
Harry potter and the vast outer world

Reincarnated into the harry potter world, our mc edward kimsely slowly found out that the world he lives in is far more than meets the eye. "I don't need to bother about dumbledore and voldemort.......actually, i didn't even care about them." "I should marry beautiful girls and need to take them away with me to.........no no no i shouldn't say main story here right author- sama?" [Yes, if you tell all the story here.....i will definitely kill you with simple plot like........by the time you born in harry potter world, i will place Bellatrix beside you or some dementors................hehehehe]---AUTHOR SAMA {shivers}-------MC Find out what's happening in new harry potter world as you also can start journey with edward kimsely.

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30 Chs

'First Hunt'

Soon evening came, still edward and hermione haven't come out of their tent. They didn't even come for lunch, as ron was about to call for them, harry stopped him and told him that they may have been exhausted.

But, now its evening and still they didn't come out for their dinner. This time ron and neville looked at harry for his suggestion.

"Let's go wake them up, if they are still sleeping. Tomorrow we have to go for hunting right? If they are not in good health, that will definitely will affect our hunt. We should atleast wake them and make them had their dinner, before they can sleep again."

Harry also said with a serious tone, as food is necessary for even martial artists like them. Even though they can sustain longer times than normal humans, that will still effect their capabilities.

As they reached edward and hermione's tent, harry slowly opened the curtain of the tent to look inside. He suddenly stood still like a crow which got electrified and didn't know how to respond to this situation.

Seeing the look on harry's face ron's imagination again started to go wild and after he shook his thoughts he and neville slowly pushed harry away from curtain to look inside. After seeing the messy sleeping poses of edward and hermione, ron was relieved that it was not what he imagined, while neville simply shook his head, as thoug he doesn't know what happened with these two.

What they actually saw inside was edward was sleeping comfortably with his bare back, while hermione also sleeping comfortably. Its just that she completely used edward as her bed. She is even tightly hugging edward with both hands, while her lays on his shoulder.

"Edward, hermione wake up." Ron called out for them.

Edward responded with a jolt awoke, as he also knew time may have already passed for lunch. He looked at the trio of boys and asked,

"What's the time?"

After asking that, he suddenly felt that some little weight on his body. But that weight is more comfortable than buden. He soon remembered it as hermione and used his hand to shook her awake.

"It's already 7:00 pm in the evening. If you guys want to sleep, you can sleep more after you had your dinner. Hermione please woke up." Harry also said what he wanted to say and tried to wake up hermione.

But hermione slowly opened her eyes and looked at the three of them, before using her nose to rub it on edwards shoulder and fell asleep. Seeing this situation, all of them stupified by hermione's cute actions. Even edward was dazed by her actions a bit, before shooking awoke her with a bit of strength.

After some time, she woke up with great difficulty and soon they were all sat nearby their tents eating their food. But hermione stayed silent entire time.

"We are going to hunt wolves tonight itself, as it will not waste time for us to practice. We will decide on when to hunt magical beasts when population of wolves get reduced by the remaining students."

Edward informed his plan on hunting, as he was planning to practice on core formation technique for the next one week continuously. He didn't want to waste more time on his practice because of this expedition.

"I got no problem with that. As i also need to practice with my spells." Hermione, who was silent until now responded with a tone that was lost from her a long time ago.

As soon as she used that tone, she regretted it and looked at edward with a cautious and pleading look. But, edward just smiled and said,

"You owe me one, Just remember it." After saying that, they all soon took permission from professor mcgonagall to go into the forest for hunting wolves.


As soon as they entered the forest, neville, hermione, harry and ron all of them used the spell 'Lumos' That they have learned from school. But four of them looked at edward with envy, as he simply used his Observato spell.


Because of this spell, he can see as clear as day. He looked at the four of them and just laughed, but didn't use observato on them. As magic energy may require for fighting against magical beasts, which may come abruptly.

Soon five of them walked for more than 2 kilometers from the place where their tents are. They couldn't even find a single wolf in this forest. They walked 2 more kilometers without any finds.

"What's happening? Aren't wolves more populated than any living beings in this forest. Why can't we find even a single wolf, even after walking for 4 to 5 kilometers?"

Neville asked bewildered by the situation that was happening. Harry, hermione and ron also looked at edward with a anticipating look, as they knew that edward knew what's happening.

"You guys!!! Just don't worry, it isn't that we haven't come across any wolfs. Its just that we have been targeted by two wolf packs. One pack is around 30 members in size, while the other has 40 members. They have been following us for quite sometime and within one or two minutes, they are going to attack us. Harry you take care of the wolves that come from north, hermione you responsibility is south, ron's west, i will take on east. Neville, as you are still just a martial apprentice, you can deal with the wolves that we miss. You must stay in the middle only, as we can't save you if you move far away from us."

As edward was explaining all of them stood in four direction, without wasting anytime. They exactly stood five meters away from neville on each side. Just as edward completed explaining and they have prepared for fight in their positions, the attack started from wolfs.

A wolf came with a woosh and pounced on edward directly going for his neck. But edward stood still like a rod and his leg flashed like a lightning and struck the wolf on its neck, completely breaking it.

That wolf which was still on the air died and fell on the nearby wolfs, as the force of edwards kick is heavy. As soon as their line is disturbed by the dead wolf, edward moved like a fish in the water among the wolves and struck three wolves continuously with two kicks and one punch.

As soon as the fight start, edward killed four wolfs in a flash. The surrounding wolves around him hesitated a bit, but soon their eyes turned blood thirsty and sprang into motion with a pounce towards edward.

Almost 5 to 6 wolves pounced on him at the same time. Edward simply gazed at the pouncing wolves and struck two wolves on either side of his hands with two heavy punches. Still four wolves almost reached his head. As those wolves thought that their prey is done for, edward just bent knees into half squat position and struck all the four wolves which almost collided into each other. His fist struck exactly at their chin positions, which made the four wolves to fly away in all four directions. Soon their heads eyes and noses started to bleed and died.

On the other side, hermione saw a wolf pouncing on her and completely bend backwards position. As the wolf misses its target it fell and lost its balance and reached neville's position. Neville took this chance, where that wolf is defenceless struck the head of wolf with his leg violently and killed it.

As hermione was still on her bending position, she saw two more wolves pouncing on her and she used both of her legs to struck the wolfs heads before stood up with a back flip. Harry and ron also doing their fights well, as they kicked and punched the wolfs that jump on them.

By the time they killed 7 to 8 wolves each, edward has already killed more than 25 wolves. As soon as there are no more wolves on his side, he went to help them with their fights. Soon he fight over with neville being the one with least kills of 3. Harry and ron killed 11 each, while hermione killed 10 wolves.

Edward killed more than 35 wolves, as the combined pack of theirs have around 72 or 73 wolves including their alpha's.

Harry and ron has small bite marks on their hands and legs. But they soon bandaged them by hermione and neville with the first aid they bought. Hermione also got a huge bite on her right leg, which was bandaged by edward with great care.

Neville and edward are the only ones without any injuries o this fight. As soon as they finished fighting and bandaging, they saw a black cat coming towards them and soon it turned into professor mcgonagall.

"Total 70 wolves, more than enough contributions for first task. All five of are now officially finished your first task. Looks like edward has even teached you guys with eastern ways huh?" Professor mcgonagall asked the remaining four members with a amazing tone.

Edward knew that she has been following them from the start and she has seen them fighting the wolves without even using magic. Professor mcgonagall really got shocked by the fighting, she saw today. Especially the way edward killed wolves, as though they were ants.