
Harry Potter and the thunder lord

a story of a boy who got chance to be reborn in world of Harry Potter. witness the rise of new strongest wizard. in clash of giants like Dumbledore and Voldermort. the Wight lord and dark lord a new lord emerges the rise of thunder lord. no harem. fanfic . wanted to do something new. my English is handicapped and grammar is on ventilator so please ignore my mistakes. thanks

razegnoy · Movies
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On a platform in kings cross two people are standing near pillar and staring at next piller marked by no . 9 and 10 on each side . One elderly and other is a kid , and of course they are avi and his grandfather , they are here to take train to Hogwarts.

Avi is constantly staring at the scene going on in frount of him .

A chuby woman is yelling at her kids which were trying to prank on her ,

She said pency you go first .

And the young teenager runs straight into the piller and disappear.

Then she said Jorge you go next . On that the kid said . I am not Jorge he is . Woman how can you be our mother .

When whole this drama is going on . A kid approches them and asked for help. And this kid was no other then Harry Potter.

Avi is looking at this scene and thinking about something.

I still can't believe I am standing in a novel world . But this is my reality I have to accept it . It's Ok avi don't be nerves.

Spoke a elderly voice which was his grandfather .

Grandpa I am not nurves ok .

As they also reached platform 9 1/2 .

Old man said look avi take care of yourself out there . Make sure to send latters every week. And if something happens make sure to contact me .

When this is happening a man with blond hair approach them .

Who is to arogent and proud of himself.

And said hello Mr .Singh . He was dreko's

Father lucius melfoy .

On which old king didn't even looked at him and said you all disgusting blood purist pesents don't even have sence of etiquette these days. Hering the ton lucias became frightened and bowed his head down and said plese forgive me for disrespect your highness that was not my intention .oh yes now that I think of you do have connections on ministry. Look here you mutt he is my grandson I am giving you responsibility so make sure that no problem happens with him while he is here because if something happens to him . I will make sure that your whole house of melfoy will have a vacation in andhkupam and have no fear I will personally organise Your vacation ok .

Lucios was shaking with fear . And said I will make sure that prince have no discomfort while he is in Britain. Saying that he huridly run away.

Then king looked at avi and said.

Look avi in Britain there are so many sucms like melfoy. So if you want to study into Hogwarts than you have two options first be a pussy and don't mess with them if you are weak . But you do that we will take your right to throne. Cos we are kings we are absolut . No one have right to mess with us . And second is show this disgusting insects there place from very start . Be proud of yourself. Do not bully weak and fear strong . Now go

Avi said thanks to his grandpa and touched his feet . I have to go now grandpa or i will be late.

Saying that he ran twords the train .

Inside train

As avi went inside train he looked around and found a empty compartment and went inside and he started reading. Soon Harry came in and asked if he can sit inside which avi agreed. And they introduced themselves. But soon the atmosphere inside the cabin became awkword . But it was short lived as a red haired kid enterd the cabin and all three of them start to talk between themselves

. Ron said hello I am Ron Weasley and shakes his hands with Harry and Harry introduced himself on which ron got shocked. And Started his fanboing .

This can't be true said red haired kid with shock evident in his eyes. So is this true asked redhead. What replied Harry.

That lightning mark on your head And all.

Harry touched his forehead. Then redhead turned towards avi and he also introduced himself .

Hello . I am Avinash Singh I am from magical mewar.

As they are talking troly came and asked if they want something.

Redhead said no and took out something from his pocket and showed that he have enough with embersed expression on his face . Looking at him Harry took out some coins and asked one of each and all tofies . And then sheared with others .

Looking at candies ron started to act like beast and started to talk about different type of test and stuff . Hearing that both avi and Harry secretly spit them out . Harry then looked at a pentagonal box and opened it and a frog jumped out .

You should have catched it sooner they tend to run away. Well which card you got . Asked ron .

I got Dumbledore said Harry, oh I have 6 of thos said ron. And started to do magic to turn his pet mouse yellow.

But suddenly the gate oppened and Hermione entered the cabin and asked if someone have Sean tode a boy name nevile lost it . But then turned to ron and asked if he is doing magic . To which ron mumbuled a spell (sunshine marry butter mellow turn this stupid fat rat yellow) and a spark came out from his wand and electroluted mouse . Looking at that bushy girl asked if that realy was spell then asked avi if she can sit beside him .

I only read some basic spells like this one she pointed her wandat herry and casted ( occules repearo) and the spell fixed Harry's broken glasses . Then with shock girl asked so you are Harry Potter. I read about you in books of morden magical history. Then she introduced herself as Hermione ad every one did same . Then after some time she said you should start to change in school uniform as we should reach soon and walked twords the door but stoped and told ron there is dirt on your nose then went outside but avi called her .

Hyy weight weren't you looking for a tode and took out his wand and casted spell ( achhio neviles tode )and a tode came flying out and stoped in his palms .

Avi then gave that tode to Hermione who is looking at him with shoke.