
Arthur X Basilisco

Time passed too quickly and in a flash it was February.

After his brief conversation with Tom Riddle at Christmas, he did not try to contact again, Arthur thought it necessary to ignore him for the time being.

The next Slytherin game would be against Ravenclaw. Flint insisted on training every night after dinner, so Arthur barely had time for anything else except Quidditch and homework. However, training was more intense than normal, since they had lost to Gryffindor, they needed to thrash both houses or hope Gryffindor tripped.

They woke up the next morning with a radiant sun and a light, cool breeze. - Perfect conditions for Quidditch! Flint exclaimed enthusiastically at the Slytherin table, filling the players' plates with scrambled eggs.

- Arthur, move, you need a decent breakfast - He spoke Flint throwing more eggs on his plate, Arthur tossed everything into Daniel's and continued to eat.

As they left the Great Hall with Anna and Bella to go get the Quidditch gear, Arthur saw Hermione running to the Library, he just ignored and kept walking.

When he had just set foot on the marble staircase Arthur recalled what would happen today, "Hermione would be attacked in the library" thought the boy. He turned and ran back to the Slytherin common room.

- Arthur where are you going !? The boy heard Bella shouting as she ran.

When Arthur got there he only had time to get the mask, Hope wanted to go along but Arthur would not let him.

He ran like crazy when he heard it again, cold and scary.

"Kill this time ... let me cut ... tear ...

Arthur froze when he heard this, he ran around bumping into everyone, when he arrived at the library, he put the mask on his face and changed the color of his hair to blue, when he entered saw that there was no one.

- The bathroom! - thought the boy, he ran up there and saw two girls in the mirror, it was Hermione and a student Arthur never saw.

- You two leave now! -Said the boy with a mask. The girls looked confused.

- What an asshole! Get out of the ladies' room now! The girl said in anger, when a faucet burst on her side. Arthur was out of time, he used this as a distraction to play the girls in boxing.

- Alhomora - the boy said in the doorway, he leaned his body against the wall as a barrel exploded and something came out of it.

A 4-meter snake came out of the barrel, its skin was dark gray and had two horns on its head, a clanging tongue sounding like Hope's, but more vulgar and loud could be heard.

- Skirt! - Arthur spoke and snake-tongue, however, she was not much in order to obey, as they faced each other the two girls started knocking on the door, scaring the snake, she advanced to Arthur.

- Protego! Arthur shouted, but the spell broke by throwing the boy to the wall while his wand rolled, he does not know if he broke some things, but his body ached.

The Basilisk, seeing that his petrification was not working, opened his mouth to kill Arthur, the boy saw the snake coming toward him, he closed his eyes waiting for death when he heard a familiar voice.

Arthur! Little Hope shouted, jumping over the Basilisk, trapping his fangs on the snake, Arthur used this to retrieve his wand and bombard the Basilisk with spells.

The Basilisk did not expect a fight like this, she roared and ran to the barrel, Hope dropped the snake and returned to Arthur.

- Are you all right, Arthur? - the snake asked, licking his body.

- I'm fine, thank you for coming. Hope - Arthur limped off from the library, he did not have the strength to walk to the ward, and he could not take off his mask, then went to the Restricted Section and collapsed in the hallway, Hope did not know what to do. then left the hall and went to call someone to help him.

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Arthur woke up with a little pain in his body, probably he did not break anything, it must be just his thump on the wall, when he got up he realized he was on a stretcher but it was not the infirmary, he had hundreds of pictures, chairs , glasses, plates, everything you could imagine was here.

- I'm in the room needs- Arthur thought, trying to get up. Hope came up beside him worried about the boy.

- You're all right, Arthur - the snake asked as he licked the boy's arm.

- Yes, Hope, how long have I been here? - Arthur asked.

- Maybe one day, I will not leave your side so I do not know - The snake spoke with joy at seeing the boy.

- How did I get here? Arthur asked curiously.

- I asked for help from a gentleman men I saw walking - replied the snake.

Arthur knows that the snake only knows the names of the Slytherin students, so it didn't focus much on the subject.

He rose with a little pain and started walking around, "Here's Rowena Ravenclaw's headband," Arthur thought, searching for the item.

He walked through the immense ranks without finding anything, when a serious voice came up behind him.

- I would not have guessed you were going to premiere my mask so soon - When Arthur turned, he saw Dumbledore smiling at him - I've heard from Hermione and Andrea that a masked face has trapped them in the bathroom and faced something, imagine my surprise at hearing it.

- Thank you, sir, for bringing me here - Arthur said gratefully.

-Oh, it was not me, Arthur, the one who brought you here was Snape, he who called me to come see you, I told him not to tell anyone about you - Dumbledore said as he looked at Arthur. "What was that in the bathroom?"

- It was a Basilisk - Dumbledore almost choked when he heard this.

- Have you faced a Basilisk alone? Now Arthur tells me the truth, how did you know there would be an attack in the library? - Dumbledore asked as if he knew Arthur was not from this world.

- Do you remember that I'm an Parselmouth? - Then I heard the sound of the Basilisk and just went after him - Arthur said saying only half truth, he was not going to say he knew why he's a psychic or something like that.

- You're too young to sacrifice yourself like that Arthur, you should live your life, have friends and girlfriends, you do not have to do that, in a month you almost died twice, I've never seen it in more than 80 years I'm here, "Dumbledore said, putting his hands on the boy's shoulder," How old should he be? "thought Arthur curiously.

- I do not mind dying, if I can save my life, I'd die with a smile on my face - Arthur said from the bottom of his heart, Dumbledore heard those words like a shock.

- You're still a child, Arthur, your life is my responsibility, I can not let you die - said the brave professor.

- Believe me, Dumbledore, I will not die until I save everyone! - Replied the determined boy.

- All right, Arthur, we'll talk about it later, go back to the common room, your friends will not stop asking about you, especially Bella and Gabriella, that you were helping Snape with a potion - Dumbledore said, taking the boy to the exit.

Arthur now knew where the room is, he could destroy the second Horcrux, and hide if necessary.

When Arthur arrived in the common room he saw his friends running toward him.

- Where were you, Arthur? - Bella asked worriedly, Anna, Daniel, Rodrigo, and Gabriella. They came by to find out why.

- I had run away before because I needed to use the bathroom, when I was coming back, Snape asked me to help him in a difficult potion, but it was not at Hogwarts, that's why I delayed coming back - fourth, the group was curious to know what the potion was, but since Arthur did not say anything then they did not ask.

When Arthur arrived in his room, he took the diary and then on the table.

- Time for our second talk Tom ...