
Harry Potter and The New World Order

Complete AU after the Deathly Hallows. Soon after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry is left to be free. He was later introduced into the vast magical world beyond Britain. This also results in him getting tangled with a lot of unwanted mess, just like during his Hogwarts years. The development of Harry after the influence of Horcrux is removed. Improvement of the wizarding world under the lead of Harry Potter. A New World Order that originates and influences the whole of the wizarding world. Old powers, new powers, governments, societies, removing every influence and forming an order. Strong/manipulative/leader-HP. Before you dive into the story, let me say one last thing. This story is going very slow. Like it is just 3 months after the Battle of Hogwarts, but it crossed over 18 chapters. However hard I try to make it fast-paced, there is no success. So the story is slo-mo if you are not interested in slow-moving stories, then avoid this fanfic. Each chapter will have 3k> words. Status - 26k words. Go Ahead. ENJOY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To blast your ideas, comments, and .....criticism Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Wa7xddcRqR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OC's.

DarkPreacher001 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

CHAPTER 8 : There are different types of Magic?

(AN: Okay, this chapter is mostly some information dump. You can skip those parts if you feel the content was in excess. If you did skip it, you will be able to comprehend the story in future chapters)


Grimmauld Place.

Fred's funeral, meeting up with Andromeda Tonks and studying, definitely studying. He was interested in anything that has to do with magic. Harry was looking forward to the day.

First, he planned to start with the Hogwarts school curriculum. Harry knew that he would be able to ace the NEWTS exam if he took the test the next day. And with Voldemort's understanding of magic being higher than his own level (mainly because he didn't put any effort into it or due to some external dumb dumbles factors), his magical knowledge and understanding also shot through the roof. He just needed a little bit of practical side of magical training to do.

Practical Training, which he liked a lot.

He also had asked Kreacher for Hogwarts school books that were in the Grimmauld Place last night before sleeping.

After writing a letter to Andromeda to ask her permission for a visit, he went to the kitchen to have breakfast.



It was only 07:00 am. He still has some time before going to the Burrow. Looking at the books arranged on the table Harry thought 'no time like the present'.

He quickly went through the first-year syllabus with no time. Practising each and every spell through verbal spell then nonverbal, then wandless.

Yes, wandless. Oh…. wasn't that a shock. Wandless spells. It took some time to achieve wandless magic. But Harry was able to it. After his episode with death, he was able to feel and see the magic. So while practicing verbal and non-verbal, he just wanted to try some wandless through sensing. Soon he was able to do every first-year spell wandless.

Discharging magic outside of the body needed foci. Wandless magic in any way also needed a foci. Like any part of your body can act as a foci to draw magic from their core. But not anyone can achieve that.

Harry first tried using hands, fingers, eyes, elbows, legs… Of all things, he felt comfortable while using his fingers.

During his next hour of wandless practice, he used his right-hand forefinger as a foci. Despite his eagerness, he was methodical.

He clearly knew wandless magic at the rate at which he was doing is almost impossible.

But who was he to kick away the gift.


The Burrow.

There was not a lot of people when Harry arrived at the Burrow.

Every family or someone close to them has lost somebody in this war. Even families of the death eaters have lost people. Funerals were held in every part of the country. The whole week can be considered mourning week all over Britain.

The necessities that were needed for the ceremony were being arranged by Bill. The place where the ceremony was held was set up just outside the Burrow and on the edge of the fields. There were some twenty wooden chairs arranged in order and some chairs were already filled.

Harry saw Xenphillius sitting there with Luna. He, Hermione and Ron haven't said anything about Xenophillius's betrayal to anyone else. Not even to Luna. But if it is anything, Luna would have already known about that. Harry was sure.

Harry could understand him. He knew why the elder Lovegood did it.

Because he had done the same. He walked into his own death so that others can have a chance to kill Voldemort. Now that his naivety is almost gone, if people asked him to die so that they can defeat Voldemort, Harry would have replied with a big FUCK YOU.

Diggory's too were there at the funeral. And some people are unknown to Harry.

Because Harry's physical characteristics had changed, not many people recognized him that easily.

Luna suddenly turned and smiled at him.

'Maybe some can recognize me', Harry smiled back at Luna.

Harry felt an intense gaze of someone from the crowd. He turned to search for the source. But soon it disappeared. Harry thought it was just him being paranoid and went searching for Hermione.

Harry soon found Hermione and sat with her.

Before long music filled the venue. A sad one that showed the loss and despair that everyone felt. An official presided over the ceremony, he gave a little speech about life and death and moved over so that everyone can pay respect to Fred. The ceremony was over in half an hour, a tomb was raised around Fred's body, a gravestone was planted with Fred's name sculpted on it.

In the meanwhile, Harry was thinking about his parents, about their grave.

'Did my parents' body too cremated like this. With ceremonies and customs. Did people mourn for them too'? Because he did check newspapers of that particular year to know something about his parents during his Hogwarts years. He never found any.

Soon everyone left for their homes. Harry took Hermione aside to speak with her.


Harry led Hermione and split up with Weasleys to a corner to speak in private.

Why Harry wanted to speak to her alone, Hermione didn't know. But she knew that he is in his upset mode when she saw him didn't speak to Ron, Ginny and Molly yesterday.

'Uh...So I am the intermediater between both sides once again'

The previous night after Harry left Mrs Weasley asked Hermione and Ron to make Harry stay in the Burrow. When she told Mrs Weasley to give Harry some time to grieve and him being on his own had always worked.

"It's not that I want to disturb him, my dear, I just want to make sure he eats good and healthy food. And also Grimmauld Place is not a nice place for children to stay for a longer time".

She was brought out of her musings when Harry handed her something.

"Here, this moleskin pouch has some galleons, that will help you in your travel".

"Where did you get the money from? Gringotts? How did you get access to your vault? Bill said the Goblins were asking for remuneration for our break-in. His and Fluer's job is also at risk"

When told that they have been barred from entering Gringotts, she knew that something like this would happen. And she had warned them before the break-in, but Harry insisted they go. Now not only them, even their families are also sharing the consequences.

After Bill and Fleur inquired about their vault status, they too had their vaults locked. A debt of amount 60,000 galleons have been laid down on their accounts and their jobs were put under probation.

She was barred from entering the bank and will be detained if she was found using any of the Gringotts services. Since she had no account in Gringotts to begin with, it was not a big deal for Hermione.

"I went to the bank yesterday and had a… discussion with Gringotts Head Goblin. We negotiated a deal about the situation. They won't trouble you or the Weasleys for that matter hereafter. You can inform Bill afterwards"

At first, she was sceptical about his explanation. Bill was in the Bank for two days with no progress and Harry resolved it in one evening. Harry never planned anything on his own. It was her, only because of her Harry had succeeded in doing everything until now. Now that Harry didn't involve her in this, made her ache a little.

"And this here is a letter to Kingsley, if you give it to him, he will arrange for an international portkey directly to Australia. Since this month is hectic you may not have the chance to meet him"


"Portkey is for one passenger Hermione, a wizard/witch only. Take some time off in Australia, we have been under constant stress for the past two years. Relaxation is what we need now"

"Why don't you or Ron come with me. And you shouldn't stay at Grimmauld Place either. It is not safe " she asked again trying to change his mind.

"It's not that I don't want to come with you. Healers asked me to do regular checkups due to the sudden changes in my body. Don't worry I will be attending Hogwarts coming year. We will have a lot of time catching up"

She completely forgot about that matter. She knew that Ron won't be coming back to school. He was given an offer by Kingsley to join the Auror corps. Without any Newts scores. And Ron is anxious to take upon the offer.

She asked him to finish the NEWTS and then take up Kinsley's offer, but he just nodded halfheartedly without giving her a proper answer. And she concluded that Ron won't be coming back to Hogwarts.

"I am also attending this year. Prof. McGonagall has already given permission for some students to attend" Hermione spoke as she fumbled with the moleskin pouch. She saw something hanging tied with the pouch.

"And what is this?" She asked showing a …..miniature trunk. She couldn't identify what it was.

"I bought some books for you to study. You would be completely bored without them" At which a smile bloomed on her face.

Then he nodded at her and left the burrow not even talking to any of the Weasleys.

'Now I need to pacify the ' Hermione sighed not looking forward to that ordeal.


When Harry reached Grimmauld Place, Kreacher handed him a letter Andromeda had replied to for him.

He went straight to Tonk's household in muggle London. He has never been here even once.

When the door opened Harry looked up to see Bellatrix standing at the door. On reflex, his hand went for his wand.

"uh uh uh uh…. we don't want to disturb the baby now do we" Bellatrix said with her wand raised.

It was only then he noticed the baby in her hands, and her other hand with wand already raised at the level of his throat.

"I know I have some resemblance to my sister, but that should not cause you to point your hatred at a complete stranger" spoke Bellatrix not lowering her wand. The commotion woke the baby up and started crying.

Harry's mind caught up to the situation and then it clicked in him, 'This must be Andromeda Tonks one of the three famous Black sisters'

He looked at her closely for one more time. It's just her hair colour was slightly brown and tamed, other than that she looked exactly like Bellatrix.

She was a real beauty though, with a white floral top shirt, that stopped just above her knees and tight blue jeans, she looked no more than 30. just like Bellatrix, with crooked hair but plain white teeth.

No one would believe that baby in her arms was her grandchild.

"I am extremely sorry about that Mrs Tonks, it was just an involuntary reaction. You looked a little bit like Bellatrix and my hand just moved on its own. By the way, you have a nice reflex. That was a fast draw" Harry complimented her.

Harry had a fast reflex too, no one can deny that. All his running from Dudley during his childhood and his Quidditch seeker practice kept his dexterity in top condition.

"I was raised as a Black, of course, I should be competent" the lady spoke as if it was a matter of fact. Then she looked at Harry closely.

"You must be Harry Potter. You are a lot different from what I was expecting. I heard you were a scrawny little kid with naivety written all over your face. I am Andromeda Tonks, You can call me Andy by the way".

"Only if you call me Harry. There were some complications with my magic and now I look like this. Is that Teddy?" He also noted the wand was still not lowered.

"Yes. Edward Remus Lupin, Nymme and Remus's son". she spoke with a sad tone. She lost her whole family to the war. Ted Tonks died in the previous year during a fight between the snatchers and muggle-born in a raid. And just last week she lost her daughter too.

She moved aside to let him in, without lowering her wand. As Harry entered the door, he felt something wash over him. It was then it clicked what had happened in his mind.

"If you don't mind me asking Harry, please perform a Patronus, point your wand towards the wall while doing it"

"Mrs Tonks I don't know what you…."

"Patronus Harry" Andromeda demanded.

Harry wanted to hit himself in the head for his stupidity. He just walked into an unknown ward without any precaution. He could of course overpower the ward with his magical power, but he didn't want to get on the wrong foot with Andromeda as Edward was his Godson.

He slowly took out his wand and performed the Patronus spell. An ethereal stag jumped out from the mist that appeared from his wand. The stag searched for threats and returned to Harry waiting for his order.

"You must understand my plight Harry, I haven't seen you even once in real life. You just appear at my door, claiming you are Harry Potter and walked into my wards without any question. I had to make sure. Nymmy told me you can do a corporeal Patronus, a stag"

He turned to see Andy lowering her wand and trying to placate the crying child.

Harry could sympathize with her, losing all her family, made her a little bit paranoid. He himself has been too paranoid lately, he can't criticize her.

He was not very good at consoling anyone. He didn't want to abandon her. And Andromeda was like a family too. A Black. Sirius had told him Andromeda was his favourite cousin. So he could provide any monetary help she needed. Plus Arcturus had also asked him to look after his granddaughter and her family. But looking at the apartment, he knew galleons was not what she needed now.

Harry moved towards her and looked at the baby. The baby's ye and hair looked dark black. It's been only one month he's been into the world.

"He is, just like his mother, a Metamorphmagus. He did not inherit his Father's lycanthropy. Thank Merlin for that. Teddy was named in honour of his maternal grandfather, my husband Edward Tonks" said Andy.

Harry was really surprised. Metamorphmagus in a successive generation. Being a metamorphmagus was already rare. But both mother and son having the same trait is usually heard off. He had never heard of it, even Voldemort too.

The surprise must have shown on his face as Andy laughed and said "Metamorphmagus is a black family trait. There were once several metamorphs in the black family. Like several centuries back. I would appreciate if you kept it a secret. My grandfather had insisted on keeping it a secret for my daughter too, until he registered her in ICW nobody knew of her gift".

He nodded and took Teddy in his hands.

"When is the uh….. funeral for Remus and Tonks" he asked Andy.

"I am not a flower vase Harry, it takes more than this to break me. I am a black" she spoke it as a fact.

"Every wizard and witch who died at the Hogwarts battle will be buried in Hogwarts with permission from Headmistress. They are raising a stele with the names of all the magical, warriors who died in that battle"

They spoke for some more time and Harry said he will be visiting them regularly and they were welcome to visit him anytime if they wish to at Grimmauld Place.

"Give me your wand I will add you to the ward so you can come here without much trouble. And we have a floo too, the address is Tonk's household"


Harry settled in the study room.

'Now I know there won't be any disturbance until the start of the school'

He had asked Kreacher not to disturb him for the rest of the day unless it was for food.

While he took occlumency exercises seriously, reading and practising magic brought him absolute delight.

Every day went with mostly studying, exploring and testing his magical power. Somehow within a week, he fell into a schedule.

5.00 am to 7.00 am - Wake up, Exercise, Running and physical activities

7.00 am to 8.00 am - Meditation, Occlumency training

9.00 am to 12.00 pm - Reviewing school syllabus and practising spells

1.00 pm to 3.00 pm - Practicing spells, verbal, non-verbal, wandless

3.00 pm to 4.00 pm - Meditation

4.00 pm to 7.00 pm - relaxing time, visiting teddy / going to the muggle world

8.00 pm to 11.00 pm - Meditation, Occlumency sorting that day's progress

Sunday was a complete rest day. Since he was not under any pressure or time limit, he took enjoying in the progress. Even the schedule form out for his need to note down his improvement.

He originally didn't want his schedule to be hectic and it wasn't as hectic as his life was before Voldemort.

A month went by, he went to the funeral ceremony that happened in Hogwarts. Headmistress, Minister of Magic (Interim Minister), some officials from ICW and half of the wizarding Britain were present at Hogwarts.

There, from Bill, he came to know that he and Fleur got their jobs back and their family vault was given back to them.

Hermione had left for Australia alone through portkey. Hermione left Burrow the next day of Fred's funeral, leaving a letter for the Weasley family.

It seems Mrs Weasley didn't really like Hermione going to Australia alone. She had asked Bill and Ron to go search for her.

Harry's growth during that month was astronomical. Both on his mind and body. And the good food he had after a year of adventure did a good job on his body. While magic healed his ailments he was still skinny after that. Now he could see some muscles growing on the bones. His knowledge of spells and magic has surpassed any Hogwarts seventh year graduate, his magical power also has grown to a great extent.

While he knew more than that due to Voldemort's memories, knowing and performing the spells are a different matter.

He happened to come across a book that detailed types of magic, which derailed his whole knowledge of magic. He found some relevant information in Voldemort's memories too. But since Voldemort didn't indulge deeply in it there was only basic knowledge of it inside the memories.

To understand it better Harry searched for the particular type of books in the Black Family library that contained detailed information and found it. It seems what they teach in Hogwarts is elementary magic. The Basics that only limited to the European region. Mainly in Britain.

(AN: This is the information dump, it is the basis on which I am going to expand the magical world beyond Britain)

Each society has its own magic types. But universally they were classified into eight major different types of magic.

Types of magic

1. Abjuration

2. Conjuration

3. Divination

4. Enhancement

5. Evocation

6. Illusion

7. Necromancy

8. Transmutation

9. Chronomancy

(sub-group under Divination)

I. Abjuration :

Spells of a protective nature, wards and spells that dispels or counters others. It is common for those seeking to protect themselves to employ such magicks, without the need for bulky armour ( sometimes high-quality armour made of dragon-hide, basilisk skin ) which can sometimes hinder spell casting.

Some practitioners of the arcane specialize in the lifting of curses like an object binding itself to the wielder or disfigurement curse cast by wizard or witches, which can be removed either by sheer force of abjuration magic or fulfilling the curse's requirements, such as returning a lost ring or by moving to a different place. (Finite Incantatem doesn't work as a counter for all curses)

II. Conjuration :

Magic gathers tendrils of arcane power and forces a form upon it, creating matter, creatures and even bridges to other realms. Such powers are used by those seeking to travel instantly across the world, planes or dimensions.

Apparation is a form of conjuration too. But it is elementary level. With the help of conjuration, one can move from one end of the world to the other end in instant or move into a warded area without alerting the wards.

Voldemort's apparation was one of his own modifications based on conjuration. He can pass through simple anti-apparation wards and escape like there was no barrier. Apparating from outside to inside a ward was still difficult.

Harry didn't fully understand his method in the memory but now it was clear a little bit. Still, he can't perform that type of magic.

And he was sure in his mind that Dumbledore also knows this type of magic.

III. Divination :

The ability to read the ebb and flow of the arcane as it is tugged and pulled by the forces of the universe, allowing them to change their vision to see magical auras or cast their minds' eye across the world to other places, and even locate lost objects. Utilizing mathematics and complex formula an arithmancer can see patterns in the future, using these portents to prepare for upcoming events and even ensure they happen.

The study of dreams for the purposes of predicting the future has long been used by seers across the world. It varies from school to school, with some able to simply enter a dream state at will while others drink a brew that allows them to skim the Skein to interpret their soul's messages.

The Divination type magic gave him some conclusions.

'Hmm, seeing a magical aura is a form of divination it seems' But Harry was sure he didn't have any 'mind's eye' to see across the world.

'I guess prophecies are real too'. Seeing the huge number of prophecy orbs in the department of mysteries already deeply rooted that thing in his mind.

Suddenly he thought of Luna. Luna must have the 'mind's eye' since she knows everything, even some secrets before we even tell her about it.


IV. Enchantment :

Affecting the mind and enthralling the senses, enchantment relies on altering a person's opinions, charming them, or compelling them to some course of action, or inaction.

'Now I know how Dumbles managed to change my character into a naive person. He was able to sit on his throne, the strongest wizard alive for nearly half a decade. Being in a school with easily accessible minds is a great way to influence a huge population' Harry grumbled in his mind.

'There were schools specialising in each discipline of magic and Dumbledore must have studied there or graduated in one of the schools' Harry was making assumptions in his mind.

While Dumbledore did use some Enchantment techniques here and there but it was not like what Harry had presumed. It was only later he came to know of the methods employed by Dumbledore on him.

V. Evocation :

Tapping into rawer elements of magic, evocation creates spontaneous effects often without tangible forms such as light or fire. Such magic is quite desirable in a world in conflict. Evocation spells deal a large amount of damage(Elemental Magic).

VI. Illusion :

Focusing on deceiving and bending perceptions, illusion magics allow the user to present their version of reality to the viewer.

VII. Necromancy :

Life and death, the forces that stem from the innate magicks of souls as well as the mending and manipulation of flesh, necromancy is seen as dark and dirty magic by the most common folk. Since it breaks the trinity, this type of magick is not very welcome in the community.

Hemomancy : A rare and often reviled subschool of magic, this blood magic performs sickening rituals upon the bodies of others, corrupting the life-giving forces of the body to warp into grotesque forms.

Incarneum : The contacting and returning of souls from beyond death, often to resurrect a fallen hero or to bind the soul to an object or contacting and returning of souls from beyond death, often to resurrect a fallen hero or to bind the soul to an object or vessel.

Dread was forming in Harry's heart. Those things sounded exactly like Horcrux. Horcrux must be one of the many ways to bind the soul to an object or a vessel. In his memories, Voldemort never showed much interest in Necromancy, as his talent in Necromancy was also zero. Creating inferi was his limit. His only interest was in achieving immortality.

And he created his first Horcrux during his Hogwarts years.

And being there were no books about necromancy in Hogwarts restricted section, after creating his first Horcrux Voldemort's interest in necromancy dwindled. Thank Merlin, he didn't indulge much in these arts. Else Voldemort would have been unstoppable.

And when he thought about the ghosts in the Potter family Vault or castle whatever it was, his heart stilled again. There should not be that many ghosts in one place. Even in Hogwarts, there shouldn't be that many ghosts.

He didn't have enough material to go through that subject.

So for now he postponed his visit to Potter castle until he can determine what they are.

In reality, Harry had no need to fear Voldemort becoming a Necromancer. Just because one reads books about the different types of magic doesn't mean one can become a Necromancer or expert in a particular field.

One must have a talent for it and the required power, only then they can achieve something in any particular discipline.

Dumbledore was a master in Transmutation and Conjuration which are called transfiguration in Britain. He also apprenticed under Nicolas Flamel for Alchemy Masters. He is an Alchemist too. And he had some little achievements in Enchantments mainly in mind magicks, due to Grindelwald who was a master in Enchantment magic.

On the other hand Potion Master, Alchemist, Rune Master, Curse Breaker, Beast Master, Magi Zoologist etc…everything else comes under a different branch of studies that don't involve any type of verbal or chanting magic.

One must be talented in that particular discipline, only then can one progress in the said discipline. So Harry's worries were unfounded.

VIII. Transmutation :

Spontaneous alteration from one form to another is the domain of transmutation magic. Polymorphing objects and creatures into other forms, or enhancing the abilities of a warrior or scholar in their endeavours are common transmuter abilities.

IX. Chronomancy :

Originally a minor classification under divination but it became a separate discipline of magic due to its vast field application.

Chronomancy was a school of magic dealing with movement through time, or the manipulation of time. It was a secretive and rare school of magic, and most wizards had difficulty comprehending the possibility of altering the natural course of events. Those wielding power in this school were known as chronomancers.

A powerful branch of magicks.

Chronomancy is also divination of the best time to do something, the determination of lucky and unlucky days, especially popular in ancient China.


After reading the book, he also read everything regarding the new topic that was available in the library.

At that time, he came across many books on mutated magics. He wouldn't have read any of the books if it wasn't for the gut feeling he had when he held one specific book.

Reading the book really helped him a bit in the future.

There is some odd type of mutated magicks, which doesn't belong to the above categories.

I. Psionics

Psionics was a weird power of the mind wielded by certain monsters and races and by the few individuals who developed it spontaneously as wild talents or cultivated them as psionics-users. Although practised only rarely, it is known as the Invisible Art and colloquially known as mind magic. There is a major difference between Mind arts and mind magic.

Use of psionic power did not require spell components.No wand waving, no hand motion, no magical power. Psionic power could be activated much faster than either divine or arcane magic. All psionicists possessed formidable mental discipline in order to properly use their psionic powers. At any point in time, the number of psionicists present in the universe doesn't exceed more than a single-digit number.

This type of mutation is very rare, rarer than obscurus. The cause of obscurus is a wizard hating his own magic and suppressing it. This mutation usually results in the death of the wizard.

A. Clairsentience : A divination type mutation. Any psion who focused on this discipline gained experience and power in identifying other beings and psionic information gathering.

B. Metacreativity : A conjuration type mutation. Any psion who focused on this discipline gained experience and power in forming solid psionic constructs and summoning animated solid psionic projections.

C. Psychokinesis : An evocation type mutation. Any psion who focused on this discipline gained experience and power in telekinetic force or manipulating energy and matter.

D. Psychometabolism : Transmutation type mutation. Any psion who focused on this discipline gained experience and power in psionic healing and biological transformation. Metamorphmagus and Veela.

E. Psychoportation : Chronomancy type mutation. Any psion who focused on this discipline gained experience and power in psionic travel through space and even time. There is no known example. Some suggest this type of psionic doesn't exist.

F. Telepathy : Any psion who focused on this discipline gained experience and power dealing with psionic messages and control of other beings.

Magic and psionics are treated as distinct from each other. For example, the Detect Invisibility spell will penetrate both magical and psionic invisibility, as it detects invisibility in general, while the Detect Magic spell will not detect psionic effects, as it is restricted to magical effects and psionic effects are non-magical.

A single type of psionic can mimic many type of magics with ease but a wizard/witch cannot mimic any psionic abilities without any form of difficulty.

Magic and psionic performed by a wizard possess two different cores. Psionic core formed with Psi(Psychic Energy Manipulation). Magical core formed with magic(Magical Energy Manipulation).


AN: Training montage is not necessary for Harry. He is just a little bit enthusiastic about doing magic and I am trying to make him a perfectionist, that is why he is going through his study program.

When I envisioned an OP Harry, I really wanted an OP character.

I will be powering Harry Potter with some Psionic powers, and I am sure Harry will have at least one or two psionic abilities. Give me your comments.

1. Telepathy

2. Telekinesis

3. Precognition

4. Psychometabolism

5. Psychoportation (Number 5 Umbrella Academy)

6. Psychometry

7. Pyrokinesis

8. Hydrokinesis

If you have any idea for new powers, name it.