
The Semifinalists

(Students in the third year and above do not participate in the competition).

(For ease of understanding, I'll put what each spell does at the end of the chapter)

In the quarterfinals phase, all the teachers are invited to watch the fighting, in a place further away from the crowd, they were seated at a table and in the middle of them was Albus Dumbledore along with the minister of magic, Cornelius Fudge, his goal was to identify the next promises of the wizarding world by keeping their eye on them.

Inside a room were all eight eighth-finals winners in a circle of chains waiting to be called by Snape or Lockhart, all eight students staring at each other for a long time, Snape did this on purpose just to increase the tension of the students.

Draco talked a few things with Arthur and Anna and looked with a superior look at Harry, since Arthur laughed at the things that Draco was talking about, but inside he only felt disgusted by this boy, Anna did not make an effort to get in touch with Draco, since both are identical.

Anna looked angrily at Hermione for hurting her friend. "I'm going to destroy your face, your bad blood," Anna thought, in her heart she had already put Hermione as her rival and wanted revenge on her friend.

Ron looked at Arthur with a red face that seemed to explode at any moment, "This was all because I threw his wand away," thought Arthur, but the boy was too proud to accept Ron's insults.

Hermione while talking some things to Harry, casting glances at Arthur, she did not know what was going on inside her, since seeing him with Bella in the bathroom, began to feel strange near the Arth

Cho Chang did not know much about the students in the other houses so he remained quiet in a corner, just watching the eyes that came from both sides, especially Draco and Ron.

Simas is only in this competition because the author did not create enough characters to get there, he got to that stage counting on luck for not having taken any thick shell.

Harry talked to Hermione and tried to calm Ron, seeing his friend murder Arthur with his eyes, the boy did everything to control his friend, but he only thought of fighting with Arthur to regain his pride.

Since Arthur was the nicest student among them, he was sitting reading a book on how to make a bluish blue squash without exploding, while eating beans of all flavors with a smile on his face, the students looked at him thinking he was crazy, but Anna knew that from her side, she was one of the strongest wizards Hogwarts would see for years.

People were eager to see who was carrying the cup, the students who passed only 2 were the first year and 6 of the second, had some students who were making bets, the older students of the Slytherin bet on Draco to be champion, Corvinal bet on Cho Chang, Hufflepuff and Gryffindor bet on Harry and Hermione, the least voted were Anna and Ron who had shown a good performance in the competition, but even so they were not favorites, since Simas only had 6 people who voted Arthur was the one who had less, since he did not show all his skill in the competition, he had only 5 who bet on him, 4 of them were his friends and 1 he had no idea, the teachers entered the game and made their bets .

After Snape gave some time for the students to recover both physically and psychologically, he kicked off the quarterfinals of the dueling club.

The first fight will be Arthur Melo against Ron Weasley - Snape shouted, which left the majority happy since they knew about the conflict that had between the two.

Arthur X Rony

When Arthur was climbing the stairs to his side on the stage, he heard the crowd shouting Ron's name, far away he saw two shirtless twin redheads screaming and cheering, compared to Arthur for being Slytherin and the first year, had not a lot of people putting faith that he is going to win so only his group and some first year students were in his fans.

Arthur and Ron turned to each other and greeted each other with a bow, at least Arthur bowed, as Ron bowed his head at Arthur angrily, they took three steps back and then raised their wands as if wielding swords.

- When I say 3 - Snape said - 1 ... 2 ... and - Before ending Ron had already attacked Arthur.

- Conjunctivitus - Ron shouted when a white light came directly into Arthur's eyes, at one moment Arthur saw Ron pointing his wand at him and in the other only a white haze was in his vision, Arthur is temporarily blind.

Not that Arthur was not taking this duel seriously, the difference is that one prepared for a month to get revenge and still "trapaciou" at the time of casting the spell.

Arthur was not seeing, when he was bombarded by Ron, the only thing he could use was the Protego, ricocheting the blows, seeing that his strategy was not working and if this continued Arthur's eyes returned to normal, Ron chose to use the Gross form of dueling, he ran upward from Arthur pushing down.

Arthur could not move while Ron was on his knees on top of him, trying to break free he got punched in the face and getting dizzy, if Arthur makes no move in 10 seconds he is disqualified, using all his effort he freed his hand a little left long enough to use the spell.

- Incarcerous! Arthur shouted, creating several strings that attach to Ron's body, so he could walk away from him. "Finite Incantatem," Arthur said, putting an end to the effect of blindness. He looked at Ron, trying to pull himself free of the ropes as he lifted his wand.

- Snail-face! - Arthur shouted, watching Ron stop moving and start vomiting slugs, Snape unable to bear to see the boy vomit ended the match. Arthur is in the semifinal, he left the stage with a victorious smile on his face as he walked to the winners' room, he stopped at the door to watch the next duels.

Anna X Cho Chang

- Next fight is Anna Melo against Cho Chang - shouted Lockhart

Anna as she stepped onto the stage saw her cousin come down being applauded by the students and teachers, he wished her good luck before entering the winners' room, "I can not stand behind him! Anna screamed in her mind.

Cho and Anna turned to each other and greeted each other, Cho with a smile on his face and Anna with his murderous look, they took three steps back and then raised their wands.

- When I say 3 - Lockhart spoke - 1 ... 2 ... and 3 - When he finished talking several spells went through his head, afraid he ran as fast as possible down the stage.

The fight looked like an end of the year, several spells of different shapes and colors came into the duel.

Cho Chang was much more experienced and calm compared to Anna and it was not long before she started pushing forward so Anna trained a lot to be eliminated at that stage, so she used her greatest asset that her cousin taught her.

- Partis temporus - Anna shouted, controlling flames and advancing in spiral form, attacking Cho Chang.

- Protego! She cried, but the spell was too strong to be ricocheted, the fire broke the protection and sent Cho Chang flying out. Anna is the second semifinalist.

Anna went to the winners' booth, where her cousin gave her a hug, she never liked to care, but she returned the hug.

Draco X Harry

Harry was very nervous as he watched the spectacular match of the previous matches, many times he wondered if he could do the same, he was thinking of a thousand things when a voice came up.

- Next fight is Harry Potter against Draco Malfoy - Snape shouted as he climbed to the stage, Harry can hear hundreds of voices shouting his name.

Harry and Draco turned to each other, they barely bowed their heads, and did not take their eyes from each other, they took three steps back and then raised their wands.

- When I say 3 - Snape said - 1 ... 2 ... and - like Ron, Draco hit Harry in the 2nd by flying him to the edge of the stage, without wasting any more time, Harry pointed the wand straight at Draco and shouted :

- Rictusempra! A gush of silver light struck Draco in the stomach and he bent down, with difficulty breathing, Harry with little combat experience lowered his wand.

- Serpensortia! Draco shouted as a snake came out of his wand and headed toward Harry, he stared into the snake's eyes and said.

- Hà chie Sharai (That moment the author writes random words, rsrs) - The snake stopped advancing on Harry and shifted its target to Draco, it ran towards him and in fear Draco jumped the stage and went straight to Snape. Harry won but there was no one celebrating but looking at him with startled eyes.

As he walked into the winners' room he heard voices saying that it was he who opened the secret chamber.

Hermione X Simas

Hermione wanted to comfort Harry but did not know how and had no time because as soon as Harry arrived, Lockhart called his name.

- Next fight is Hermione Granger against Simas, - shouted Lockhart, as she went up to the stage, Hermione heard voices calling her bad blood and others screaming her name, when she was arriving at the top, saw a white-haired boy smiling at her from afar , Hermione when she saw Arthur smile, her heart racing without stopping as she walked to Simas.

Hermione and Seamus turned to each other, they were the only pair that really understood each other properly, they took three steps back and then raised their wands.

- When I say 3 - Lockhart said - 1 ... 2 ... and 3 - He shouted before running off, the two began to exchange punches, Hermione was stronger, smarter and had more experience than Simas, she began to corner him on the edge, while Simas wanted to use the same strategy as Ron.

- Lumus Solem - shouted Seamus trying to blind Hermione, but she shielded herself with the Protego, returning the light to Seamus while he was blind, it was much easier for Hermione.

- Mobilicorpus - Hermione shouted levitating Simas and putting him out of the field without any scratches, was really a beautiful victory, unlike the others who threw their opponents to the wall, Hermione worried about Simas and just wanted to win.

Everyone applauded her victory, even Dumbledore and the minister stood up.

When Hermione was entering the winners' room, Arthur appeared at her side.

- It was incredible what you did there Hermione - Arthur said with a smile on his face.

- Thank you, Arthur - Hermione said blushing, until she saw the bloodstain on the corner of Arthur's mouth and remembered Ron punching him in the face.

- Please forgive Ron, he's not a bad guy - said Hermione, putting her hand on Arthur's face when she realized what she was doing, turned red and entered the room, Arthur was the one who was red, far away of them were Bella and Ron looking jealous at both of them.


Harry X Arthur

Anna X Hermione

Spells and who used them:

Ron - Conjunctivitus: Affects the eyes and sight of the victim.

Arthur, Cho Chang, and Hermione - Protege: Causes small spells to ricochet on who used them.

Arthur - Incarcerous: Creates ropes that attach to the body.

Arthur - Finite Incantatem: It ends with the effect of a spell cast on something or someone.

Arthur - Snail-Face: Makes the victim vomit slugs.

Anna - Partis temporus: Makes immense flames controlled by the sorcerer who conjured her.

Harry - Rictusempra: It is a randomness that is used to try to incapacitate a witch or witch tickling her or him. (Do not ask me why Harry used it, I got it in JK's book)

Draco - Serpensortia: Summon a snake to attack the enemy.

Simas - Lumus Solem: Creates sunlight at the end of the wand.

Hermione - Levicorpus: Levita and moves bodies.