
Harry Potter and The New World Order

Complete AU after the Deathly Hallows. Soon after the Battle of Hogwarts, Harry is left to be free. He was later introduced into the vast magical world beyond Britain. This also results in him getting tangled with a lot of unwanted mess, just like during his Hogwarts years. The development of Harry after the influence of Horcrux is removed. Improvement of the wizarding world under the lead of Harry Potter. A New World Order that originates and influences the whole of the wizarding world. Old powers, new powers, governments, societies, removing every influence and forming an order. Strong/manipulative/leader-HP. Before you dive into the story, let me say one last thing. This story is going very slow. Like it is just 3 months after the Battle of Hogwarts, but it crossed over 18 chapters. However hard I try to make it fast-paced, there is no success. So the story is slo-mo if you are not interested in slow-moving stories, then avoid this fanfic. Each chapter will have 3k> words. Status - 26k words. Go Ahead. ENJOY. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To blast your ideas, comments, and .....criticism Discord Link: https://discord.gg/Wa7xddcRqR ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DISCLAIMER: I don't own any character other than my OC's.

DarkPreacher001 · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 11 : The Report

Previously...Last chapter Harry dealt with Goblins about the debt and found two stalkers from the Department of Mysteries. He copied a report from their mind that had his name on it.

CHAPTER - 11 : The Report

Harry Potter - Target Profile

Submitted by

Sarah White - Analyst

Name : Harry James Potter

Age : 17

Hair : Midnight Black

Eye : Green

Guardian : Petunia Dursley Nee Evans (From October 31st 1981)

Magical Guardian : Nil

Physical Characteristics : Lean Body build, higher stamina, average height, appeared to have malnourished, several irregular bone damage without proper treatment (events happened during his childhood and Hogwarts years), large lightning-shaped scar on the forehead (Sowilo rune), myopic. (Details taken from the annual reports of Madam Pomfrey, Hogwarts witchcraft and wizardry)

Magical Characteristics : Slightly larger magical core, have done accidental magic at the early age of 4 (Dursleys memory), have done some sort of apparition without any injuries at age 8 (Dursleys memory), haven't had a haircut from age 6 so maybe a partial metamorph (Dursleys memory), faster adaptation to any forms of magic, a high level of revulsion to Dementors (may be due to the presence of the Horcrux), no special interest in any type of magic.

Psychological evaluation : this evaluation is separated into three different stages for various reasons.

1. Age 1-11 : This evaluation is completely based on Dursleys (Potter's Guardians) and Mrs Arabella Dorean Figg's (a squib neighbour of Dursleys. Dumbledore's informant) memories.

Silent, talented, cunning, a survivalist, passive, opportunist, independent, self-reliant, loner, try to remain unnoticed.

The first stage of the report is the result of some physical and constant emotional and verbal abuse during his early childhood.

2. Age 11-17 : This evaluation is based on Ron Weasley (Potter's friend) and from his random classmates' memories. Another source named Hermione Granger is currently unavailable.

Silent, above-average talent, naive, gullible, passive, dependent on friends or teachers, boorish, obvious, impulsive, anger issues.

Based on the above findings, the personality of Harry James Potter has been externally influenced or tampered with during his Hogwarts years. To investigate the above discrepancies, since the primary suspect (Albus Dumbledore) is dead the agents should start with Madam Pomfrey, Molly Weasley and Minerva McGonagall in Hogwarts.

3. After the Battle of Hogwarts : This evaluation is based on Weasley's memories alone.

Soon after the battle of Hogwarts, it has been observed that there has been changing in Harry's behaviour. It can also be chalked up to the sudden loss of his relative/uncle/family Remus Lupin. Still, no definite conclusions can be drawn. Further observations are needed.

Magical Power : Magical core at the level of a mage or higher, no definite conclusions can be drawn. Can overpower the Dark Lord Voldemort in the Battle of Wills.

Artefacts in possession : A invisibility cloak (Inheritance from James Charlus Potter), A detailed map of Hogwarts (Inheritance from James Charlus Potter), Griffindor sword (which has been found and held twice by Harry Potter now it is in the hands of Minerva McGonagall). (source : Ron Weasley )

Wand : 13 inches Holly with phoenix feather. (Brother wand of Tom Marvolo Riddle AKA The Dark lord ) (Feathers obtained from Phoenix 'FAWKES')

Methods to neutralize the target : Potions are the preferred method. Magical subjugation without the presence of a mage is to be avoided.

Information about his further life in the muggle world and Hogwarts is detailed in the further pages.

The report was a total of 60 pages. He was able to see only a total of 15 pages. The report has detailed information from his time with Dursleys to the last day of the battle. This report held many answers to his questions too.

Conclusion : Through this report, my team has come to a conclusion that Harry Potter has been manipulated during his period at Hogwarts maybe even before Hogwarts is possible. The primary suspect is Albus Dumbledore, secondary perpetrators are Molly Weasley and Ron Weasley.

Enchanted artefacts found in the muggle family also point to Albus Dumbledore making him the primary and the source.

There is an 80% of chance that the subject may become an uncontrollable and lawless Dark Wizard in the nearby future. Must be placed under constant supervision. If it wasn't for the changes made by Albus Dumbledore, then we would have been facing Potter as a Dark Wizard instead of Voldemort.

Harry read the report that was compiled by the Unspeakables and was flabbergasted.

Soon after the assignment was given to Clarke and Hill, their head issued another mission to gather all the data on Harry. An analyst was dispatched and provided this report to Clarke and Hill to make their jobs easy. That was the report Harry was going through now.

'Okay, this is not good, not good at all. In fact, this is the worst-case scenario. If they viewed Ron's memories they knew I was once a Horcrux. A Living Horcrux. These kinds of people will not care if the Horcrux was removed or not. They will try to dissect me to know the truth' Harry thought deeply about different scenarios that would occur soon.

From Voldemort's memories, he knew this was not the end. If something interested the unspeakable, then they would research the subject until they find an answer.

And the reports regarding him once being a Horcrux were not very detailed in the report. It means their higher-ups concealed some of the matters regarding the Horcruxes to these field agents. They should have had a motive to do so.

He just got out of one manipulative old man. Now there is a whole department of old men wanting to control his life.

Ohh….Harry was in no way comparing Dumbledore to the Department of Mysteries.

Dumbledore is neither weak nor senile, he can waltz through ministry and come out without any life-threatening injuries. DOM may have powerful wizards but they are not comparable to Dumbledore. They won't be able to control Harry as Dumbledore did. If they did try Harry would have to make sure there is no such department existed in the near future. But the fact that someone has taken interest in him is what irked him.

'I knew this was going to bite me in the ass. I just didn't expect this to happen this sooner. Thank Merlin, Hermione's memories were not checked. She knew about deathly hallows, she knows that Dumbledore's wand is still with me and the fact all three Hallows are with me. I need to wipe out anything that is not present in Ron's memory from Hermione. Even if there was anything insignificant, I need to remove it if that was not in Ron's memory'.

(AN: I removed the idea of Ron knowing about Deathly Hallows in this fanon)

He focused on the rest of the report.

His life has been some kind of experiment done by Dumbledore that made his blood boil. His aura started to leak and oppressed the atmosphere around him.

The temperature dropped down and it felt like they were in the presence of a dementor. Hoarfrost coated the ground and the windows nearby, making the wizards' and witches' breath emerge like smoke. The people around the pub were shivering under Harry's power. Thankfully they couldn't locate the source.

Harry took a few deep breaths and calmed down. Immediately everything went back to normal.

These people had just faced a war, now they were paranoid at any corner that something might happen, so they began to leave one by one. Soon the pub was deserted except for Harry.

As Hermione would be arriving in at any time now, Harry had to make up a plan soon.

'If anyone knows more about me (during Hogwarts years) than me is Hermione. So I need to tweak her mentality about me, about how she remembers me. I am still not powerful enough to do that. Then the only option is to make her go away or hide from the public's eye. I can kill her and be done wit….' Harry suddenly stopped that line of thought not wanting to continue on that.

'I only need to hide her for two months. Then it will be Hogwarts time. After that I will have ten months, that is enough time to do what I want with her'

While Harry was in the middle of his planning, he felt a presence enter the pub. He knew who it was. He extended his senses to feel the emotions of the particular individual. He was able to feel the person's anxiousness, excitement, a bit of sadness and longing.

Hermione just walked in his detection range.

Soon Hermione came into the pub and spotted Harry easily. As soon as she saw him all her emotions changed into happiness.

"HARRY….How are you? Are you fine now? You didn't write any letters to me. Are your daily checkups over? Did they find out what happened to you? What was wrong with your magic? Did you visit Weasleys last month?" Hermione fired questions after questions.

'Same old Hermione' Harry could sense there were many questions that were ready to be launched in her mind. So he stopped her before she could open her mouth again.

"I am fine Hermione. We shouldn't be talking about these in a public place. We will go home and will continue there" Harry wanted to be away from that place.

"When did you arrive?" Harry asked when they were walking towards the muggle exit.

"The portkey dropped me off at the ministry like an hour ago. I came here straight after finishing up the procedures"

'Home, that was weird hearing harry say that' Hermione thought to herself.

Harry nodded and took Hermione by hand and walked outside.

And Harry too didn't want to stay in this place. By now most people left the pub, because of his little outburst.

"Where are we going?" Hermione asked again, wanting to clarify the answer he gave.

Of course, Harry knew what Hermione was thinking, but he let her ask the questions.

"To Grimmauld Place" Harry said.

"Harry…that place is a dungeon. I thought you would be staying at the Weasleys by now. It's been a month already. You are still not on speaking terms with Ron ?" Hermione sighed deeply.

She really didn't want to play mediator between their fights again.

"The place has been cleaned up. It is bright now. I have been corresponding with Bill for the last month. You know how it is with Ron. And Molly…. She is driving me crazy with all her howlers".

"Ohh" was the reply. Hermione didn't expect that. Well, she knew that Molly wanted Harry to stay in the burrow before she left. And also his girlfriend Ginny was also there, so she expected Harry to go to the burrow. Now that she thought about it, Harry mostly stayed in the burrow because he had nowhere else to go. Now that he has his own place, he won't be returning there naturally.

As for the howlers part, Molly had started sending letters the first week after Hermione's departure, asking Harry to come stay at the burrow. And Harry replied saying that 'he was fine where he was now and needed some time alone to grief'. From then on she started sending howlers, nearly one per day. Harry had enough of it and asked Kreacher to throw away all her letters or any other letters from Weasleys and only to inform him if Bill sent him any.

This kind of possessive behaviour worried Harry too much. After reading the DOM report his wariness increased further.

Harry really wanted to go straight to burrow and scour through her mind for answers. But he held back. He wanted to become proficient in telepathy and then go to the burrow. So that even if she was a master occlumens, he can intrude into her mindfully and get every bit of information she has on him. He can go after the unspeakables too to get his hands on the complete report, but Molly was a better and easier target than them.

But now he was thankful that he held back and didn't directly go to borrow the time when she started sending howlers. The data from the unspeakable answered most of his questions. If he had found this in her mind he would have killed her. Now that he has some answers he can take his time to plan.


"Wow, you really did clean this place. It looks completely different" Hermione said in an awed tone.

Harry did try to renovate the place.

But soon he got bored of it. So he bought four house-elves and asked Kreacher to train them and repair this place. Since he didn't have any preferences he asked Kreacher to take care of the whole process.

Kreacher found joy in this kind of stuff. The elf didn't really like cleaning. Or cooking. Or making errands. He did so only on Harry's orders. Harry could feel and see the emotions emitting from Kreacher when doing these works. The elf took joy in helping Harry, but enjoyment in doing those works….no.

But when Harry brought four new elves and asked Kreacher to train them in taking care of the Grimmauld Place, the elf was content. Training and ordering new elves to do their job fit Kreacher very well.

Kreacher being extravagant made the place shine with green and black colours.

"Yeah, Kreacher is being very helpful after the locket issue. Since I helped him fulfilling his last master's orders by destroying the locket and me being Lord Black he is very grateful for it"

After viewing Kreacher's memories and his thoughts on him, Harry came to the conclusion Kreacher will be loyal to him until death.

"You are Lord Black, when did that happen?"

Hermione sounded surprised. Because when Headmaster Dumbledore passed on the information about Sirius's will to them, there was no mention of harry being heir to the black family. Later Hermione also did thorough research on inheritances and found that Harry cannot inherit the black family as he was not a scion to the Black family.

Well, even harry was surprised when this subject was brought up by Ironclaw during negotiations.

"I am a distinct relative of blacks it seems".

Harry guided Hermione towards the dining room. Their lunch was already present on the table. Sleeping draught already mixed in with soup to mask the taste. They sat on the either side of the table and started eating. He also made sure Hermione drank the soup.

While eating Hermione was thinking about her parents. Her emotions were giving sad vibe around her. Harry was observing everything closely. Even viewing her thoughts all time too.

When she oblivated her parents she never thought of contacting them ever again. Memory charms were as dangerous as unforgivables. She don't know how to undo a memory charm. Not many know how to do it.

Now when her parents came to know about what happened, they acted like many muggles, thought of her as a freak. They had no memory of her. Living happily. Suddenly a girl claiming to be their daughter appeared in front of them saying she was a witch who removed their memory of her for their own good. They freaked out and lashed at her.

Hermione didn't want to say it to harry bout anything that happened in Australia.

"Take some rest Hermione, we can talk in the evening. You can use any room on the first floor. Every room have be refurbished too". Harry said to her and returned to his study.


Harry observed hermione's mind going into dormant state due to the effect of the potion. He entered the room and transfigured a chair to sit near her.

Using telepathy, he concentrated on her memories of the part of her knowledge that was of her research on Horcruxes and the deathly hallows. He focused on bringing those memories together and segmented them from the rest. There was not a lot. But even a small piece of intel may cause him some damage and subvert any kind of situation in the future. Like information regarding the elder wand was one of those.

Since he was not well versed in deleting a memory using telepathy he had to do a memory erasure through magic.

"Obliviate" Soon the segmented memories was erased.

One less thing to worry about.

He returned to his room and chugged three bottles of Sleeping drought before laying on the bed. He would usually take Sleeping drought after a severe session of Occlumency, as he would have headaches after organizing years of worth of memories. But lately he had to take two or three doses for the potion to take effect. He planned to check up on the reasons later.


Harry woke up and went to usual routine. He went jogging around the block, did some exercises came back to the Grimmauld place sweating. He removed his t-shirt and sat in the middle of the living room to do some meditation. He did notice hermione sitting on the couch reading a book, but went on as if she was not there.

"HARRY…Wh…Wha…What are you doing?"

Hermione shouted and covered her face with the book in her hand. But she still took hesitant glances at harry. Her face was flushed red. She could feel her face heating up.

She had only once seen Harry shirtless before. Even the time during horcrux hunt, they had a separate tent for themselves. A scrawny lean body. And the difference between the harry then and now was unimaginable.

Harry was lean but not too lean, tall with broad shoulders and long limbs. Toned but without too much bulky muscles. She really wanted to touch and grope them.

Hermione have had snogging sessions before. With Ron during their sixth year at Hogwarts. The act was never really appealing to her during those times. She didn't know what was the hype in all that activities. Now her heart was beating fast, face going red, eyes roaming all over his body.

Harry was reading her thoughts all along and found it cute. Hermione was a bookworm and had a bold personality, for her to be acting all meek and bashful was lovely.

"I am doing meditation Hermione" Harry answered.

"Then why are you half-naked" Hermione spoke without taking her eyes off from his body, watching him with the gaps in her fingers.

"I usually do meditation in the living room hermione…I just went out for a jog around the block and I am sweaty now. So I removed the shirt", he answered her.

"Since when did you start going for a jog? Early in the morning? You didn't like that thing even during quidditch practices", Hermione questioned him again.

"Since last month. The question is what are you doing here early in the morning?", harry asked while doing some simple stretching.

Suddenly as if remembering something she jumped at him with the book that was in her hands. "I found this book on the dining table. 'Silent Casting a necessary Tool' written by 'Eddie Wilson'. Have you read this book? It is a fundamental book on non-verbal casting. We can learn to do silent casting in one month. Understanding this is so easy. Have you read this?" She stood a little too close to harry while asking the question. It appeared she had forgotten all about her….. shyness when anything regarding books was involved.

Of course, he knew about silent casting. Silent casting was an easy subject. For him maybe. Voldy's memories facilitated the learning process. And even without reading that book, one will be able to understand the underlying method for silent casting in one month. Still one does need to practice all the spells one by one through this method. This method of casting was taught to the seventh years and it was not mandatory to learn silent casting.

Harry knew about the book because he placed it on the dining table last night. He had selected a number of books from the library as a bait to convince her to stay in the Grimmauld Place for the rest of the time till Hogwarts.

"I have read this book already, I was just re-reading it yesterday. And I can do silent casting too". Hermione's eyes widened at Harry's answer.

"H…How", hermione stammered. Hermione thought deep and cast the question inside her mind in search of an answer. Silent casting was supposed to be a difficult art from what her Gryffindor seniors had told her and harry learned it in one month. She found it unbelievable.

"What do you mean how? For the last month I was doing nothing in particular. So I thought about a bit of studying. And found this book". Harry spoke as if that was normal.

Hermione looked at him incredulously.

Harry lowered his head and whispered into her ears, "If you want me to teach you, I can do it too".

Since the two were close to each other when harry spoke, the warm air blew on her neck. Hermione flushed and took a step back. "N...no…I can do it on my own", she half-shouted, turned and ran to her room.

Shaking his head Harry started his meditation.


In her room she didn't try to read the book. She had been thinking about what happened with harry in the living room. Harry was flirting with her. Well, he tried, but she ran midway. She liked the change in harry. The new Harry. The previous harry was little dull and an introvert. Now he was like completely a different guy.

That didn't mean she didn't like the previous harry. He was her first and best friend after all. Just that…..he looked more attractive now.

She tried to banish the thought from her mind. She is already in a relationship and has a boyfriend. She didn't want to cheat on him.

'It is just a little flirting right….it's not like I am cheating on my boyfriend'

Hermione even had some perverted thoughts of harry punishing her for the mistakes she did while harry was teaching her.

While the mental war was going on in her thoughts, Harry was reading her thoughts through visual mind reading. Viewing her surface thoughts (Viewing thoughts and reading thoughts are entirely different techniques. Harry will use this technique mostly for one-one. If there is a cluster of people he will try reading thoughts).

For some time now harry too imagined many lewd thoughts of the women he encountered during his mind reading sessions. Either in the muggle world or wizarding world everyone had a perverted mind. And his active sexual life with Andromeda didn't improve the situation any further.

From her thoughts, harry knew she won't be coming down from her room anytime soon. Because he had arranged a meeting with Lucius Malfoy about his management of Black family resources and about Harry's status as the Lord of the Black Family. He didn't want Hermione to know anything about that. He planned to use sleeping draught first but now he rejected the idea.

He had asked Kreacher to send breakfast and lunch to Hermione's room directly.


Luke Hill - DOM, Captain Team RO

Jackson Clarke - DOM, Vice-captain Team RO

Sarah White - DOM, Analyst.