
Tom Riddle's Diary

Arthur walked alone through the hallways, Minerva had released him lecture, because of that he was the only student who had already done the lesson, the boy went to the common room.

When he entered he saw that there were no students on the site, "Everyone should be in classrooms" Arthur thought walking through the place, he had nothing to do so he walked with Hope on his shoulder.

- Who was he and why do you have so many posters of this man? - Asked the snake looking at the picture, Arthur took the snake to him and explained.

- That was Salazar Slytherin, he was considered one of the greatest magicians of the time, he was also one of the four founders of Hogwarts - presented Arthur to the man on the board.

- There's something wrong, I can smell a tin - The snake said, putting his head on the board, Arthur looked confused and began to check the picture.

The boy leaned on all sides, he did not understand what Hope was talking about, but he believed her, Arthur took the picture from the wall and left in a corner, in front of him was a sealed passage, he made force with his hands, but nothing it seemed to move the wall.

- How do I open it up? - Arthur asked looking at Hope, with a simple look he knew the answer, "Ofidioglota!" He thought the boy turning his attention to the wall - Open now!

The wall moved to the side in a matter of a few seconds, showing a dark cave leading to somewhere.

- Lumus! Arthur shouted, lighting the place, he followed the path inside the cave with Hope by his side, the pair walked for 30 meters until they reached an unlocked door -Alohomora!

The door swayed, but it did not move, the boy tried to use brute force, but it remained the same.

- It is not possible that I came here so I could not get through the door! - Arthur said bravely, Hope just looked at the boy without speaking, the two returned to the common room and put the picture on the spot.

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Arthur and Bella were walking down the aisles of Hogwarts as they talked about Snape's class, it all seemed like a normal day, that's when they heard Flich complain.

- Always work for me! Wiping the floor all night, as if she did not have enough to do! Flitch said as he passed the pair, he looked angry and hurried.

The two of them looked at each other and continued to move on, when they saw the ladies' room with a forbidden sign in and water was coming out the door, the couple who were very curious decided to come in to see when a loud cry frightened the pair.

- Now what does she have ?! Bella exclaimed nervously, she, along with most of the girls, hated Murta who moaned.

- Let's go and see - Arthur said, pulling up his robes just above his ankles, the two of them crossed the pool of water to the door of a boxing that was closed.

- Alohomora! Arthur said, opening the door with a spell, inside it was a ghost crying over the toilet.

Moaned Myrtle cried, if that was possible, louder and more willing than ever, and this only increased when she saw that she had a visitor.

- What is it, Murta? - Arthur asked, coming closer to the ghost.

- Who is it? - said Murta, unhappy without even looking at the two - come play something else on me?

- Why would I throw anything at you? - Arthur said with a question, the girl turned and looked at him.

- I'm here taking care of my life and someone thinks it's funny to throw a book at me ... - said Murta whimpering.

- Did you see who Murta was? - Bella asked with a face that did not care about the situation of the girl.

- I wish I had! - Cried the ghost crying louder still.

- Come on Arthur, leave her crying here - Bella teased nervously as she walked to the exit.

Arthur before going after her, picked up a black book that was on the bathroom floor, even with so much water the book looked intact.

As they were leaving the bathroom, they saw Harry, Ron and Hermione entering. The 5 of them got scared because they were not expecting anyone.

Hermione looked at the couple angrily, she did not know if it was out of jealousy or to see them entering forbidden places. Harry seemed more curious about what happened in this bathroom than with the two in front of him, and Ron looked unblinkingly at Arthur, his hand in his pocket holding his wand. Arthur smiled to the boys in front of him, already Bella had an evil smile when looking at Hermione.

- What happened here? And why is Moaning Myrtle crying? Harry asked as he walked past them to get a better look.

- Some pipe must have burst, Murta is crying because they threw a book at her - Arthur said indifferently to Harry.

- Come on Arthur, we will not stay here with these people - said the girl, taking Arthur's hand and leading her toward the exit, as she did so she smiled at Hermione.

- Just a moment, Bella - Arthur said, standing in front of Ron.

- I humiliated you in front of everyone, so I apologize, but you lied to Dumbledore to drive me out of Hogwarts, I'll forgive you for that, but if I find out you've done something bad for me or mine friends, I will not make you vomit slug but blood - Arthur said with blood in his eyes as he walked out with Bella.

Harry and Hermione were staring at Ron for not believing what they heard from Arthur, Ron was never so afraid of anyone in his life as he felt looking into Arthur's eyes.

Arthur only said this to eliminate any other frustrating attempt by Ron against him.

When he reached her room, he took the book from her arm and placed it on his desk, Hope was curious and climbed on Arthur's shoulders to see better.

- What is it? Asked the curious snake as it drew nearer.

- Let's find out now - the boy said as he wet his quill in the ink and wrote "My name is Arthur Melo"