
Harry Potter and the World Event

When a world-changing event happens in the Harry Potter universe, what do you think happens when nothing is ordinary anymore? I don't own Harry Potter. This is my fan fic story.

silkjo · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

11 year old dudley 06-23-1991

"Ok Dudley. Your 11 today do you want to pick a bloodline."

"I want to be a wizard like you and harry."

"But there are so many bloodline. Even harry wants to pick another."

"Then I will add on another but I want to be a wizard."

In the syringe was the blank bloodline of a wizard or witch heritage. Dudley already had half of the bloodline since his genetics were fixed he was just completing it. She immobilized him. then she silenced him. She had to so this fast with out distraction.

Petunia injected the bloodline into his heart and then gave him a high heal potion. She wasn't going to risk him bleeding to death. He went to sleep as his genetic were altered by the bloodline potion. He was dirty blond

Harry knocked on the door.

"Come in Harry and Zinnia."

"He still chose to be a wizard huh"

"He is so stubborn." Petunia shook her head and hugged Harry and Zinnia to her. She was preparing for a war. She was a combat mage now but she was working on becoming a war mage. she was going to find herself a familia and she would be working on her animigus form. So much to do.

Dudley woke up 4 hours later refreshed and doing all kinds of accidental magic.

later a letter would arrive for him to his and his mothers surprise.

petunia was out on her rift raid.

Ms Figgs called out, "Dudley You have a letter."

Why do you look so uninterested?

Mother said that she rather I make certain choices. But I'm not sure about this. I mean even you rather leave them behind.

"But it's your choice not our."

"They are bias and blood racist right. when we read our status we are the human race. or giant or whatever and our blood status is either muggle, squib, or wizard/ witch or whatever bloodline they choose or were born with. It doesn't say pure or not. But we have genetic flaws that keep us from a perfect state of being. Even you reclaiming your perfect state of being chose to fight here, live here."

"In order to be safe your mom with have to take more step just tell her how you feel. She will have to make her magical nature clear and take the steps to protect you all."

"Ok." He was going to talk to his mom tomorrow. Tonight he was going to listen to the story of her rift raid. It was always like a family sleep over even Grandma figg joined in with her silly clothes and cats and kneazle. And sometime some of the guild members and their children would come over and it was a sleep over party.

Petunia got home later than usual. she cleaned herself up. It was ruff night. the rift portal opened into dragons lair. We filled our item storage with jewels, gold, artifact, books, ore of unknown, and origin cloth that held power. Greed. For the first time in a long time I felt it. But the dragon that was keeping it Shifted to human form and fought. I survived hurt. I found myself caught up in madness. There will be consequences for this I thought to myself. I didn't realize that I was caught up in madness. I plucked him from heights above me. Making this fine specimen of a dragon man kneel down in before me.

"Submit to me." I yelled at it fiercely. I was in pain. Fighting back tears.

It said "No!"

"Submit to me now or there will be consequences." and I squeezed every bit of magic out of my body to oppress him. Then his face changed as if he was pleasantly surprised.

he said then smiled. " I submit to my mate." He then kissed my hand and I fainted. I found myself in the guild med room. I walked out and there were cheers.

"Hey, Only Tuney Could Rift Raid and find a husband!"

there were laughs and cheers all about. I got light headed again. I shook my head at there antic. I have to go home to my children. I looked at my status and then I looked at my family tree

Married to Elder DRAGON Vamar then the rest of his name was in a language that she didn't understand.

How did you? He appeared behind her

"I SUBMIT only to my wife."

"I can't change this

"You can try. But You already know there will be consequences." There was a bite at the end of those words. And in his hand was 3 eggs of red, green, and gold his unhatched brood that survived this chaotic event.

"My wife is about to take us home to sort priorities. I will join the guild tomorrow." He bowed slightly as only a gentleman could.

Good night most said in sync. afterward were kissing noises. They have been my brother in arms for years and tomorrow the recording of the whole thing will be viewed by the guild from the numerous camera that sent the video to the control room.

She wasn't excited. She stopped to get some food for there celebration of adventure.

"Are you ready to talk?

"Yes" She wasn't. But this was an important matter. He knew her reluctance. He also saw her determination. He was approving of her approach.

"Imagines two birds skydiving in a death dive playing chicken as they fall. When you were in that Cavern with me squeezing out every bit of your magic you were squeezing out your life with it you were like me at the end trying to save what you had to save. It matched me perfectly. It also allowed me to end things perfectly without it ruining my pride. It is not a prideful thing to submit to your wife. It is an honest natural thing, because your wife is your life in my culture. That is why you are my wife because we both did a death dive at a stalemate and I submit to you. You are my mate."

"I was already in a weakened state when you all entered my cavern." That was the truth His form had nothing to do with his fighting prowess, it was a representation of age and wisdom.


"Your very excepting of this."

"Do you want me to yell and cry."


"Why do you have eggs and no mate."

"I had flings that thought having my baby would keep me. But they weren't my mate. I took my children with me. These eggs were put in timeless state until I found my mate."

There were a lot of destroyed eggs. She was sad at his loss. There were a lot that survived. I only showed you three."

Petunia rubs between her eyes. He sounded a little bit happy at the end of that sentence. She would be happy too but the thought of so many babies. Even she wanted more of her own. Her life span was longer

"I have three children. two boys and one little girl. One of my boys is actually my sister child but I'm raising him."

"what of your children father?"

"He didn't want magic rubbish in his life and divorced me. At the time Harry was trapped in a dungeon thinking he wasn't loved and that he was a freak. I did what I had to do to make a away for my family."

It was the truth although there was more too it. more than she wanted to explain tonight. she wasn't happy about her past. nor was she happy about the manipulation.

"Aunt Petunia"

"Harry, I will be out. I have a important things to talk about with the family."

she was dress in Pj and so was a gentleman walking behind her. Ms Figg look on in curiosity. she was also dressed for a sleep over. Zinnia jump into petunia's arms and petunia flinched. Petunia's arm and leg had been reattached in the cavern tonight it was still tender but it was healed and won't fall off.

She had brought home takeout and laid it out.

"mom, I got a letter today but can we talk about it tomorrow."

She looked at it. It was from Hogwarts.

"ok tomorrow." It wasn't. hard request. she was too tired from all the mental stress.

"Now grab you're favorite food and gather round. Todays rift was a dragons cavern." the children inhaled in excitement. Eyes twinkling to the point you could almost see stars in them. And the Magic in the air was responding with what looked like fire works. It seems magic was ready to here the story too, even if it already knew the events.

"There was gold." then a huge coin appeared in her hand "Jewels." The a beautiful huge diamond appeared in her hand. "The were things I don't know about that exist. And for the first time in a long time I felt greed.

As she lead the child into the events of the evening.

Then Harry and Dudley's jaw dropped as they realized how the story ended and the checking of the family tree. They looked at the strange man that quietly chuckled.

"I have a step dad

"He's a dragon."

"We want dragon bloodlines they said together."

Family huh? That was rather easy to bring up. The universe decided I needed a mate. Maybe being a child helps leave the complicated stuff behind.

After that we ate, sung, and camped out on the living rooms floor. Ms figg slept on one of the recliners. Before Harry and Dudley could go to sleep, I pulled Dudley and Harry to the side.

"How do you really feel about the whole situation?"

"I'm not happy that you almost died. But magic deemed him your husband. That seems kind of awesome. Kind of like soul mate." Dudley said. He couldn't help thinking that maybe if his father was less of whatever he was, maybe, he could have remained his mother's soul mate.

"He looks cool. And Magic acts funny around him. Some look like they are fainting others look like there puffing there chest out. It is really funny." She could imagine the wisp of magic doing there funny little things. Magic is what it is.

She wasn't going to seal the deal by sleeping with him. but he would have to make his place in this family. And at times like this she could use a another friend.

They all went to sleep. The children each hugging a egg oddly.

Petunia woke up to cook breakfast. Varma was looking out of the double door onto the back yard. The dudley woke up to the smell of food. he was still holding one od the eggs. it match his hair color and he thought it was awesome looking. Placing a plate in front of him.

"Have you made a decision?"

"I don't see the point in going. You awesome combat mage. I don't need them to get good at magic.."

"But don't you want to go to school with Harry."

"YEAH but it's a school full of bias and hate. I don't like it."

"I remember my sister telling me that when I was younger. It might not be true now."

"I don't want to go."

"ok send your letter off." petunia sighed. She felt like he'd miss out on the fun. The education not so much. Lily had come home then studied not only her magic but muggle studies. lily was hardworking and always had good grades. Petunia then thought about herself. She was selfish, prideful (in all the wrong way),and hardworking (in the wrong way).

Dud wrote his response- I don't want to go. then sent it off with the waiting owl.

She couldn't imagine her life any other way. But soon Harry would be of age to go to hogwarts and the choice might not be his to make if he doesn't want to go. She needed to prepare. She needed a bigger house for a bigger family. Having money in the bank there when he needs it. She would be making a trip to gringotts bank. She needed to start working on having a more magical environment so that there practice and learning wouldn't be hindered.

Adaptability in life can open many paths.

Vamar observed petunia from the door. He knew she was thinking hard about the future.

"Today lets visit Gringotts Bank."