
Lizza and Thomas

Arthur could see better how his parents were, the woman seemed to be very young, he must have been less than 30 years old, with a beautiful white hair tied behind, already the man on his side should also be young, he had short black hair and a scar in his mouth, his expression was not so happy to see his son.

- My son ... - The woman said as she ran, hugging Arthur, the boy did not return the hug, he was too paralyzed to speak.

Arthur would be lying if he said he did not want to hug his mother, he knew she was evil, he knew he should attack her, he knew she was a criminal, but the boy never saw his mother and looked at her so close to him, pressed his heart.

She's evil, idiotal!" he thought, "But she's your mother!" his heart said, he could not take it any longer and hugged his mother tightly, his mind kept talking, "You're so dumb!" and his heart "Oh boy!", he was in a conflict not knowing what to say.

- Look how you've grown, you're almost my size and you're so beautiful - said the woman whimpering as she felt Arthur, the only thing she thought of Azkaban, was seeing her son, she continued to hug him tightly. boy.

- You're my parents then - said the boy, moving gently away from his mother - I'm sorry, but I do not even know your name.

They both seemed shocked to hear this, and looked at Lyanna who was in the background with Anna at her side.

- Do not look at me like that, the boy who never asked you about it - Lyanna said quickly with her hands up, the moment Arthur discovered that her parents were in Azkaban, the boy completely ignored their existence.

- Arthur, my name is Lizza Melo, your father's name is Thomas Melo, me and your father, we made many mistakes in the past, now we're paying for them - the woman said as she put her hand on his face, last time I would see it.

- Mother, I do not understand what's happening, you fled from Azkaban, did not you? We can go talk to Dumbledore, he can help us - The boy said a little desperately.

"Arthur, there's a lot you do not know yet, I'll tell you in the future, I hope you'll forgive me for my mistakes," Lizza said, crying as she hugged Arthur as if it were the last time.

- We're out of time Lizza, we have to leave now! Thomas said worried, they seemed to be scared of something, he did not know if it was dementors or hunters, but seeing his expression seemed to be something much worse.

- I did one of the biggest sins of my life, a forbidden magic, Voldemort used me Art, it was all my fault for not being strong enough - Lizza reached his ears and said whispering - I do not know if you already discovered, but avoid as much as possible to use the mark of death, until I find something that can remove it, I will find you in the future.

- Lyanna, take care of my little Art for me - said the woman with tears in her eyes. Thomas took his hand and was about to apparate - Son, your mother still loves you.

It was the last thing she said before fading in front of him, Arthur was looking where his parents were without a word, he understood nothing of what his mother was saying, "How does she know my mark and what your sin? " Arthur wondered, staring at the floor, Lyanna came up behind him and led the boy into the kitchen.

- Drink some water Arthur, I know it's not easy to digest - his aunt said as she stroked the boy's head.

"Auntie, do you know what my mother was talking about?" Arthur asked, his hands shaking as he held a glass of water.

- I have no idea Arthur, Lizza was a nice and kind person, always looked at the good side of people, but a year before you were born, she changed completely, her mother even quoted that she wanted to commit suicide, I wanted to help she, but I had some problems with ... "Lyanna interrupted her speech by looking at Anna, Arthur thought she was talking about her uncle" Anyway, I knew 1 year after she was being arrested and had a child, that's when I I traveled to England to take care of you.

Arthur heard the whole story in silence, Lyanna and Lizza hid several secrets from the boy, he knew that one day he would find out, Arthur took another sip in the water and spoke with a serious look in the direction of his aunt.

- I'm going to clean her name, even if I have to hunt down every death eater in this world, I'm going to pay for all your sins - said the boy in the depths of his soul.

Lyanna was silent as she listened to this, she was also missing her sister, but she knew it was impossible to help her.

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1 month passed, Arthur was practicing non-stop, both magic and potions, he knew that more challenges would come and he did not want to end up as impotent as he was in Tom Riddle's fight.

Anna was accompanying the boy in several (hidden) battles, but she was never an opponent in height, her battles were all about Anna trying to attack Arthur, the tigress also liked to fight and hell with Hope's life, until the snake ran behind and as the owner, they both picked up and served as punching bags for both of them.

His aunt bought a black owl for him to deliver his letters to his friends, but what he really wanted was to talk to his mother, she had not left his head since when he first saw her, but he did not know where she was about to send some letter, in those few weeks he received some 400 letters from Gabriella asking him how he is, 100 letters from Bella talking about random subjects and 10 from his friends at Hogwarts, the proportion was almost the same.

The days went by and Arthur received a letter that cheered his holiday, Draco was inviting Arthur and Anna to his birthday party, "a feast of death eaters," Arthur thought as he smiled.

- Cousin, Do you want to go to a party? - Asked the boy, laughing as he took Anna's hand.