
Harry Potter and the Tragic Path ((Rewrite))

This is a rewrite of https://www.webnovel.com/book/harry-potter-and-the-tragic-path_19734319605086005 I decided I wanted to change some things but will leave the original one up for viewing. Harry Potter, The Boy-Who-Lived was a smart child with terrible living conditions, all of which were coordinated by a manipulative old man. Unfortunately for him, and the rest of Magical Britain, Harry doesn't act how most would expect. Beat someone down enough and eventually they'll SNAP! Read my other books : Elder Blood Witcher : https://www.webnovel.com/book/elder-blood-witcher_15882698206325105 Steel Waste : https://www.webnovel.com/book/steel-waste_18419577106748205 Modern History : https://www.webnovel.com/book/modern-history_16738054905046405 Cyberpunk's Singular Peculiarity : https://www.webnovel.com/book/cyberpunk's-singular-peculiarity_24454941605533905 Where the hell am I, and is that a Kaiju!? : https://www.webnovel.com/book/where-the-hell-am-i-and-is-that-a-kaiju!_26552323905471905 Join my discord community! : https://discord.gg/mG4vG5SUbF if you want to support me than go to my Patreon at : https://www.patreon.com/Nagross, Thanks!

Niggross · Book&Literature
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13 Chs


"S-stop that... Stop it."

"Stop what?" she hovers a dainty, perfect finger above her lips, "I thought you were enjoying yourself, Master... Between my breasts." the sides of her lips upturned as she steps towards him, reminding Harry just how much taller she was than him. "You summoned me, my Little Master... Do you know what that means?"

He shakes his head, unable to make a peep under her mounting presence.

"That means," she hugs herself, her arms running down her body in a display of pure temptation. "I am ALL yours, Master. Everything from the bottom of my hooves, to the tips of my horns." she steps closer, cornering him between her and a wall. "Are you having second thoughts? Because it's too late to send me back. I am yours, complete and whole."

He tries to swallow but finds his mouth dry, his eyes wide as he ducks to the side and catches himself on another wall, clutching his chest as his heart beats furiously. "S-stay there, please... For a moment..." he utters breathlessly.

Surprisingly, she does as she's told, somewhat... She begins sashaying around the room, inspecting the scorch marks on the ground or pieces of now-broken technology pushed against one side.

This... Wasn't at all what he'd been expecting to summon, nor was he sure if he liked it or not. The reactions he was having to her, the slips of his control, and the buzzing in his mind. It was maddening!

Taking a couple moments to compose himself, he glances back at the succubus and finds her fingering the on-button of the television, to no avail. "B-before anything... A-are you controlled...?"

She quirks a slitted eye at him, "You'll have to be more specific than that, Master. I do sometimes like to be held down-"

"No!" he erupts, once more red in the face. "I-I mean, will you betray me."


"No, never. Despite your, rather lacking ritual, your intentions have shined through. I am bound, body and soul. As I said before," she wets her lips with a surprisingly red tongue, "I am ALL yours."

"Y-you will teach me magic?"

"If that is your wish."

"You'll help me achieve my goals?"

"After you point the way."

"You-, you'll stay with me?"

"For as long as you live, and as long as you'll allow, Master... Forevermore."

Harry chews on the inside of his cheek, not trusting the being at all, but feeling the magic that bound them regardless. Somehow, he could feel she spoke true, that she couldn't betray him... But even then he found it difficult to trust her intentions.

He wanted her help, but he didn't want to be reliant on her. Nor would he allow himself to be controlled by her. "Tell me-, you're name."

"Kali." she simply answers.

"Your true name." he continues, having read many stories of creatures like Fey, Demons, or sometimes Dragons being vulnerable should their true name ever be used against them. Whether or not it's true, this was a test of loyalty.

"Kalimathras." she reluctantly answers after a moment of hesitance and consternation on her features. "I shan't speak of the names of my kin, however, as that secret is not mine to share, Master."

"I thought you were loyal to me, though?" he frowns and queries.

"I am, but I could not speak on that information even if I wished. As I said, it's not mine to share. I would prefer that you not speak my true name anywhere too." she states before shaking her head, "Now, I believe it's your turn to introduce yourself to me. My cute, talented Master," she sways towards him, "Dabbling in demonic rituals at such an age. You're magnificent." she bends down to hug him but he jumps back to avoid it, "D-don't touch me. Please." he grouses in slight embarrassment.

"Oh, you're shy? Can you be any more adorable?" she coos but doesn't attempt to hug him again.

"M-My name is Harry Potter, I'm a Wizard. I think? I summoned you to help me master magic, and kill those who caused me suffering."

She nods, "I can do that and more. Whatever you desire..."

"Can you teach me magic then? Proper magic?"

"I can, but we should wait until you have settled. Doing magic so soon after a ritual such as will only harm you." she glances at the windows, "Perhaps you should rest until morning?"

He shakes his head, "I-I don't want to go to bed yet." he was tired but not, too excited at his success to even conceive of calming.

She lets out a mock-helpless sigh, "What do you want to do then, Master?"


He chews his lip for a moment before a metaphorical bulb lights atop his head. He runs off to the loft and collects a shopping bag filled with items he'd purchased a day or two ago. "Kali?"

"Yes, Master?"

"Do-, you play Pokemon?" he suddenly asks, revealing two new Gameboys.



Kali held back a sigh as her new Master attempted to explain the intricacies of 'Pokemon Battling', how some elements beat others, how Pokeballs worked, and how to capture new critters...

It was a novel experience, but soon got old. Why the Fire type beat Grass when it was weak to Water she didn't know. Did the people who designed to game not know that most live plants were incredibly hard to burn? That a large portion of their forms were composed of water?

She was young for one of her race, but very, very old compared to Harry or any other human that did or didn't live. Thousands of years were spent in resplendent debauchery on her home plane Exteneros. A favoured daughter of its ruler, Kali lacked for nothing, all except, funnily enough, entertainment.

There are only so many orgies to be had, battles to be won, and pleasures to be taken... When one finally became sick of it. Sweetness was good, but a desert that was too sweet would soon become sickening. An accurate metaphor for her existence, until now...

When she'd heard the summon of a young human who'd blundered through a ritual without losing his soul and still somehow called to her, she'd been first surprised then shocked. Bluntly, the boy should have died in an uncontrolled fiery explosion, after having his soul sucked out and devoured by whichever demonic presence happened to be closest.

But, he'd been lucky. Despite having no protections against outside incursions, or the patronage of a higher being, he'd somehow brute-forced his way to throw a metaphysical reel at her.

Of course, someone of her power and experience wasn't so easily bound... Not unwilling. The terms of the summon were thus, being unable to betray the summoner, a low-level love-based influence that would slowly try to suborn her will, and last but not least... This would last until the boy finally perished. Something that was highly likely to occur soon if someone didn't stop him from inviting Eldritch beings to destroy him and his realm.

In the end, her decision to accept the summon hadn't come about due to some manner of pity, compassion, or even ambition for the boy's potential. No. She sought entertainment through him, to see how far he could go, and if she could mould him to her personal taste. Finding a good man to enjoy was difficult, but raising one like cattle? She'd done it before. She'd do it again.


Still, the boy appeared to be recovering from malnutrition and other small defects. His eyesight needed to be fixed and to be honest, he wasn't quite attractive enough for her aims... He would grow to be somewhat handsome if allowed, but 'somewhat handsome' wasn't nearly good enough for a succubi princess of a Realm Lord.

"Kali, do you not want to play...?" Harry voice brings her back into focus, his deep green puppy-dog eyes staring almost imploringly at her.

"I..." she stifles a sigh, "Was having trouble with my Charmander..."

The was he tried to hide his beaming smile behind his own game device made her want to hug him... Well, might as well get the emotionally deprived boy used to her presence...

"H-Hey! L-Let go!"

"I deserve a hug, my Poke-lizard died!"



"Master, I hadn't thought you would be so famous..." Kali drawled as she sat on his shoulder in her bat-transformation. A few small cantrips made passersby ignore the presence of the horned, furry bat hitching a ride on the boy.

To Harry, she reminded him of one of those rare Giant Golden-Crowned Flying Foxes he'd seen on the telly, but she protested any relation to anything native to this world. That said, he too was worried about the missing persons posters featuring his face now lining many shop fronts.

A pair of sunglasses and a hat kept most from noticing him, but his identity was bound to be found out eventually... "It's that Dumbledore..." he glances at her, "He's the wizard who put me with the Dursleys, and kept me there by controlling the government." he growls.

"Seems to me he has plans for you, Master. I imagine your face has been plastered across the country."

"That just means we need to leave. Go somewhere he can't find me while you teach me how to fight."

"I'm not familiar with this land, do you have a destination in mind?"

"No-, maybe?" he mutters. While he'd love to just teleport whenever he wanted, it required him to have actually been to the location.

"Could we not ride one of those 'plane' vehicles?" she questions.

"No, they'd never let a parentless kid on. And I don't have any Identification. Even if I did, Dumbledore would know." he shakes his head, "We'll sneak on a boat and ride to France, there we have the rest of Europe to explore."

"And now?"

"We'll ride the train to New Haven and take a ferry from there. I think it's better the sooner we leave.." he states, looking to his new familiar for objections.

"I suppose that plan will do, Master. On the train I will get you started on Demonic Runes. After the primer, I'll explain why your ritual should have killed you."

He quirks a brow at her, "What's wrong with it? It's worked all the others times." he petulantly retorts.

"Other-, times...?" she parrots in slight disbelief.

He nods, "I've done, maybe, eight now?"

"E-eight!? With no precautions!? H-how on Aphrimas are you not dead, or dying in some hell plane!?"

"Erm... Precautions?"

She bobs her head, which would have looked comical in her bat form were it not for how severe she sounded. "To stop outside influence? To stop another Realm Lord from prying open the connection and raining invading this plane!? Or even basic wards to prevent ambient magic from affecting the ritual!?"


"No book said anything about that..." he muttered, brows scrunched up in consternation.

"What book!?" the bat hurriedly squeaks.

"This one?" he sheepishly hands her the 'Real Rituals, Curses, and Hexes' pamphlet.



"Kali?" he asks at the silence, her beady yellow eyes staring wide at the pages.

"This is TRASH!" she exclaims, throwing the pamphlet in the air and literally shooting fire from her mouth at it. "What in what realm in reality prompted you to believe that utter tripe!?"

He scowls and lowers his gaze at the floor, "It was that or slavery by the Dursleys and Dumbledore.


She lets out a hard breath and rests her body against his neck, "How you have retained your soul until now, I haven't a clue, Master."


"How can you mishear me while I'm literally under your ear-"

"No, I mean... I have a soul?" he asks, shocked by this information.

She nods, "Well, I can sense it, so unless you've an artifact designed to emulate the presence of one?"

"B-but, I sold my soul in my first big ritual."


Kali squints her eyes at him, looking him up and down before speaking a few guttural chants he knew to be Demontongue... After a couple moments she looks back up at him in surprise, "So that's why you possess such power... Master, you didn't sell your soul, but two souls that were bound to you. The remnants of their presence stains you still."

"T-two souls?" he sputters, he remembered that 'Voldemort' thing the shadow snakes pulled out, but what was the other one-... He blinks and ducks into an alleyway, pulling out an Oujiboard.

"I spoke to my mother's spirit with this... She doesn't appear anymore, so... Did I trade my mother's soul with this?" he quickly asks.


"Master, this is just a mundane board of painted wood... Your mother's spirit had to have been attached to you for her to contact you at all..."

"S-so I did..." he utters, shame building up within him. He'd been enraged at her abandoning him after the Carrows, but it seemed it was he who was the cause.

Hearing him begin to sniffle, Kali returns to her full, curvaceous form and wraps the boy in a hug from behind, clutching him close to her chest as he finally begins bawling. "It's not your fault, Master. In fact, it's hers." she whispers into his ear, "What mother attempts to possess her child? To steal your body?"

"S-she did what?" looks up from her bosom and asks, shocked.

"Why else would her soul be there, Master? Such a thing doesn't happen naturally." she hugs him tighter, pressing his face into her cleavage. "Don't worry. She may have betrayed you, but I will not."

"You cannot." is his muffled answer.

"Indeed, Master."

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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