
Arthur's fury

Arthur looked at Hope without believing what he saw, something happened in his heart, his vision was clouded, he only felt like killing, when he saw the werewolf cast his aunt on the wall, that's when he woke up, that was the drop of 'water for Arthur to release his fury.

Arthur felt the darkness go through his body, marks that appeared from his chest to all the members, if he looked in the mirror, he would notice that some strands of hair turned black, the boy only thought of killing that man in front of him.

His clothes ripped showing the mix of colors, his bones clanging non-stop, his sharp claws appeared in his hands, his giant fangs plucked down his skin, the boy turned into a tiger without any pain, even though a thousand swords came into his heart , he would still feel nothing except the rage in his soul, the tiger's eyes were different than before, a large black sea filled his eyes.

- ROOOOAAAAARRRRR! - A roar that shook the whole house could be heard, the sound was so loud that it ran several blocks away, the videos around the house exploded because of the noise all stopped and looked at the tiger.

Lyanna stared blankly at what she saw, in one moment her nephew was paralyzed, and in the other a beast came out in him, Anna just opened her mouth without blinking to see her cousin.

The werewolf turned, however, it was late, the tiger was already a few feet away with his gigantic mouth open, it only took time for Marcus to turn his body, yet he saw his arm being torn by the tiger's teeth.

Looking at the tiger with one arm hanging in his mouth, Marcus only knew one thing, "I have to get away," the werewolf ran to the exit, the tiger began to enjoy the joke and ran after the wolf.

Arthur heard his aunt shouting his name, but he did not care about anything but killing him, realizing the wounded werewolf was like a child's play to the tiger, he easily reached the wolf jumping on top of him.

The two rolled on top of each other, the Werewolf scratched and bit the tiger making the boy bleed, but it was only scratches compared to what Arthur did with his body, when the two stopped rolling they parted.

The werewolf stared at the tiger, knowing that he would lose, that's when he started to howl without stopping, Arthur was too blind for revenge and did not do anything watching him howl, when he took a few steps forward, two other werewolves appeared in the woods, they looked bigger that Marcus and jumped in front of the injured wolf.

The 2 Werewolves surrounded the tiger waiting for the best time to attack, the tiger was only watching who would be the idiot who would die first.

Arthur tired of waiting, set off for the first Wolf he saw, he jumped biting the Werewolf's neck as he tried to pluck his neck, the tiger felt the other werewolf biting his body.

- ROOOOAAAAARRRRR! The tiger roared in pain and blood-thirsty, the tiger stood and crushed the skull of the wolf that had bitten him, as the second wolf leaped to help, only surrendered to those giant prey of the tiger ripping at his belly.

The tiger looked with a smile on his face for the last wounded wolf that never ceased to tremble. The werewolf returned to normal, turning a man, he was without his arm and with several bloody cuts around the body.

- I beg you please don't kill me! - Cried the desperate man, the tiger was slowly walking toward him.

- I swear to you that I will not come back here! - The man spoke as he knelt on the floor.

- TOO LATE! - The tiger spoke in a monstrous voice coming closer and closer to his prey, Marcus shivered at the sound of the voice, everyone knew that it was impossible for an aninago to speak when he was transformed, but in front of him a tiger spoke with blood dripping from his mouth.

- You can't eat me! I am your uncle, I have money, I can pay you - Marcus cried desperately for a chance to save himself, the tiger continued to walk towards you - Greyback knows I came here, he will hunt you!

- I WAIT FOR THAT! - The tiger said, tearing the man's head with a simple claw of his claw, but he did not stop here, his claws crushed the man's body, Arthur wanted more blood, he just stopped when he had nothing left to destroy, the only thing he left intact was head.

The tiger returned to normal, becoming a man again, he stared fixedly at the head of his lifeless uncle, Arthur is only 12 years old and today was the first time he had killed someone and was soon 3 different people, one of them was his uncle, any normal person would go into shock or despair, but, Arthur felt nothing, he just smiled as he looked at his uncle's head.

After 5 minutes, the black mark began to disappear in his body, the will to kill diminished, already the fatigue and the wounds began to weigh, Arthur was almost fainting when felt somebody embraced him behind

- I finally found you, Art! Arthur heard a weak, tearful voice, that was the last thing he remembers before he fainted.

The boy slept for two days until he woke up, he felt weak and his body was full of bandages, on his side was Hope looking at the boy, she did not look hurt like that time in the secret chamber.

- Don't do it again, you idiot - Hope said licking his hand, it jumped on him, placing his belly up.

- I say the same to you idiot - the boy replied with a smile as he stroked the snake - Now help me to get up, it's time to talk to my family.