
Harry Potter and the Four Heirs

Merlin, not happy with how the future unravelled for the life of Harry Potter, intervenes early to set the course of history back on track. Implied Pairing Only. Smart!Harry Bash!AD Idiot!RW WARNING I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY I MERELY PUT IT HERE FOR ALL OF US TO APPRECIATE T'S STORY!! THIS FANFIC WAS WRITTEN BY SINKYE

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13 Chs

C7 The Heirs' Discovery

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Harry reached into his satchel and drew forth another memory cube. He leaned forward and placed it in the center of the table before him. And activated it.

As before, up popped an image of Myrddin.

"Greetings, My Lords and Ladies, their families, and of course, Your Majesty, if you're watching this," said Myrddin with a formal bow.

"My name is Myrddin Emrys, or Merlin Ambrosius, if you prefer..." he began just as Harry heard a sharp intake of breath from the wizarding folk, "... and I have been Harry's mentor, teacher and friend for the past fifteen years.

"Yes, yes; I know he's not reached his eleventh birthday yet; but Harry can vouch for it. Harry lived it and Her Majesty heard me explain it to Her. Ask Harry how it was possible later.

"What I am going to talk to you about is time and prophecy. And your places within both. I'm going to talk to you about three different timelines. Specifically, three different futures. What was supposed to happen, what would have happened if I hadn't taken a hand in it, and what I did to start to get things back on track. With your help, we'll succeed.

"First, the original timeline; what was supposed to happen.

"Harry was supposed to have originally gone and lived with Augusta and Neville; first as a guest, then as a more permanent family member due to Frank and Alice's health. Susan, your life would have been the same. The same goes for Hermione.

"Then all four of you would have entered Hogwarts as normal students and completed your studies. You would have, all four of you, been close friends. Harry and Neville would have been sorted into Gryffindor, Hermione into Ravenclaw and Susan into Hufflepuff. Yes, I know Harry is the Earl of Slytherin, but the reputation of the house at present meant the friendship would have been... damaged if he was sorted there.

"Then, except for Hermione, you would have all discovered your true inheritance as you reached your majority. Hermione would have discovered hers when a letter would have been sent to her inviting her into Gringotts. And she would have undertaken the rite of inheritance.

"After Hermione, the first to reach majority but the last to receive her title, did receive hers, all four of you would have soon afterwards been together in the Great Hall. At that point Hogwarts would have recognized you all as you really are. And you would have then been in a place to radically change the curriculum to bring the school up to a decent standard of education, rather than the shadow of its former self it has become.

"You would all, also, start changing the wizarding world in other ways, especially through your seats on the Wizengamot. Neville would have championed equality, as a true Gryffindor would. Susan would, at the same time, forged to unite the wizarding world as one and championed better laws regarding magical creatures. Hermione was destined to be the smartest witch in Hogwarts history, she would even be Head Girl in her final year, and she would have been the one leading both changes to wizarding law, revitalizing the whole system, and challenged even her ancestor, Rowena Ravenclaw, for knowledge and development of new magics.

"And then there's Harry. Voldemort... Riddle... will return. Harry knows how. He was going to return in about four years from now, but Harry was finally going to face him in a one-on-one duel to the death in your final year just before his majority. Harry would be successful and, after taking up his titles, go on to be the hero of the wizarding world and beyond. He would also be the linchpin holding all four of you together and, if anyone threatened you, dealt with them," Myrddin paused for a moment before continuing.

"However, all that was... interfered with... by a stupid, old, manipulative man who thinks he's God's gift to wizardry; Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore. He who thinks he's better than everyone else and only he can fix things. He who has no problem sacrificing people if he believes it's for what he calls 'The Greater Good'. If you ever hear him say, 'It's for the greater good', he's about to or has already broken the law. And there's a possibility someone's going to die, or did die, as a result of his manipulations.

"When Dumbledore messed with the timeline he messed with destiny. Through his acts, Harry would have lost to Riddle in that duel. And Riddle would have gone on to first, destroy wizarding Britain, then the wizarding world, and then the mundane world. The eventual result would have, likely, led to the end of the entire world as we know it as you know it.

"So, I had to step in. And when I have to step in, I make sure about what I'm doing. I leave nothing to chance, as I won't get a second chance. I secreted Harry out of the home in which Dumbledore dumped him the night after his parent's death. A mundane household. A household where he would not have known love, nor learned of his wizarding heritage until he received his letter from Hogwarts shortly before his eleventh birthday. It was Dumbledore's plan to soon after... rescue... him. This way, Dumbledore would appear to be Harry's knight in shining armor and Harry would adore him. Of course, it was all about Dumbledore being able to control Harry.

"Harry would have entered the wizarding world smaller and weaker physically, and his magical core would have been irreparably damaged. It's that damage that would have led to his eventual loss at Riddle's hands. Dumbledore's plan was for Harry to fight Voldemort, lose, and then Dumbledore would come in and kill Voldemort making him, once more, the hero of the wizarding world. He would, of course, have failed.

"I took Harry out of that abusive home on his fourth birthday. And I did it in such a way that Dumbledore, who has magical monitors on the household where he dumped Harry, does not know he's missing. As far as Dumbledore knows, Harry is there right now. And Harry and I need him to keep thinking that until the 1st of September when Harry leaves for Hogwarts. And there, Dumbledore believes he will have even more control over Harry. Yes, he's that manipulative.

"Yes, I took Harry out of the Dursleys' on his fourth birthday, and for the next close-to-fifteen years I trained him. That's right, fifteen years. Harry may be an eleven-year-old, nearly, but I took him to a place where time ran slower. He has the most advanced training I could provide him. I trained him in the way that druids, mages and magicians of my day were trained. Then, due to his aptitude, I carried on with further training. In for a penny, in for a pound as I believe they say in your day.

"At the moment young Harry has so much knowledge crammed into his brain he could start writing it all down and not be finished before he died of advanced old age. I trained him to Journeyman level, as it is known... sorry, as it was known... in my day. And that's well beyond what the wizarding world is capable of in your day.

"You must not allow others in the wizarding world to know what is going on until the four Heirs make their move. That especially includes Dumbledore, his so-called Order of the Phoenix, the Ministry and the Wizengamot. If others learn of what is being planned it would place the Heirs in danger. Some would attempt to stop them as they will see what they will do as a threat to their way of life. They would be wrong, but they don't understand that yet.

"I also do not want the Heirs to be recognized by Hogwarts until after your first year. I want you to have the time to just be students, watch and learn about the curriculum, and plan how to fix it. That will also give others, such as Her Majesty, the chance to do their own preparations. Then, on the day of the Leaving Feast at the end of the year, you can pounce!

"At the moment, only Her Majesty and some of her people, the goblins, and you... eight... know of your elevation if Harry was successful in having the signals from the rings blocked from alerting the wizarding world the Heirs have taken up their rings. You should all at least get another almost year of your childhoods before you're thrust into the thick of it.

"Now for the prophecy..."

Again, with the split image. And, again, the first part of the prophecy.

"Dumbledore knows that part, he was there when he heard that part of the prophecy uttered. Oh, and he didn't capture the memory of it and give it to the Department of Mysteries, either. Yet another thing he's done wrong.

"Riddle also knew the first two lines. This is the part Dumbledore and Riddle don't know..." And he recited the second part of the prophecy he'd done earlier.

"Now to break it down for you so you can understand what a pivotal role you'll play.

"The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches. Could be anyone. Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. This could be Harry or Neville. Yes, Neville, you're what Dumbledore thinks of as 'the alternate'. And the Dark Lord will mark him as equal. That's Harry, it's the scar on his head. But he will have power the Dark Lord knows not. Dumbledore thinks it's love, which Harry abounds with. And either must die at the hand of the other for neither can live while the other survives. That's the duel, unless Harry can stop him before that. Before two hands of full turnings shall pass. Less than ten years. The one with the power will come forth from whence he has been lost. Harry coming out of hiding, where I took him.

"He shall be joined by loyalty. That's Susan. He shall be joined by wit. That's Hermione. He shall be joined by resolve. That's Neville. The four are rejoined! That happens at Hogwarts. They shall defeat evil and restore order to magical kind. As I've explained.

"When the four founders first split, it was Salazar Slytherin who first walked away. He caused what was to follow. That means it was up to his Heir to get them all back together. Which is what Harry managed to accomplish, since you are all here watching me ramble on. However, it won't be recognized until you all stand together in the Great Hall. And that's the 1st of September.

"Now, why are we doing things early? It's because Dumbledore has already done so much damage to the time balance, the scales of time need an extra... nudge... to get things back to rights. By you four taking control earlier, you will give the nudge needed.

"But you're eleven-year-old. You do not have the knowledge or wisdom to carry out what you need to do. Only Harry has it, at the moment. So, we can fix that. We can bring your knowledge up and give your wisdom a boost.

"Oh, you'll still be eleven-year-old. But your knowledge will be astounding. It will compensate you against your lack of years.

"Harry has specialist memory cubes that will, as he puts it, download the knowledge into your minds. The memory cubes were designed and created for each of you and are designed to not cause you harm. Harry calls this safety feature... circuit breakers.

"It will take many days to run through all the cubes. Harry knows what to do. At the end of it you will have the same level of knowledge as he does."

While Myrddin continued to talk Harry withdrew from his satchel a wooden case. Opening the lid he set the case upon the coffee table next to the cube. Inside the case where three rows of fourteen near identical cubes. Plus, a fifteenth.

Myrddin continued, "So that it will not disrupt your normal lives the cubes are designed to be used at night during the course of a normal night's sleep. Each will be placed on your forehead once you're lying down. Harry will activate them. Then they'll do their work for about eight hours each. At the end of that time, you will simply wake up feeling quite refreshed but with new knowledge.

"The only difference to that routine is the first one. It's designed to allow and give you the knowledge and understanding of how to order your mind. It will teach you Occlumency. This is to protect you from Dumbledore trying to manipulate you. Dumbledore is a trained Legilimens and has no compulsion against mind-raping his students or anyone else. This is something he does often. If he discovers who you are, he will no doubt attempt it upon you."

Harry heard both Amelia and Augusta gasp in shock.

"It will also give you an eidetic memory, perfect recall. So that all the information in the rest of the cubes will remain in your minds and you can then order it in such a way the information will come to your forethoughts immediately.

"The other cubes will cover wizarding and mundane law, the history and traditions of both worlds, how to live in both worlds, the laws of logic, mathematics, physics, mundane and magical medicine and healing, herbology, technology, technomancy, arithmancy, runes, ley lines, potions, charms, hexes, and even curses with a focus on defense against the dark arts. They will teach wandless, druidic and oriental magics, business principles, public relations and leadership. And they will teach how to expand on what they have learned, experiment with safety protocols in place, mundane weaponry, security systems; and even more.

"In other words, everything Harry and I could conceive someone in their positions could need to be safe.

"I would wish you luck, children, but I happen to know you don't need it. So, I will say instead, I will enjoy watching your successes.

"Oh, and by the way, Harry. You've got a piece of one of the sandwiches you scoffed earlier stuck to your tie."

"What?" said Harry then quickly looked down at his front trying to brush away... nothing.

Suddenly, Myrddin said, "Pranked you back!"

And the cube shut itself off.

Harry looked at the now dead cube stunned for a moment before he looked up and said, "Myrrdin! You just had to get the last one in, didn't you!"

Looking back down again he saw everyone else staring at him. "What?" he asked. "He wanted to get me back because one of the last pranks I played on him turned all his hair pink."

"You pranked Merlin?" asked Neville in awe.

"Well, yeah, Nev," replied Harry. "In that place we didn't study and work the whole time. We had a lot of fun together, too."

"But how did you learn about pranking?" asked Hermione. "Did you study it?"

"No," replied Harry. "In my down times I'd sometimes sit and watch through Myrddin's time viewer what my Mum and Dad got up to at Hogwarts. Dad and Sirius were best friends since well before Hogwarts and, once there, they made friends with Peter Pettigrew and Remus Lupin. The four of them called themselves the Marauders and, my Dad and Sirius mainly, used to prank the other students and, sometimes, the staff. Some of them were funny but most were just... cruel. I was disappointed with my father for that, and it's also something I won't do."

"But, if Myrddin and you could see through time, wouldn't he have been able to see if you were going to play a prank on him?" asked Hermione.

Harry stared back utterly stunned as Hermione's words made him realize the truth of it. Then he started to chuckle. Then laugh. He'd almost reached the point of it being full-on uncontrollable laughter before Augusta spoke up.

"Lord Potter!" she admonished him. "Try to remember you're a Head of House, and where you are!"

Harry struggled but it still took him quite a while to get himself back to a point he could speak.

"Don't you get it?" he chortled. "Hermione's right! He knew! He knew, and he still let me do it!" Then he broke out into laughter again. And it was a little while before he again managed control of himself. Hermione and Susan got it and were also giggling a little.

"He... let me do it," said Harry, still calming down and somewhat amazed. "He let me do it, so I had fun on one of my last days there! Oh, Myrddin; you sly old fox!"

"Then why didn't you know he knew?" asked Hermione again.

"Because I didn't think to go looking for if he did," replied Harry. "You can't see everything. There wasn't enough time, or you'd spend all your time just watching instead of learning and studying."

Suddenly remembering where he was, he looked up at the Queen and said, "Sorry, Your Majesty. That... was rude."

"No need to apologize, My Lord Potter," the Queen smiled back. "We, too, were amused."

Finally calming right down Harry leaned forward, sighed a little, and asked, "Now that you've seen Myrddin's message. Are there any questions?"

It was Dan who spoke first, "That was a nice bit of holographic... whatever it was... but how do we know it was true? Or even that that man was Merlin? And these memory cubes of which he spoke, how do we know they won't harm our children?"

As he asked, Harry was nodding his head. "We were expecting these sorts of questions, so I'm going to do something Amelia and Augusta, and Susan and Neville, know means this is no joke.

"I do not have a wand yet, as I won't be going to purchase it until my birthday," Harry continued. "So, Madam Longbottom, may I borrow yours?"

Augusta drew her wand from her sleeve and handed it to Susan without a word. Susan then leaned over Neville and handed it to Harry. Clearly Augusta knew what Harry was about to do; and it looked, so did Amelia.

Holding the wand out in front of him Harry stated in a solemn voice, "I, Harry James Potter, Earl of Slytherin, Head of House Slytherin, Head of House Potter and Heir to the House of Black, do solemnly swear on my magics and my life, that the message I played before this gathering, was of Myrddin Emrys, also known as Merlin Ambrosius. And do also swear that what was relayed by him to this gathering in his message was and is true as I know it to be. I further swear that I will not knowingly lie, and have not knowingly lied, on any matter we gathered here have discussed this day. However, I reserve the right to not answer any question; but, if I do, then that answer will be the truth as I know it. So, mote it be! So, mote it be!"

A flash of light appeared to radiate from Harry, just once.

No one said a word as Harry then held the wand by its grip and said, "Lumos!" and the tip brightly lit up. "Nox!" and the light extinguished.

Harry handed the wand back to Susan then reached his right hand, first showing one of his rings, out towards the cube. And willed it to float gently over to his palm.

"Madam Longbottom," asked Harry quietly. "Could you relate to Her Majesty and the Grangers just what it meant when I did that?"

Still completely stunned by what Harry did, Augusta haltingly said, "Yes... Of course,... My Lord."

Then, gathering herself, she explained, "Lord Potter just made an unbreakable vow. As an emancipated minor he is now an adult in the eyes of magical law. So, he could do it and be bound by it. He then demonstrated that what has been discussed here, and with Her Majesty earlier, was true by lighting the tip of his... my... wand with his magics. And he is clearly not now dead.

"However, I have no idea how he managed to make that crystal float over to his hand."

"Thank you, Madam Longbottom," said Harry. "In answer to that, I used wandless magic. You will recall Myrddin said one of the teaching cubes can teach Neville, Susan and Hermione how to use it."

"And if I do not allow Hermione to go to Hogwarts, now that I know of this?" asked Dan.

"If us four Heirs do not stand together in the Great Hall, then the world, as we know it, will probably end," said Harry, flatly.

Giving that a few moments to sink in, he then said more calmly, "If Riddle wins against me, he will take over the wizarding world in Britain. There is no one that we know of likely to stop him. Not just magical folk will die either, just as it did in the 70s right through to late 1980, many non-magical folk will also die. The rest of the magical world will then shut itself off from Britain.

"Riddle, unstopped, will then work to take over the mundane world of the United Kingdom and Ireland. He will then attempt to enslave everyone. Those he can't enslave he will kill. This will then lead to involvement from Europe in self-preservation. Then, even more nations will become involved. And there is then every likelihood of global war."

Dan went white; Emma was not far behind him.

"If the four Heirs unite in the Great Hall at Hogwarts, the prophecy states, 'They shall defeat evil and restore order to magical kind'. 'They shall defeat...'. That's pretty cut and dried," said Harry.

"M... Merlin was understating things when he said he only takes a hand if he feels it's necessary, didn't he?" asked Dan.

Harry smiled and said, "I found him to be quite modest, yes."

"And these... magical... cubes of yours?" asked Amelia.

"Will give Susan, Neville and Hermione," said Harry as he indicated them, "The greatest arsenal of knowledge, across many disciplines, we could devise in the time Myrddin and I had to aid them in their endeavors with me in this."

"How long will it take?" she asked.

"I don't know for sure but it's speed will depend on the capability of the mind to which it is applied," replied Harry. "The first cube will take about eight hours to do its job. That is, give them the knowledge and ability to... reorder, for wont of a better word... their conscious memories. And the knowledge of how to shield their minds, Occlumency. By the time we reach the 1st of September they will be skilled Occlumens and have their mental walls up.

"Though the cube will take about eight hours, it is then up to them to put the knowledge it's given them into practice. That should take at least two full days. I plan on giving them two and a half, meaning I would return three nights later with the next cube. After that it's pretty much a new one each night.

"The scariest one's for you, watching your loved ones, is the first one. When someone is reordering their memories and knowledge, they're going to appear to be... staring off into space... for long periods of time. But you can easily grab their attention if you need or want to, even if it's just to check on them. Think of them as someone who has focused all their attention on solving a problem, or reading a good book, and you'll have a pretty good idea.

"I can also stop at any time, as requested by them or by you, their guardians, and they will retain what they've already... absorbed. But each new cube after the first will have no effect on their day-to-day activities. They will simply have all this new knowledge they didn't have the day before.

"If we're able to run through all the cubes in quick succession, without a break after the first, it's going to take just over two weeks to reach the end."

"How do they work, My Lord?" asked Amelia.

"Essentially, they're a... different form of a pensieve," replied Harry.

Before he could continue Emma interrupted. "A pensieve?" she asked.

"A wizard is able to extract from their minds a copy of different memories," replied Harry. "These memories can then be put into a device called a pensieve, which will allow another, or others, to see the memories for themselves. They are very useful in law enforcement when questioning witnesses; or for showing someone something you saw and want them to see.

"The cubes have certain of my memories stored in them," he continued. "They are of what Myrrdin taught me and I learned for myself. And they're ordered in such a way that the subject matter is... compartmentalized... to make it easier for those using them to absorb the information in a logical form."

"But a pensieve of memories only works if you're awake and you actively watch the memories. It's almost as if you're there as the memory is being developed," explained Amelia.

"If you watch a memory," she continued, "Then time within it flows normally. That would mean it would take years to learn from your memories what you've learned."

"Yes," said Harry. "And that's where these cubes differ from a pensieve.

"You see, the subconscious mind is able to absorb information at an incredibly fast rate; far faster than your five senses - sight, hearing, smell, touch and taste - can detect the information. So, Myrrdin spent years developing that magical technology to what we would need. Each cube stores years of learning and training - my learning and training - compresses it and speeds the time up. Then, when activated, sends the information into the mind of the recipient at an incredibly rapid rate but slow enough for the subconscious to accept it while the body is in sleep state.

"Think of it as watching a one-and-a-half-hour video... or pensieve memory... in only a few seconds. But, when you then think about it, you'll be able to recall the entire video. or memory... in great detail and clarity at normal speed, slow speed, high speed and even paused."

"So, Merlin is going to be teaching us?" asked Susan excitedly.

"You would be receiving the memories of me being taught by Merlin," replied Harry. "So, in effect, it'll seem as if he was teaching you."

"A. and these cubes will help keep my daughter safe?" asked Emma.

"Ma'am, I cannot guarantee anyone's safety; especially not my own. No one can promise that in any situation. Life, itself, is inherently dangerous," said Harry solemnly. "However, with the four of us working together, we stand to be the safest we can be given the situation confronting us."

Emma sighed and slumped her shoulders, then looked at Dan who looked back and nodded in resignation with his head bowed.

"Madam Longbottom, Madam Bones; how say you?" Harry asked them.

Both witches looked at each other for a few moments. Then both looked at Harry and nodded. Maybe, reluctantly, but they nodded.

"And that leaves the other Heirs," said Harry.

"Hermione?" he asked, looking at her.

"Oh, yes! Yes, please!" she said, with glee and anticipation.

Looking at Susan he then asked, "Susan?"

"Yes," she firmly said.

"And Neville?" he asked Neville.

"Yeah, I guess," he said.

"No, Nev," Harry firmly replied. "If you're not sure then I won't go ahead. I will not force you to do anything you would not want to do."

Neville then looked back at Harry for moment before taking a deep breath, squaring his shoulders, and saying firmly, "Then, Yes; I'm in."

Harry smiled back before then turning to look at the Queen.

"Your Majesty," Harry said formally. "You are our Queen. As this is a matter of national importance, at least, the ultimate decision lies with you. Without your consent, I would not proceed."

Harry then watched the Queen be a little surprised Harry had placed this on her. He could also see from her expression She quickly knew why he did it; and knew he was right.

She sat just a tiny bit straighter and said, "My Lord Harry James Potter; you are, without a doubt, the most astonishing young man We have ever met. We believe you are more than capable of carrying out the task you have before you.

"However, if you believe at any time you believe you may fail, We will hear of it immediately. At which time, we will act."

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Harry formally. "I am your humble servant."

"Then, as you have the agreement of the Heirs and their families, you may proceed," She said. "However, we will not make it a command. They all must be allowed to make their own choices."

"Yes, Your Majesty," said Harry, and bowed where he was sitting.

"As of right now, this is a matter of security of the realm," the Queen said. "We would not have any of you discuss it with anyone outside of this group. The exception will be to only explain enough to people who need to know something to be able to do their job; nothing more. We command it."

"Madam Bones and Madam Longbottom," She said, turning to the two witches. "We understand your homes are magically protected?"

Both witches said, "Yes, Your Majesty."

"Then We would ask you to... strengthen... those protections," The Queen said. "You now have within your care two of Our Peers and We would have them safe."

"I can have teams of Aurors trained in personal protection providing security at both the Longbottom and our manors," said Amelia. "I will also arrange for Aurors trained in awarding magic to strengthen the wards at both."

Turning to the Grangers, the Queen said, "Captain and Mrs. Granger; We understand your home is not able to be warded in the same manner as the Bones' and Longbottom's manors."

"Err... Your Majesty," said Dan, tentatively, "I'm retired. I'm a dentist now."

"Are you attempting to correct Us... Major?" asked the Queen with a frown.

"Ahhh... No, Ma'am! Of course not, Ma'am!" he spluttered.

"We thought not," She said. "Your commission is, as of this moment, reactivated."

Then, raising her voice a little, she called out, "Colonel!"

Colonel Benton came over from where he was sitting with other members of the Queens retinue. "Yes, Ma'am?" he asked.

"I have reactivated Major Granger's commission," She said. "His primary tasking is to provide security for one of Our Peers, his daughter. We would have him prepared for that task, and assisted."

"Yes, Ma'am," the colonel replied. "I can have him assigned to detached duties in the Diplomatic Protection Detail on covert operations."

"Excellent suggestion, Colonel," She said. "We would see it done."

"Yes, Ma'am," he said before turning to Dan. "Major, upon finishing here we shall proceed down to the armory of the Home Guard whereupon you shall receive your load out. I shall also have MI5 come to your home. They shall be dressed as tradespeople, and they shall fit your home with advanced security systems."

"Yes, Sir," said Dan, a bit stunned by the speed things were being arranged.

"As threats would probably come from the wizarding world, I can also have an Auror detail assigned to watch the Grangers' property, Your Majesty," said Amelia.

"We think that would be wise," replied the Queen, with approval. "Colonel?"

"I would never refuse an offer of assistance from a trained security force if it improved the safety of my Queen and her peers, Your Majesty," he said, before turning to Amelia. "I believe a way can be worked out where we can co-ordinate our efforts, and I thank you for the offer."

Bowing to the Queen, the colonel headed off.

"My Lord Potter," the Queen said, looking at Harry. "As you only arrived back in this... reality this morning, and your little house elf has assumed your place in the Dursley household, you would have no home, at present."

"Ummm... Your Majesty," said Harry, "I was going to go check out the Potter Manor and sort things to rights there. If it's currently uninhabitable, I was just going to get a hotel room so I could quickly come and go as needed. Then return there during the days and work towards repairing it."

"We will not have you staying at a hotel, My Lord Potter," the Queen disagreed. "There are guest rooms within the palace here. We do understand you need to visit the Bones, Longbottom and Granger residences often while those cubes of yours are... being utilized. So, we will arrange for you to have immediate access so you may come and go at any time."

Knowing he would lose the argument if he tried, Harry relented. "Thank you, Your Majesty," he said instead.

Augusta, who'd been quiet for quite some time, asked Harry, "Where have you been, if I may ask, My Lord?"

"As Myrrdin said, he cannot take a hands-on role in what's going on here without causing a time paradox," explained Harry. "So, he created a, as I called it, pocket reality outside of normal time and space. He could go there, and he was able to pull me there. That's how he could also adjust time.

"He then sent me back to this, the... normal reality... at just after 9.00am this morning. I arrived back here in amongst the trees in St James Park across from the western end of Downing Street."

Sitting bolt upright and staring at him, Amelia exclaimed, "That was you?"

Harry nodded.

"I had a frustrating day, today, trying to discover what that was," she said. "I sent a team of Aurors with Obliviators to the spot, expecting a child with great power to have caused a major accidental magic event. They found nothing. Not even a blade of grass out of place."

"Yeah," said a sheepish Harry. "I'd figured someone would come along pretty quickly. As soon as I arrived, I simply walked away and across the road. I didn't even look back. Sorry to have caused you so much work."

Amelia just snorted and grumbled.

"Okay, then," said Harry. "What to do now. If I may be so bold as to set this going?"

"One moment, My Lord Potter," Her Majesty said.

"Oh, Your Majesty," replied Harry. "Of course."

"You were telling Us about the night your parents died before We sent you away with the colonel," she said. "We would hear more."

"Of course, Your Majesty," replied Harry. "I just figured we had already... taken of your time enough for one day."

"It is Our time to do as We will," she replied. "And We do not consider We are done just yet."

"Err... Yes, Ma'am," said Harry, with contrition.

"I believe I was up to the point where Sirius had been grabbed by the Aurors, who thought he had killed the Potters, including me, and then went on to kill thirteen mundanes and Peter Pettigrew.

"I also explained earlier how Sirius was thrown into Azkaban under orders by Barty Crouch and Minister Bagnold without a trial," he said.

"And Madam Bones, I really do want you to get Sirius out of there as quick as you can," he said. "Say... you decided to review matters of those frantic couple of months and noticed a discrepancy in the records of that night. Then get him his trial and Veritaserum Potion him on the stand. Then, go ask Dumbledore why he didn't come forward with the information about Pettigrew being the Secret-Keeper. That should keep Dumbles on his toes while us Heirs get on with things before the 1st of September. Then I would want you at Hogwarts on the 2nd of September to pick up Pettigrew; he will be there."

"Yes, My Lord," she replied. "I can do that."

"That way, Madam Bones," he went on, "In capturing Peter Pettigrew there, you will have an excuse to post Aurors at the school."

"Ah!" said Amelia, understanding. "Yes, that can be arranged. Definitely."

"Next, I know Her Majesty would like a complete copy of the Magical Laws of wizarding Britain," Harry stated, before turning to the Queen and saying, "I know you have not asked for them yet, but I know you will want trusted members of your legal staff to go over them and review them. This will give your people time to review and advise before us four Heirs go into the Wizengamot and start kicking a few well deserving... behinds."

"That, My Lord, is an excellent suggestion," said the Queen, approvingly.

"Well, with that, I cheated, Your Majesty," replied Harry with a smile. "I already knew you were going to be asking for them sooner or later."

The Queen smiled a little in response.

"Next," said Harry, turning to look at Augusta. "We will need trustworthy Proxies found for the four Earldoms and the House of Potter. Madam Longbottom, I like you and trust you. Would you be willing to lead the search to find suitable candidates for each? Of course, Susan, Neville and Hermione may want someone else to do it, such as Madam Bones for Susan, but I'm putting my two bob's worth in first to ask. I reserve the right to make my own decision on it when the time comes, but recommendations would be gratefully accepted."

"I..." said Augusta a little surprised at the request. "I would be deeply honored, Lord Potter."

"Yeah, for me, too!" said Hermione. "I wouldn't know who to pick."

"You'll need to find one for me, too, Gran," said Neville. "Errr... Grandmother."

"Ummm... What's a Proxy?" asked Hermione.

"A Proxy is someone who will represent you as Head of House on the Wizengamot if you believe you cannot take up your seat at that time," replied Augusta. "As you will attending school and fixing problems there for a while, a Proxy would be a good idea."

"Oh," Hermione replied understanding. "Then, yes, definitely."

"I also ask that you consider Arthur Weasley and Remus Lupin for the roles of my Proxies, but that doesn't mean I will end up selecting them," said Harry.

"Of course, My Lord," replied Augusta.

"Now," said Harry, returning back to his talk, "While all that mess with Sirius was going on, Rubeus Hagrid had arrived at the Potter Cottage. He claimed Dumbledore had sent him to collect me. Which makes you then wonder how Dumbledore knew I was alive, let alone that both my parents were dead. Hagrid took me back to Hogwarts on Sirius's flying motorcycle and into the school's hospital ward. Dumbledore met Hagrid, and me of course, as we arrived.

"On examination, Poppy Pomfrey, the school medi-witch, discovered a piece of dark magic associated with the wound on my forehead. She discovered it was a piece of Riddle's soul stuck to me as a soul-leech..." said Harry but was interrupted by gasps from Amelia and Augusta.

"My Lord," said Augusta. "Please do not speak of such things!"

"Madam Longbottom, that is not the worst of it," said Harry firmly. "Dumbledore ordered Poppy to heal my wound as best she could. But Poppy did not have the skills to remove the leech. Dumbledore should have immediately ordered me to be taken to St Mungo's to get it removed. Instead, he had me kept there for about the next twenty-four hours to make sure I was otherwise okay."

"What?!" both Augusta and Amelia exclaimed.

"But that... that's... reprehensible!" Augusta further exclaimed.

"Don't worry too much about it," said Harry. "Myrrdin removed it very soon after I arrived in... that other place."

"And it's yet another law he's broken," growled Amelia.

"It's yet another thing he did that would have led to the loss of everything we hold dear," said Harry.

"The next morning," Harry continued, "he sent Minerva McGonagall, Hogwarts' Deputy Headmistress, to the Dursley residence and to spy on the house. As she was an animagus with the form of a tabby cat, she could easily hide in plain sight and watch.

"That night, after nothing else could be found wrong with me, Dumbledore called Hagrid back to the hospital wing. And had him take me to the Dursley house on Sirius's motorcycle. Shortly after Hagrid left, he obliviated Poppy of all knowledge of the soul leech still attached to me. Yes, another broken law.

"When Hagrid arrived at the Dursley residence, Dumbledore and McGonagall were waiting for him. Dumbledore then took me from Hagrid's arms and pinned a note to the blanket in which I was wrapped. Then he left me on the doorstep, pushed the doorbell and walked away. That's child abandonment.

"He knew how the Dursleys felt about magic and how bitter my... relative... was about my mother being a witch when she wasn't. And the monitoring charms he placed upon the house kept him apprised of what was really going on.

"And that is about it for my tale," finished Harry.

"Thank you, My Lord Potter," said the Queen. "But you could have told them about how you were treated, and would have been treated, at the hands of the Dursleys. Myrrdin was right when he said you have nothing of which to be ashamed or embarrassed."

"Lord Potter," said Emma quietly, drawing Harry's attention.

'Oh, ohhh!' thought Harry.

"What happened to you while you were at the Durleys?" Emma continued in a voice dripping with venom.

"It's the Dursleys, Ma'am," said Harry trying to make himself disappear. "And I would rather you and the others here not know."

"Why not?" she flatly asked.

"Uhhhh... Because, including Her Majesty, there are five parents or guardians here," he meekly replied. "A... And I know how you would react. And I can't afford you, any of you, to 'lose it' and end up with Dumbledore knowing things had changed at the Dursleys when we are soooo close to the 1st of September."

"Tell. Me. Now!" she said in a very quiet and low tone.

"Tell her, Lord Potter," the Queen quietly said. "Tell them all."

'Oh, God!' Harry thought. 'The Royal Magic of command.'

"I was... verbally and... physically... abused," said Harry, struggling against the magic. "Wh... when Myrrdin... rescued me... I had... a concussion from a beating..."

Harry knew he wasn't going to resist the magic, so gave in.

Sighing, he went on to say, "I was severely malnourished. I was only allowed to eat table scraps. I had poison within the skin of my hands from pulling weeds all day, every day, making my hands red raw and swollen. My bedroom was the cupboard under the stairs, my bed was an old dog's basket, and I would often be locked in there for days at a time. I had poorly healed fractures in my arms, one leg and some ribs. I have scarring on my body from my time there. I would be forced to do all the housework. I thought my name was 'Freak' until Myrrdin rescued me because that was the only thing my... relative... would call me. I received no love and was despised by them all because my parents were a wizard and a witch. They intended to beat the magic out of me if I showed any signs, I had it."

Once Harry wounds down, he sat with his head bowed and waited...

Surprisingly, the first one to react was Hermione. She shifted across into his lap and hugged him.

But her moving triggered the reaction he was expecting.

"WHAT?!" And the wall of sound hit him. He heard snatches of 'The hero of the wizarding world', 'under four years old', 'trying to beat magic out?', 'I think I may take my load out now' from Dan, and a few others.

Hermione didn't move. She just hugged him even tighter and held on.

Harry didn't know if it was the Queen wielding her magic again as he had his eyes closed, but the noise subsided very quickly after about ten seconds.

"There's more," said the Queen quietly. "From what Myrrdin said earlier today in his message to Us, Dumbledore knew all about how Harry was being treated. He has magical monitoring on the Dursley home."

Again, stunned silence.

"To hell with a trial," said Amelia coldly. "I'm going to kill him myself."

"No, you will not," the Queen stated matter-of-factly. "We have been considering this matter carefully, and Lord Potter is correct. Mister Dumbledore and the Dursleys will be punished in due course, but it is going to have to be put on abeyance."

"Your Majesty," said Amelia, "he has broken the law and I am charged with upholding it. I am required to arrest him."

"And We are the final arbiter of law," responded the Queen. "It is Our decision that this wait. Mister Dumbledore is not going anywhere as he believes his plans are in place. The Dursleys are not going anywhere as they believe Harry is still with them. Knowing what our enemy is going to do in advance means We have control. If We move too soon against the Dursleys and Dumbledore those plans collapse.

"We shall also not be moving against Our Minister for Magic, Cornelius Fudge, as Myrrdin and Lord Potter have asked us not to."

Amelia sighed and nodded her head.

"We still do not understand why you need that first year, Lord Potter," said the Queen turning to Harry.

"Because the problem of widespread passive sedition begins at Hogwarts. It is the core of how the wizarding world in Britain thinks as it does," replied Harry.

"Explain, please," the Queen instructed.

Harry nodded and, asked Hermione to hop off before he began.

"The attitudes of wizards and witches to, well, just about everything that is wrong with the wizarding world, starts there," he said. "From birth to their eleventh year, those born within the wizarding world have magic all around them all the time. So, they grow up knowing about magic. And they grow up learning a fair bit about the wizarding world's traditions.

"Mundane borns, however, have no idea about the wizarding world until they receive their letter inviting them to Hogwarts hand-delivered by the person who is the current Deputy Head at Hogwarts. Then they learn of their... heritage... but nothing else. They have no idea about traditions, or right and wrongs relating only to the wizarding world.

"Then they attend Hogwarts. At Hogwarts they're ridiculed for not knowing things magical-raised children already know. And the pure bloods despise them because they, the pure bloods and other magical raised, see mundane-raised children as just stomping all over their traditions. That is just plain stupid.

"Now, at Hogwarts the children attend classes that average out to about four-to-five hours a day, five days a week. A select few will have the extracurricular activity of this sport called Quidditch. For the rest, and the rest of the time, there is nothing to do but some homework. That leaves a lot of children with nothing to do, and idle hands are the devil's work.

"You would also think there would be a class for mundane-raised children to be able to attend to learn about the culture and traditions of the magical world. After all, the school has them for approximately nine months of the year during their formative years of eleven or twelve to seventeen or eighteen depending on what month of the year they were born.

"Further, I would expect a class on mundane culture and traditions for the magically-raised. However, all they get is a short weekly class on what is called 'muggle studies'. And even then, it's pretty much optional. Even calling it by that name means the magical community are... conditioned... to use that offensive term. And, worse, the class material is so horribly out of date or just plain wrong as to be worthless in its current form.

"Magical-raised children, in general, are led to believe that 'muggles' are silly, not as intelligent or wise as magicals, but have some clever toys. The mundane-raised, in general, think the magical-raised, especially the pure bloods, are just plain daft. Especially, as they give all the appearance of living in the Victorian era.

"Let's look at the example of the Hogwarts Express. All children attending Hogwarts are required to board the train at Kings Cross station on the 1st of September. They then endure a seven hour train ride to the western Scottish lowlands. For magical-raised children this is a tradition that allows them to catch up with friends across Houses, and otherwise network. To get to Kings Cross they can be side-along apparated, floo'ed or port keyed to get there in just a few moments from anywhere in the United Kingdom or Ireland.

"However, let's look at a mundane-raised by mundane parents. A family lives in Northern Ireland has to fly and drive all the way down to London, negotiate London's notorious traffic snarls, and get their children to the station. That will often require an overnight stop somewhere, usually just outside of London. Once at the station, only their child going off to Hogwarts can get onto the correct platform as mundanes cannot get through the barrier.

"Also, the trip for the children would have been much simpler, faster and less draining if they had simply travelled to Hogwarts directly. And they know it. So, you now have the mundane-raised children on the train whining about how stupid it was to ride the Hogwarts Express, and the magically raised retorting that mundane-raised were trampling on their traditions. And they've not even reached Hogwarts yet."

"It's that sort of issue, Your Majesty," Harry said to the Queen, "That has led to the current passive sedition by the majority of wizarding Britain's populace."

The Queen nodded and said, "We understand."

"Now here we have a bit of break," Harry went on. "Except for a very few, all magicals in Britain attend Hogwarts. Only if they attend another school overseas are, they excused from attending. It is a requirement under the existing laws to attend school or have your wand snapped, your magical core bound and pretty much eviction from the community. There are no exceptions.

"This is why Myrrdin and I planned for us four Heirs to start early. We are in a position to do something about changing attitudes and the conditions at Hogwarts; get them while they're young. That way we begin to change the attitudes of the community as a whole.

"As for the other end of that chain, the Ministry and the Wizengamot, most who work there hold their positions through old money and connections. When Riddle was supposed to be resurrected, a lot of those people would side with him and show their true colours. In the ensuring short war Riddle would lose, and a lot of the pure blood families who came out in support of him, get wiped out. That would have included families such as Crabbe, Goyle, MacNair, Malfoy, Mulciber, Nott and Yaxley, to name a few.

"Families that survive included Bones, Longbottom, Potter, Weasley and - funnily enough - Black, due specifically to Sirius allying himself with the 'light' families against Riddle. But a lot of his family joined Riddle and died or were imprisoned.

"It's this massive blow to a lot of the pure blood families that would have allowed the four Heirs to start forcing changes to law within the wizarding world to bring things back on balance after being weighed towards the dark by Riddle and his followers.

"As I will be working towards stopping Riddle's resurrection by hunting down and destroying his soul-anchors - thereby releasing his soul to the afterlife, and effectively 'killing him' in the process as required by the prophecy - a lot of those families are not going to be lost. And their votes on the Wizengamot will be against us.

"This is where we'll also be working as the four Earldoms to force them to comply. If they try to use threats and intimidation the four Heirs will have power to spare to smack them down... hard. One will be the training and knowledge the cubes will give them. Another will be Her Majesty's authority over them. And the third will be their own laws as they currently stand."

Harry gave that a moment to be digested before continuing.

"Another reason I want the year is for your people, Your Majesty," Harry said looking to the Queen. "Many mundane-borns were unable to secure employment, or otherwise make a life for themselves, within the wizarding world and have returned to the mundane world, sometimes quite bitter. I now understand your Royal Wizard, Sir Kingston, has proven to be one of these. And this has gone on for quite some time.

"Give MI5 the writ to go through old school records right across the nation. Tell them they're looking for children who attended schools until their eleventh year of age then disappeared from records. Then, look for them to resurface six, seven or even eight years later appearing to be uneducated and requiring education, or are working in menial jobs. There will be at least hundreds of them, if not thousands. Especially, start with your militaries and police forces; mundane born magicals tend to drift towards that occupation.

"Track them down and you'll find a great many of them willing to come work for Your Government within the existing military, intelligence or police, if they don't already; or just be attached to them to deal with the trouble. If I fail against Riddle, or the four of us otherwise fail, you will have the forces necessary to go into the wizarding world and force your will upon them.

"So, there you have it. That is the core of what Myrrdin and I have been planning for many years," Harry finished.

"Any suggestions or comments?" he asked.

"Merlin!" said Amelia. "As Her Majesty said, you really are the most astonishing person I've ever met. They're not going to know what hit them!"

"I wondered why you wanted the year," mused Dan. "Now, I understand."

"I'm not happy with the idea of Her Majesty having to come in with her own forces," said Augusta. "But I can see why it would become necessary, if you fail."

"Now, for why I don't want Dumbledore touched until we're ready," Harry went on. "Dumbledore is still seen as a hero in the eyes of the wizarding world. He is Supreme Mugwump of the International Confederation of Wizards, Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, holder of the Order of Merlin First Class, long-term respected Headmaster of Hogwarts, leader of the Order of the Phoenix, the only person its known Riddle fears, and so-called leader of the light. Plus, he has a fire phoenix as a familiar, so people automatically think that must make him a 'good guy'.

"As such many people could not conceive of him possibly doing any wrong. And he can tell people to do something, even when they know it to be illegal, because its Dumbledore who told them to do it. And they believe Dumbledore can do no wrong.

"People like Minerva McGonagall, Rubeus Hagrid, Arabella Figg, Poppy Pomfrey, have all believed Dumbledore when they've taken concerns to him and he told them he would sort it out. But not one of them then followed it up with him, which makes me wonder if they've been obliviated or similar.

"So, we need to destroy that reputation before, or in the process of, taking him down. We need to show the wizarding world the man he truly is. Otherwise, he'll never serve time for his crimes.

"A lot of the evidence against him is easily found. And you, Madam Bones," said Harry, turning to Amelia, "are in an excellent position to gather it."

"However, I know that at least two of your senior Aurors, Alastor Moody definitely and possibly Kingsley Shacklebolt, report on everything straight to him. And there are others who report to the dark families. So, you're going to need to come up with a way to identify those who will expose to others what you're doing - what we're doing - before you give any of your Aurors a task associated with this."

"Also, you weren't here when I identified another matter of importance for Her Majesty. That of the actions of the so-called Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge. Old Fudge knows it's his duty to report what's going on in the magical world to the Prime Minister. Instead, he enters the Prime Minister's Office and obliviates him telling him that they had a meeting, and it was wide-ranging and productive; before he then leaves. We know he's done this on at least four occasions, so far."

"He what?!" said Amelia, shocked.

"Second on that," Harry continued not answering, "Fudge had also bugged the Prime Minister's Office, so he could listen in on meetings the Prime Minister had within his office with anyone on any matter. I have already rendered the device useless and it now provides Fudge with false information. And we know it was Fudge who did it because he entered the office only a few minutes after I destroyed the original device, and he was carrying an exact duplicate replacement for it in his pocket.

"Fudge is fomenting sedition and is a traitor to the Crown. He is also taking a great many bribes from the rich families and from Dumbledore. If you check his financials, the evidence will be there in plain sight.

"But Fudge is Her Majesty's to deal with. So, once you have the evidence, please hand it off to Her people. He is Her Minister, and will feel Her... wrath... first," said Harry smiling to the Queen.

The Queen nodded her head firmly in return.

"As for The Daily Prophet, the wizarding world newspaper, they've also an important part to play. So far, they've aided, knowingly or unknowingly, the sedition that's occurring. In the original timeline they actively spoke out against what the four Heirs were doing and did. In Dumbledore's interference timeline they called me a spoiled, attention-seeking brat who did nothing but lie.

"In this timeline, if they print just one lie about us," said Harry holding an index finger up "So help me God, I'll buy the bloody paper lock, stock and barrel; and put in staff who understand the meaning of the word 'truth'.

"Too many magical folks take what is written within that rag as the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I will not allow it to subvert what needs to be done."

"And believe it or not, I'm done with what I need to say today," said Harry, just about slumping in his seat. "Phew!"

"Any questions?" he asked.

Lots of shaking of heads before Hermione spoke up excitedly, "When can we start with the cubes?"

"That's up to your parents and you, 'Mione," replied Harry.

"As soon as you're ready," said Dan.

"I think that would be best," said Augusta.

Amelia just nodded.

Susan and Neville had big grins of excitement on their faces matching the one on Hermione's.

"Between nine and ten, then?" asked Harry.

"Earlier, please," replied Augusta. "It's been a long day."

Amelia, Dan and Emma all nodded in agreement.

"Okay," said Harry. "I'll turn up at 8.30pm at the Longbottoms, then the Boneses, and finally Hermione, as she's the oldest."

Another four nods from the adults and it was settled.

The meeting broke up almost immediately afterwards. The Queen left first after telling Harry a Page would escort him to his rooms. The Grangers joined the colonel, and a Page led the Longbottoms and the Boneses back to the fireplace in the Queen's Audience Room.

# # #

Harry's suite was huge. He was told this was the suite offered to visiting overseas guests. He even had his own maid and butler - who both assured him they knew of the magical world. They introduced themselves as Michael, the butler, and Samantha, the maid.

When Michael asked where his luggage was being stored Harry pulled out a tiny trunk from within his satchel, put it on the floor and cast the minor cantrip that expanded it back to original size. Though the maid and butler said they knew of the magical world they clearly had not seen such a thing. Thankfully, both recovered fast enough.

Michael simply walked forward, opened it and started unloading the contents into a wardroom and chest of drawers in the bedroom.

Samantha led Harry through the small suite - a sitting room, a bedroom and an ensuite - and identified how Michael could be summoned if he needed anything.

She then departed saying she would have the evening meal brought in for him soon.

Harry flopped into a large couch within the room, laid his head back and groaned.

'Day one's tasks complete, Myrrdin,' he thought. 'And we're more advanced in the planning stage than either of us expected to be. Tonight, we start on the cubes.'

# # #