
Harry Potter and the ultimate change

as the war came to an end, As harry faces his ultimate betrayal and has an duty to deal with the problems leading to him being master of death Cover art credit goes to reddit user u/Swordbender

Sid_Nite · Movies
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Chapter: 03 The mystery of the memories

|I am more of an reader and even though I read a lot of books writing an conversation is the hardest part of writing an story , hope I learn and give you my best version of this fic|

Name your favourite HP spell


|Harry Potter has been busy from a lot of time managing his political and social career, building foundation for a better magical Britain for his godson , helping and motivating Aurors and also learning the changes that occurred to him .While he was studying those changes he got to know of his ancestory and that left him in quite an suprise as he knew who his ancestors were and learnt a lot about them from Xenophilius Lovegood so he started delving into their history and got to know about their vault which had very few coins , detoriated paintings and artifact's and books preserved by an different type of magic which resonated with harry as if it was his own . he studied a lot from those books some destructive while some cruel while some good spells but he had to start from basics as he needed to solve certain puzzle or perform an spell with certain amount of magic , the books taught him about controlling magic i.e magic i.e mana is just like air present in atmosphere and that mana enters everyone's body same as oxygen , while some humans or animals having affinity with magic have magical pathways in their body and mana is stored in lot of places but the main sources of magic are 7 Chakras present in human body.

1)The crown chakra

2)The Third eye chakra

3)Throat chakra

4)Heart chakra

5)Solar plexus chakra

6)Sacral chakra

7)Root chakra

and they help in manipulating the magic subconsciously . an lowest of low muggle might have only his heart chakra open which helps in keeping his body healthy , the athletes muggle might have their heart and solar plexus chakra open , the best singers who have an charismatic and beautiful voice may have their throat chakra open , the muggle Sadhus(monks) living who have discarded the 7 deadly sins have least the last of 4 chakras opened. an Wizard as low as Gilderoy Lockhart due to being more connected with magic has 3 of his chakras opened and most of teachers in Hogwarts had least 5 chakras opened and Dumbledore was the last one to fully open 6 Chakra's and due to the death wand he could access mana present in 7th chakra albeit very few and griendalwald only lost as he went in direction of truest dark magic and had less chakras opened than Dumbledore . and the only person who was famous enough to open all seven chakras was merlin but he did lot of things to get it open and the reason for his demise . Harry being born as special entity has all his Chakras opened but he has to learn to access them and minor points all over his magical pathways to learn to control mana , spells specifically made for Master of Death like calling the dead's soul , invisibility , corrosive magic , death magic , matter manipulation and a lot more and today he was finally going to get to know who's memory was stored in the Vial which he was anticipated to see .

Harry poured the vial in the pensive and put his head in it to enter the memory , he was in some kind of throne hall and every place was made of black granite of unknown material and had chandeliers made of black diamonds and it was quite an eerie place as he saw an figure sitting on throne who was looking at him , so he looked back but he couldn't see anyone so he waited for some time but no one came and the figure was still looking at him , then the figure got up and said "welcome Harry potter to home "and then the throne room dissapeared in smoke and now they were standing face to face and the ground below was smokey black ,as harry saw the figure it had an assassin like black outfit with an Hood and mask as if it would blend in and dissapear if he even moved his eyes for a sec but he has quite strong presence which was a bit familiar. As the figure finally came into Harry's view he saw the pitch black hair and the brightest green eyes so deep that one could sink and never come out of trance as harry felt the similarities his brain suddenly clicked that this person was more than just a memory .

" youuuu Who are you ? and why do you resemble me and isn't this just an memory ?"

The figure started walking in circles and kept observing harry as he said

"The darkness covering this earth,

an entity who gave it birth.

the death of every living ,

the salvation of those beleiving .

born from the love of two pure souls heart,

the one who started as nothing but dirt. Blessed by the God of destruction,

given the duty to eradicate the corruption.

The Avatar of God of The Death ,

known as son of The Fate.

One of the 9 Immortals ,

The one who is invincible.

The Warrior ,the friend ,

the one who lived past the world's end .

the fearless ,the brave ,

the one who is bonded to grave .

the honest , the loyal ,

one true descendants of royal .

Lived a Good life but also betrayed ,

the one who's life is hard to be portrayed .

the invincible invisible the mystery and the millenium's biggest question WHO?

answers are a lot just give it an thought nothing different as you are me and I am you .

Its been a while I have always wanted to meet you my mate ,

I am yours truly The Master of death."

"Aayein What " was harry's reaction which amused the MOD who started talking " I have picked up some habits as I lived and poetry was something my friend the sage use to write a lot and I got interested in it . I know you are hella confused there mate but it is what it is I am harry potter ,the master of death feels weird to say it myself . and for your info I am currently dead and this is truly an memory I just know how you'll react and what you want to ask "

Harry could only mutter "what? ,how ?" as he was totally bewildered by this experience

MOD replied : " once there was an guy living in an entropy of life as soon as he was born was given the weight expectations by people to kill an villain who not even they could defeat ,Got in trouble due to an bat and was ratted out by an mole of rat .you see what I did there , but instead got himself orphaned while parents killed by ak's who on their wits end temporarily defeated the fated not the greatest dark lord but the greatest crybaby who not even the greatest wizard of that time could defeat , spent childhood in misery and school life on boundary of life and death and finally the fated one met the fate and did what no one else thought ...........|


A.N:This chapter contains a bit of world ending an getting to know more about himself ,leave your thoughts about this chapter and belated merry Christmas to you'll and an happy boxing day .Signing off .