
Harry Potter and the Fractured Dragon

Revisit the Wizarding World of Harry Potter once again through the crimson eyes of George Linwood, a strange individual with one-too-many secrets and a plan to change the future. At first, George appears to be an ordinary 11-year-old muggle boy who has been given the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but, it soon becomes apparent that he has a lot more on his mind than learning a couple of spells and incantations. What exactly is George? What are his motivations? Only time will tell. -------------------------------------------------- Disclaimer: I do not own the rights to anything written in my fanfiction except for my original additions, J. K. Rowling and Warner Bros have that honour.

Day_By_Day · Book&Literature
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65 Chs

The Wizard Chooses the Wand

George walked out of the Museum of Muggle Curiosities with a wizard battery and a new life lesson to add to his collection. The lesson of the day was that every problem could be fixed as long as you're willing to throw enough money at it. Dominic had proven that mantra with a questionable investment plan hastily written up on a piece of oily parchment.

George and Dominic looked around to find Remus, Amanda and Ellie sitting beside a stone bandstand with a green steeple. They were talking casually among themselves while eating colourful hard-boiled sweets out of pink paper bags. Their trip to Sugarplum's Sweets Shop must have gone well judging by the big chocolate-covered smile on his step-sister's face.

"Oh, you two are finally out. We were wondering how much longer you'd be in there", Remus said after noticing George and Dominic's approach.

"Did you like it in the museum, George?", Amanda asked.

"Yep. I made a new friend as well", George cheerfully answered.

"Oh really, that's good...", she then looked up at Dominic, "and what's their name?"

"Sheena Layla and she owns the museum. She had 'potential' so I made her a proposal", Dominic responded.

Both of George's foster parents stared at each other before Amanda responded, "she sounds very interesting. You'll have to tell me all about her later."

Ellie jumped up from the bandstand and presented George with some chocolate. He was about to take one as a courtesy, but he hesitated once he recognised the distinct shape of the moulded chocolates. They were all frogs but their arms and legs had been broken off.

"Ellie, why don't they have any legs?"

She looked down at the frogs before saying, "well, they used to jump around a lot and I didn't want them to escape so I ripped their legs off. Now they don't move at all, I think they died or something. Anyway, do you want one? They taste really good."

George slowly lifted a dismembered frog out of her hands, "thank you, Ellie. That was very... thoughtful of you."

His step-sister turned back around and continued to eat her chocolate frogs in the shade of the bandstand. George looked down and saw the enchanted frog staring back up at him, those chocolate eyes were begging to end its existence. As a mercy, he summoned a small grape-sized flame and incinerated it.

Remus swallowed the last bean from his Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans and stood up, "now that we are all back together, I think we should get back on track. If we don't go to Diagon Alley now, we'll have to come back tomorrow and I don't fancy another car journey. The drive back is already bad enough, so let's get a move on before it gets too late."

The Linwoods decided to leave Carkitt Market and returned to the bustling street of Diagon Alley. And of course, it was even busier than before. It felt like half of England's magical population had to be here. Remus made the brave decision to leave the family behind and scout ahead to find a shop that wasn't chocked full. It took him nearly a minute of pushing through the crowds before he finally reappeared from the horde of people.

He took a moment to catch his breath before saying, "I feel it would be most prudent to prioritise the most essential items that also take the longest time to procure. Ollivander's is empty at the moment, so I think we should start there. What do you think, George? Are you ready to get your wand?"

"I sure can't wait to get my wand, Mr Lupin", George answered with a beaming fake smile.

Remus didn't appear to have noticed any abnormalities in George's expression as he guided the family to Ollivanders. It took a lot of pushing and shoving before they were standing outside the wand shop that wouldn't look out of place on Knockturn Alley. The Linwoods entered Ollivanders and the ambient sound of the crowd outside vanished once the door closed behind them.

Remus walked towards a desk with an open book and a gaslamp illuminating it.

To get the old man's attention, Remus loudly cleared his throat and said, "excuse me. We would like to purchase a w…"

Before Remus could finish, an old man standing atop a ladder glided into view. Ollivander was wearing a burgundy seventeenth-century suit with puffy white sleeves and a cravat around his neck. He also sported his signature old white hair, which looked like a bird had nested atop his head, and overgrown sideburns. A smile formed on Ollivander's face as he scanned the room and locked eyes with Remus.

"Mr Lupin... It's been just shy of twenty years, but I remember you purchasing your first wand as if it was yesterday. If my memory serves me, ten and a quarter inches, cypress wood and a unicorn hair core. I do hope you have been taking good care of it."

Remus let out a light chuckle as he pulled out his wand, "the years have been kind to your memory, you are indeed correct. It's a pleasure making your acquaintance once again, Mr Ollivander. I like to think I've taken good care, although, I can't say my wand hasn't seen its fair share of scrapes over the years."

Ollivander dismounted the ladder, unhurriedly walked behind his desk, and held out his hand. Remus appeared to understand what the old man wanted and surrendered his wand willingly. Ollivander carefully received the wand like it was a newborn baby and began to inspect it through a magnifying eyepiece.

"A wand will take care of their wizard if their wizard takes care of their wand. I'm happy to say that your wand is perfectly fine. A little varnish fading isn't anything to be concerned about. Considering the fine state of your wand, I have to assume that you're not here for your interests. Could you be so kind as to introduce me to the young gentleman", Ollivander inquired whilst returning the wand to Remus.

Ollivander's gaze made its way over to George, sending a shiver down his back.

Remus placed one arm around George's shoulder, "this here is Mr Linwood, and he's looking to purchase his first wand. Oh, and he is also a first-generation wizard."

Ollivander appeared captivated by Remus's introduction, "another muggle-born, I do love a challenge. It can get awfully boring with pure-bloods making wands all too predictable, the child always takes after the mother or father. Now then, I wonder where I should start."

Ollivander disappeared behind a series of tall shelves before another word could be said. A few moments later, he returned with a small opened box full of tissue paper.

"I think we should start here. English Oak and a Unicorn hair core should act as a good baseline."

The wand was taken out of the box and handed over the desk to George. He was about to receive it, but Remus leaned over and interrupted the exchange.

"I almost forgot to mention, George has a natural affinity towards fire magic. It would be for the best if... you know", Remus spoke quietly while subtly gesturing at George's family.

Ollivander looked at the Linwoods and seemed to have come to the same conclusion, "ah, I see. Yes, if that is indeed the case then... I think everyone except George here should leave until the selection process has concluded."

"Why? What's the matter?", Amanda asked.

Ollivander elaborated further, "finding the right wand can be a somewhat unpredictable practice. Considering Mr Linwood's talent for fire, as Mr Lupin so kindly informed me, I believe it would be prudent for your family to vacate the premises until the correct wand is found. It's for your own safety, you understand."

Dominic and Amanda both looked concerned after hearing Ollivander's suggestion. They clearly hadn't considered that there would be any complications.

"Are you saying these wands are dangerous?", Amanda demanded

Remus decided to step in, "nothing of the sort, Mrs Linwood. Wizards casting magic with an incompatible wand find that their spells have unpredictable outcomes. What Mr Ollivander is trying to say is that George may accidentally set fire to something. But, having said that, this is no reason to be concerned. He is far more likely to set fire to something or someone other than himself, you being in the room just gives Mr Ollivander one more thing he has to worry about other than George's safety."

Remus then checked his watch before suggesting, "it's already two o'clock in the afternoon and we haven't had anything proper to eat. So… how about we leave George here with Mr Ollivander to find his wand, and we nip over to Florean Fortescue's ice cream parlour across the road?"

Amanda and Dominic certainly weren't convinced, whilst Ellie seemed torn between witnessing magic and eating ice cream. On the other hand, George was having some new ideas. He needed a moment where he could leave his family, ideally without being noticed. Ollivander's wand testing might provide him with the opportunity for a reprieve from his family.

"We're not leaving George", Amanda said defiantly.

George walked up to his foster mother and insisted, "I think Mr Lupin has the right idea. I would never be able to live with myself if I accidentally hurt you or, god forbid, Ellie. I would feel a lot better if you stayed outside and bought some ice cream whilst you're at it."

Amanda looked down at George's earnest begging and said, "okay... we'll wait outside, but, I'm not letting you out of my sight. We can get ice cream later."

Then she looked at Ollivander, "I'll be leaving my son in your care. I trust that you'll ensure his safety during these wand tests."

Ollivander bowed his head, "it's been my family's duty to care for our customers for thousands of years. Young Mr Linwood's welfare is in good hands, I assure you."

Amanda stared at Ollivander ominously for a few painfully long seconds before she relented and turned to leave. She begrudgingly complied and left the shop with Dominic, Ellie and Remus in tow. As far as George was concerned, it didn't make a difference since his family was still watching on through the window.

He turned back to Ollivander with barely hidden disappointment, "so... where were we? Something to do with unicorn hair?"

"Oh, cheer up boy. You'll soon be reunited with your family in no time", Ollivander comforted.

"Yeah, that's the problem", was what George wanted to say.

Ollivander handed the wand to George, "here you are. Nothing need be said, just give it a w... wait, where have they gone?"

George saw Ollivander looking past him, so he turned around and saw that his family had vanished. Even Remus had disappeared without a trace. They'd only been outside for less than half a minute, what could have made them abandon him so quickly? Hold on a second, that wasn't what he should be thinking at a time like this. George's expression changed to one of indifference as he turned to Ollivander and immediately placed the wand back into its box.

"Is there a problem, Mr Linwood?", Ollivander asked with a perplexed look on his face.

George responded quickly and precisely, "dragon heartstring core, vinewood, and twelve inches or longer."

Ollivander only appeared to sink further into confusion, "excuse me?"

George's facade started to crumble away as his patience took a skydive.

He repeated in a much more impatient tone, "I believe that a wand twelve inches or longer made from vinewood with a dragon heartstring core would be suitable for my needs."

Without asking any further questions, a bewildered Ollivander went behind one of the many shelves and pulled out another box. George's foot frantically tapped the ground, and his fingers began to loudly drum along the desk while he waited.

Just as Ollivander was in the process of walking back and opening the new box, he hesitantly said, "the wand chooses the wizard, and never the other way round. I'm afraid..."

George leaned over the desk and snatch the wand straight out of the box before Ollivander could react. The wand hummed the moment George grasped it tightly and powerful winds swirled around the room, blowing Ollivander's hair back. George could instantly feel a strong connection to the wand as if it was an extension of his body. It felt like he had been reunited with a lost limb.

He pocketed the wand with the same neutral expression and inquired, "I believe that will be seven galleons?"

Since the question had been rhetorical, he placed the seven gold coins down before he had even received an answer. Ollivander nodded whilst not knowing what to say, this must have been a first for him.

George could faintly hear Ollivander saying, "how curious", as he was running out of the shop.