
King's Cross Station

Arthur was very anxious to get past Platform 9 ¾, but it was not just him who felt like this, Anna looked like the one who was going to vomit, they kept walking until they found a wall written the number of the platform, the bundles involved do not even care thereby.

- Let's go kids if we're not going to be late - Lyanna said hastily, first was Arthur with his eyes closed running to cross the wall, waiting for a beat that did not come, he ends up opening his eyes and seeing a giant platform in front of him, many children running from one side to another, away parents waving to their children, looking back he sees Anna and Lyanna coming.

Arthur looked around and saw several parents saying goodbye to their children, the boy never bothered to meet his parents, but still felt a tightness in his heart, Lyanna looked at the boy and understood what was going through his head.

- Little Art, I know it's not easy to grow up without the parents, mine were killed before I was born and it weighed heavily on me - Lyanna said, hugging the boy, this was the first time Arthur heard her talking about her grandfather and Grandma.

- I'm fine, I did not know you grew up without them - said the boy Arthur, looking at his aunt.

- "At first it was difficult, but I had help from my sister and my friends, when I needed them they were there Arthur and the same will happen to you -." Lyanna finished with a few tears on her face, Anna appeared on her mother's side and said.

- Arthur and I are coming in, we want to get the best seats possible - Lyanna gave her daughter and her nephew a good-bye hug before they embarked on the term.

When the two of them got into the wagon, they saw that there were several empty benches around, so they chose anyone to stay. Arthur was thinking that at that time Harry and Ron were already trapped in the station by the house elf Dobby.

Arthur and Anna bought some candy while they waited for the train to leave, they were talking when two people entered their wagon, asking if they had free seats, Anna was ready to drive them out, but Arthur spoke faster than they were free.

- Pleasure my name is Bella Krum and this is my friend Charles White - said a girl with black hair, her friend on the side looked like a mouse, was fat, small and toothy, Arthur is already predicting that he will suffer a little at Hogwarts .

- Hello - Charles said, knocking his juice down, Anna glared at him, already Bella laughed at the scene - I'm sorry, guys.

- No problem, I'm Arthur and this is my cousin Anna, let me help you, you want some candy? Arthur asked wanting to be polite, but Anna almost strangled him mentally.

- No, thank you, you're the first year too, are not you? - I can not wait to play Quidditch, my brother is a professional player, have you ever heard of Vitor Krum? - Bella asked, Arthur clearly knew very well who he was and was surprised to see his sister on the train, "why is not she at Durmstrang?" The boy was looking at the girl.

- Do I know him? I pray for Bulgaria and I have several Vitor shirts - Said Arthur smiling at the girl, Bella was happy to hear that.

- Great, I do not know many people who cheer for Bulgaria, will you join the Quidditch team as well? - asked the curious girl - I intend to play and become capita by Slytherin.

- Anna and I are going to Slytherin like you, Anna I do not know, but I'm going to join the team too - Arthur replied to the girl, Anna just nodded, Charles said he would not play and did not know which school would be

This quartet continued talking until the train stopped, after hours of conversation Anna was finally talking to Bella but she completely avoided Charles because of his physical bearing, this irritated a lot Arthur but because she is his cousin he can not do anything to not to be angry at her.

- All empty the train and follow the line, starting with the first year students - said an old lady, the 4 got up and went to the exit, Arthur saw Draco Malfoy with his friends talking, he wanted to say hi, but he was afraid of ruining his plans.

The students started lining up outside when a giant man took the first one in line and started walking, "This is Hagrid" Arthur thought happily as he followed the giant man, when they reached the river they could see how beautiful and giant is Hogwarts. Arthur could not wait to study there, the hair on his arm was all creepy.

On the boat were Arthur, Anna, Charles, Bella and a fourth grader, none of them said anything, everyone just admired how beautiful Hogwarts was, when they got out of the marge, Hagrid drove to the Hogwarts gate.

- First-year students, I'll leave you to Minerva's teacher - Hagrid said pointing to a woman with gray hair, she wore tight coke

- My name is Minerva McGonagall, I'm the transfiguration teacher, it's a pleasure to meet you all, now follow me to the main hall where your houses will be assigned - Minerva said, walking toward the place.

Arriving in the parlor the older students split into their four accent rows, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, first year students lined up to the picking hat, Professor McGonagall was calling one by one to indicate the Gina Weasley to Gryffindor, Luna Lovegood going to Ravenclaw, Colin Creevey to Gryffindor, Anna Melo to Slytherin, "What a novelty" thought Arthur smiled, Charles White got into Hufflepuff and Bella went to Slytherin, was the number of students declining, when they were only 3, the teacher shouted Arthur's name, the boy was nervous, but he walked upright to the small bench in the hall.