
Harry Potter and the Order of Merlin (Dropped)

Harry Potter died again and his death angel was not happy. "Seven times" she stated "and frankly I'm sick of this conversation, so goodbye, peace, whatever, just disappear." She said as Harry slowly vanished. She opened the file on her desk, "now to find someone who can."

Iwillhm05you · Others
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18 Chs


A loud knock woke Harry from his nap, "Hagrid?" Harry mumbled out loud rubbing his fist into his eyes trying to wake his mind up. "Unlock the door, you bloody kid" he hears a girl's voice yelling through his train compartment door. He turns towards the door as he sees a girl with bright pink hair looking straight at him through the window slit in the center of the door. Her hands cupped around her face providing her with better vision into the dark room. "Yeah you" she says taking her hand and jamming her finger on the window as it pointed directly to Harry.

Harry stands up as he patted the red skinny jeans he was wearing and straightened out his still crumpled blue dress shirt that hung down to a little past his waist. He touches his forehead making sure his hair was still covering his scar. He walks to the door waving his hand and hears the door unlatch. He slides the door open as he starts checking out the older woman as her hair constantly changes from pink to red. "You look enough?" She asked him as her hand found the side of her hip and her eyes narrowed in judgement.

"What are you doing in the prefects compartment," "why wasn't my unlocking spell working," "who are you?" She starts raddling off questions as her hair is still constantly changing color. Harry looks at her and then to her side and notices that she isn't alone, two others were standing behind her. Harry noticed that all of them had badges pinned to their chest with the letter P on them. "Uh, sorry I didn't know I wasn't allowed to be in there" Harry says as he reaches into the compart grabbing his trunk and Hedwig. "I used a few spells to lock the door, maybe that's why you weren't able to open it." Harry says holding the trunk in one hand and Hedwig in the other as he tries to scoot past the prefects in the train lobby. "Are you a first year", one of the prefects with ginger hair and freckles asked, as he stood behind the girl with her hand still on her hip. Harry nods, as the same prefect states "students are not allowed to cast magic outside of Hogwarts, you have been warned, if I catch you again, I will give you a detention." The ginger states as Harry rolls his eyes and continues down the train looking for a new spot to nap.

"What a weird kid" the girl with ever changing hair says as she stares down the hallway of the train, soon losing sight of the kid. "Kid" she mumbled to herself, trying to figure out why that word was bothering her. "Wait, he never gave us his name," she said looking at the other two with her. "Drop it Tonks, you aren't an Auror yet, no need to play detective." Says the other girl as they entered the recently vacated compartment, waiting for the prefects to show up.

Harry looks inside the compartments he passes, each consisting of friends talking loudly with animated hands moving about. Harry continues his search as he slowly starts to run out of options as he notices he is almost at the end of the train. A few doors from the end he looks over and sees the girl that he watched walk through the wall. Her long blond hair fallen over her shoulders, she had a blue hairclip strung in her hair that matched her light blue eyes. Her cream colored hands moved with the conversation as she spoke quietly to her friend, who had tan skin and silky black hair, with dark brown eyes.

Harry opens the door and asks "excuse me do you mind if I sit in here?" as he already started walking into the compartment not taking no for an answer. Harry puts Hedwig on the floor of the compartment and lays down on the empty seat he waves his hand as he wandlessly shuts the door and levitates his trunk onto the rack in the compartment. Harry then rolls over onto his side and shuts his eyes, never seeing the look of awe on the faces of the two girls as he escaped back to his dreams once more.

Harry gradually woke to the sound of the sliding door opening and closing as the whispers of the friends grew louder. "Ugh" Harry states as he sits up and looks around the compartment to see that the two other people in the compartment became four. The two girl's shared the seats as the two gentleman sat on the floor with Hedwig in between them. One of the gentleman was African American and had light brown skin that contrasted with his dark hair. The other boy sitting next to him, had white skin and a face that would get lost in a crowd.

"Hello" Harry says as he looks at the four faces looking back at him. The silencing started to turn awkward, as the air became thicker, the situation was saved as a women pushing a trolley pops her head in. "Would anyone like to purchase something from my cart, I have Chocolate Covered Frogs, Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans, Drooble's Best Blowing Gum, Pumpkin Pasties, Cauldren Cakes" as she continued on, Harry interrupted her "I will take one of everything" He said, excited to try new candy from the magical world. Harry handed her a few galleons as she piled an assortment of candy onto his lap.

Harry unable to hide his excitement opens the chocolate frog as the frog leaps out of the package. The two girls screamed as they saw the frog leaping directly at their face. "Wicked" Harry says as he can't believe someone animated chocolate candy to move. One of the boys on the floor swatted away the frog in midflight as the frog smeared into the wall and with one last croak stopped moving.

"You must be a muggle-born" one of the males on the floor said as he watched Harry reach for another candy to try. "A, what" Harry asks for clarification, "You know, a wizard born from muggle parents." He reiterates. 'Oh, a magbob' Harry thinks as he remembers Salazar calling them that, stating their magic just bubbles out of nowhere. "No I'm not a muggle-born, both my parents had wands." Harry not caring about the confusion written all over their faces at the word had. Opens the pack of Bertie Bott's Every Flavor Beans and pops one into his mouth, as he squints his eyes as the taste of lime spreads around his mouth.

Harry shoved all the candy off his lap and onto the seat next to him, except for the box of Jellybeans and flicked his wrist summoning his trunk from the rack. As it flew towards him only just stopping at his open palm. He grabs onto the trunk lowering it into his lap. Opens the lid as he starts searching for one of the books he purchased the day he picked up his wand. Harry then banished the trunk back onto the rack as he opened his book, popped his feet onto the seat and rested his back against the wall. Just as Harry was about to read and get bombarded by questions from the people in the compartment. The door slid open and a boy with a freckled face and red hair popped his head into the compartment.

"Have any of you seen Harry Potter, he is supposed to be on the train?" The red head asks, as he looks at the people in the compartment. He, similar to Harry was met with complete silence. "I'm Ron, Ron Weasley and I'm going to be in Gryffindor." He states proudly as he is met with four snickers, "What house are you trying to get in" Ron says turning red from a mixture of anger and embarrassment. "Slytherin" the boys on the floor respond as the girls nod their head, "you guys are trying to become slimy snakes" Ron says, as Harry raises an eyebrow at the venom in the boy's words directed at them. "Harry would never sit with the likes of you" Ron yells slamming the door and heading to the next compartment.

With this chapter, it should bring most of you to the current story. I recommend rereading chapters 1-7, 10, and 13 as they were the ones that experienced the most editing. It is not necessary for the plot. The plot remains the same, just with the editing, the story took different roads to get there.

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