

The monster rushed him it's misshapen face was snarling with its teeth bared and claws ready. It covered the distance almost instantly and went in for a bite. Erik dodged to the side and slashed at its chest leaving a shallow cut.

It howled in pain and grabbed at him hoping to take a bite out of him but, while it was fast on all fours it actually wasn't very coordinated and he managed to duck under its attack and stab at its heart. The knife sunk in an inch before coming to a stop Erik hesitated for a moment not comprehending what happed. In the split second he was unfocused it managed to launch a slash at him, caught unaware he could only hastily raise his knife to block.

It's claws easily pushed the knife away and left a deep gash on his shoulder. The pain was so intense he almost let go of his weapon but, he knew that if he lost it then he wouldn't have any chance of surviving this.

While the slash almost killed him it also knocked Erik back giving him some breathing room. Being hyped up on adrenaline he ignored his arm and though about what happened, and the only answer he could come up with was that the monsters muscles were actually strong enough to stop his knife. His attack didn't hit any ribs because he could easily see all of its bones.

While he was thinking the monster lifted its claws up to its face and with a twisted smile on its face started furiously liking at its fingers. Seeing its action he realised that it was actually on the verge of starvation which was why it was so skinny.

He felt a shiver down his spine when he realised that the inhuman creature he was fighting was so strong and fast despite being inches from death. He couldn't imagine how strong it would have been at its peak.

While it was still licking his blood off of its fingers Erik decided to launch another attack while it was distracted. This time he was going for the throat and wanted to kill in one shot, he sprinted forward knowing that his life depended on what he did next.

The monster heard him running and looked up ready to finish him off. It slashed once more and Erik ducked under its swipe again but, as if it expected this it's claws somehow managed to change direction mid air and came down on right on top of Erik's head. The monster smiled to itself and looked at him in glee as it saw it's claws sinking into his skull.

It was so engrossed in the happiness of its kill that it didn't seem to notice that there wasn't actually any resistance as it tore through Erik's body. It only noticed something wrong when it's attack passed completely through its target and found that he was still somehow charging it.

I'm front the monsters eyes it's prey seemed to vanish into thin air and reappear just in front of its chest. Erik had used an illusionary clone to charge at it and bait it's attack while he followed behind sneaking right up to the monster and using its own arm as cover to come up to get close without being noticed.

The creature panicked but, didn't have any time to block his attack or dodge away. The blade sunk into the monsters neck and this time there were no obstacles as his blade knife passed threw its flesh. As soon as he finished slicing he wanted to jump away but, before he could move he felt himself being throw to the side.

He flew into a tree and fell to the ground, his head was fuzzy and there was a warm sensation in his chest. Looking down at his chest there were four long gashes and even his bones were almost cleanly sliced through. While he was still numb Erik tried to stand up, struggling to his knees he managed to get a quick look at the monster before vomiting blood and collapsing back on the ground.

He knew his injury was incredibly serious and that if he didn't get medical attention now there was a very good chance he would die. The only bright side was during that brief moment he saw the monster it was clutching onto its throat with blood gushing between its fingers. If there was a chance he was going to die then it was absolutely certain that it was going to die after this.

Erik struggled to pull his sleeve up to reach a row of storage seals drawn on strip of cloth he wrapped around his wrist. Ever since he learned how to make storage seals he started taking everything he though would be useful with him including a first aid kit. When the kit was summoned in front of him he did his best to open it and get what he needed with only one arm as his wounded arm decided to stop working.

The first thing he took out was a syringe of morphine that he jabbed into his leg to help numb the pain and make the rest of his work easier. As he was reaching for the rest of his medical supplies there was a strange sound it was like gurgling mouthwash but, deeper. Looking up He almost couldn't believe what he saw.

The monster was standing in front of him growling blood with a single hand holding its throat and the other hand held menacingly at its side. It's legs were shaking and had tears streaming down its face but, it's eyes were filled with hatred.

Even though it knew it was going to die the monster didn't want to go alone so using the last of its strength it wanted to end Erik's life, and the worst part was that Erik didn't have the strength to run away from it anymore.

It charged at him for the last time ready to die together. Erik sat there staring while it barreled down on him. In the split second that all of this was happened time seemed to slow down letting him see everything clearly and giving him plenty of time to think.

"Haha time really does slow down when you die" he laughed to himself "sigh, this really is it isn't it."

Knowing he was going to die Erik didn't feel afraid, he wasn't in shock, and he definitely wasn't sad either. He was angry, angry at this stupid monster, angry that at the stupid owl that got him killed, but most of all he was angry at his stupidity.

He got to reincarnated had a cool life and incredible powers that other people could only dream of but, in spite of all of those advantages he was still going to die here in the woods, alone never accomplishing anything. It pissed him off to no end, and he refused to die here like this.

Clutching the knife tightly in his hand he watched the monsters every move. He predicted its every step and knew what he had to do. When it was right on top of him instead of trying to dodge to the side or meeting it head on he activated his "Body Flicker" at 100% and threw himself backwards with all his strength shattering the tree behind him and dodging the attack.

He jumped so hard that even after the tree broke he still continued on and while he was flying back he could see that the monster still hadn't given up and was going to continue to chase him down. Struggling against the pain of all the bones he'd just broken against the tree, Erik threw his knife.

This was it the final moment that decided whether he lived or died, if the knife hit he would live if not . . .

The knife flew with deadly precision at the monster and it was so enraged at Erik that it didn't even notice the knife it until it was too late. The knife pierced into its left eye and the monster froze in place and screamed. While it stood there the tree that Erik broke toppled down on top of the monster crushing it under its trunk.

Hearing the crash Erik knew he succeeded but, at the same time knew that he was still probably going to die. This time though he felt a little better about it because he got to have a crazy anime fight with a terrifying monster and actually managed to win, even if it was a pyrrhic victory.

Feeling himself passing out he looked up at the moon shining above him and thought to himself that it looked extremely beautiful. He laid there in silence as his scarlet red eyes closed and he fell unconsciousness.

In the distance watching all of this happen was the same white owl that started this, it's snow colored feathers slowly started changing color and it's body grew larger. A moment later the small white owl was replaced by a crimson colored bird that jumped off the branch letting out a fierce cry and flew off towards its master nearby.