
Harry Potter and the Order of Merlin (Dropped)

Harry Potter died again and his death angel was not happy. "Seven times" she stated "and frankly I'm sick of this conversation, so goodbye, peace, whatever, just disappear." She said as Harry slowly vanished. She opened the file on her desk, "now to find someone who can."

Iwillhm05you · Others
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18 Chs


"Can't breathe" Harry struggled to say, as the arms of death that were crushing him slowly relaxed. Hagrid patting Harry on the shoulder as he said "I'm Hagrid" using his free hand to point at himself "the games keeper at Hogwarts, the finest school for wizards. Dumbledore sent me to help with your shopping, so grab 'er stuff and lets go" as he made a shooing motion towards the stairs. Harry finished packing and shrunk his trunk putting it in his pocket as he raced down the stairs like an excited kid. "Got 'er things" Hagrid asked as Harry nodded as they walked out the door. As the dawn only just started its ever winning battle against the night, Harry and Hagrid hopped into the motorcycle and started down the road. The loud putts of the bike rumbled down the street as the wheels started to lift off the gravel and into the air.

Hagrid parked on the sidewalk next to a rundown bar. His giant body lifted out of the bike making Harry think of the clown cars he saw on Television in his past life. " 'ere we are" Hagrid said as he and Harry started walking closer to the bar. The doors to the establishment were pushed open and only a few people were filling the almost empty bar. Hagrid walking with a familiarity that spoke of his constant, frequent visits here, walked up to the bar "Tom, two full breakfasts." Hagrid order to the bartender, he looked at Harry and asked "want anything?" Harry nodded and ordered two eggs, bacon and toast.

They filled their bellies and Hagrid pulled out his pocket watch looking at the time. "Stores should be open" he said, as he stood up and waited for Harry to follow. They made their way to the back of the bar and into a brick wall. "Watch carefully" Hagrid said pulling out his umbrella and started tapping on the bricks in a specific order. The wall started to split open as Hagrid tapped the last brick, revealing a quiet street filled with shops. "Diagon Alley" Hagrid said pointing down the road. "This is where the wizarding world shops." Hagrid said, his large legs started carrying him down the road, as Harry had to almost jog to keep up. Harry started to look around in wonder, as he saw flying toy brooms in the shops windows. 'The magical world has come a long way' he said looking up to the sky speaking to Merlin and the Four Founders. "You got 'er list 'Arry?" Hagrid asked as Harry begun searching his pockets pulling out the two letters he received yesterday from an owl. "I do, but I only have" Harry started saying as he pulled all of his money from his pockets and started to count how many pounds he had, "42 pounds and change."

"Not to worry" Hagrid said as he continued walking down the street. They arrived at a tall white building, towering over the other shops. Pillars supporting the large roof, as the sign for the store was hammered into the front of the building with a chisel, Gingotts Bank. Harry and Hagrid walked up the steps into the intimidating building. They passed the silver doors as Harry read the poem engraved on them.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Harry walked swiftly as he looked around the marble hall they entered. White walls that seemed to reach to the sky, the ceiling was painted of the goblins history as a chandelier hung in the middle of the room. The goblin bank tellers on the side of the narrow pathway that customers walked on. 'This is amazing, they look just like they popped out of the video games I use to play' Harry thought staring at the goblins counting coins on the counter. Harry quickly caught up to Hagrid as they made their way to the VIP section of the bank. "Do all banks look like this?" Harry asked Hagrid as they walked up to the teller. "Only one bank for wizards, and this is it." Hagrid said as Harry nodded. They waited for the goblin to finish putting the coins on the counter away. "May your blade slay all enemies in your path, as their blood makes rivers run red." Harry said without thinking, as the goblin on reflex said "my gold coins fall from the sky and into your hands as your account book fills with black ink." The goblins eyes widen as Harry eyes did the same. 'The dream it was real' Harry thought back to the night Merlin dropped him off.

Harry remembers the warm taste of blood dripping into his mouth. His vision turned to black and soon he saw the colors. A rainbow of colors swarmed and melded together into a picture. He stood in front of the goblins as he spoke to them in their native tongue, then like before, the colors mutated and formed another picture. This repeated over and over, as he spoke with vampires and werewolves. He spoke to the mermaids in the sea and the pixies in the forest. He spoke to creatures he never thought existed until he awoke. 'What did you do to me Merlin?' thought Harry.