
Quidditch Test

The quartet Bella, Rodrigo, Arthur and Anna arrived 1 hours earlier than the combined, Anna at first did not want to join the team, but her hatred for Gryffindor is much bigger and after her discussion with Wood, she decided to take the test too, Gabriella and Daniel were in Twisted, which just made the boys more nervous.

Arthur wished to be the catcher, but this position is Draco's and he did not want to fight for it, so he ended up becoming a gunner, Rodrigo said he would like to be the goalkeeper, even though he was 11 years old, he had the same height as the second year students , so it made sense for him to want this position, Anna would like to be a scout, which for Arthur was no novelty, since the girl lived up to the name of the position, where her goal is to take the baton away from the players of his team and put them on the route of the ad Versários, so he and Bella decided to be the Gunners, where they are the only ones, besides the goalkeeper, allowed to retain the possession of the goles, their function is to score goals.

They were exchanging ideas about some moves, when the other Slytherin students arrived holding their expensive brooms, Draco left the mound of people and went straight to Arthur.

-Arthur isn't? You did well to humiliate Weasley yesterday-Draco said with an evil smile, the other students behind them began to laugh.

-Thank you Draco, these are my friends who will take the test for the team-spoke Arthur explaining every position they will play.

-I want to see if you play as well as brawl-said Draco, he looked at the first year's colleagues and laughed, the leader came out the group and went towards them.

-Hello everyone, my name is Flin and I am the leader of the team, you will play a game is the best I will call to play-spoke Flin screaming, he set up two teams to make the friendly, a team with the players holders of the Slytherin and the other with the beginners and more ALG Some remaining players, in this friendly, did not have the gold pigeon, since there was no one wanting to take the test for catcher.

-Remember, it's not to kill yourself-spoke Flint laughing, he released the Balaços while going to the center holding the goles-good luck to you all.

For being a friendly, try to get light on the plays (say this to Anna), time will be half the normal, let the game begin! -shouted Flint before launching the goles to the top, the team of Slytherin besides being bigger, having better brooms and having more teamwork than the beginners, had already easily caught the goles and going to attack the opponent side, Arthur ran after him trying to p Plow But the broom was much faster and did not take long to open the scoreboard and do a few more points, at each point made, the team received 10 points.

Score: Slytherin 40-0 newbies.

Arthur understood that it would not be with speed that he will be able to compete with them, so he set up a plan, when the Slytherin recovered the ball and ran with their Nimbus 2001 to the area, they started to play the ball until they reached the opponent's area, at the last pass Arthur was already marking the player and managed to recover the ball, running to the opponent's area as fast as he can, he was already surrounded by 3 players, Arthur threw the ball over where Bella picked up and rushed to the attack, free only she and the goalkeeper , Bella played in the left hoop marking the first goal of the beginners.

Score: Slytherin 40-10 beginners.

After scoring the first goal, it became easier and fluid the game, Rodrigo where in four attack took four goals, began to defend more balls, already Anna seemed to be made to hold a taco, she hit a balaços that hit the face of the rival gunner , Arthur was very happy to play on the same team as her, Arthur managed to make a few points using more head than skill, but was far from comparing himself to Bella Krum, she was the feminine version of his brother Vitor, they just did not win the game because of the Brooms, but if they get on the team they're going to win these beauties.

Final Score: Slytherin 330-Beginners 240

Flint was very happy to see the skills of the newbies, he did not expect it would be such a disputed game, his goal was to make this training only for the Elders humiliate the beginners and become more confident when the championship starts, but he does not Hoped for such a good game, Draco said something in Flint's ear and he seemed to agree.

-Congratulations, you four have passed the test, the workouts take place every Tuesday at 9 o'clock, be prepared-said Flint with a smile on his face-this year we will have a greater chance to win the Quidditch Cup, since our biggest problem is bad reserves, we have lost MUI Players last year, at least that year we have people who know how to play.

-Congratulations, for joining the team take your gifts here - Draco said delivering to them the Nimbus 2001-Use this baby well, I'm sure she'd bring the victory to our house.

-Thank you Draco-said the 4 with eyes shining when they hold the broom, mainly Rodrigo that his family had no conditions to buy such a expensive broom, Draco left and the teammates were together, Gabriella and Rodrigo went to them.

-Congratulations to you, only Harry Potter joined the team while he was in the first year-spoke Daniel congratulating the players.

-You played well Arthur-talked Gabriella smiling at him, Bella seemed shocked when she heard it, "I made more points than he" I thought the girl.

-Let's celebrate friends, I heard that tonight there is a feast of the dead-said Arthur putting his arm over Gabriella and Bella while pushing Anna, to the communal hall to change, the two blused because of it, already he was happy more to repair Air.