
Luna Lovegood

Inside a dark room, there were four students, the weather was not as heavy as in the previous phase, Arthur and Anna were exchanging a few random words, Harry sometimes participated in the conversation, but, his mind was only in the previous fight, everyone thought that it was he who opened the secret chamber, with the exception of Hermione, Ron, and Arthur's group together. Hermione was the one who spoke least, in her mind she had too much conflict to think. After a long time, Dumbledore appeared at the door with the Minister of Magic.

- Congratulations on reaching this stage in the dueling club, the semifinal and final took place tomorrow, you are released to return to the common room - said Dumbledore looking at the new generation with a smile on his face, he knew that these 4 had a great future ahead.

Anna and Arthur were the first to leave, they were too tired to talk, the minister of magic stayed to talk to Harry and Hermione, since everyone thought they were favorites to win the championship.

As they walked through the corridors, they saw Gryffindor, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw students looking ugly in their directions, the Slytherin house was reputed to be cruel, so the other houses will cheer for Gryffindor in the final by comparison, the Slytherin students wanted to accommodate the strongest pair in their home, Arthur loved the attention he created, so that he will have a more rapid influence within his home.

Arthur noticed that many students wore a brooch on their T-shirt, Slytherin, some had the photo of Anna and Arthur, other people had broaches with aggressive words, they were going to die Potter until bad blood, but most had a picture of Ron Weasley vomiting slugs, which only made the boy more nervous and thirsty for blood.

In the other houses they had a picture of Harry, Hermione and Draco bursting on the floor, Arthur really wanted that brooch, but could not use it.

As he walked he saw a bare-haired, barefoot girl with other strange props along with a pair of radish-shaped wire earrings, anyone would find that horrible, but Arthur liked how Luna dressed, she was accompanied by the Ron's sister, Ginny, coming near the two Arthur spoke.

- You must be Luna, I'm sorry about what my cousin did to you - Arthur said to Luna, giving her his hand.

Luna looked confused at Arthur, usually people avoided her and would not go out and make the move to talk to her. Ginny on her side would glare at Arthur, blaming him for humiliating his brother twice.

- It was not her fault, that's why I stepped on Guloide last week, now I've lost my three pairs of shoes - Arthur looked at Luna's bare feet and realized how cold the floor was to walk all over Hogwarts.

- Come on, Luna, we have to go see my brother, see if he's still vomiting slugs - Ginny said, pushing Arthur aside while holding Luna's hands.

- Wait! Luna, I found your shoes last week, they're in my room - Arthur hurriedly said, Luna turned to him with a face full of surprise and said,

- Seriously? That's great, so I'll have to bother you to bring me in - Luna smiled.

- Wait here, I'll be right back - Arthur said as he turned to run, remembered Luna's bare feet, then he took off his shoes and gave her to use until he brought them.

- Stay with mine while I bring yours back - Arthur smiled and ran before Luna said anything, she did not know how to express herself, after she saw the death of her mother in front of her, completely changed her way of acting , she lost her friends and her father was growing increasingly squeamish, her only friend was Gina, the others either ignored or mocked her, totally different from Arthur, who, even though she was from Slytherin, treated her so well, Ginny on her side also looked confused at Arthur, "like this boy who was so cruel to his brother and could be so sweet to Luna," thought Ginny.

Arthur ran to the Slytherin common room afterwards, arriving there many students wanted to congratulate him on the win, he gave a brief shake of everyone and went to his room to get the sneakers, Arthur when he came back he saw Luna wearing his sneakers with Gina on the side.

- Here's your sneaker, sorry for the delay - Arthur said, handing him the pair of shoes.

- Thank you, Arthur, I think you deserve a reward - Luna said, handing out a magazine called The Hag, Arthur did not complain about the reward, not least because he did not do it.

- Hmm ... I guess it's still not good - said Luna, approaching and kissing Arthur's check before running away, Arthur blushed as Ginny followed Luna with a flushed face.

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It was after midnight at Hogwarts, Anna and Arthur were sitting on the couch in the common room, all the other students had already left for their rooms preparing for the big competition that would be tomorrow.

- How can you rest easy knowing we're going to duel tomorrow? - Anna asked curiously, she had never seen her cousin afraid of anything, it was as if he was always ten steps ahead of everyone.

- I do not know, maybe it's because I believe in merit, his I win tomorrow so I deserve it, if I lose my opponent then who deserves it - Arthur replied stroking Anna's hair, the girl seemed to be thinking of something.

- It's a shame to admit it, but I'm afraid I'll miss tomorrow - Anna said, her head bowed.

- It's no shame if you lose by giving your best in the duel - Arthur said, walking to his room - Good luck tomorrow, Anna, if we're lucky, we'll meet in the final."