
Harry Potter and the next great adventure

When Harry was walking in to the forbidden forest,he thought he was walking to his death if only he new a that a curly haired vampire had different ideas. This is my first FanFic so it will most likely be shit,also this is inspire by Harrison black and the mystic falls by suns-puppet-master. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I don’t own Harry Potter or the vampire diaries the belong to J.k.Rowling and L.J. Smith

Lewis_Priestley · TV
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2 Chs

Chapter 2

As Harry started to wake it was dark with only the moon light to give him direction, wiles he looked around he realised he could see everything Clearly without his glasses on also just Laying there next to him was the hallows, as he bent down to put them up he Heard a crunch and he span around faster then humanly possible, walking right towards him was no other than Dolohov. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "what are you doing here Dolohov" spat Harry as he pointed the the elder wand at the death eater. "I was told to stay here and wait for you to awake and answer any questions you have". Said Dolohov as Harry looked at him he looked like he was under the imperius curse. "Who told you to stay" asked Harry as he slowly got closer to make sure he had no wand or weapon on him. "I don't know after you killed the dark lord, the remaining students,teachers and order of the phoenix members were angry about your death and ruthlessly started cutting down the remaining death eaters. But before they could get me she came and swooped me away and gave me the order to wait here for you to awake. "what happened to my friends" Harry ask nervously thinking that some of his friends might of died trying to avenge him."your friends the blood traitors and the mud blood was leading the charge' from what I saw they all survived including the mongrel and his half blood whore". Harry let out a sigh of relief knowing everyone was safe. "Did the women give you any other Commands" Harry ask as he Circled around Dolohov to make sure no one else was here. "Yes" said Dolohov as Harry watch him pick up a sharp stone from the floor and slice his Wrist with it."she said that you would need to feed to finish the transition". Dolohov said but for Harry could even think, he smelt his blood and before he could stop himself he drained Dolohov of everyone Ounce of blood he had. When he let Dolohov's body drop to the floor,Harry thought he would feel horrible about killing someone. But other part of him justified it,"Dolohov was a murder no one would miss him. As harry Pondered on what todo next, he new he couldn't go back to his old life he also wanted to find the women responsible for turning him into a vampire and why, but todo that he would need money and resources"so first stop Gringotts" Harry thought before disapparating away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Harry was walking through diagon alley under his Invisibility Clock,he saw that it was almost deserted as he walked Further and Further down tha alley he came in front of the massive white marble building that was know as Gringotts,as he walked into the bank he was shocked to see everything looked good as new, he walked to the only goblin teller that didn't seem busy and luck off his clock and folded it and put it in his moleskin pouch. "Master goblin I wish to speak to someone about my vaults…please if anyone is available"Harry said getting the attention of the goblin, Harry had to hold back a laugh seeing the goblins shocked face. "Heir potter-black,we at Gringotts have been waiting for your arrival,follow me"order the goblin as he took Harry to the back on the bank. After about ten minutes of walking around the maze like hallways,they came to a door that read. Rogknus account manger for potters and blacks. As Harry enter the office,Rogknus informed him that at reaching his majority he became lord of both potters Through blood and black from Sirius name him his heir, so after being given the lord rings with them accepting him,Rogknus went into a lengthy discussion about his finances and properties,Harry was a very Rick man and had properties all over the world. As Harry was getting ready to leave Rogknus give him two debit cards one link to the potter vault and the other to the blacks,he also gave have a daylight ring so he could walk in the day"merlin knows,how the goblins new about his change".Harry thought as he walk out of Gringotts. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~13 years later Wiles Harry was driving his car to his new home he couldn't help,but think about the last decade of his life. For thirteen year he search for the women who turned him,he searched every continent,even so every time he got close,she would vanish into thin air. That was all he did,so to pass the time he would learn magic from all the different Magical communities,however wiles he was studying Harry realised how lucky he got with Voldemort,it was that realisation that when he was looking for her he devoted his time to learning every branch of magic he could get his hands on. Over this time he became a master in transfiguration,defence against the dark arts,charms,arithmancy,ancient runes,alchemy and even potions he found out when he didn't have snape breathing down his neck he Quite enjoyed it. He was in Africa learning to become a animagus,when one day he got the shock of his life when he heard the cry of a phoenix but not just any phoenix, it was Fawkes.Harry couldn't describe the joy he felt at seeing the bird after so many years . From that day on Fawkes became Harry companion. As Harry was coming out of his thought he realised he was already in town so he parked his car next to a bar called Mystic grill. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Harry was looking around Aimlessly wondering where he could get directions from,when a girl around his age Bumped in to him dropping her bags. "Sorry let me help you with them"Harry said as He got a good look at the girl,she was Beautiful with brown eyes and blonde hair. "I should be the one saying sorry for not looking we're I was going but..thanks"she said as she tuck that bags for Harry. "Hadrian peverell but everyone just call me Harry"said Harry as tuck her hand and planted a Soft kiss on her Knuckles."May I know your name"Harry said with a smile. "Ccarroline Forbes"she Stuttered out with a blush. "So miss Forbes would you be able to help me out you see am new to town if my accent doesn't give me away and I'm trying to get to my new home"Harry asked and he could see the curiosity in her eyes. "Caroline is fine miss Forbes makes me sound old and what's the address" Caroline asked but for Harry could answer she got a phone call, Harry tried not to listen but with vampire hearing,that was Easier said that done,but then the other person of the phone Mentioned vampires,that when when Harry Realised Caroline had to heart beat"hmm so am not the only vampire in town"Harry thought just as Caroline but the phone down. "So address" ask Caroline as she put her phone in her pocket"1630 revello drive, the big manor at the end"said Harry as he leaned against his car. "I know that house we had a party there last year"said Caroline with a grin."so you and your friends are the reason the moves told me my house was littered with empty beer bottles and trash" Harry said with a grin as me leaned forward with a mock glare at her. As Harry and Caroline laughed,Harry was thinking"better not let Kreacher know he'll be out for blood"as Harry came out of his thought he heard Caroline Shout at someone"Tyler"said Caroline as she wave at someone behind him making Harry turn around. "Hey Caroline,who's this"Tyler ask wiles looking at harry." Oh this is Harry he just moved here and needs directions to his home and know that your here we can drop him off on the way to set up the party…..Harry you should come to the party it's for my friends elena 18th birthday you will be to get to know a few people before school starts"Caroline said giving Harry a look that said you have no choice your coming. Harry look at Tyler, who just Shrugged so Harry turned back to Caroline" sure why not Al give you my number so you can tell me the time and place"said Harry said he wrote down his number on a Piece of paper and Handed it to her. "Great,let's go" said Caroline before dragging Harry and Tyler to her car."what about my car"Harry thought as they started to drive away. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Whilst they were driving along Caroline was telling Harry all about mystic falls, and then best places to go." See that big manor there"Caroline pointed at."that's the house the party will be at tonight" said Caroline and Harry just nodded away as she set off again. "So Harry what made you move to mystic fall's"ask Tyler,but with the way Caroline move her hair for her Ear,Harry could tell she wanted to now to."well a few months ago I become a emancipated minor and found out I owned a manor here so I thought it would be a good place to get a fresh start". Harry answer but for Tyler could reply Caroline cut in"what about your parents, won't they miss you and why would they let you become one asked a stunned Caroline wiles she took a left and entered Harry's street. "Well my parent died when I was a kid and the only family I had Left was a aunt and uncle who Weren't the nicest people so…"said Harry doing his best to ignore the pity he could see in both there eyes. "Oh my god I'm so sorry "Caroline said as she slapped her forehead making Harry laugh."don't worry about it Caroline it's been a long time,I know there in a better place,as for my aunt and uncle you should have see there faces when They found out how much money my parents left me" said Harry Whilst laughing. Thankfully there was no awkward silence after that as Caroline pulled up to his manor." Well thanks for the help guys I would invite you in,but the place is still a mess" said Harry wiles he gave Caroline a look,that made her give him a sheepish smile back. "Don't worry about it"said Tyler as Harry was getting out of the car."well Al see you both tonight and once this place is ready Al invite you about over"said Harry Al he close the car door Behind him."sound great,see ya tonight" said Caroline as she drove away. Harry was walking to his front door when they opened themselves before Harry even got his keys out."for a old house elf like Kreacher,he's still as sharp as ever"Harry fought as he walked Through the door.but that as Far as he get before his jaw hits the floor. When he sent Kreacher ahead to make the manor more liveable he never expected this, the place look spotless and had expensive furniture and art work and this was just the entrance. "Kreacher" called Harry as he walked into the living room to see more furniture and art work but also bottle what looked to be Alcohol in them."You called master"Kreacher said as he popped into the room."where did you get all this Kreacher"ask Harry,Whilst Kreacher snap his fingers and Handed Harry a glass of blood."from the potter and black vaults and Properties you Own master,would master like a tour" replayed Kreacher. "I would love a tour Kreacher"Harry replied Finishing his glass of blood,the manor was Beautiful Kreacher did a Incredible job, he Decorated every room with amazing art work,exquisite Furniture that look hand Crafted and Centuries old, there was even old suits of Armour and weapons. As Harry was looking at his home he thought"I think am going to enjoy my life here". If only he new what he was getting Himself into by moving to this small town in.