
The Tiger Boy

After all this suffering of waiting, Arthur finally became an Animagus.

When Arthur was transformed, to his luck, he was outside, because the boy became a monster 1 meter and 20 inches tall and 2 and a half meters long.

His clothes ripped and hairs began to appear on his body, he felt huge pains in his teeth, managing to see them becoming more sharp and gigantic like pipes reaching 20 centimeters, his nails grow into claws, this all took 3 seconds, but , for Arthur was a century of pain in his body.

Looking down he can see his skin in various colors, a mixture of white, brown, orange and black, "I need to see myself" thought the boy running to a pond near the house, he tripped hundreds of times until he reached the spot, When he looked, he saw two pairs of fierce blue eyes staring at him.

- I am a saber-toothed Tiger - thought the boy, but then denying this statement "No, I am much more fierce and greater than them, I must be something older still", when he arrived at Hogwarts he would ask Hagrid .

The animagus were transformed into animals that looked more like his personality, Arthur was not common in this world, along with the beast that was extinct, he was powerful and relentless as a tiger and preferred to work alone, just like the tiger saber teeth when hunting their prey.

Arthur wanted to test how strong and powerful this tiger was, then ran into the woods to practice, his thrusts knocked down trees in front of him, he had so much strength in his paws that he could destroy a tree with his claws, but his greatest strength was his teeth, nothing would stop his mouth while he bit everything he saw.

The tiger tested its fury on some animals it encountered along the way, such as rabbits, birds and even a wolf that was not lucky enough to escape death.

After this practice the tiger boy returned to the house, when he was in the yard he saw the tigress walking, an evil smile appeared on Arthur and he ran roaring towards the cat, the animal ran out crying inside the house, "as she dares to call herself tigress, "thought Arthur, laughing.

The boy prepared a corner and turned back to human, the pain was minor but he felt his bones roaring, were 3 seconds of pure pain until it transformed.

Arthur was lying on the floor, his whole body aching and his head spinning, the urge to vomit was too great, the boy heard his aunt calling his name.

- Arthur is at dinner time! - Lyanna shouted in the middle of the kitchen, the transformation made him so hungry that he cared nothing.

- I'm already going, Aunt - Arthur said, entering his house, he could smell the food and his belly answered, when he was arriving in the kitchen, Arthur heard his aunt screaming, she pointed at the boy and stared at him.

- Where are your boy clothes? - Lyanna scowled, Donna and Anna rushed in wanting to see what was happening, the two of them saw Arthur naked in the middle of the kitchen, the two accompanied their aunt in shout, when Arthur looked down saw his second Hope free, the boy ran embarrassed to your room.

When he went down to eat, he saw a heavy mood at dinner, both of them looked embarrassed at the boy, and Arthur could not wait to go back to his room to bury his head in the blanket.

"Why were you naked outside, Arthur?" - Lyanna asked curiously while it was red, she bathed the boy from when he was born, but, for years Arthur did not bathe with her, that did not stop her from blushing when she saw the boy naked.

- I was practicing magic under the lake, but when I came back I saw that my clothes were gone, so I came back naked to the house - The red boy said, he did not even touch that he had been naked when he returned to be a man, already Anna did not even look at the boy, just for his plate of food.

- Okay then, tomorrow you'll wake up early to go to the diagonal alley to buy your supplies - Lyanna said, wanting to change the subject as soon as possible, she did not believe what he'd said, but she would not persist.

The Dinner passed in silence, all looking down with shame, especially Arthur, when the boy was leaving, he heard his cousin speak.

- Arthur, don't forget to get a sun on your ass, she's very white - Anna laughed red-faced, Lyanna and Donna blushed as they remembered the scene.

Arthur ran to his shamed bedroom, he would never turn the tiger again without wearing an extra outfit.

The first thing he did was write down his entire Animagus experience in a notebook, in the future he knew it would be useful, Hope was by his side watching the boy, he picked up his snake and took it to the bathroom.

"Arthur, why do you have it under your legs?" Why do not I have this too? And why were the girls scared to see that? - Asked Hope watching the naked boy in the tub, Arthur hid his dick for fear of Hope biting him.

"Because I'm a boy, you're a girl because you do not have them, they're scared because it's not common to walk naked at home," Arthur said as soon as possible, he did not like the way the conversation was going.

"Why do the girls have slots then?" Hope asked, coming. Close to Arthur, the boy began to sweat.

"That's ..." Arthur could not speak, he lowered his head and got underwater, Hope began to laugh.

"I'm just playing with you, Art, I know what they're for," Hope said, teasing the boy, he took her and threw her into the bathtub, to the sadness of the snake that hated baths, the two left the bathroom and faced Anna .

- Oh Arthur, I'm going to use the bathroom - said the flushed girl looking at the boy with only a towel, Arthur blushed and gave her space to pass, Anna had only seen Arthur naked when they were children, back then it was normal for them to shower together , but that was 6 years ago, it turned red at the thought of him naked.