
Conversation with Draco

Arthur was in the library, it was almost time to close, in front of him had more than 4 thick books that he was reading, was when Hermione spotted him from a distance, the girl was afraid to sit next to him, but when Arthur turned his eyes to the girl and smiled, Hermione was mesmerized by him and headed towards her.

- It's very lonely to be a lover of books. - Laughed Arthur looking at the pile of books in the girl's room - It's always nice to have someone to talk to."

- That's right, but I do not know many people who like books like me - Hermione said, looking at Arthur, the two of them stared at each other for a long time. "I would love to be near you, I feel so different, so alive." She thought the girl looked in her eyes, as if she knew what he said. "I feel the same, every time I see you, I am sad to know that any relationship is impossible to happen" Arthur thought sadly, we are that even Romeo and Juliet, we were born to be separated.

- It was a pity what happened to your father," Arthur said, touching a serious matter.

- Yes, he was always a great person, it should not have happened, because of this I want so badly to find the culprit! - Hermione said bravely.

- Do you think we'll end this fight in one day? - Arthur asked, he knew it was a stupid question, but he still wanted an answer.

- I hope that when that day comes, we'll be on the same side - He thought back his smile, the conversation stopped again and an embarrassing silence arose.

- At least there's a good side to it, I love answering the questions the teachers ask, especially when Snape gives me points - Arthur said, changing the subject.

- Snape never gave me a point, he actually takes point if I get it right - Hermione laughed.

- You should have come in to Slytherin then, he is my highest income of points - Arthur said smiling as he stood up to leave. "It was a pleasure to talk to you, Hermione.

- I say the same Arthur Melo - said Hermione ending the conversation, the two separated and went to their sides.

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It was already night at Hogwarts, Arthur was walking through the Slytherin common room when he saw Draco, Crabbe and Goyle sitting in the armchair.

Arthur sat on Draco's side watching as the boy played chess with Crabbe.

- Not an idiot!" The tower does not walk diagonally - Draco said as he placed his hand on his face, Arthur laughed at the situation, when Draco saw that he asked.

- You want to play a match Arthur - Draco said as he set the pieces.

- Why not? - The boy replied as he sat down in front of Draco.

- I want to see you laugh now - Crabbe said angrily, "Even a slug wins you in the chess" Arthur thought with a smile.

Arthur is in no hurry to talk to Draco, he prefers things to happen by themselves while they were playing, Draco began to talk to Arthur.

- Too bad Dumbledore canceled the final, all because of a petrified bundle - Draco said, leaving Arthur disgusted.

- I do not even care about her father, I just wanted to win bad blood - Arthur said with a heavy heart.

- Tell me then what was that with Luna Lovegood?" You guys are dating or something, because let's agree that she can be crazier than her father - Draco said as he knocked out Arthur's toppings.

- We're not dating, Luna can be pretty crazy, she's too crazy for me - Arthur said, "but even though he was still cute, cute and perfect," he thought, smiling.

The conversation was still, the boys focused on the game of chess that was almost set, Arthur had already destroyed almost everything missing only the King and the Bishop, so he continued the conversation.

- I heard from Padma that your family moved to a Mansion in Wiltshire, it's just a block from my house - Arthur said as he ate his last Bishop.

- Yes, my parents love to move - Draco said as he thought of something - On vacation if you want to visit me, you can come."

This was the first good thing Draco ever said to Arthur, going to Malfoy's house could be a major breakthrough for his goal, he could look for clues and meet Lucius.

- You can let me go on your birthday, if you do not mind, I'll take my cousin too, okay? - He asked, Arthur thought it was wrong to leave without his cousin, especially on a birthday anniversary of famous people.

- No problem, the more people the better - replied the boy eating Arthur's horse, he seemed to think of something for a while and said, "My father already told stories about Thomas Melo, he was one of Voldemort's strongest followers, my father said that he never defeated him in a fight, Thomas was fascinated by money, that's why he followed Voldemort, since he promised a mountain of gold.

Arthur never felt as disgusted as his family was now, his father was shit, if sold only for money, Arthur repulses him in every way

- Checkmate - Arthur said, smiling up as he said - If you want to play another game, just call me.

- You can leave Arthur, tomorrow if you want to sit down with our party you can sit down - Draco said as he stored the pieces in the box, Crabbe and Goyle stared at him like they never saw Draco lose in the chess.

Arthur came to his room and lay on the bed, Hope reached him and saw the merry boy, he took the snake in his lap and gave a strong hug in it, along with several kisses to the sadness of the snake.

- Did something happen, Arthur, to make you so happy? - asked the snake releasing of the boy's embrace and rising in his lap to sleep.

- Yes, Hope, a lot of important things happened - Arthur said before he collapsed from sleep, the snake barely understanding accompanied his owner asleep.