
Hermione, Harry and Rony

Soon after Arthur and Anna chose their pets, Lyanna took them to try on and buy the new uniforms from Hogwarts, when Arthur went to the cabin to try on the clothes he came across with a person identical to him, Draco Malfoy.

Draco was five inches taller than Arthur with shorter hair, if the features on Arthur's face reminded a smart guy that Draco reminds someone impatient and angry, they both looked at each other for 10 seconds until Arthur took the first step.

- Hello - Arthur said with embarrassment, it was his first time seeing someone in the original series, and Draco was essential to his plan to infiltrate the dark side of the force.

- Hello, you must be some Hogwarts newbie, right? - Draco looked at him in the mirror. He called him a rookie, so this was not his first year at Hogwarts. Seeing his height, he must be at least second year. This complicates his friendship plan a little, but it does not prevent it.

- I think so, I'm Arthur Melo and you? - Asked Arthur, shaking hands with Draco, the boy closed his eyes for a few seconds and opened it smiling.

- Are you the son of Thomas Melo? - My dad talked about him a few times, a great wizard, "said Draco, shaking the boy's hand," Who would have thought my parents, death eaters are for anything? "Arthur thought with a smile, Draco spoke a few words and then left the store.

Arthur almost peed his pants for finally finding someone important in the series, he waited that moment for years since he arrived in this world, soon after they left after buying the new clothes, Lyanna went to buy two cauldrons and some utensils already Anna and Arthur were to buy his books for his first year at Hogwarts.

Arriving there they found a huge line of people, mostly women, Arthur already imagining the scenes from Book 2, he already knew that it was Professor Gilderoy making autographs for his fans, the boy knew that his teacher was a fraud and made a point of as far as possible from his teacher, Arthur saw in the queue, a redhead girl full of freckles and a fat redhead woman, "Gina and Molly." He thought the boy tried to go and talk to both of them, but he had no business to deal with , the boy looked at Ginny's books and did not find Tom Riddle's diary among them, the boy gave up looking around and went to get his stuff.

When Arthur was choosing his books a girl with brown hair and eyes was on his side, he had no doubt it could only be Hermione Granger, he wanted very much to say something to her, so Arthur turned and asked the first thing that came to mind.

- Please, where do I find these books here? - Arthur said using a tattered excuse, Hermione looked at him and did not stop thinking about the similarity with Draco but smaller and more educated, "Did Draco have a brother?" She thought, denying it immediately, the only resemblance to her hair.

- They're on the second corridor, my name is Hermione Granger, I'm sophomore at Hogwarts, looking at your books in your hand, you must be freshman - said Hermione, drawing closer to the boy.

- I'm Arthur Melo, like you said, I'm a freshman, I'm completely lost in this store - Arthur smiled, and the boy was very happy to see Hermione in front of him.

- That's normal, the same thing happened to me - Laughed Hermione, as she looked into Arthur's other hand, Hope watched the girl soundlessly - What a beautiful snake, what's his?"

- It's a girl, your name is Hope, I just got her in the store - Arthur smiled at the snake, "Wait, how do I know her sex?" thought the confused boy - Well, it was very nice to meet you, Hermione, but there are still a lot of books left for me to get."

- Let me join you, my friends are in Gilderoy's line to get an autograph, I'll help you up - said the girl, pushing Arthur to the sections of the books.

While they walked Arthur asked several questions in which he had doubts, Hermione tried to answer some, but was shocked by the intelligence of this boy, not so many people who like books so she soon wanted to be friends with Arthur, "It is always good to have someone smart to talk to. "Hermione was smiling, smiling at her new friend, pity she did not expect that in the future they would not be friends, but rather rivals, since Arthur will be on Voldemort's side in battle until the moment of revealing the truth, Of course Arthur knows the truth but Hermione does not, he reminded her of the prophecy that he would end up alone and that his fight was nonsense.

After he had picked up all the books, Arthur talked a little about the lessons and matters with Hermione, where she was surprised by his intelligence, he thanked her for the help and when he was leaving Harry and Ron appeared in front of them full of books.

- We've finally found you, Hermione, you can not disappear like this - Ron said, his face all sweaty as he walked with all those books.

- I was helping Arthur get his first-year books- Hermione said to the two of them pointing to her side.

- Okay, but where is Arthur?" Harry asked confused.

- He is right here ... - looking aside she saw that he was gone, she had become very curious with this kid but was not in a hurry since they were going to study together.

Arthur thought it best to escape these 3, if anyone saw him talking to them, it could ruin his plan to infiltrate, especially if Draco sees him because he's sure Draco found Harry in that place.

Arthur was at the entrance of the store waiting for Anna to pick up all the books, then they joined up with Lyanna, Anna and Arthur were with a giant smile on their faces since they are going to what they most wanted to say they were born for, the Olivaras Pick up your wands.