
The Hope Snake

Arthur was on his knees in the rubble in what looked like a giant castle completely destroyed, he was wearing a silver mask, along with two wands in his hands, the boy held a girl in his lap, she wore the same mask as he and blood came out of her body, a six-foot white snake was at her side, she looked very wounded and tired, but she kept glaring at the person in front of her.

When Arthur followed the snake's eyes, he saw two men in front of him, one of the men was bald and had no nose, he laughed as he pointed the wand at the boy, the second had white hair the same as his, one of his eyes was gray and the other dark green, only with its characteristics, Arthur already knew that they were Voldemort and Grindelwald in front of him.

- I told you, Arthur ... I told you that you would finish what I started, you're bound to end up alone, no matter what your sacrifice, in the end neither side will want you - Grindelwald said as he wiped a bloodstain on his T-shirt. .

- You are a mistake of nature, could not have been born in this world and because of this the gods will punish you - Laughed Voldemort pointing his wand at Arthur, a green light came out of her and headed toward him, the boy just closed his eyes and accepted his destiny.

Arthur was sweating and moaning when the elf came to wake him up, when he got up from the bed to see what was happening, Donna realized that the boy was only in his underwear.

- Aaaah - the elf shouted before running away with a face that looked like a red pepper that was, but not before stumbling over the pile of books they had in Arthur's room, he was always very clever and very good at decorating his contents , but what hinders him is not to have any wands to be able to practice, taking away the fact of the few books that Lyanna had, where the majority were only basic books of potions and magical creatures.

Arthur did not even care about his elf seeing him underwear, he could only think of his nightmare, several questions were popping up in his mind, "Was that a vision of the future?" How is Grindelwald still alive? Voldemort, "Arthur thought with a serious face, his head aching with wonder, so he chose to leave aside for the time being that he had no answers.

- I can not think about it today - Arthur said as he stepped out of his room, today would be the day he would go to the diagonal alley to get his wand and his pet, he was very excited about it, even Arthur having pure blood , her aunt preferred to wait a little longer until she got close to the beginning of class to give up her wand, she was too afraid of Arthur or Anna fighting and getting hurt, things they do about 30 times a day.

Arthur went to the kitchen and there was his aunt and cousin having coffee, along with the elf who was hiding her face while making pancakes, ashamed to have seen her master in his underwear.

- Good morning - said Arthur, starving at the pancakes in Donna's hand.

When Arthur turned his face to his aunt and cousin, he could not stop thinking about how Anna had the face of his mother, if on one hand she pulled the beauty of Lyanna for another she pulled the anger of her father, Arthur does not know who was Anna's father, the only information he has is that his uncle had abandoned Lyanna before Anna was born, he was certainly not a good person, Lyanna always shuddered when he talked about him.

- Good morning Arthur, see if you'll eat soon, if we delay too long, the diagonal alley will be crowded - Lyanna said, taking her cup of tea as she read the daily prophet.

- You can stay calm, Mom, if there's anything this guy knows how to eat - Anna said, kicking her ankle under the table, "You pay me." Said the boy just moving his mouth without a sound, Arthur never understood Anna, they never had a normal conversation with her without ending up in a fight, when they were small, Anna always followed the boy no matter where he was, but, since he turned 9, began to move away from him and feel anger at everything.

They had just finished coffee and started to get ready to leave, everyone could see from a distance the smile of Arthur and Anna to get their wand, since only strong wizards can do spells without wands.

After a great run, Lyanna, Anna, and Arthur finally reached the diagonal alley, Lyanna asked Anna and Arthur to go and buy a pet while she went to the Gringotts bank to get more coins.

Arriving at the pet store, Arthur and Anna were mesmerized by the amount of different animals and races, Anna was already determined that she wanted a cat, she loved cats but her mother never let her have any pet, she found a puppy with orange and black stripes and gave a name of Tigress, she could be short but her teeth already showed that they would hurt a lot in the future, "that is not me" thought Arthur imagining the cat's teeth and claws.

Arthur had not yet chosen his, he already excluded rabbits, cats, rats, and frogs from his list because he thought they were useless and unloved, while he walked in the owl sector, none of them had caught his attention, see a glass in the middle of the hallway with a 30cm snake inside, when he looked into her eyes and she into his, the boy was already sure who to choose for his pet, his color was white like Arthur's hair , but what caught his attention the most was his eyes, a black and dark sea, as if they could read the boy's mind.

- His name will be Hope - Arthur said, looking into her eyes, it was almost as if he could see her soul and vice versa, he remembered his dream in the morning when a giant, white snake like Hope was on his side, he could not have caught the snake, even if it was a dream or not he could have avoided but looking into his eyes he knew it was his fate to have that snake at his side.

Leaving the pet store, Arthur with Hope in a cage and Anna with Tigress in her lap, they saw Lyanna at the door of the store waiting for them, when they arrived to show their animals she had a big surprise to see the snake with Arthur, the two seemed to be made for each other.

- Let's still have a lot to do - Lyanna said to the two boys.