
Arthur and Ethan X Greyback

- ROOOAAAARRRR! A mighty roar of the Tiger arose in midair, Arthur turned into his animagus form facing the lion.

It would not be an easy fight for Arthur, the saber-toothed tiger is only slightly larger than the lion, it has longer and sharper teeth, but in comparison the lion has larger and sharper claws.

The two monsters faced each other expecting who would attack first, when a dog emerged in the bush and jumped on the lion's back, Arthur used this chance to move on.

The lion tried to take the little dog from his back when a tiger pushed him to a rock.

- YOU FOOL! YOUR SISTER IS DANGEROUS! - The lion tried to communicate in vain, the lion took advantage of the distraction of the tiger and jumped on it, the two monsters rolled on the ground as they bit and scratched, Arthur can hear Sirius barking on one side, "What a great help" thought the boy.

The two monsters separated to face a new round of bites, Arthur saw several wounds in the body of the lion, but, he doubted that Ethan would run or give up, if the fight continued would be the tiger that would begin to catch, "I'll have to play dirty "thought the boy.

- FRIED POTATO WITH MAIONE! The lion cried as loud as he could, the lion looked at him as if he saw a madman, but he soon discovered the answer, a snake jumped in the bush attacking the lion's hind paw, Sirius followed the snake biting the poor man's bite , and the tiger advanced for the second time on the lion, "A dwarf snake and a Pug, what a team I have," the boy thought as he knocked the lion down.

Ethan did not expect this attack from all sides, he could not choose a target to attack and with the onslaught of the tiger fell to the ground, the tiger climbed on top of him and roared.

- ROOOAAAARRRR! - Arthur had his claws stuck on the lion's shoulder, Ethan even tried in vain to bite the tiger, but, could not reach him, the lion managed to use his claws to scratch Arthur's neck.

The black mark activated by changing the color of the tiger to a black with orange and yellow, Arthur looked at the lion in fury and with his claws pressed the neck of the boy, Ethan tried to leave, but was weak and imprisoned, could only squirm of pain, the tiger smiled at the agony of the lion.

- Stop Arthur, you can not kill him!" "I do not know what to do with it," Arthur cried. "I do not know what you're talking about. it was not Arthur who bit me but a werewolf!

Ethan became a man again, his body had several cuts and he looked shaken, Arthur accompanied him in the transformation, the two boys were so hurt and dirty, it looked like they had come out of a war and were totally unrecognizable.

- We have to get her to the infirmary, Ethan, the bleeding still needs to be stalled," Arthur said as he reached her side.

- You may not have attacked her, but you're with Sirius Black!" He pointed the boy at nothing, Black had fled from there when he saw the dust coming down.

- Yes I was with him, Sirius is innocent and I'll prove it, but now it's your sister who needs help, let's get her to Hogwarts," Arthur said as he looked at Katherine's farm.

- Not Arthur!" no one can know I was bitten, they're going to kick me out of Hogwarts and my family would not accept a monster. "The girl cried, Arthur already imagined that it would not be so easy, the girl was so shaken that she did not even realize Arthur and Ethan were naked in your front.

- Katherine, listen to me, I'll find a cure for lycanthropy, it's not because nobody thought it did not exist, until then you can drink a potion that keeps you in control." Arthur said holding the girl's hand, Katherine looked at knowing it was just words in vain.

- Arthur ... That's impossible, you know that," said the tearful girl, Ethan headed toward her.

- Get on top of me Katherine, I'll take you to a safe place," Ethan said, turning his back to the girl, but a sound behind her roused the boys.

- What a spoiled girl it is!" I came here thinking that we would have a fight to the death and that was the end? A gray-haired man appeared in the middle of the forest, he had a big beard and sharp yellow teeth. "No, no, no, I want to see a better fight.

Greyback became a werewolf, he was a little older than his uncle, his eyes were different from normal werewolves, his teeth were so big they looked like the tiger, his black claws were bigger than his finger.

Arthur! Take Katherine with you! I take care of this wolf - said the boy turning into a lion, Arthur knew he was too hurt to endure this fight, when he was thinking about this possibility to escape, saw other werewolves entering the forest, dozens of wolves circled the 3 boys.

- Who's going to run away?" - Asked Greyback laughing loud, Arthur could not seem to apparate 4 people, he apparated to Hope and fainted when he arrived, his only solution is the fight.

- Hope! Take care of Katherine for me. "The boy turned into a tiger, he was so tired that the transformation, which took four seconds, ended up staying for 30 seconds until it was ready.

- ROOOAAAARRRR! Arthur roared, showing that he was not afraid of a fight to the death, Ethan appeared at his side turning into a lion.

The tiger and the lion were one after another, among them were Katherine with her wand in her hand and Hope on top of her.