
Marauder map and private lessons

When Arthur woke up, he saw that he was in the infirmary, Anna was lying on his side and his friends around him, and on the other side was Harry in bed with his friends.

- Arthur, you're awake!" - Bella said hugging the boy, Hermione turned her head to the side, just not to see the scene - Imagine my fright as I saw you being carried by Hagrid here, you were so white ...

- I'm fine, just really hungry," Arthur replied, sitting up in bed, the best way to regain his strength was to eat.

- It was incredible what you did, Arthur," Ethan said, putting his hand on Arthur's shoulder. It was Arthur who was grateful for him, if it were not Ethan, his shield would be destroyed and diners would kill all the students, Katherine and Ron would do they knew that Arthur saved their lives, but even so they were still angry with him.

- What happened when I erased it?" The boy got up, he stepped on the floor to see if his body was strong.

- Dumbledore was furious, I never saw the director so before, he immediately left the premises to speak with the minister of magic and has already arranged a meeting in Hogsmeade, to expel the Dementors of Hogwarts - Answered Daniel by his side, Arthur was already direction of her cousin and stroked her hand.

- Why were the teachers not in the game? I'm sure we were all out on our departure, "Arthur asked nervously, he had been in that doubt until now, Dumbledore who had rescued Harry and repelled the Dementors.

- Someone set fire to Professor Snape's room and everyone rushed to put out the fire," Rodrigo replied to the boy, his friend looked well compared to the last time he saw him.

- Does that person have the guts, when's the ride to Hogsmeade?" Arthur asked, standing up.

- Tomorrow, sorry it's only for the third year up, you can go," Bella said disappointedly, "What do you mean tomorrow?" Arthur thought confused.

- How many days have I been cleared? Arthur asked, wary.

- 3 days," said his friends, "Arthur wanted to leave for the last hour to warn Dumbledore, only for the principal not to cancel the trip, since he would meet Sirius Black, but now he had only 10 hours left until he told this to Dumbledore.

- I do not want to know, I'm going on this trip, if I stay here for a while, I'll die." Katherine laughed, Arthur wanted to warn her that it would not be a good idea, but the boy did not care that much about her.

- Good luck to you then," Arthur replied walking toward the exit, he must warn Dumbledore as quickly as possible, "Has he returned from the trip?" Arthur wondered as he walked to his office.

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Arthur was walking, when he saw Fred and George standing with a map in his hand, "The map of the marauder!" The anxious boy thought, Arthur had a plan to create this map in Draco's house, so he could peek exactly where Voldemort and his diners are.

- Confundus," Arthur said, pointing his wand at the twins, the two looked as if they were drunk, Arthur reached them and took the map out of George's hands. "Thanks for the present."

Arthur went into a more secluded place, picked up his wand and touched the parchment saying, "I solemnly swear I do not intend to do anything good.

The Aluado, Wormtail, Cushion and Tips, providers of resources for evil wizards, have the honor to present - THE MAP OF THE MARAUDER.

Arthur opened the map and saw the names of his friends, Peter Pettgrew, Snape and company, he decorated the map passages and decided to give someone a gift, for Arthur the map was useless, he only needed that Professor Lupine or Sirius taught how to create a map of that level, the person who would be most helpful for the boy to give as a gift was Snape.

On holiday, Arthur was thinking of opening a potion store, the boy needed money to get some things in the future, he would get the potion book at Malfoy's house, but he needed someone to teach potions advanced to him.

As he walked, the boy passed Snape's room, and saw the whole place burned and destroyed.

- Look at that! All my ingredients burned! Snape shouted angrily in the middle of his office.

- Excuse me, Professor," Arthur said, coming in, which was a room once, now looks like an abandoned place, if there was anything left of the cauldrons and some things that were on a larger shelf.

- What do you want now, Arthur?" Snape asked in anger, the boy needed to be gentle with his words.

- I came to ask if you do not want any help here," the boy replied, smiling, Snape did not seem to believe it, but he really needed help.

- Well, I really need a hand here," said the teacher, accepting the proposal. "But why do you want to help me?"

- I'm not going to lie to you, I need to learn more advanced potions, so here I am asking you for some private lessons," Arthur said smiling, when Snape was going to refuse the boy, he took the map and showed it to the teacher. my proposal I'll give you this map of Hogwarts, it shows the location of everyone inside the castle, so you can find out if someone is setting fire to your room in the future.

Snape was looking at the map wanting to pick it up, but, he did not want to give private lessons to Arthur, in his head he knew what the answer would be.

- I'll leave you thinking, meanwhile I have to tell Dumbledore about another serious matter," Arthur said, walking to the exit.

- Wait! Dumbledore is not at Hogwarts, he only comes back tomorrow with the train students to Hogsmeade - Snape replied, Arthur wanted to punch himself for having stopped talking to Dumbledore before, he had faith that the principal would be in Hogwarts today, but he had not given - I accept your proposal, I will give you lessons every Thursday night, I do not accept delays.

- Thank you, Professor, I'm not waiting for the time to start," the happy boy replied, as he was leaving, and Snape threw a broom at him.

- Then you can start now," the professor said, sitting up in the chair, Arthur looking at the professor with a crying face.

- Today I clean the floor, tomorrow I face Werewolves, I do not know which of the two are the worst" thought the boy while sweeping.