
First Contact and Aragog

- Let's find out now - the boy said as he wet his quill in the ink and wrote "My name is Arthur Melo"

After writing this sentence, the words that were in the notebook disappeared and another one appeared next.

"Hello, Arthur Melo, my name is Tom Riddle, how did you find my diary?"

Seeing another person respond made Arthur's heart stop, those words also dissolved soon after Arthur read.

"You seem to have offended some other student, so they threw their diary in the bathroom where I found it and brought it to my dorm."

Arthur waited anxiously for Riddle's reply, which came after a few seconds.

"How lucky I wrote my memoirs into something more durable than ink. But I always knew there would be people who would not want this diary to be read, lucky for you to have found it. "

"Oh, so you mean you've done Hogwarts, that's great."

Wrote Arthur entering the game of cheating Tom Riddle.

"Yes when I studied, secret chamber was ..."

Before he finished writing, Arthur interrupted by writing in the diary as quickly as possible.

"Great then you can help me on homework, I did not know what to do"

"Homework?" Tom looked shocked he did not answer for a while, which left Arthur with a smile on his face.

"Yes I've been looking for some veteran to help me with homework, but they just want to know Quidditch, Professor Snape and Minerva gave me very difficult homework and I have no idea how to do it"

Arthur wrote fast and in an ugly letter as a first-year student wanting only help, all to deceive poor Tom and get future information.

"I'm sorry Arthur, but, homework should be done by you, if you want I can tell you something else, like things about the secret chamber!" When I was in the fifth year of Hogwarts, a monster started attacking students and killed one, I took the man who opened the chamber and he was expelled "

"Yes, good for you, but if I do not finish my homework, forget the monsters, it will be the teachers who killed me, it was nice talking to you, goodbye!"

With a flick of his hand he closed the journal, there was no need for such a long conversation since it was only the first contact, there was still time to communicate with Tom before dealing with the Basilisk.

- What was that? Asked the curious snake without understanding, she could not read, just looked confused at the boy's reaction.

- It was a bad person's diary, I'm using it for information, but I have to be careful since Tom Riddle was very good at making the person's head, any slips of mine, I might end up being manipulated - said Arthur, affection in the snake, already the girl seemed to love it.

- You are very clever Arthur - said the snake, savoring the affection.

- Not as much as he - the boy replied as he lay on the bed with the snake on top.

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The next day, Arthur and his friends were walking near the black forest looking for a flower.

- What's the plan Professor Sprout said? - Gabriella asked, crouched on the floor as she rummaged around. "What I do not do for a few stitches.

- It's a lilac green tulip, it glows in the dark, but we can not go out at night - Arthur replied from the girl's side.

- If I knew I'd be so messed up, I'd stay in my room - Anna said, all dirty of the land, Arthur looked at his friends and saw that they were all in the same situation, he did not even want to imagine how he would be.

- The teacher said that every student who brings the plant, earns 5 points for his house, it must be very rare even - said Bella with her head on the floor, Arthur was blushing because the girl was with her butt stepping towards you, Gabriella who was on her side was indignant with her friend.

-Has anyone seen Rodrigo? - Gabriella tried to change the subject.

- He went into the forest, he said he wanted to prove his worth and blah ... blah ... blah ...- Daniel replied tiredly crouched looking for that tiny plant.

- Let me get this straight. He walked into the black forest alone? - Arthur asked, getting up, everyone did the same and looked at the boy, he nodded.

- I can not believe you did not do anything to stop him - said Anna angrily with the boy, Daniel lowered his head in embarrassment.

- I thought it was nothing - said the sad boy.

- You four, call some professor and tell him about Daniel, I'll see if I find him, anything I'll loose any sign in the sky if I'm in danger or if I find him - Arthur said looking at the forest, everything inside her was but the boy ran in his direction.

- I'm going with you, it was my fault this happened! Daniel shouted after him.

- You two come back and tell me, they need another little help and I'm the second strongest in the group - Anna chased after them with her wand in her hand, Gabriella and Bella wanted to help, but they knew someone would have to tell the teacher about this.

The 3 ran together through the forest in search of the boy, they shouted Rodrigo's name as fast as possible, but no answer was heard.

- Look, it's Rodrigo's purse! - Anna shouted, holding a bag on the floor, she was wrapped in webs.

- He was attacked by a spider, the nest should not be that far, come on! Arthur ordered, following in front of the three, the boys walked a little apart just to get a better view.

- Look at spiders here - Daniel pointed to the path that led to a farther place, the three followed the tracks.

Arthur realized that the spiders were increasing in size as they neared the end, they stopped at a site with a giant web with several spiders around, a boy was in the middle of it wrapped in webs, he was trapped in the giant web.

- Rodrigo! - Anna shouted with her hand in her mouth, Arthur ran towards her and attacked the web.

- Flagrate! The boy screamed, pulling the little flames around the web just to knock Rodrigo down from there, Daniel and Anna ran and started pulling the webs around the boy who was off, several spiders who were just watching were furious because the intruders were eating their food and began to advance on them.

- Flagrate! Arthur, Anna, and Daniel circled and attacked the spiders with fire, they advanced in fear, but were still furious over the invasion.

- Serpensortia! Arthur shouted without stopping, 6 snakes came out of his wand, the spiders stopped attacking and looked fearfully at the snakes, Arthur spoke in their language - Attack all spiders!

The 6 serpents crawled toward the spiders that fled in fear, leaving only the boys there.

- That was great Arthur! Even fuck your idiot spiders! He began to celebrate Daniel, but a giant shadow covered the sun in the sky, the boys looked up and saw Aragogue furious jumping in front of them.