correction: they just reassigned us. Damián made a face when he heard that. Does that mean that my previous body was destroyed by nothing? - he asked. Marilyn gave him a look full of coldness. I think what you meant was: "So Harry suffered so much for nothing?" Damian stuck his tongue out. Oh yes, that too. Marilyn kept looking at him coldly. - Keep asking me why they assigned you as my assistant. I would have preferred someone as capable as Miss Fraga instead of a stalker user of [Marioneism] who likes to pretend to be a tramp - I exclaim. Damian grabbed his chest theatrically - Oh, how much your words hurt me! And I have risked so much to help you on the mission! - "Risky"? Can you know that you have risked, that you spent it without doing anything for eight years and whose only contribution in the battle against Vassago was to call me? - Marilyn asked as she raised an eyebrow. Immediately, Damián excused himself - Oh, come on. I didn't hear you say that. You know that if it weren't for my [interference magic] and my [memories alteration magic] you would never have been able to prevent the dreaded Albus Dumbledore from noticing all the serious things that have happened here - he pointed out -. And the battle against Vassago is not my fault! If you allowed me access to my best bodies, I would have made that Death Eatterpat and none of this would have happened. - You say it as if you had really done something in all the years that have elapsed since the mission began - said Marilyn exasperated -. All you have done is prevent the surveillance enchantments placed on Harry and alter the memory of Arebella Figg and the means of social service. If not for the latest events, your achievements were probably useless. Damian pouted - and don't think that because you used a child-looking puppet as a body you can blackmail me emotionally - Marilyn told him with a cold worthy of the North Pole -. I do not forget that you were unable to hide from the ministry the aches of Harry's [accidental magic], and that is why Vassago could find Prive Drive. - Hey! You can't blame me for that! - Damien complained -. What would I know that a rat king was going to be attracted to the mana issued by the [protective room] of the Dursley house, and that Harry was just going to run into him?! - I don't know. Isn't it supposed that if you have so many family puppets scattered on him to watch over his surroundings? - Is it really? - Damien complained again -. That day I was going to entertain him for a while chatting so that you could end the rat, but I couldn't because Harry apparently thought it was a kind of weirdo and ran away! - First of all: you didn't even inform me anything that day. I found out he went to the next one - Marilyn replied raising one finger, then lifting another -. Second: How was Harry not running to see you? You were dressed as a kind of pedophile - Marilyn attacked him. - I am not to blame for destroying my puppet of Mrs. Hills in a fury outburst and that is why she could not continue acting as your substitute - Damian hired him. - And I am not to blame for you having worn out your other female-looking puppets scaring a lot of rapists - Marilyn returned the shot, causing Damian to remain silent for a second. - You're right in that part ... but it was worth it. You don't know how fun a man's face is when he takes your clothes off your force and discovers that instead of female genitals you have knives! - Damian said after a second, his angelic boy face not agreeing at all with what he had just said. Marilyn contained a smile. Although he later had to report to the boss, she also found Damian's actions fun from time to time. Especially with the incident of rapists. Those pigs deserved it. - Okay. Let's change the subject - she said after a second -. Do you have any explanation of why Harry can use oriental magic and has a magic snake as a pet? - he asked. For a second, Damián smiled, apparently glad that his uselessness had been forgotten, but then Marilyn gave him a cold look that said: "Do you want me to transfigure your clothes into termites? »And he hurried to answer his question. - Well, I don't have a concrete explanation about oriental magic. As you know, for some reason my relatives cannot approach either the library or the forest, so I couldn't find out anything - he explained -. About the magic snake I think he had already told you, but he has it since he found her walking conveniently through his garden the same day that the Rat King happened. Marilyn gave him another cold look. You didn't tell me that. - I forgot ... Just kidding, just kidding! Please lower your wand and put out that [fire] !! I have no more materials left to make more puppets! - Damien exclaimed nervously, which only disappeared when he saw Marilyn lowering her wand -. By God, sometimes you are more frightening than the dirty red one! Even with his wand in his hand, Marilyn smiled. - I wonder what would happen if Miss Aozaki found out that you just called her that? - She asked out loud. Damian paled. - No! Please no! I will be a good child and everything you want, but please do not contact Miss Aozaki! She promised that she would kill me if she came to see me again! - HMN ... I don't know, it's a very tempting proposal ... but seeing Miss Aozaki destroying you in hundreds of pieces is also something very tempting ... Just kidding, just kidding! - She said with fun to see how Damian seemed about to cry like the ten-year-old boy he appeared to be. I don't even know where Miss Aozaki is right now - she admitted smiling mockingly. Damian looked at her with a blank face for a second. - Why are you like that with me and with Harry you are so kind? - he asked after a second. The question took Marilyn by surprise for a second, but she quickly answered it. - Well, while Harry is a good boy, you are a spoil of the same cane as Vassago Brown. Do you forget that if you are in the custody of the ineffable Britons it is because of your very long history of crimes? - She said, and without giving him time to answer, he added: -. Do not answer. Better just use yourself [interference magic] on your smartphone to communicate with the US department of the ineffable. Damian frowned. What for? If I do that then I will have to stop concentrating to prevent magic radiation from affecting the TV, and today they will give a marathon of Marvel movies! In response, Marilyn frowned and lifted her wand ... - Okay, I'll do it! You don't have to get aggressive! - Damien said quickly -. But yes, you have to buy me a new flat screen after this! And after saying that, he lifted his touch phone in his childish hands, causing an intense blue light to cover him and the television that was a few meters away exploded spontaneously. - Ready - said Damian, his childish still frowned -. Everything I do because you don't like to communicate with the toilet as an ineffable normal. Marilyn ignored him and proceeded to grab the smartphone. Destination A force that drives each of the movements of reality. A primordial force from which, along with life and death, not even the gods can escape. Destiny is a burden to which all inferior beings (non-primary) are subject. An immovable force that defines the end of the road for all beings. However, this does not mean that the destination is fixed course. Sometimes, simply what is destined to happen, does not happen ... - Agent specialized in battle of the British division of the ineffable, Marilyn Johnson, possessing the magical designation "SJ-M / Prodigious", requests, as previously informed, the necessary authority to operate with one of its citizens ... Just like the course of a river that can be diverted thanks to a simple stone, it is possible that An external force varies the final destiny of a certain creature ... - Yes, I can wait [...]. Very good. Thank you very much! But then, what happens when that external force is one that has no limits? What happens when the final destiny of a creature is the very denial of destiny? What about that creature? ... The answer is [...] since that creature is an anomaly of the same size as [..., and therefore human minds simply cannot process the magnitude of the existence of such being. However, something can be collected and described in words for mortals: anything that creature does can only be called as a miracle even that gods should fear. And that is why when the tutorial was over, when the quiet days of the player came to an end, when that little seed planted by life began to bloom ... - Hello, I am the agent Marilyn Johnson of the British Department of Children and Family. Is Mrs. Jackson? I have something important to talk to her. ... The same gods trembled with fear. This story will continue ... NPCS data (non-player characters) have been revealed! [Vassago Brown] [Age: 40 years] [Title: The brown skin demon]. [Race: Homo-Magi] [Status: Dead (died in chapter 08)]. [LV 35] [HP: 0/2290] [MP: 0/1655] [STR: 16] [Vit: 15] [END: 17] [AGI: 25] [DEX: 32] [Mag: 40 (8: 48) [Int: 30] [Wis: 29] [Cha: 30] [Luc: 6] [Traits: Magic Humanoid. Male Dark] [Belonging to the old inner circle of Lord Voldemort, Vassago is an extremely loyal Death Eater and devoted to the cause of the Dark Lord. His passion is such that he conducted a thorough search for Harry, who caused the fall of his lord, and using high-ranking magical means, infiltrated the school where Harry lives] * (Lore expanded * [Born from a pure blood magician and a muggle on a night of passion, Vassago was a child hated by his mother and who also never met his father. He never met the love of a family and His dark skin made him suffer mockery and contempt in his time as a Hogwarts student. All of the above led to the development of an antisocial personality that confused pain with pleasure and love with hate. It was this same sadistic personality eager to spread the pain that made him join the cause of the Death Eaters and worship the Dark Lord, Lord Voldemort, as if it were a species of God] [It was this same admiration that led him to escape British justice while killing people and used the blood of his victims to leave the message that "the Lord still lives in me." For this reason he hates Harry Potter with passion, and lived a large part of his years as a fugitive from justice devising strategies with which to kill him] [died full of this same hatred while destroying all Prive Drive. However, the feeling that most impacts his soul is not this hatred, but is "that desire towards a certain woman," and it can be said that this feeling is so lasting that it would remain in his psyche even if a force majeure would alter his spirit] [remarkable abilities: [Transfiguration (Lv 40)]. [Enchantments (Lv 35)]. [Dark Arts (Lv 35)]. [Potions (Lv 15)]. [Glamor (Lv 45)]. [Killer instinct (LV 40)]. [Runes (Lv 35)] (Appearance (Lv 40)] [Extra. About ...] * The title "The dark-skinned demon": a title initially obtained by a kind of evil joke of Vassago's mother when naming him based on a demon of Arts Goetia and giving him a surname related to his skin color. He was taken as a mockery by the schoolmates, but then It expanded as a symbol of horror in the time of the Dark Lord when Vassago brutally killed the same companions who made fun of him when he was smaller] [In gamers terms, he increases the effectiveness of the skills related to intimidation by 40%] [Marilyn Johnson] [Age: 29 years] [Title: Brilliant and blessed Prodigy girl]. [Race: Homo-Magi] Status: Live]. [Lv 37] [HP: 2,490 / 2,490] [MP: 1.825 / 1.825] [Str: 12] [Vit: 18] [End: 14] [AGI: 30] [Dex: 34] [Mag: 42 (8: 50) [Int: 40] [Wis: 35] [Cha: 30] [Luc :? (Infinitely changing) [Traits: Magic Humanoid. Feminine. Holy (Blessed)] [A woman full of impressive abilities, which are a by-product of having been blessed by Holy Brigid at birth. She is ignorant of this fact, which causes the [divine blessing of Holy Brigid] to be reduced to a blessing of good fortune that paradoxically brings misfortune to the people closest to her surroundings] [she has (had) the mission of protecting Harry, whom he loves as a close relative] * (expanded lore * [born on a certain day in an extremely difficult delivery, Marily It was a miracle granted to his father, who was a strong devotee of Christianity. The very blessing of his existence is taken as [the blessing of Holy Brigid, which greatly increased his magical capacity and allowed him to do things that made her stand out from most people. It was these same talents that made her attract the attention of the ineffable] [However, Marilyn's life was not honey on flakes. As a result of [the blessing of the Holy Brigid] the fate of the people closest to her was neutralized, which caused misfortunes to happen around her and that every person she loved would end up suffering a victim of destiny] [Despite that, she is a good person who usually does not complain about difficulties and works hard to help others. She instinctively hates evil and unfair people and she naturally treats good and fair people well. She also very good with children and loves teaching] {(she also naturally mistreats Damian, but this is more like a game between friends than because she hates him instinctively)} [remarkable skills: [Transfiguration (Lv 45)]. [Enchantments (Lv 45)]. [Potions (Lv 30)]. [Combat Magic / Dark Anti-Magic (Lv 45)]. [Runes (Lv 35). (Appearance (Lv 40]. [Teaching (Lv 45)] (Note: It is very possible that more skills can be obtained by her in the future) [Extra. About ...] * The title "Bright and blessed Prodigy Girl": is the way Marilyn was (and still is) known to all. It is nothing more than the title of a girl who (literally) seems to have been blessed by the heavens. In Gamers terms, the cha increases with the conscious people of this title] [The blessing of the Holy Brigid: a divine blessing given by the Holy Brigid, who is both a saint of Christianity and a? Of? It is an imitation of the imitation of the Blessed Sacrament to the Holy Mary to beget the Son of God, and as such transforms the user into an entity of the same type (demigod) ... or so it should be. But Marilyn is simply not aware of this fact, so the ability becomes a kind of charm of good fortune that absorbs the good luck of others] [It is very possible that if Marilyn becomes aware of this blessing she metamorphosed into something beyond the human] [in gamers terms, she makes the Luc unstable and transforms it into "infinite." Additionally, it increases the gain of exp of skills by 150%] [Name: Damián Hiils] [Age:? (Impossible to infer by body changes)] [Title: Unknown] [Race: Impossible to infer by body / unobserved changes. Presumably human] [status: alive] [lv 10 (previous body). Your LV varies with each body and the LV of your current body has not been observed) [statistics] [...? They have not been observed. They vary with each body] [Traits :? (Not observed)] [Although he has exotic tastes and loves high class life, he pretends to be a tramp to hide his true identity. A man who for certain objectives implies an unusual danger. He is interested in Harry] [Lore (semi) -ampled * [a person of strange tastes. He is a user of [Marionetism] and is a walking anomaly whose body changes do not follow human logic. He is interested in Harry for his mission and because he is also a collector of the relics of the child he lived. He likes luxuries but he also likes to pretend to be a wanderer and is a super weird person (?). His true power and past is a mystery] [Remarkable skills: [Marioneism (LV 70)]. [Interference magic (LV 50)]. [Memory manipulation magic (LV 50)] (Note: The skills shown are only what was revealed by Marilyn and by himself) [Extra. About ...] * Skill [MARIONETIA: A magic not very well seen by society. It is a practice related to the transfer of the astral nucleus (soul) to bodies generated by the user as a form of pseudo-immortality. The ability is also composed of the generation of bodies (puppets) for a use similar to that of a golem] [Although Damian's rank is high, there is a certain person nicknamed "the dirty red one" that has greater mastery in this art than he] * The ability [interference magic: a skill that is more a simple action spell than a magic itself. It is about the use of magic waves to interfere with the natural process of spells or devices related to magic] [Although Damian has a high rank on this ability, he can only affect devices or spells that have already been thrown on a certain target and is unable to interrupt the spell conjuration at the time of throwing as is the ideal use of this ability] * The ability [magic Memory: a skill related to the manipulation of the mind. It is much more effective and less harmful than the use of the spell [Obliviate]] and we get here. We will give a quick explanation. This chapter, as you can see, is a kind of transition chapter towards the next arc. It does not have Harry's perspective and is about half a long as the average of the rest of the chapters, but I did it quickly and with love for you and it has a lot of little secrets, so I hope you like it! I really don't have much to say, the chapter speaks for itself, (literal: it is pure dialogue), but I can tell you that Damián's part is due to an error I made, because at first I had no relevance and as such I put a very low LV; It was not until later chapters that it occurred to me to do that it would help Mrs. Johnson (Marilyn), but by then her LV had already been described and as such was too low, so this ended up happening to her. Now, he is a kind of thing with a super crazy past and his LV is explained as "he is a mystery, but he really is very strong (lol)." To be honest, it is very likely that he will appear in the future as an important character in an arc of the ineffable with Mrs. Johnson; But for the moment a cumin matters, so don't pay much attention. Well, that's it. We reached the end of arch 01! And they are more than 100k! Would you believe me if I told you that I thought this arc was going to end super fast and about 40k words? The truth is that I don't know why it ended so long, but I think it went well, what do you think? And taking advantage of that question, I would like to know, what was your favorite moment (or chapter) of the arch? And Bueeeeeeeno ... As I said, the arch 01 is over. The next one is called: "A new family on the high seas" and in it, as you may have noticed, this story finally becomes a true crossover when the first character of Percy Jackson appears (which is very obvious who it is) and with that said ... Thank you all for reading! A special thanks to Littlestarmyu for his comments! As I tell you every so often, your comments motivate me to write this fic faster! Until the next chapter, which I tell you is called: "Chapter 09: A new family?"! Say goodbye, RAGM-0802! Chapter 09: A new family? ❱