
Harry Potter and the thunder lord

a story of a boy who got chance to be reborn in world of Harry Potter. witness the rise of new strongest wizard. in clash of giants like Dumbledore and Voldermort. the Wight lord and dark lord a new lord emerges the rise of thunder lord. no harem. fanfic . wanted to do something new. my English is handicapped and grammar is on ventilator so please ignore my mistakes. thanks

razegnoy · Movies
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4 Chs


After 3 days

I am standing in front of a old wall . Near dustbin I mean a whole place is a dustbin. Well whatever.

Then my grandfather took out his wand and taped a certain way which is password. And the wall opened looking in front of me is diagon Allay a place full of hustling and bustling with wizards , with all kind of weard things made up of magic , so many shops. All kind of product. I heard some kids say dad look that's nimbus 2000 world's fastest broom I want it can you buy me one , no my son you are not allowed to ride such fast broom until you are in second year of Hogwarts. When you become second year student I will buy you one , really.

Some Shopkeepers were yelling to buy there stuf , I saw an ice Cream shop, a cafe , and a shop of magical toys .

Then my grandfather said avi let's get you all your school stuff then we will explore this place ok .

Then we went into madam malkins shop .

In shop we found an old woman sitting on a chair drinking something maybe tee

Then my grandfather said lond time no see Miss malkins .

Oh tis really been long time your majesty .

Leve it I am not king now my son is so just don't use such words.

As you wish lord baladan . Is that your grandson .

Yess he is and today we are here to get him his Hogwarts utilities.

Oh so littel prince is going to Hogwarts.

Ok what type of fabrics you want to use for your Hogwarts uniform prince .

Most expensive one ma'am, and plese call me avi .

Ok little lord your order will be redy in some time till then you should visit other shops.

Thank you ma'am.

Then we went to to buy books , coledran , and other nesecory items .

Currently I am sending in front of an old shop called oliwander .

As soon as we enterd the shop the atmosphere bacame gloomy. And out of nowhere a head popped out behind me .

I freaked out and accedently a spekt of electricity flue out and electroluted him .

After standing up from shock he apologized for the movement. And said sorry kid it's just mistake.

And I also apologize for accidental magic .

He then looked at my grandfather and smiled .

How came his majesty visited this old mans shop .

Drope it oliwender we are here to get my grandson a wand .

Oh so prince plese tell me which hand is your wand hand .

Right hand sir . Then he took out a tape measure and started taking measurements. After some time he went inside the shop and bringed some box . Then he gave me an wand and told me foxwood with dragon heartstring give it a wave prince . And I waved it and the rake in frount of me got blasted . Then he want to find other one and same process continued sometimes and uncontrollable fire spred out and othertimes a water balloon. After half and hour everything in the shop is mess . Then my grandfather took out golden fether and some box and gave it to oliwander . Looking at the fether in his hands olivender said in shock is it thanderbirds fether and white wood ,

To which my grandfather replier and said please make a custom one for my grandson . I had an hunch that your wand's might not be good one of my grandson. Becous you only use selected few things as wand core . And thunderbirds fether is even more rare all around world .

Oh it's my pleasure your majesty for first time making wand for your family. It will take one hour for me to make you wand sir . We are ok with it .

Just then a gint humenoid enterd the shop with a kid . Looking at him oliwander said oh how come you are here in my shop hegrid . Looking at him recognise the gatekeeper of Hogwarts school and future professor.

Hagrid looking at the mess in the shop we are here to get our little Harry his wand . But what happened here in your shop sir .

On that oliwander said oh that's just wthe wand miss match of our prince here . Following oliwander Hagrid and Harry looked at me . I smiled at them and introduced myself oh so you are Harry Potter the boy who lived . Harry being awkward replyed yess and asked me my name to wich I replied Avinash Singh . And asked so you are also going to Hogwarts then he replied yess . Just when we ware talking Hagrid looked at my grandfather and dame he was shocked seeing him . He bowed and said greetings to the majesty. And my grandfather said him to be casual with him and then turned to oliwander and said we will return after an hour Mr oliwander to get the wand so please excuse us . Then we explored for some time in diogan Ally and get me uniform and he also got me an egal as pet . And we returned to oliwander's shop and he gave me a new wand which is poure white with golden pattern and Handel . I gave it a wave and all of sudden my whole magic got sucked out into wand and with a phenomenon of light and lighting a shadow of thunderbird appeared . Looking at it oliwander smiled and said I can proudly say that this is the best wand that I have ever made. Thankyou for giving me this opportunity prince. With that we gave him money and returned to leckey colegron and rented a room cos tomorrow I am going to Hogwarts.