
Harry Potter and the Four Heirs

Merlin, not happy with how the future unravelled for the life of Harry Potter, intervenes early to set the course of history back on track. Implied Pairing Only. Smart!Harry Bash!AD Idiot!RW WARNING I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY I MERELY PUT IT HERE FOR ALL OF US TO APPRECIATE T'S STORY!! THIS FANFIC WAS WRITTEN BY SINKYE

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13 Chs

C6 - The Other Three Heirs' Elevation

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Everybody not yet standing, stood setting aside their plates and cups. The colonel led the group over to a set of doors opposite to the ones in which they entered.

Just shy of the doors, the colonel turned around and said, "Can I have the Grangers in front, here," he said, indicating where he wanted them to stand, "then the Longbottoms; and then the Boneses."

Turning to Harry he said, "My Lord, please bring up the rear."

Harry nodded and helped sort the three groups out. "Children in front, please," he said.

Seeing everyone where he wanted them, the colonel turned and nodded to a Page who was holding a door handle.

The door was opened and the colonel, led by a Page who was standing just inside the door, led his little procession off and turned left just inside the door.

Inside was the Throne Room. There was no one there but the procession was led down the length of the room before coming to a door in the 'back' wall. The Page stopped here and knocked twice sharply on the door.

It was opened from the other side and the Page stepped aside to let everyone through. Harry felt the door closing again behind him.

Ahead, Harry could see the Queen seated on a large chair with a small table to one side. On the opposite side of the table, in a slightly smaller chair, sat the Prince of Wales, Prince Charles, watching the small procession with curiosity.

'No desk, this time,' thought Harry. 'And she was also dressed more... regally... with a small diamond tiara on her head. She looks more Queen-ish without overdoing .'

The Queen's small retinue, this time, were standing either side of the room at the front away from where the group entered. The Queen sat alone and apart except for Charles. A very subtle power play.

Harry could also see the goblin's box sitting on a small table in the centre of the room about six feet in front of the Queen. He then noticed the two goblins standing off to one side against a wall.

'Yep,' Harry thought. 'I knew that guy at the fireplace was waiting for the goblins.'

Harry thought he should have warned the Grangers about the goblins. But just hoped they'd handle it well, considering in whose presence they were.

The colonel led his little procession to stand in a line perpendicular to the Queen about six feet shy of the box on its little table.

Then, seeing his charges arranged, turned to face His Queen and formally said, "Your Majesty, please allow me to introduce; Miss Hermione Jean Granger; her parents, Doctor and Doctor Daniel and Emma Granger; Master Neville Longbottom; Madam Augusta Longbottom, his grandmother; Miss Susan Bones; and Madam Amelia Bones, her aunt."

Harry clearly didn't rate a second introduction.

"Thank you, Colonel," the Queen said. "We see you were successful in your task."

Hesitating a moment, She asked, "And did you carry out your task with the aplomb and dignity your office demanded as an envoy of Us?"

"No, Ma'am," bowing his head slightly the colonel replied. "I found the methods of... travel... used quite disconcerting and fell over at least once. I had to be helped to my feet on one occasion and held from falling twice."

"We see," the Queen said. Then, turning to look at Harry, She said, "We would have your opinion of Our Royal Summoner's performance, My Lord Potter."

"Certain..." Harry managed to say before he was interrupted by Hermione down the other end.

"Potter?... Harry Potter?..." she piped up before taking a step forward and looking back down the line. Her sudden outburst and movement shocked everyone else in the room.

"You're Harry Potter?... The Harry Potter?..." she continued with her voice rising in pitch and volume.

Meanwhile Dan, after his initial startlement, looked down at his daughter in horror before quickly glancing up at His Queen. He saw that, while She was a little surprised at Hermione's outburst, She was also a little amused.

"I've read aaaallllll about you..." Hermione continued, looking at Harry before her father's hands suddenly grabbed her by the shoulders.

"Hermione!" he hissed in a loud whisper.

"Huh?" she exclaimed, before she quickly glanced up at her father.

Seeing the look on consternation on his face, she snapped her head around to look at Her Queen and blushed furiously.

As her father half dragged, half guided, his daughter back into line she squeaked, "Oh!... Sorry, Y... Your Majesty!" And hung her head feeling thoroughly ashamed as her father tucked her in under his arm.

Down the other end of the line Harry had hung his head and was shaking it backwards and forwards.

"Your Majesty," began Dan, "I apologise on behalf..."

Clearly trying not to smirk, the Queen simply raised Her hand in a stop gesture. Dan shut up immediately.

"Doctor Granger, it is quite alright," She said. "Charles, here, was just as... impetuous... as a child."

The Prince just grinned in response.

If Hermione could have blushed any deeper, she would have.

"It appears, My Lord Potter, you may be more famous than We," the Queen said, then obviously awaited a response.

"Your Majesty, I..." said Harry looking up and back at the Queen and squaring his shoulders. "I know of at least seven books supposedly written about my life by one author alone. It's all pure fantasy, of course."

Waiting a few moments the Queen said, "We see."

Hesitating a few moments the Queen said, "Now, My Lord Potter, We believe you were about to answer Our question."

"Yes, Ma'am," Harry said mentally preparing his answer. "Colonel Benton was, of course, completely inexperienced in both side-along apparating, the method used when we left here, and floo travel, the method we used travelling from the Longbottom Manor to the Bones Manor and back to here.

"Due only to his inexperience he stumbled a couple of times on exit. However, I feel he represented the Crown with the dignity and aplomb you required, and quickly accepted the... unusual... experience the environment presented him."

The Queen nodded slightly and said, "Thank you, My Lord Potter, for your appraisal."

Harry just gave a slight bow in response.

Then, turning to the colonel, she said, "Colonel, We find Ourselves impressed with Lord Potter's report of you, and your own humility. We would discuss this more with you at a later time."

"Thank you, Ma'am," the colonel responded with a formal bow.

"Now," She said sitting up just a little straighter. "Just what do Our other guests understand of this matter?"

"Only that you have asked for their attendance, Ma'am," the colonel replied more easily.

The Queen simply nodded. Turning to scan her eyes on the others in the line, she said, "We have called you here to seek... clarification... of matters most important to Us and the realm.

"To that end," she continued, "we have asked the goblins to attend us to apply their magics. Through their magics we shall have Our answers."

Pausing for a moment she said, "Neville Francis Longbottom, Susan Charity Bones and Hermione Jean Granger..."

She hesitated slightly, glancing at Harry as she did, before saying more firmly, "By Our command as your Sovereign, We require you to undergo the Rite of Inheritance at this time."

Looking back down the line, Harry watched as the shock of the Queen's words hit Neville, Susan, Augusta and Amelia. The Grangers, however, simply looked quite puzzled.

It was Augusta who spoke up first, "But... But... Your Majesty!" she spluttered, "Such a thing is not done until the children..."

Again, the Queen held up her hand stopping the person speaking in mid sentence. Augusta appeared quite stunned that she couldn't speak with her mouth opening and closing.

"By Our command, Madam Longbottom," said the Queen firmly before then saying. "We have the right."

Harry was just grinning, watching the Queen assert her magical authority on the... event.

'Wow! Fast Learner!' he thought, with a grin.

Once the line had settled again, she turned to the goblins and said, "Director Ragnock; Grunnark; if you would."

The two goblins bowed and then came walking up to the box. Grunnark opened it and removed two blank sheets of parchment and the small knife.

Once he was ready, he nodded to the Director who then nodded to the Queen.

"Neville Longbottom," she said. "Please, step forward and follow the instructions of the goblins."

Neville hesitated a bit and glanced up at his grandmother who was still standing there in shock not uttering a word. Then he squared his shoulders, lifted his head and stepped up to the box where the goblins awaited.

The Director, took the knife off the box and, offering it to Neville, said, "Mister Longbottom. You are to use this knife and prick the top of your ring finger on your right hand. You are then to allow one drop of blood to drop onto each piece of parchment before you."

Again, hesitating a moment, Neville took the knife with his right hand and, switching it to his left hand, used it to jab the tip of his right ring finger. He winced a little, handed the knife back to Ragnock, and watched as a drop of blood welled up on his finger before holding it above the first sheet of parchment.

When the first drop dropped, he quickly moved his hand over the second piece of parchment and watched as the second drop fell and landed. Then he pulled his hand away and pinched his finger.

He and the goblins then leaned forward to watch as the blood soaked in and swirled out to form words.

Neville gave a sharp intake of breath at what he saw appearing.

Once the document had stopped it's magics, Ragnock picked them up side by side. He read over both to compare them before handing one off to Grunnark. Grunnark then walked over and handed it to the Queen bowing formally as he did so.

The Queen accepted the parchment and quickly ready through it as Grunnark walked back to the box.

"My Lord Potter," said the Queen, glancing across at Harry. "It appears your... research... is correct."

Then she turned to look straight at Neville and said, "My Lord Longbottom. It appears this rite has identified you as the Heir Apparent to the Earldom of Gryffindor and the Heir Apparent of the House of Longbottom. As there is no one of your line before you to claim the title - by Our command, you, sir, are the Earl of Gryffindor."

When the Queen said 'Earldom of Gryffindor' the first time there was a short hesitation before there was an audible collection of gasps from Augusta and the Boneses. The Grangers still didn't seem to know what to make of it all but were watching intently everything that was happening.

Even Hermione had recovered from her embarrassment by this time and was watching just as intently as everyone else.

The Queen, however, did not seem to notice as she was staring intently at the document before her.

After a few moments the Queen then turned Her attention to the two goblins and said, "Director Ragnock, the rings, if you would. And We require the same... protections of notification... that were applied to Lord Potter's rings."

Grunnark reached into the box once more and drew forth two ring boxes, offering one to Ragnock.

Taking it Ragnock opened it and cast the required spells upon it.

Then he turned to Neville offering it towards him and saying, "Yours is the ring on the left, take it out."

Neville reached in with a shaking left hand and took out the indicated ring.

"Place it on your right ring finger. The magics will do the rest," said the old goblin.

As soon as Neville had placed the ring on his finger it resized itself before it flashed once.

"The ring has accepted. You are now the Lord and Head of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor. As such, you are also automatically emancipated. Congratulations, My Lord," Ragnock said giving the ring box back to Grunnark.

"I... I am?" asked Neville a bit querulously.

"But... that's impossible!" blurted Amelia. "There's no way the magics of the rings..."

"Madam Bones!" the Queen rode over the top of her in a firm voice. "You do not yet seem to understand the authority I bear. I have ordered it, so shall it be. The magics know Our authority."

'Oooh!' thought Harry. 'No Royal "We" in that statement. Amelia had best watch herself.'

Looking back down at the document for a moment the old goblin then accepted the second ring box and, ignoring Amelia's outburst and with a straight face, said, "Yes, My Lord."

Then opening the second box he, again, cast spells upon it before offering it to Neville.

"These are the rings for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Longbottom. Yours is the one on the left."

Neville looked at it for a moment before turning back to look at his grandmother. She was still looking on in shock. As was Amelia.

"Lord Longbottom," the Queen spoke up in a firm voice. "Take up your Head of House Longbottom ring."

Neville spun back around to face the goblin and looked up with a bit of shock, then reached in and removed the indicated ring.

Ragnock then said, handing the box back to Grunnark, "Place the ring on the same finger, the rings will combine to form one."

Neville did so, watching the second ring resize itself and merge with the first. Another flash and it was done.

"The ring has accepted," said Ragnock. "Congratulations, again, Lord Longbottom."

Augusta, still frozen to the spot, let out a little 'Eep' sound but otherwise didn't react.

"Lord Longbottom," said the Queen. "Congratulations. We will speak more of this shortly. For now; please step back in to line."

Neville just nodded, turned around and walked back to take his place in the line next to his grandmother, as instructed. While the Queen set the document on the table beside her. The Prince then picked it up and read it for himself, still quite curious.

"Susan Bones," the Queen then called. "Please step forward and follow the instructions of the goblins."

Amelia tried to reach out and stop her walking forward but she just couldn't seem to grab her.

Harry reached out and took the poor stunned women by the elbow and said softly to her, "Easy, Amelia. I swear to you, this had to be done. She will be safe."

After Susan went through the same ritual, she stepped back in to line alongside her Aunt on the other side from Harry, wearing the combined rings of the Heads of Houses of Hufflepuff and Bones.

"Hermione Granger," the Queen then called. "Please step forward and follow the instructions of the goblins."

"Wha...?" her father quietly uttered. But he made no move to stop her. His military background wouldn't allow him to.

Hermione, practically ran to the box and, bouncing on the balls of her feet, reached out and almost snatched the knife out of Ragnock's hand before carrying out the same rite.

The Queen seemed quite amused.

Once completed Hermione jumped back in to line between the colonel and her father staring down at the ring of the Head of the House of Ravenclaw on her right ring finger.

'That's everyone,' Harry thought. 'Next, Myrrdin's message to them and the memory cubes.'

While Grunnark was packing the boxes up, Harry quietly stepped forward and quietly asked Ragnock, "The Will, Director Ragnock?"

"Her Majesty has it, My Lord," replied the old goblin equally quietly.

Harry nodded and stepped back.

"Director Ragnock," the Queen then said. "You have, again, performed a service for Us today. We thank you. Please be sure to invoice Us for your service and We shall ensure swift payment."

Then, after a quick glance at Harry, She said, "May your vaults overflow with gold. And may your enemies die by your hand."

Turning more fully to face the Queen the old goblin puffed up a bit, obviously pleased, and said, "May gold continue to flow into your vaults. And your enemies taste the keen edge of your sword."

Then he bowed formally and deeply, nodded to Grunnark, who picked up the box, and led the way back out the door through which Harry and his friends had entered. They were met just inside the door by a Page who appeared to be leading them back to the fireplace in the Queen's Audience Room.

When Harry had turned back around he saw that the table had been removed and another Page was laying four low red velvet cushions with gold tassels fringing them on the floor. Another Page was standing just on the other side of the row of cushions sideways to them and holding what he recognised as the Queen's Sword of State. Her father's sword.

'Oh, crap!' he thought to himself. 'I haven't had a chance to warn the others who don't know what the sword means.'

Stepping forward slightly and turning his head back down the line he quickly gained the attention of the others and very quietly said, "This is just a ceremony, folks. No one is going to be hurt."

He could see that his words had, at least, calmed the two older witches.

"She's just going to tap them on the shoulder with the flat of the blade," he quietly said again.

That calmed them a bit more. Dan had, at first, wondered what Harry was talking about. It didn't take him long to understand, though, once he looked at the faces of those between he and Harry.. And he nodded back at Harry, in understanding of why he said what he did.

Then the Queen and Prince Charles stood and stepped forward, waited a moment, and the Queen said, "Lady Hermione Jean Granger, come forward."

Hermione, still playing with her ring, looked up and said, "Huh?"

Dan snorted but gave his daughter a little push forward.

The colonel, recognising the young lass didn't understand what was going on, took hold of Hermione's shoulder and guided her forward to stand about eighteen inches shy of the cushion on her end.

Then he leaned forward and whispered into her ear. Hermione kneeled on the cushion and was about to sit back on her heels when the colonel, again, whispered in her ear and she straightened back up again while still kneeling.

The Queen calmly waited until the colonel stepped back in to line. Then she called, "Lord Neville Francis Longbottom, come forward."

Neville was no dummy. He immediately stepped up to the next cushion and kneeled assuming the same position as Hermione.

"Lady Susan Charity Bones, come forward."

Susan did the same.

"Lord Harry James Potter, come forward."

And Harry went and kneeled on the remaining cushion, glancing towards and grinning at the others as he did.

Then the Queen walked to stand about four feet in front of Hermione and simply said, "My sword."

The Page holding it took a few paces forward and offered the sword to the Queen with the flat of the blade resting on the palms of his gloved hands. When the Queen took it he then bowed, turned around, and went and stood just off to the side from Harry away from Susan.

Her Majesty then held the hilt of the sword in both Her own gloved hands with the tip pointed straight up.

"Lady Hermione Jean Granger, as your sovereign and liege, We hereby grant you the title of Countess Ravenclaw, both in the mundane world and wizarding. And recognise you as Head of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Ravenclaw."

'That's different,' Harry thought to himself.

Then She carefully lowered the sword to tap Hermione once on the left shoulder. Then lifted it over her head to tap once on her right shoulder. And back again to tap once on her left shoulder. And raised the sword to point straight up again.

Then She moved to stand in front of Neville and said, "Lord Neville Francis Longbottom, as your sovereign and liege, We hereby grant you the title of Earl Gryffindor, both in the mundane world and wizarding. And recognise you as Head of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Gryffindor."

Then She did the same thrice-tapping of shoulders.

Next, She moved to stand in front of Susan and said, "Lady Susan Charity Bones, as your sovereign and liege, We hereby grant you the title of Countess Hufflepuff, both in the mundane world and wizarding. And recognise you as Head of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Hufflepuff."

And the same thrice-tapping of shoulders.

Finally, She moved to stand in front of Harry and said, "Lord Harry James Potter, as your sovereign and liege, We hereby grant you the title of Earl Slytherin, both in the mundane world and wizarding. And recognise you as Head of the Most Noble and Most Ancient House of Slytherin."

Harry then heard a bit of a gasp coming from the others on mention of the name Slytherin, before he received the same thrice-tapping of his shoulders.

"You have done Us a great service today, Lord Slytherin," She added. "It will be remembered."

The Queen then handed the sword off to the same Page, who bowed again, before departing with it. And She went to stand back where She first stood when calling them forward.

"Arise, Countess Ravenclaw; arise, Earl Gryffindor; arise, Countess Hufflepuff; and, arise, Earl Slytherin," She commanded.

Each stood as their titles were called.

"Congratulations, all of you," She said warmly. "Family members may now come forward and congratulate them."

It was Dan, leading Emma, who first came forward to hug Hermione. But Augusta and Amelia soon joined in the congratulations after giving their grandson and niece respectively a big hug. Plus, a lot of showing of rings around.

It was Dan who first approached Harry. "I don't know why you did it, My Lord," he said. "But, thank you."

"Call me Harry," replied Harry. "But don't thank me just yet. You may well find yourself hating me for what I've caused here. All will be explained to you soon."

After a few minutes with a few of the group carefully approaching the Queen and Prince to have a few words, the Queen then asked for their attention again.

"We think it best we now retire to the library for a more informal setting, She said. "We shall discuss matters further there."

The Queen and Prince Charles then left through a side door. But, before they could follow, the colonel came up and said, "It would be best we wait a few moments before following."

That's when Augusta turned on him and said, "Lord Potter, I would know what happened here, and why I felt so powerless to stop it."

Hearing Augusta confront Harry Amelia turned and said to him, "As would I."

"I told you Her Majesty was not a non-magical," said Harry a bit defensively. "What you saw was Her exercising Royal Magic. As your Sovereign she has the power to act on magical matters within the wizarding world of the United Kingdom and beyond, as well as the mundane.

"Her Majesty vehemently disagrees with heirs apparent having to wait until they come of age, or are emancipated earlier. So, She acted. And the four earldoms are also peers within the mundane realm and can, conceivably, be accepted into the United Kingdom's Parliament through the House of Lords. It was Her authority over such matters, Her command, that pretty much ordered the Rites of Inheritance and rings to accept.

"That's why there was two Rite of Inheritance documents for each of the others, as there was for me earlier today, and why She and the goblins were watching the documents very closely as She spoke. They were watching the words on the documents alter to conform to Her commands."

"And what was that with the casting upon the rings?" asked Amelia.

Before Harry had a chance to answer the colonel stepped forward, "Before you get into that, My Lord, Her Majesty will be expecting you."

Nodding to the colonel Harry said a bit cheekily but very formally, "Yes, Oh, Royal Summoner."

The colonel just snorted in response and took the lead out of the room. Harry made sure the rest of the group were tagging along and took up the rear, except for two Pages following him.

Another long corridor and the colonel led them into a large library. As soon as Hermione saw the books she said, "Ooooh..." and peeled off from the group to browse shelves. Harry had to grab and drag her away before she ended up losing herself reading the bindings.

In the middle of the room was a somewhat pentagon shaped setting of couches and an armchair. In the middle stood a small round table that, for now, was clear of anything upon it. Another Page was standing by to guide them into seats.

The large single-seat armchair was left clear. Dan and Emma were guided into a large double seat couch closest to the armchair. Amelia and Augusta into the same style couch on the opposite side of the arm chair. Harry and Hermione, with Hermione dragging him now, were led to the one next to Dan and Emma. And Neville and Susan went into the one between Harry and Amelia.

Hearing a noise coming from the side Harry turned to see a tea service trolley being wheeled in. A wait person came up and asked, "Tea or juice, anyone?"

Hearing no one order first, he said, "Yes, please; tea... white with two sugars."

Then the orders came from the others.

As they waited, Dan turned to Harry and said, "I don't understand. How is it that Hermione is the Duchess of Ravenclaw, when both Emma and I are still alive?"

"You are the direct descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw, one of the four founders of Hogwarts. However, the Heir to her... holdings... can only be passed on to someone with a sufficiently powerful enough magical core to be accepted into Hogwarts as a witch or a wizard," replied Harry. "Neither you, nor your parents, nor as far back as we can find in recent history, has had such a core. Hermione is the first in many generations. So, she's the Heir Apparent; or, actual Heir, now."

"And Neville?" asked Augusta from the other side.

"As his parents have been... incapacitated... for a decade now, the Heir passes to him," replied Harry.

"His father was magical. Why not him before...? Or his grandfather before him?" Augusta further asked.

"Because all four Heirs have to be able to attend Hogwarts at the same time, and the Heir to Ravenclaw would have been missing. That also applies to Susan," explained Harry. "You see, the four founders, before the fighting broke out and they parted ways, wanted to ensure their Heirs would all, equally, own Hogwarts, as they did. So, they set things up so that their heirs had to be of similar age. They forced a level playing field to be in place so that no one or more could assert their ownership over the others."

"Wait," said Neville, interrupting. "Did you say 'own Hogwarts'?"

Harry grinned back and replied, "Yeah, Nev; 'own'."

"We own a castle?" asked Neville wonderingly.

"No, we all own, at a quarter each, the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, the Hogwarts Castle in which it is housed, and all the land around it, including the land on which Hogsmeade sits," said Harry matter-of-factly.

"Lord Potter," said Amelia, speaking up. "The Ministry owns Hogwarts."

"No, Ma'am, they do not," Harry firmly replied. "Think about it this way. Hogwarts has been around since late in the ninth century. That means just over a thousand years. Yet the Ministry has only been around for a few hundred years. I know this because Government in its current form with Ministries has only been around for a few hundred years. If the Ministry is supposed to own it, how did they get it hundreds of years after it was built? If they bought it, from whom did they purchase it?

"The only possible explanation is that, over time, they've claimed it as their own. However, they've had no legal right to do so. The school has been running continuously since the time of the founders, so they can't claim it under the laws of abandoned property. And if they do claim to have purchased it then they've been defrauded."

Everybody was listening intently to what Harry was saying so no one noticed when Her Majesty walked into the room. It wasn't until she was almost at the side of what was clearly her chair before Harry noticed.

Harry, noticing her at the last moment, leapt to his feet. "Your Majesty! I apologise..." he said as everyone else suddenly realised she was there and rose to their feet. "...We did not see you approach."

"We understand, considering how rapt your audience was in your talk," she said gracefully sitting down in the remaining armchair. "Please, be seated everyone."

Everyone resumed their seats, but now were sitting up a little straighter.

Her Majesty was now dressed in an expensive canary yellow dress to mid calf, long gloves and carrying a matching purse, and no tiara.

"Ma'am, I was just explaining to the others how we, together, own Hogwarts and the land upon which it sits for many miles around," Harry explained. "Madam Bones believes it is the Ministry who owns it. I was taking her through the logic of how they could not."

"We heard, My Lord," She said with a slight smile. "We would hear more."

"Of course, Ma'am," replied Harry.

Thinking a bit to get his talk back on track Harry then said, "Now, I don't know how it came to be that the Ministry, or those who work within it and without, came to believe the Ministry own Hogwarts, but I have my suspicions.

"I think, a long time ago someone once asked someone else 'Who owns Hogwarts since the founders left?'. That someone, not knowing themselves, then probably said something along the lines of 'The Ministry must own it, who else could it be?'. The first person then would have seen the logic in that and said to others 'The Ministry owns Hogwarts'. And word spread. When word would have made its way back to the person who, first guessed, that the Ministry owns Hogwarts he would have felt validated. He would think to himself, 'See? I was right when I said I thought the Ministry owns Hogwarts'.

"Now, here's a question for you all. I don't want you to just answer it, I want you to think about it," said Harry said before pausing for a moment. "If everyone believes a lie to be the truth; does it make it the truth?"

The Queen just smiled, as did the Grangers, but the others were frowning.

"Very nicely done, My Lord," said the Queen. "It is something of which We are plagued on an almost daily basis. Our publicity staff in their employment spend a lot of their time denouncing rumours about Us that Our subjects believe to be true. And new rumours arise on an almost daily basis.

"As for ownership of the lands of Hogwarts and all therein, the lands form the four Earldoms. They cannot be sold as you cannot sell your peerage," She explained.

With a nod to Harry She went on, "The conditions of that were in those documents you provided Us concerning the formation of the Earldoms."

"The Hogwarts train, however," Harry went on, "I don't yet know about."

After a short pause the Queen then said, "My Lord Potter, I have something for you."

She gestured to one of her people standing well away, they must have come in when she did, and a silver tray was brought over.

The tray was offered to Harry who saw upon it a large folded piece of parchment with a red seal.

Frowning Harry reached out and picked it up. Holding it before him he saw it was his parent's Will. He broke the seal and read through it. As he read, the others in the circle could see him getting angrier and angrier before he then blinked in astonishment.

After he finished he then stood and leaned over offering it to the Queen. She took it and began to read it while Harry plonked himself back down in his chair muttering sulphurously.

The Queen glanced up to look at both Amelia and Augusta at one point before continuing. And when She was done She offered it back to Harry, who stood again and accepted it from Her.

"Do you mind if I give them the highlights, Your Majesty?" he asked.

"We believe that would be for the best," she replied.

"Okay," said Harry. "This is my parent's Will. It was sealed by the Wizengamot under the direction of Albus Dumbledore, who also claimed to be my magical guardian."

Opening it back up he then said, "The salient points are; on my parents death it was to be asked if certain people would be willing to raise me. They are, in order, Frank and Alice Longbottom, Sirius Black, Remus Lupin, Edgar and Marjorie Bones, and Marlene McKinnon. If any of those people remained alive but were unable or unwilling to take me; then, together, they were to discover a home for me within the wizarding world.

"Under no circumstances... and it's in capitals and underlined here... is Harry to be left with Vernon and Petunia Dursley," he said. "Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia are non-magicals. They believe anyone from the magical world, or anyone who displays a talent for magic, is a freak. Yet, that is precisely where Dumbledore left me."

"What?!" blurted both Amelia and Augusta. Harry thought it almost sounded like stereo.

"That's Will tampering!" said Amelia in shock.

"But wait," said Harry, holding up a finger. "There's more.

"The Will was witnessed by Frank and Alice Longbottom, Sirius Black... and Albus Dumbledore."


Harry didn't know exactly who said that but he knew he had a reaction from both older witches and the Grangers. It was almost a wall of sound.

That brought a couple of the Queen's retinue scurrying over with watchful gazes flicking among the people there. Hands were being held in a way it looked like they could suddenly duck under frock coats for a weapon.

"Is everything alright, Ma'am?" one of them asked still looking with suspicion at the gathering arranged before their Queen.

"It's fine, thank you, Peter," she said holding up her hand and tapping the man on his arm. "They have just received a big shock. I'm sure they will calm themselves down, immediately."

Everyone understood the implied message. And the circle was again quiet.

"According to that," said Augusta with anger in her voice. "You should have been placed with me. Frank and dear Alice may have already been in Saint Mungo's, but no one knew at that time they would not recover."

"And, even if Frank and Alice were ruled unable to care for you, Harry, then the Will clearly states you were never to go to your Aunt and Uncle," Amelia continued on, and then said exasperatedly, "What in Merlin's name is Dumbledore playing at?"

"Well," said Harry. "There's more I think you should know."

Amelia and Augusta both nodded.

"It also says here," Harry went on, "That I seem to have inherited Potter Manor. I didn't even know my family had one. And that a large trust fund was set aside for me at Gringotts, that the money therein be used by my guardian to raise me, and that I be raised to understand my place within society."

Lowering the document for a moment, Harry then said, "I had no idea about any trust fund, and know that my aunt and uncle do not receive any funds from it, so where is the money? If Dumbledore has... unlawfully... claimed guardianship over me, then is he stealing it?"

"I will be investigating the matter, personally, on my return to the Ministry!" Amelia said.

"And I will be raising the matter with the Wizengamot!" declared Augusta.

"And I, as the person so aggrieved, ask you not to do anything just yet," said Harry firmly.

"Lord Potter, if the law has been broken then it is my duty to investigate!" replied Amelia just as firmly.

"I understand," said Harry. "However, there are matters here of which you are unaware that will make Will tampering seem like small potatoes. Dumbles has not just committed that minor illegal act; he has committed much, much more."

"Oh?" asked Amelia ominously.

Harry sighed and looking at the Queen said, "Your Majesty. Before I and the colonel departed to... collect... the Longbottoms and Boneses, I was relating to you what happened on the night of 31st October 1981."

"Oh, that was the night your parents were killed, right?" Hermione cut in. "And you defeated Voldemort."

"Hermione!" her mother gasped in shock while the Boneses and Longbottom recoiled in shock at mention of the name.

"It's okay, Doctor Granger, I'm not offended," said Harry placatingly.

"Please do not use that name, dear," said Augusta with a pained look. "It's He-who-must-not-be-named."

"It was the night my parents were killed," said Harry to Hermione, "But I did not kill Voldemort."

"And it's just a name," he went on, speaking to Augusta, "It has no power, I assure you."

"Yes, My Lord Potter," the Queen smoothly cut in. "You were."

"Thank you, Ma'am," he said. "May I relate what the wizarding world believes happened? And why I'm so famous?"

"We would like to hear that," the Queen replied.

Nodding, Harry gathered his thoughts and then began. "The wizarding world believes that my parents, James and Lily Potter, and I were hidden under a Fidelius Charm cast by Albus Dumbledore. That Sirius Black was the Secret Keeper and, therefore, the only one able to give the information to Voldemort as to the location of my parents. That Voldemort... His real name is Tom Riddle, by the way... was led to the cottage the Potters were hidden within by Sirius Black, who was also supposed to be in his inner circle, a Death Eater, in secret.

"That Voldemort killed my parents and, in the act of trying to kill me, I somehow managed to kill him first. That Peter Pettigrew turned up and Sirius Black chased him. That Sirius Black managed to catch Pettigrew in a street full of non-magicals, and in the process of killing Pettigrew, or otherwise, blew up him and thirteen non-magical citizens of Britain leaving a big crater in the street.

"That Black was then quickly captured, given a quick trial, and dumped in the wizarding prison on Azkaban. That I was taken from the remains of the Potter's cottage, given a health check where it was discovered my injury, my forehead, could not be healed without a scar, and then spirited away into hiding where I lived in a big castle where I grew up happy and safe but led an exciting life.

"That's it in a nutshell, right?" he looked around asking the others there.

The Queen, of course, had already heard part of what happened and knew the truth. She, however, just sat there, listened and watched, with a small smile.

Harry got a few head nods and 'Yes'es in return. "Everybody believe this to be true? This is what the entire wizarding world believes is the truth?" he asked in general. "Except, of course, Mister and Missus Granger, who probably have no idea what I'm talking about. And Hermione's probably read all about it in those books she has."

More nods with rapid head nodding from Hermione. Dan and Emma just had slight frowns of not understanding.

"Okay, then," said Harry. "Well, almost all of what I told you happens to be a load of... rubbish. It's pure fiction. It. Is. Not. True!"

Harry waited for that to sink in before he went on.

"Okay, then," he said. "Here's what really happened, in a nutshell.

"My parents, James and Lily Potter, and I were hidden under a Fidelius Charm cast by Albus Dumbledore. That much is correct," he began. "However, Sirius knew that pretty much everyone knew that he was the Potters' best friend. So, at the last moment, he convinced James and Lily to switch Secret Keepers. He convinced them to switch to their other school friend, Peter Pettigrew. That means Dumbledore knew who the real Secret Keeper was. Peter Pettigrew had been Riddle's spy within the Order of the Phoenix, the vigilante group battling Riddle from in secret.

"What Riddle did not know was that my mother, Lily, had been spending years studying old and ancient magics. This included rune magics. My mother had cast upon and around my crib multiple layers of spells and wards, as well as some upon me. Lily had discovered a way to block the killing curse. However, it required her to sacrifice her life to fully charge the magical protection. So, when she died, she had one hand on the ring of runes and, in giving her life, her magical energy was directed into the wards.

"When Riddle then aimed his wand at me and... cast... the runes, fully charged, activated. The curse was not just blocked... except for giving this scar on my head... but, together with the runic magics, bounced back at Riddle killing him instantly by obliterating his corporeal self.

"That means it is Lily Potter who is the hero of the wizarding world; it was Lily Potter who killed Voldemort; it was Lily Potter, through her studies and skills with magic, and not a fifteen month old baby, who richly deserves the praise. Not me."

Harry gave that a moment to sink in before continuing.

"Now, as soon as the cottage's wards were breached the alarm went out to the rest of the Order, what was left of them. The first one to arrive was Sirius. He arrived moments after Voldemort was blown up. He knew, immediately, what had happened and expected us all to be dead. In a fit of rage he charged, on his own, the remaining Death Eaters that didn't go the same way as Riddle. All but one quickly apparated out of there. The only one left behind was Pettigrew, who couldn't apparate because he was panicking too much over the death of his master.

"Pettigrew then fled with Sirius in hot pursuit. However, that's also when other members of the Order arrived, some of which were Aurors. Magical police who now work for Amelia here," Harry said indicating Amelia where she was sitting in confused silence on the couch next to Augusta.

"The Aurors, thinking Sirius was both the Secret Keeper and was trying to flee, gave chase. When Sirius finally caught up to Pettigrew, Pettigrew screamed that it was Sirius who betrayed the Potters and cast a blasting charm to blow a hole in the street, a piece of which csevered his left finger on his left hand. The blast killed thirteen non-magicals and knocked Sirius flying. Pettigrew seized the moment, changed into his animagus form - a rat - and fled down through the now opened sewers."

"When the Aurors finally caught up they arrived moments after Pettigrew disappeared. They seized Sirius and manacled him. As he was led away he was saying in deep shock and grief 'I killed James and Lily, I killed James and Lily'.

Harry paused a few moments before saying, "That is what really happened up to that point, that night."

Then Harry shut up and sat back to allow the others to mentally digest what he had just said.

"But... but... everyone knows Black killed the Potters!" exclaimed Augusta, the first to recover. "He admitted it!"

Harry then leaned forward again and said, "Yes, quite curious that, isn't it?" Then, turning to Dan he said, "I believe you would have an explanation as to why he said it; wouldn't you... Captain?"

Dan and Emma's faces immediately changed from ones of contemplation to ones of shock. Hermione just looked confused.

"I...I..." stuttered Dan, before glaring back at Harry and flatly saying, "How on Earth would you know that?"

"That will be explained soon," replied Harry. "For now, though, could you explain what I meant?"

Dan just glared at Harry for a moment before he looked at his Queen with a questioning look.

The Queen, knowing what Dan was asking of Her, replied, "Just give the concepts of what Lord Potter is speaking, Captain."

Dan nodded and said, "Yes, Ma'am." Turning back to face Augusta, he huffed a bit and said, "What Harry, Lord Potter, is talking about is the emotion of guilt, not the reality of it."

After thinking for a bit, he said, "Let's say an army corporal orders a private, a close friend, to check a car for a bomb. The corporal then goes to another car, away from the first, to check that one for a bomb. While the private is checking the car he has been ordered to check, it blows up, killing him. The corporal is, of course, shocked by it. He may have even been severely injured in the explosion, but lives.

"However, as far as he is concerned, he killed his friend, the private. He figures, if he hadn't ordered his friend to check the car, his friend wouldn't have been killed. Therefore, he killed him.

"What Lord Potter is referring to is that Mister Black believes he killed his friends, the Potters, because Mister Black told them to use this Pettigrew man as their... Secret Keeper. Who then betrayed them. Mister Black feels responsible. It was his guilt of that, which drove him to say he killed them."

"Precisely," said Harry. "And, thank you."

"But Pettigrew wasn't an animagus," said Amelia. "Animaguses are very rare, and they have to register their forms with the Improper Use of Magic Office within the Ministry. We would have known."

"Animaguses are only rare because witches and wizards believe them to be. Therefore, they do not bother to find out if they, themselves, are one. Every witch and wizard with enough magic to get into Hogwarts has the inherent ability to be an animagus. All it requires is the practice of meditation; first, to seek what their animagus form would take, and then to begin to practice to change.

"It's yet another of those 'Everyone knows it to be true; therefore, it must be. Yet it's not.' situations," replied Harry.

"Even if he was an animagus he would still need to be registered with the Ministry," Amelia retorted.

"Really?" asked Harry. "The wizarding world was in a state of chaos, pretty much in a wizarding war. If you had a skill like that, would you make it public by informing the Ministry?"

"But it's the law!" snapped Amelia.

Harry turned to the Queen and asked, "Everyone in here is cleared for knowing about this, Your Majesty?"

The Queen knowing what Harry was about to do, quickly glanced to where her retinue and the wait staff were still waiting, and said, "Yes, Lord Potter. You may proceed."

Harry just nodded, rose and walked outside of the circle of chairs and a little away. He jumped and changed into his phoenix animagus before flying up and circling the room once. He circled in tighter to lightly hover over the middle of the circle. Then, he moved just off the centre table in front of his chair, and changed back, lightly dropping to the floor in human form.

He calmly sat down and waited. Everyone, except the Queen who knew what to expect, were flat-out astonished; jaws wide open in some cases, eyes bugging out.

"Thank you, Lord Potter," the Queen calmly said.

From where he was sitting Harry bowed slightly to her in response.

"What was that?!" asked Dan.

"An earth phoenix," replied Harry calmly.

"Now, Madam Bones, I am an animagus. I am not registered with the Ministry," said Harry. "My father was also an animagus. His form was a stag. And, as I said, it is a skill any witch or wizard can learn. It just takes dedication."

He then said, "That would be another of those beliefs 'Everybody knows to be true' just proven false."

"Yes, well," said Amelia, with not a little shock.

"However," Harry then spoke up, "about the events of that night. Let's hit the salient points. First, Dumbledore cast the Fidelius Charm, which means he knows Peter Pettigrew was not the Secret Keeper. Yet, he has not spoken about that with anyone. Second, Sirius Black is innocent of all charges against him. Third is the matter I haven't raised - and this is the one I'm really annoyed about - Bartemius Crouch Senior, then Head of the DMLE, had him thrown directly into Azkaban on the orders of Minister Millicent Bagnold, without even giving him a trial."


Harry, getting bombarded with the sound of the adult's rage and shock, winced.

Her Majesty, first to regain her composure, simply raised her hand. And received total silence.

"Are we to understand, My Lord Potter," She said, "that one of Our subjects has been incarcerated in this wizard's prison, without a trial?"

"Yes, Your Majesty," replied Harry. "And he has been there for nine and a half years. About eight years longer than most people live."

"There's no way he would have been incarcerated without a trial, let alone sent to Azkaban," stated Amelia. "No one would have stood for it!"

"Another belief I need to shoot down in flames?" asked Harry, not without a little gentle ribbing.

"Okay," he went on, "Where's the trial transcript? The record of evidence? The record of interview of the supposed culprit? Witness statements?"

"They'll all be in the files at the Ministry," replied Amelia.

"Then I'll ask you, come Monday, to go and look for them," said Harry. "And, if you can't find them, get him the hell out of there. Veritaserum him. Hell, Veritaserum Crouch and Bagnold, too, while you're at it."

"However," he went on, "I still need you to leave Dumbledore, and his part in all this, alone."

"Lord Potter," said Amelia exasperatedly, "if all this turned out to be true, Dumbledore is a criminal and needs to be brought to justice."

"And I agree," said Harry with a sigh. "But, there is still far, far more to this than you've so far heard."

"Your Majesty," he said turning to the Queen, "I have another message from my mentor. This time it's for the other heirs. However, I think their guardians and you may be very interested in what he has to say."

"Then by all means, My Lord Potter," she replied. "Let us watch it."

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