
Harry Potter and the Kings Descendant.

Uchiha_Lover0506 · Movies
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3 Chs

Hogwarts letters and wands.

A family of four are sitting around a dining room table eating breakfast. "Mum." One of the boy, a child with messy black hair and circular glasses calls the woman "They should be arriving soon James." Euphemia sighs, James had already asked her this question atleast twenty times today.

"Relax now James, you have to be patient. Look at Arthur he's waiting calmly for his letter." Fleamont points to an adorable boy with shoulder length curly silvery blonde hair and emerald green eyes. The boy in question is eating his bacon and eggs while reading the daily prophet.

Arthur and James are complete opposites, where James is loud and rambunctious, Arthur is calm and quiet, though at times Arthur can be just as rambunctious as James, the one thing they love to do together is prank people. Fleamont can't count how many times him and Euphemia has to walk around with green or blue or pink hair. Arthur has taken to reading every book in the Potter library since he could read at the age of two, that's how he learned to brew a hair color changing potion that can't be undone easily, only Arthur knows the antidote to that potion, however Fleamont and Euphemia doesn't know that there is actually an antidote. Arthur's tutors have praised his intellect, they say he's the smartest child they've taught, he learns everything they taught him with ease. James on the other hand never takes anything seriously, James would never pick up a book unless he's forced to.

"He's not calm dad, haven't you noticed that Arthur hasn't turned a page since we sat down.

Arthur flinches seeing that he has been caught out, a heat starts to creep onto Arthur's face from embarrassment.

"Hahahah look he's blushing." James points and laughs at Arthur.

"Sh...shut up James you're blushing!" Arthur yells out embarrassed.

Euphemia and Fleamont watch their two children with amused smiles.

Before they can continue fighting a tapping sound comes from the kitchen window. The family turn to see what's happening and see a brown barn owl tapping its beak against the window.

"The owl says it has a delivery for me and James." Arthur says excitedly.

Yes ever since Arthur can remember he could talk to any animal, at first Arthur thought he was going crazy, when he kept on hearing these random voices out of nowhere, but eventually he realized that it was the animals who were speaking to him. James looks at Arthur with a little jealousy, he also wants to be able to talk with animals, I mean how fun must that be, but sadly James was born a normal wizard.

Euphemia walks over and opens the window, she grabs both envelopes from the owl and gives him a piece of bacon for his hard work.

Euphemia walks over to the table and reads out what's on the envelope. "Mr A Fawley." She hands the letter to Arthur.

No one is surprised when Euphemia calls out Fawley, both parents already explained to Arthur and James that Arthur is adopted, they also told Arthur that his mother passed away giving birth to him. Arthur took it rather well, but that's only because he never knew his mother, to him Euphemia was his mother. He of course is thankful that his birth mother loved him and and gave birth to him but this is his family, he doesn't really care about anything else right now. Maybe one day he'll learn more about his birth mother and father but for now he's happy.

"And this is for James." Euphemia hands James's letter to him.

Arthur opens up his letter and like he suspected it's from hogwarts.

{Dear Mr Fawley, We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts School of Witcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment. Term begins on the 1st of September. We await your owl no later then 31st of May. Yours sincerely Minerva McGonagall Deputy Headmistress.}

"Congratulations boys." Euphemia gives both her children a hug and a kiss.

"Thanks mom." Both boys reply to her.

"Well done lads, I'm sure Hogwarts will be much livelier with you two there."

Both Arthur and James smile excitedly, they can't wait to pull some pranks on people.

Euphemia knows those smiles, they promise alot of trouble for the poor people of Hogwarts.

"Alright we'll go to Diagon Alley later today to get your things boys." Euphemia tells them.

"Alright mum." Arthur answers calmly.

"Awesome!" James yells excitedly.

Diagon Alley.

The Potter family are walking through diagon alley towards Madam Malkin's so the two children can get fitted for their clothing.

"Arthur what house do you think you'll get into?" James asks curiously.

James already knows where he's going to go, he's going to be in Gryffindor for sure.

Arthur gives James's question some thought. Hmmm... if I had to guess I'd either be in Ravenclaw, Slytherin. Ravenclaw because I like reading, I spend alot of my time reading all sorts of books, I think I've read almost every book in our library apart from a few advance magic books father forbid me from reading and Slytherin because I'm ambitious, I plan to become the most powerful wizard ever, even more so then Albus Dumbledore.

"Hmm... most likely Ravenclaw James." Arthur replies.

James sighs and shakes his head. "Of course you'd go to the house of the nerds, all you do is read books."

Arthur glares at James for his comments, while true doesn't mean he's a nerd. "Shut up musclebrain, let me remind you that it was me that won our last Quidditch match." Arthur sticks his tongue out at James. James and Arthur had raced to see who could catch the snitch faster and Arthur just barely beat James. James's face turns slightly red, he hates losing but he hates losing even more at Quidditch. "Shut up you just got lucky, next time I'm going to win." James declares proudly while looking at Arthur smugly.

"Heh dream on loser." Arthur snorts.


"Come now boys enough fighting." Fleamont sternly warms the two boys.

"Alright dad." Arthur complies like the well-behaved child he is, though he secretly sticks his tongue out at James when Fleamont isn't looking.

James glares at Arthur but says nothing. Just you wait Arthur, I'll show you who the better flyer is. James thinks to himself.

After getting their measurements for their robes they make their way to Ollivanders. James couldn't wait to get his wand so he nagged until he got his way.

Arthur looks at Ollivanders and from outside it looks like nothing special but it does look ancient, you can tell this shop has been here for a very long time. The whole family walks into the shop

"Ahhh the Potter family welcome, welcome!" A crazy looking old man beams at us.

"Ollivander, it's good to see you again." Dad greets with a smile.

"Fleamont Potter, Mahogany with dragon heartstring core."

"Hah yes, you still remember." Dad smiles amused.

"Euphemia Potter, willow with unicorn hair."

"Yes indeed." Euphemia also smile amusedly at Ollivander.

"I remeber every wand I ever sold, especially the wand of one of my first customers." Ollivander brags proudly.

Suddenly the old man turns to Arthur and James. "I see you brought your children to get their wands yes." Ollivander seems to light up as he says that.

Of course we are old man. Arthur thinks inwardly.

"Alright, you first." He points at James.

James walks up to the counter, the excitement clear on his face.

The first wand that James tries is almost instantly ripped from his hands by Olivander. "No not that one." The old man says and hands him a different box.

James trys the next one and a huge smile spreads across his face.

"Ahhh congratulations Mr Potter 11" Mahogany, Pliable with a unicorn tail hair core."

"Cool." James says admiring his wand.

"Alright next."

Arthur walks up to the counter slightly weary of the old man, this old man really creeps him out.

"Alright let's see, try this." Ollivander hands Arthur a long black wand.

Arthur gives the wand a wave but nothing happens. Arthur feels no connection to this wand whatsoever.

"No not that one." Ollivander grabs the wand out of Arthur's hands. "Try this." Ollivander hands Arthur a brown wand next.

Unfortunately Arthur seems to go through what seems like atleast one hundred wands but still hasn't found one that suits him.

Ollivander looks absolutely stumped, he has never come across such a frustrating scene before. The other three Potters all look at Arthur with concern, they're worried he might not find a wand.

"Ahh" A smile spreads across Ollivanders face.

"I have special wands that might just be what your boy needs."

"A special wand?" Fleamont asks confused.

"Hmmm... yes, the wand was created way before my time, my father told me that the wand was created with the help of a very powerful wizard, but sadly no one has ever been able to claim it. Now it just lays there collecting dust." Ollivander walks to the back to go get the wand.

Euphemia walks over to Arthur and wraps her arms around him. She's worried about her child, why are none of the wands accepting him, she can't understand it. "Fleamont what does this mean?" Euphemia asks worriedly.

Fleamont stares at his wife cluelessely. "It just means our little Arthur is special, that's all." Fleamont tries to reassure his wife.

"It's okay mom, I'm sure this is my wand." Arthur looks up and smiles lovingly at his mother trying to ease her worry.

Euphemia's heart melts at Arthur's adorable smile. "I'm sure you're right sweety." Euphemia gently strokes Arthur's cheek.

Eventually Ollivander walks back to the counter carrying a very dusty box that has some unique carvings on it. Ollivander opens the box slowly. Inside lay a black wand about 15" long.

"Hold out your wand hand Mr Potter." Ollivander asks.

I'm ambidextrous meaning I can use either hand just as well as the other. "I can use both." I tell him.

"Oh then either will do."

Ollivander wearing gloves that Arthur never noticed before takes the wand out of the box. When did he put on gloves? Arthur thinks confused.

Suddenly Arthur can here a soft whisper saying [Claiiiimmmmm usssssss masssssterrrr.] What was that. Arthur looks around confused trying to figure out where that came from.

Ollivander places the wand in front of Arthur's face. A strange urge to grab the wand flows through Arthur's body, so he reaches out and grabs the wand. Suddenly a great warmth flows through Arthur's body, he can feel acceptance coming from the wand, in fact its almost like the wand is... happy, no its extremely happy. Weird, do wands have emotions, I'll ask father about it later. Arthur thinks to himself confused.

"Ahahaha the wand has accepted you Mr Potter." Ollivander looks as if he's about to wet his pants with excitement.

"What type of wand is this Mr Ollivander." Arthur asks politely and with curiousity.

"This first wand is an 15" aspen wand with a basilisk fang core. It is a very volatile but powerful wand. This wand will inject basilisk venom into anyone who touches it that's not its owner, even when casting spells beware sometimes the wand likes to inject the spell with its venom, a simple stunning spell might well turn lethal." Ollivander explains.

This causes 3 of the Potters to gasp in shock.

Arthur however looks curiously at it's new wand.

What a shocking ability you have.

[Thank you masssster] A cold whisper

Huh, no way did my wand just talk to me? Arthur can't help but feel he's going crazy.

[I did massster, I am your wand.]

Before I can reply to his crazy talking wand, Ollivander speaks up. "Mr Potter this particular wand does not come by itself. You see my father told me the wizard who comes to own the first wand will also be master of the second." Ollivander says and pulls another wand out of the box, this time a a light brown wand with a wooden dragon pommel attached to it.

He gently hands Arthur the wand.

Arthur grabs the wand with his left hand and instantly just like his other wand he feels a pleasant warmth spread throughout his body, however there was no voice this time like his other wand. [That'sssss because he is sssstill assssslep massssster.]

[Asleep, why?] Arthur asks.

[I can only say it is not hisses time massster.]

What does that even mean? But Arthur gets no response.

"Amazing, amazing, they have both accepted you Mr Potter, I've never seen a wizard accepted by two wands at once, truly remarkable." Ollivander stares at Arthur in awe.

"Uhmmm right, what do we owe you Ollivander?" Fleamont asks still a little shocked by the fact that Arthur has two wands and one is quite the dangerous one.

"Yes that'll be 14 galleons total."

Fleamont drops the 14 galleons onto the counter.

"It was a pleasure doing business with you."