
Harry Potter and the World Event

When a world-changing event happens in the Harry Potter universe, what do you think happens when nothing is ordinary anymore? I don't own Harry Potter. This is my fan fic story.

silkjo · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Gringotts bank and Petunia's Rage

as the rest of the family had risen for the day eating their breakfast

okay everyone today I made a decision I'm going to start an account at Gringotts Bank so we're going to visit the Wizarding community and it will come back home to talk about things that we all need to know as a family you're young yes but I don't want to keep anything from you.

Harry your parents chose to live in The Wizarding community so technically that makes you a part of the Wizarding World According to them I'm just your Muggle caretakers relative but I don't have any claim to you in the Wizarding World I don't even know who your magical Guardian is. but next year when you get your Hogwarts letter you could be put in a position where you don't have a choice but to attend Hogwarts whether you like it or not I don't know your choice and right now I don't want you to try to make a choice because if it fights against what is or what they are choosing for you because of what your parents environment was you won't like it and I don't want you to be bitter and hateful because you're being forced to do something you don't want to do. So what I'm going to do is I'm going to start an account for you for our family and I'll bloodline checks and everything that goes along with it so that way you don't have to worry about not having support in The Wizarding World I'll start working on all of us having call app so that way we can communicate when we need to talk male you'll learn how to use it I'll trading system I'll everything

why wouldn't I have a choice that doesn't make any sense aren't Tunney

because your parents chose to live in The Wizarding World she gave up this side of life a long time ago and because I was a hateful person and I couldn't accept her even though she loved me and I loved her it changed a lot of things Harry I'm not proud about my past I'm not proud about how I treated you I'm just trying to make things right and I'm trying to let you know what could be ahead of time

hurry doctor had thoughtfully she he knew that she was trying to be honest and was trying to make him aware of the possibilities in a future cuz she always says adaptability gives you more options but what happens when options are taken away you still have to learn to adapt what she always says auntie Tuney

they got ready for the day petunia even took out a universal translator set for the whole family cuz they want to be able to communicate that with the goblins in they own language.

she was able to see it for the first time in a long time died Diagon Alley. going into the bar that looks broke down and old and dirty he asked Tom if he could show her the proper way to enter Diagon Alley. he showed her way in and then went to attend to his duties he didn't pay attention to her family which was great because her husband was given him the eye for being too damn nosey. and as they walk through they didn't stop to look at anything they just went straight to the bank.

the warning was sad at the door and then they entered walking up to a teller it didn't seem to be busy that day petunia turnt on her translator as they all did she took a breath.

I would like to open an account for my family.

the goblin was surprise hearing a female talk in gobbledygook.

Just a moment I will arrange for an account manger to meet with you.

Then he stepped away.

When he came back and account manager was with him.

"My name is Bending Blade. I will be you account manager should you choose to make an account here. Come with me.

"Thank you Bending Blade." She said in gobbledygook. Which he was surprised by but then he schooled his features. Petunia couldn't help but wonder if wizards etiquette was lacking when talking to other humanoid beings.

Vamar was perfectly happy standing behind his wife as she took care of business. And he was perfectly happy stepping in when necessary. He might never have too. But he was ok with that too.

Harry and Dudley was trying hard to not be distracted by everything. Although the goblin looked scary the magic was doing the puff there chest out thing like they did around Vamar. It was a funny thing magic did around different people and beings.

Auntie Tuney I like the Goblins. Magic gets silly around them like with Vamar. She was surprised to here that. Even Vamar had to give a look. Then he smile.

"I am honor to meet another warrior race." Vamar took a stance and Bow slightly.

Bending Blade was very surprised by Varma words.

May I inquiry what being or race I am speaking too.

You may. I am not of this dimension. I actually come from another dimension and I followed my mate or wife here to this world."

"I researched Your female harpy beings here but in my dimension it would be men that turn into dragons and women that turn into phoenixes It is a very complicated dimension. Still full of magic."

I would like to finish business than I will request a meeting between kings and a possible alliance."

Very well.

"This is like those fantasy novel Aunt Tuney read to us" Harry tried to whisper. Dudley was nodding.

"Do you think we can have goblin friends?" Dudley was thinking, "But Mom said the wizard here are bias so they might not want too. too much bad history."

"We should try." Harry said

"but Harry if they are just as bias. our feeling will be hurt. Do we really want to have our feelings hurt?"

"It won't kill us and our feeling will heal. I just don't want to miss out on having a good friend."

"Your right. I was just being cautious."

Zinna stayed in Vamars arms dozing off. She didn't care there was nothing for her to do.

The adults were listening in on there conversation Bending Blade was shock although his features were schooled.

-Is this family not of this wizard society? bending blade thought

" do you know what type of Vault you will be needing."

I truly don't know. huge well protected i have gold silver ores that are mysterious to me. Husband could you explain after all 95 % of this is your horded treasure."

"Oh dear your doing just fine with you handling of this matter."

She just gave him a look. then turn back to business. the children saw her face and then looked the other way. That was the look of you will pay for this irritation. Vamar smile pleasantly at petunia, he loved a challenge.

Bending Blade went over the types of vault and she got the most expensive one that they had which was a kings vault. Then they went down and checked out the vault and petunia dumped out Her Items And them Vamar dumped out his items.they couldn't even wade thre the amount of gold silver jewels and ore. the artifact books weapons even the seed and natural studf and other useful items didn't even fit. The vault organized and kept track of everything with in it door. fees were collected automatically. He was surprised by the wealth and thought it was exaggerated but seeing it he was sure they could use a bigger vault. one custom made to manage there wealth. But they gave him a rather good tip for his help

they went back to his office to tale care of other business

"we all would like blood test done to have our bloodline connected to our account and I would like to start a trust vault for my children including Harry Potter my nephew and ward. I would also like to know when Harry will be able to view the will if his mother and father as well as properties, businesses, ect. I would also like to know a list of abandon and purchasable properties possibly tower to challenge.

Bending blades efficiency in handling business was impressive. He did the bloodline test connecting the dots to family and it matched there family tree section on there status.

"Harry won't be able to take control of his mother and fathers properties until he is 17 years of age or emancipated before then."

He'll need math accounting business classes and management classes to be able to manage everything." petunia mumbled.

"A lot of his family properties are in ruin."

"I would like them to be fixed up and kept in a blank state until Harry claims them. All the other know and found properties kept in his trust for him."

"His parent will has been sealed."

"It must have been Albus who did that. No matter, when Harry is of age many things will come to light."

And this is the list of properties that are abandoned and this is a group of properties and towers. that can be bulk purchased.

Petunia looked over the location and the list. She choose a land with multiple properties and several towers she could conquer.

This is the property I would like to buy. the choice was immediately.

"I would also like to know if you have a way of dealing with Horcuxs."

"Basilisk venom, fyrefiend snake, and death"

"Fuck!" Harry ran to his aunty and hugged her quickly as did Dudley. Zinnia hid head in Vamar neck.

Harry had watch magic drop to its knees and pray.

She would have gone off in a bout of madness if they didn't hug her. They were completely safe from her but they couldn't say that about anyone else. Magic wipe the metaphorical sweat.

She hung her head and breathed. She was going to need help for this berserk mode. As a war mage she would need control. This won't do. She breathed.

"Do you have an area where I could battle or fight with magic or physical combat? I have issues with rage and I need an outlet." petunia was truly not proud of her anger issues. This is one of the things that is preventing her job path evolution.

" You just heard bad news. It is understandable. I will ask for a meeting with King ragnok and see if he will allow you your request." Bending Blade was curious as to her response to her question and why it was so rage inducing but he wouldn't pry. But he made a mental note of this moment. The he left to make his request. He managed to get a major client this should count for something.

"Vamar, You can handle negotiations?"

"I can."

King Ragnok arrive. He was curious about these wizard. He had heard rumors of wizards outside of the wizards community here. They were a open rowdy bunch of hellraisers. The world had become more open to beings living among them. Even talk of bloodlines addition that change the beings genetics to be more or another type of race. But the shocks would end as he had a family of human speaking in gobbledygook calming the female in the family. Even the baby girl was speaking childish encouragements to her mommy.

"Thank you for arriving in a timely manner."

"You are welcome. Though your request is unusual. In our culture Our females are taught self defense and aren't usually warriors."

"Before I met her she was a fighter and what her guild calls a combat mage. It's only her not being able to control her berserk mode that keeps her from becoming a war mage. She set this world a blaze if not for her family. And she has been like this since the entity appeared in the sky." Harry had told him about it.

"We have a challenge ring. Follow me."

Harry picked up Zinnia. Vamar picked up Petunia while Dudley held her hand. Petunia locked her brain. She was in her mind raging.

"Can she fight a dragon?" Vamar said in a voice

"We have plenty of warrior that would be will to help."

"Please give her something to destroy. I will not be offended these dragons are not the same as my race. I say this not because I believe your soldiers are weak. I say it because she needs to utterly destroy something. She is holding on by just a little bit. I would not ask if it was not important."

"will you pay the cost of the dragon?"

"These are dragon forge artifacts and weapons if this isn't sufficient. Then we can barter.. He place a space bag in his possession. the king handed it off to another to evaluate.

This is too much

Then keep the rest as a gift from a king to a king.

Ragnok nodded and a dragon was brought to the battle ground under then bank. Vamar still held Petunia. he put her on her feet and released petunia from her arms and then he was beside the children as if he hadn't been beside his wife a second ago. Then she exploded in fury, rocks started pounding the dragon before it could attack. And she was fussing the whole time Some of the goblins mouths dropped at her language. The king was trying to keep his face straight.

Dudley was looking at the response While harry's mouth dropped.

Umm stepdad what is mom fussing about...Vamar face was trying to be straight but was failing horridly to the point that when Harry looked at him he could help but to laugh. Dudley just patted Vamar's shoulder and said that it was ok he didn't have to say.

"I appreciate you allowing this battle. If you didn't I would have to survive my wife this night with out hurting her. And that would be a little bit difficult."

"though not impossible. I don't envy your plight. But I do see what you mean."

"She is powerful. You said that she is only a combat mage due to this rage or she would be a war mage right now.'

She currently is considered a one person army. but there are many in the world who are one person armies. They say most haven't t utilized there status tattoos to the fullest. ans the wizard community tends to ignore a lot about the outside world from what Harry told me." Even the goblins haven't use the status tattoo. but have been fighting in the dungeon and collecting treasure as they go along. Just sticking to there everyday lives.

It seems some goblin would have to go out into then world and join guild dor the advantages the offer.

Harry, Dudley and zinnia sight was blocked as the the slaughter got bloodier. then the dragons head flew from its shoulder.

And she was showered in blood. There were cheers erupting from all over the battle grounds.

Petunia cleaned herself with magic. She flew to her family embracing the children.

"Mom your embarrassing us in front of warriors." dudley said even though he love hus moms hugs.

"There isn't a warrior here that would reject there moms hugs. Weather it is in front of other warriors or not. Embarrassment has no place between us we are family."

As she said that many warriors nodded there heads in agreement.

"That was exhilarating. I thank you King Ragnok."

Petunia didn't realize the respect she gain that day as a female and as slaughter of a full mature dragon.

But she wasn't established in the magic world. but Her family would be the richest person in the magical world now. Although it is air tight secret that petunia paid a handsome price to be kept.