

Late at night, it was Halloween. A motorcycle roars as it approaches a cottage with open gates. On it, sits a giant of a man that gives a new meaning to the term, hairy. The motorcycle lands and skids some distance before finally stopping.

The giant of a man steps off the bike and looks at the cottage. He sees a hole big enough for three of him to fit through, blasted through what was the front door.

"Blimey, what the bloody hell happened here?" he asks while walking towards the cottage. He makes his way through the gates and up to where the door was. Walking through the hole into the house he finally hears something "Waaah" a baby crying.

He rushes through the house cracking door frames as he makes his way through to find the source. When he finally comes into what looks to be the baby's room, he sees it. Two bodies, belonging to one Lily and James Potter. Seeing the two of them, lying there dead, he broke out in tears.

"Why? Why must good people die so young? My friends!" he cries for some time before hearing it once more "Waah!" a baby crying. He walks up to the crib that is in the room, while being careful to not step on Mr. and Mrs. Potter.

Looking into the crib is a healthy baby boy crying, one Harry James Potter. He picks up the baby and says "Come now wee lil tyke, let's get you out of here." He turns and starts walking away before noticing something odd. The boy's parents are each holding a hand onto something. He takes a knee and grabs the object to examine it. It appears to be a note, addressed to their son's savior.

He opens it and it says: Dear whoever this will be, hopefully a good friend of ours, we are James and Lily Potter. If you are reading this, then we are dead, but we have a request for you. Please ensure that the following two things happen.

One, that Peter Pettigrew be found and either imprisoned or properly taken care of. The reason being is that he was the Secret Keeper for our Fidelius Charm and should either be a traitor or have been tortured. We don't know which one is worse, to be honest.

The second concerns our son, as he is now left all alone in this world. If you are a friend of us, we stress that the following be done no matter what. He must not go to his Aunt Petunia's place, she will not treat him as he should be.

We would love for his Godfather to have some role in raising him, but only the future will tell. What we hope you do is send him to Lily's cousins. They are muggles, but have been trying for years to have a child of their own with no success. They will be able show him the proper love and care he deserves.

The Evans' names are Jerry and Calli and they live in Cokeworth. You don't have to tell them everything that happened, but tell them that it is our last request.

Sincerely Lily and James Potter.

After carefully folding the letter and tucking it back into the envelope, he dries the tears in his eyes. He starts walking carefully out of the baby's room and into the living room making his way to the door. He walks out carrying the baby and makes his way past the gate to his bike.

He carefully secures the child to him with a cloth before getting on the motorcycle. He turns on the motorcycle and revs it up before taking off. After ten feet, the bike with him and the child start to fly off the ground. He slowly makes his way high up off the ground and then picks up speed, leaving the unfortunate scene far behind.

Hours later a castle comes into view. The man was concerned for the child, but the boy fell asleep on the way there. He makes his way to a clearing inside the castle and touches down slowly. Skidding to a stop once more, he quickly gets off the bike and heads inside. The corridors of the castle are dark this night. Familiarity does its job for this man and he eventually makes his way to a Gargoyle.

He stands in front of it and says "Chocolate Frogs" which causes the gargoyle to crack a bit through movement. It slowly moves to the side to reveal a door big enough for the man to get through. After he is inside, he makes his way through the room, which resembles an office. He comes upon a man sitting at a desk in the far back of the room.

The man is old, very old. He has long white hair and wrinkles on his face, depicting the years he has seen. The man looks up and asks "Hagrid, did you find them?"

The man known as Hagrid chokes a little bit, before saying "I found one, Dumbledore. The boy, their son, Harry James Potter." Tears fall down from his face as he recalls his friend's fate.

The old man known as Dumbledore gets up and pats Hagrid on the back. "There, there Hagrid. Is Harry alright?"

"Ah! Yes" he says as he remembers the poor child. Hagrid slowly unwraps the child from his bundle and holds him up to Dumbledore. "Here he is, he fell asleep on the way here."

"He looks to be doing well, now to prepare a home for him. The Dursleys are the only family he has left. We should prepare to ward their home, so Harry can be safe" Dumbledore says.

"Actually sir. I have a letter, or will I should say, from the Potters. They must have known the dark lord would be after them, so they wrote this up before they died" Hagrid says while reaching into his coat and handing the letter off to Dumbledore.

Dumbledore takes the letter and reads it silently for quite some time before sighing. "Hagrid, I will meet with them right away. Can you head to the address given with Harry, I will go ahead."

"Very well." Hagrid says leaving the office and making his way back outside.

"Fawkes come, we have a family of muggles to talk to" Dumbledore says.

A phoenix flies off a perch in the back of the office and then lands on Dumbledore. As soon as it lands, the two of them disappear in flash of fire. The two reappear outside a house with dimly lit lights on a street filled with identical houses.

He walks up to the address and knocks on the door. Inside, clattering sounds can be heard, which then turn to footsteps. Finally the door opens to reveal a man who asks "Yes, how can I help you?"

"Mr. Evans?" Dumbledore asks while probing the man's mind.

"That's correct, it's quite late, what is this about?" he asks.

"Do you remember one of your cousin's by the name of Lily?" Dumbledore asks.

Jerry smiles suddenly and says "Of course I do, she is my favorite cousin."

Dumbledore cringes a bit upon hearing that, but presses on "She and her husband died today."

"What?!" he yells out, causing a clatter to be heard from inside.

Soon after, another person appears next to the man that asks "Honey, what's wrong?" Dumbledore probes her mind as well to ensure the boy's safety.

Jerry turns to the woman who appeared beside him and said "Calli, they're dead. James and Lily are dead."

The woman known as Calli gasps and its not long before tears form in her eyes. Jerry embraces Calli in a tight hug and consoles his wife for some time before the two seem to think of something.

"What of their son?" they both asked simultaneously.

"That's what I'm here to discuss. They wished for you to take in their son, it was their last request" Dumbledore says.

"Of course we would. The poor boy has a tough life growing up without his parents, we will do our best to raise him" Calli says with tears in her eyes and Jerry nods in agreement.

"Well then, I just need to do some preparations for the boy. I want to set something up to shield him from prying eyes" Dumbledore says and stops probing their minds. "If you would allow me into your home, I should be done by the time that Harry arrives."

"Please come in" Jerry says as the two of them step out of the way and let Dumbledore enter the residence. When inside Dumbledore begins casting quite a few spells that serve as the basis of the Fidelius Charm.

Sometime later the roar of a motorcycle is heard. "Ah! That must be Hagrid, let's join him outside" Dumbledore says leading everyone outside. When outside they see the motorcycle approaching the streets from high up above. The motorcycle lands and skids some distance before finally stopping. Hagrid hops off the bike and goes up to them asking "Are you the Evans?"

They nod and Jerry says "You are as big as they told me."

Hagrid laughs a bit and then pulls Harry out from the bundle. He hands the bundle to the two of them and says "Take care of the wee lil tyke, I beg of you."

"We will, you have nothing to worry about there" Calli says as she takes Harry in her arms. "You poor boy" she says as she slowly running her hand over his head.

"Alright, I've finished setting up the charm. Let him live a life away from magic, at least until he is ready" Dumbledore says. They nod and head inside with Harry.

Sniffling can be heard, which causes Dumbledore to turn to Hagrid, who is shedding some tears. "There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye."

"Your right" Hagrid says as he gets back on his bike and rides off into the sky.

"It wasn't really a goodbye for them either" Dumbledore says as he looks once more at the Evan's house, before disappearing in a flash of flame