

After forming his chakra he noticed his body getting stronger by the day. He was tired of sorting through hundreds of books every night and chose to give up on that for the time being to focus on training his taijutsu and forming more chakra.

Chakra was formed by fusing together the Yin energy of the soul with the physical Yang energy a person's body. Being a reincarnator he had the body of a child and the soul of an adult which meant his energies were completely unbalanced, the amount of chakra he could make in a day was pitifully small.

he was smart enough to notice the problem and tried to come up with a solution .The best he could come up with though was to make his body stronger so from then on he started exercising every day.

At first he could barely do anything before his body gave out and he had to stop but, because of his chakra he would be mostly healed by the next day and could do even more exercise. It was hard work and there were plenty of times he wanted to stop but, whenever he wanted to give up he remembered his past life and what it was like to be so weak he couldn't move it always gave him the motivation to keep going.

He trained for over two years and by the time he was seven he was already stronger than most adults and could start to cast simple jutsu. It was only simple E-rank ones like the clone jutsu which made an illusionary copy of himself or the transformation jutsu which was the most difficult E-rank jutsu and also the most useful one.

Back when Erik turned five the orphanage he was living in decided to send him to kindergarden along with all the other kid. Apparently in this life his parents died in a boating accident leaving him with no relatives. He was fine with it though, if he had a family he wasn't really sure if could ever see them as more than strangers, plus it would have been super awkward if he had to breastfeed.

The same applied to school he didn't feel like he would be able to connect with people so he wanted to avoid it. He had to attend though because he still wanted to be a part of society. He could easily run away from the orphanage and survive with his ninja skills but, he didn't want to do that.

So he sucked it up and went to kindergarden, all of the work was extremely easy and he aced all of his tests and homework. The only problem was that when any of the kids tried to play with him he would always ignore them or shoo them away. Which made everyone think he had some kind of problem and he was even sent to see a psychiatrist.

They ended up labeling him with some kind of anti-social mental disorder. The orphanage wanted to get him on medication but, as he wasn't causing any problems and was getting good grades they didn't have a good enough reason to convince the doctor.

In his free time he snuck out of the orphanage to go to the woods to train. There wasn't any way for him to find any shuriken or kunai as a child, so he had to steal a knife from one of the fishermen who lived in the area. It wasn't as good as a kunai but, it was good enough for practising. He also used the knife to carve some shrunken out of wood they looked terrible and were too light but, were still enough to practice his aim.

He also had a old carpet the he found wrapped around the base of a tree. Erik use it to practice his punches and kicks like Rock Lee did in the anime. The first time he kick the tree he nearly collapsed in pain it felt like he had broken his shin. It took months of trying before he had killed enough nerves for the pain to be manageable.

While his progress with bukijutsu (weapons) and taijutsu were pretty good. His ninjutsu on the other hand had hit a bottleneck he already mastered all five of the E-rank jutsu and wanted to move on to D-ranks. However he just didn't have enough chakra and it didn't seem like he would have enough any time soon.

His physical training didn't take up his entire day and he hit a wall with jutsu so Erik sat down for a while and tried to think of something else he could do. He soon found an answer there was only one branch of jutsu that he could start learning even with his low amounts of chakra and chakra control and that was fuinjutsu or sealing techniques .

Sealing jutsu's in Naruto were interesting they weren't only used for sealing things. They could be used to store weapons, or to summon creatures using the summoning jutsu, even Minato and the second hokage's legendary "Fly Thunder God" used seals. Seals were probably one of the most versatile things in the entire Naruto world.

The best part about seals was that most of them cost almost zero chakra to use, and the only hard part was that even the most basic seals required huge amounts of knowledge and experience to make. After finding his path Erik threw himself into it.

While he was sorting books he found hundreds of them that were about seals, he spent the rest of the school year learning the basics of fuinjutsu. By the time his summer vacation came around he was ready to try and make a seal. It was a basic storage seal one of the easiest seals to make, he had brought several sheets of paper, a paint brush, and some black paint that he got from his school.

He went far out into the woods so no one would bother him and began painting. Erik drew slowly while letting his chakra flow through the brush and into the paper. The first several times his hand slipped and he messed up the design it was only in his twentieth try the brush flowed smoothly leaving a complex string of symbols on the paper. Once he was finish Erik couldn't help but, feel a little accomplishment as this was the first time he had drawn out the entire design without making any mistakes.

Lifting up the paper he admired his work, it gave him so much more satisfaction than just learning a jutsu or getting stronger from training. It was like he had created something himself rather than just using a technique that someone else created.

He was excited to try out his seal see the fruits of his labor, placing the lunch he packed for day he formed the ram seal and activated it. There was a small puff of smoke and his lunch disappeared and a small drawing of it was shown inside the seal.

"Release" he spoke while putting a hand up making another hand seal and another puff of smoke appeared and his lunch was back in front of him. Now that he knew it was working Erik took a short break to eat his lunch and moved on to the next experiment wanted to do with his new seal.

He went down to the coastline where he wanted to use the water to find out the max amount he could seal with his current chakra. There was no theoretical limit on how much a storage scroll could hold and the only true limit was the amount of chakra the user had.

He placed the paper on the ground just far enough away from the water so it wouldn't get wet and activated it. After the smoke went away he went up to see what happened and it looked like the water had just rushed in to fill a hole. from what he could seen it didn't look like he had moved that much water. When he check the paper again the symbol for water had appeared on it, Erik quickly collected the seal back and returned to the orphanage.

Once he got back when no one was looking he stole a large pot from the kitchen and ran off into the bathroom. Inside there was a scale the social workers used to keep track of everyone's weight to make sure we we're healthy. Erik placed the paper on the ground again and undid the seal for the final time willing the water into the pot, as soon as he finished the hand sign water poured down on top of him splashing everywhere filling the room and ruining his seal.