
Harry Potter and the Four Heirs

Merlin, not happy with how the future unravelled for the life of Harry Potter, intervenes early to set the course of history back on track. Implied Pairing Only. Smart!Harry Bash!AD Idiot!RW WARNING I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY I MERELY PUT IT HERE FOR ALL OF US TO APPRECIATE T'S STORY!! THIS FANFIC WAS WRITTEN BY SINKYE

Popi_11 · Book&Literature
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13 Chs

C5 - The Colonel's Trip

# # #


Suddenly, on the footpath of a semi-suburban road in Staining, up on the east coast of Britain, two people appeared out of thin air. No one else noticed. Not that there was anyone around to notice.

Harry had a good grip around the waist of the colonel and, as Harry said he would, the colonel staggered forward a half step. However, it didn't take much effort on Harry's part to hold him from falling over.

"We'd like to thank you for travelling with Harry's Magical Apparations today, and hope your trip with us was an enjoyable one," said Harry imitating a commercial airline steward. "Please take care and we hope to see you again soon."

The colonel, bending over at the waist and putting both hands on his knees, moaned, "Oh, God!"

Knowing the colonel had found his balance Harry let him go and stepped slightly apart from him. He didn't want to be... in range... if the colonel suddenly lost his last meal.

"Come now, Colonel," said Harry brightly. "Stiff upper lip, and all that. For Queen and country!"

Still bent over and breathing ragged breaths, the colonel softly asked, "Are you trying to be funny, My Lord?"

"Of course!" replied Harry. "I hoped it would help to take your mind off it."

Not bothering to respond further the colonel waited a few moments more before he slowly rose to stand up straight, squared his shoulders and took another deep breath to settle himself and said, "It didn't."

"Well, Colonel," said Harry. "You handled it much better than I thought you would. Well done!"

"Yes, My Lord," the colonel blandly replied.

Then, looking around he asked, "What now?"

"Well, I know you can't see it, but we're standing right in front of the gates of the manor," said Harry.

No, the colonel couldn't see it.

"What I want you to do is take my elbow as a blind person would and, if you feel it necessary, close your eyes. Then we're just going to walk forward a few steps," instructed Harry.

"It's not going to feel like... that... did, is it?" the colonel asked.

"You should feel a very light tingle on your skin as we step through, but that's all," replied Harry.

The colonel then gave a curt nod, took Harry by a tight grip on his left elbow and closed his eyes.

Harry waited until the colonel was ready and then just walked forward.

As they passed through the wards Harry felt the colonel give a quick clench of his elbow like a flinch. Then he stopped them both.

"Okay, Colonel," said Harry. "You can open your eyes now."

Opening his eyes the colonel looked in wonder at the beautiful home before him. The gardens were immaculate. He was amazed that all this was hidden from him less than six feet behind him.

"A couple of points before we go up to the door, colonel," said Harry. "The Longbottoms will probably have at least one house elf, and the door will be answered by one of them. They're a little shorter and much skinnier than goblins, have very little hair, big bright eyes and floppy ears. Please don't stare."

Glancing back at Harry, the colonel processed that for a moment and gave a curt nod.

"Secondly, please call me Mister Potter at all times until we return to the palace. We wouldn't want to give the game away, just yet, would we?"

The colonel gave another curt nod.

"Okay, then, Colonel," Harry said. "As you're the 'Royal Summoner' this is your work to do, please lead the way. Let's go meet the next Earl of Gryffindor."

The colonel braced himself up, said, "Right," and headed to the door.

Walking up the path Harry kept a half pace back, letting the colonel take the lead.

The colonel knocked three times quite sharply on the door, took half a pace back, almost stepping on Harry's foot, and 'braced up' with the Writs tucked up under his left elbow like a conductor's baton.

A few moments later the door opened to, as Harry suspected, a house elf.

Hesitating barely a moment, the colonel said, "Good day, I am..." before the voice of the house elf rode over the top of him.

"Mistress and young master be here soon," the little elf rapidly gushed. "You be waiting in the parlour."

Then the elf reached out, took the colonel by his right hand and dragged him in through the door.

Harry noticed they were in a large entry hall before the elf led them through a set of folding doors on the left.

"You be waiting here. Can Penny be getting you anything?" the little elf rapidly asked. "And you be, so Penny tell Mistress?"

"Errr... No thank you," said the colonel said.

"No thank you, Penny," said Harry. "And please tell Madam Longbottom it's an envoy from Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second and Harry Potter."

"Yes, Sirs, you be calling Penny if you be wanting anything bye!" *blink*

And the elf popped away.

Harry, expecting it, then glanced at the colonel to see his reaction.

Still staring at the spot Penny was standing in when she disappeared, the colonel said, "That was..."

"A house elf, yes," finished Harry. "They have magic just as we... sorry... witches and wizards do, but it's as different as it is the same."

"Oh," the colonel softly said.

Harry just grinned at the man, though the colonel didn't look back at him. But, a moment later, the colonel seemed to give himself a little bit of a shake, and then looked around a little.

The parlour, at least, was furnished in what Harry thought of as late nineteenth to early twentieth century. What he knew would be thought of as quite modern in the wizarding world. A large rug on the polished wooden floors, nice overly sprung couches and armchairs, a coffee table between two arm chairs off to one side, and quite a large fireplace on what he knew to be an outside wall.

As they both had a bit of a look around there was a sound from the door leading back to the entry hall. A tall lady carrying herself elegantly walked in. She was dressed in a fashionable scarlet wizard's robe with black trim and very fine black filigree through it covering her torso. And she was advancing with her wand at the ready.

'Nice', he thought. 'Ready for a bit of a quick spell if need be.'

Looking at Harry she said, "Oh, you're young Harry Potter."

"Yes, Ma'am," said Harry. "And this is..."

"...Colonel Alexander Benton, Ma'am," the colonel cut in nicely. "Royal Summoner and envoy for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second."

'Well done!' thought Harry.

"I have been charged with delivering unto you this Royal Writ," the colonel then said, offering one of the writs towards Augusta.

Augusta hesitantly walked forward and, raising her wand, carefully passed it over the rolled document. Not appearing to find anything that may have been a threat she took it from the colonel's hand.

Taking half a step back she unrolled it and began to read. Reaching the bottom of the document, and without lifting her eyes, she called, "Penny!"

The little elf popped back just near her looking at her, "Yes, Mistress?"

Harry felt the colonel barely flinch. 'Good man', thought Harry.

Looking down at the elf Augusta said "Tell Neville I want to see him."

"Yes, Mistress!" the elf said before suddenly popping away again.

Augusta then rerolled the document and handed it back to the colonel, who reluctantly accepted it.

"What is this about?" she asked the colonel.

Then there came the sound of someone running on carpeted floors and clattering down the stairs in the entry hall. Augusta gave a slight pained look.

"Her Majesty will explain, Ma'am," replied the colonel.

Suddenly, a dusty haired boy with slightly chubby cheeks wearing a plain open black robe dashed into the room.

"You wanted to see me, Gran?" replied the boy before noticing anyone else in the room, "Errr... You asked for me, Grandmother?"

Then he looked at the colonel a bit quizzically before looking at Harry. Clearly startled he said, "You're Harry Potter!"

"Neville!" snapped Augusta.

"Sorry, grandmother," Neville said a bit sheepishly, before looking back at Harry with delight. "The Boy-Who-Lived in our home!"

"Neville," said Augusta, ignoring the last bit, "the muggles' Queenasks us to attend her. Go and put on your best robe and comb your hair. You're the heir of House Longbottom, and you will look the part."

Harry felt the colonel stiffen when he heard 'muggles' Queen' and was worried the man would protest. "Easy, colonel," he murmured.

"Yes, Grandmother," said Neville, before walking quickly out of the room and racing up the stairs.

"If you gentlemen wouldn't mind waiting I won't be long," said Augusta, about to turn around.

"Ma'am, Her Majesty is waiting..." the colonel began to say before Augusta rode over him.

"Yes, yes," she said. "But, it would not do to arrive in less than a presentable state."

Then she turned about in a stately fashion and walked from the room.

After she left out of hearing range, Harry softly said, "Relax, colonel. They mean no harm by it. They just don't know any better."

"My Lord, I find it difficult to... countenance such language against my Queen," the colonel gritted out.

"I know," said Harry sympathetically. "But I have no doubt Her Majesty will very shortly set them straight."

The colonel just 'hurrumphed'.

"There's a reason I said we'd be about half an hour, colonel," said Harry. "I expected this."

More thumping down the stairs announced Neville's return, who then came 'power walking' into the room again. He was wearing a black satin robe and his hair looked wet with comb marks through it.

"Hi, Harry," he said a bit sheepishly, "I'm Neville. I'm very happy to meet you," before blushing a dropping his head a bit embarrassed.

"Neville," Harry calmly said walking a few steps closer to the shy boy. "Your mother was my godmother; and my mother was your godmother."

"Yes?" asked Neville softly.

"As far as I'm concerned, that makes us godbrothers," explained Harry. "You're my brother, Nev. You never need to be shy or embarrassed around me."

Neville snapped his head up to look at Harry with delight. "We're... brothers?" he asked with a bit of wonder in his voice.

"As far as I'm concerned," Harry firmly stated, "Yes!"

Neville's face broke out in a big grin. "I've never had a brother before!" he said a bit excitedly.

"Well, you do now," Harry promptly replied.

A little shy and abashed Neville began to ask a few questions about what Harry had been doing with his life. Harry calmly avoided the questions and was a bit relieved when Augusta returned.

She was now dressed in a satin black robe with frog buttons down the front, with a large hat on her head with a wide white band that also had a few black ostrich feathers stuck in it. And she was carrying a pair of white gloves and a small black clutch.

"Alright, then," she said. "Are we ready?"

"Your pardon, Madam Longbottom," said Harry. "We need to stop by the Bones residence on our way."

"Oh? And why is that?" asked Augusta.

"The colonel," said Harry, nodding a bit towards the colonel, "has a similar writ for Madam Bones."

"Very well," sniffed Augusta. "Shall we floo or apparate?"

"Excuse me, Ma'am," asked the colonel.


"Is this floo thing anything like... apparating?"

"Heavens, no!" replied Augusta.

"Then, may I ask we go that way?" the colonel asked. "I found the other way... nauseating."

"Ah!" said Madam Longbottom in understanding. "First time, was it?"

"Yes, Ma'am," the colonel replied looking a little ashamed.

"It happens to us all, dear," she said. "Then, I shall floo call and see if Amelia's home."

Walking around the colonel she walked over to the fireplace, reached into an ornamental jar on the mantle and took out a pinch of powder.

She dashed the powder into the fireplace before calling in a clear voice, "Ossuary!"

There was a flash and the fireplace was full of green flames.

Thinking it was normal fire the colonel backed off a couple of places. However, he quickly realised there was no heat coming from it.

Bending forward slightly Augusta called, "Hello, this is Augusta Longbottom."

A moment later a female voice replied from within the flames. "Gus?" the voice asked. "It's Amelia here. Is there something wrong?"

"No, dear," replied Augusta. "I have Neville here, and two guests who need to talk to you. May we come through?"

A pause, and then the voice said, "Give me a few moments to open things up a bit. Then you can come through."

"Thank you, dear," said Augusta. "See you in a bit."

Then, standing up, she waved across the flames, extinguishing them.

"Madam Longbottom," Harry spoke up. "The colonel, here, is a non-magical. Someone you would call a muggle."

"I suspected as much, Mr Potter," she replied.

Nodding, Harry then said, "This will also be his first time travelling through the floo network."

"Oh!" she said in understanding. "In that case, I shall go through first, the colonel can follow me and you can show him what to do, then you and then young Neville."

"That sounds fine, Ma'am," replied Harry. Turning to look at the colonel, he called, "Colonel."

When the colonel turned to properly look at him, Harry said, "Pay close attention to what Madam Longbottom does and says. When she disappears do the same thing, okay?"

"Yes, My... Mister Potter," he replied a little nervously.

"Don't concern yourself with it, colonel," said Harry comfortingly. "This is much safer than side-along apparating."

The colonel paused a bit before nodding in understanding.

Augusta waited until the colonel turned back before saying, "Here we go, then."

She slowly took a large pinch of floo powder from the ornamental jar, stepped into the fireplace, and said, "Ossuary!" throwing the powder down at her feet.

With a flash she appeared to spin in the fireplace a bit before disappearing in a flash of green flame.

Watching Madam Longbottom disappear the way she did gave the colonel a bit of a fright and he hesitated for a long moment.

Then he took a deep breath, squared his shoulders and marched up to the fireplace.

Taking a large pinch, just as he saw Augusta do, he then stepped into the fireplace and turned around to look at Harry.

"Now, Colonel," said Harry, "apparating feels like you're being yanked through a needle; this will feel like you're spinning like a top for about a second and then brought to a halt inside another fireplace. Wait only a second then simply step out. Okay?"

The colonel simply nodded and Harry nodded back in encouragement.

The colonel then closed his eyes and threw the powder down to his feet calling out, "Ossuary!"

Flames and a flash and he was gone.

Neville laughed and asked Harry, "Did you see the look on his face?"

Harry turned to look back at Neville with a grin before he stepped up to the fireplace and, pausing a moment to look back at his godbrother, said, "Come on, Nev. We'll go together!"

Neville grinned and hurried forward to stand with Harry in the fireplace.

"Ready?" asked Harry.

Neville nodded back with a grin.

"Ossuary!" Harry called throwing the powder at their feet.

When Harry and Neville arrived at the Bones Manor they landed safely on their feet stepping lightly out onto the carpet. They were just in time to see Augusta help the colonel straighten up. Amelia was standing slightly away to the side with her wand drawn.

'He must have fallen out on arrival,' thought Harry.

"How was that, Colonel?" asked Harry.

Finishing straightening up the colonel said to Augusta, "Thank you, Ma'am. Most appreciated."

And turning about to look at Harry said, "It's fine, thank you."

Before grumbling something under his breath.

Clearly, Amelia must have heard something of what the colonel said as she said, "The one thing it has over one of your Bentley's, sir, is that it's near instantaneous."

Turning suddenly towards Amelia he blushed a little before dropping his head and saying, "I apologise, Madam. I misspoke and should not have done so."

"Accepted," said Amelia. "Now, what can I do for you?"

The colonel, realising his position, said more formally, "Madam Bones, I am Colonel Alexander Benton the Second, Royal Summoner and envoy for Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second."

Then, turning to indicate Harry, said, "And this is..."

"...Harry Potter," finished Amelia. "The Boy-Who-Lived."

The colonel then turned more to stare at Harry before asking, "Is there anyone in this magical world who does not know who you are?"

Harry just smiled and blushed while giving his shoulders a shrug.

The colonel just stared for a moment longer before turning back to Amelia. "Madam Bones, Her Majesty has charged me with delivering unto you this Royal Writ," he formally said before offering it to her.

"A Royal Writ?" asked Amelia, stepping forward and looking at the document in the colonel's hand.

A quick wave with her wand over the document and she reached out with her left hand to take it from him.

She then quickly unrolled it and read it.

"What is this about?" she asked with a frown at the colonel.

"Her Majesty will explain, Ma'am," replied the colonel with a stony face.

"And she wants me to bring young Susan?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Gus?" she asked, turning to Augusta.

"I know as much as you do, 'Melia," replied Augusta.

Stepping forward a bit Harry said, "Madam Bones, I swear to you both on my magic and my life that no harm will come to you, Susan, Madam Longbottom or Neville."

That startled Amelia a bit before she said staring at Harry, "I have no doubt of that, Mister Potter. I merely wish to know more before we go."

"Ma'am," Harry said. "Her Majesty will explain it to you. It is not for us to explain it to you in her stead. However, I assure you, it's nothing bad."

Amelia stared at Harry for a moment more before calling out, "Susan!"

Susan stepped into the room barely a second later. Clearly, she was listening just outside the door.

"Yes, Aunt 'Melia?" she asked.

"Susan! What have I told you about..." Amelia sternly said before stopping with a sigh.

Susan was a slightly chubby girl with long auburn hair tied back in a pony tail and wearing a plain powder blue witch's robe. She, at least, appeared abashed about being caught snooping.

"Quickly go and put something nice on, brush your hair out, and come back here," Amelia instructed her. "We're going to go visit some important folk from the muggle world."

This time, the colonel didn't flinch upon hearing the word 'muggle'.

Amelia, having recently arrived from a meeting in the Wizengamot or other important business was already dressed in finery, for a witch.

"Madam Bones?" asked Harry.

"Yes, Mister Potter?"

"May I ask how you know what a 'Bentley' is?" he asked.

"As Head of the DMLE, and an Auror with a great deal of experience, I've often had to go out into muggle London and elsewhere throughout Britain. You cannot successfully carry out your role as an Auror without having some understanding of the muggle world," she explained.

"I see," said Harry. "So you understand just who Queen Elizabeth the Second is, then?" Harry went on.

"Of course, Mister Potter," she replied. "She is the person who the Prime Minister answers to; and the Minister answers to the Prime Minister."

Frowning a little, Amelia was deep in thought.

"That means," said Harry patiently, recognising that both Augusta and Neville were also paying attention, "Her Majesty is your boss's, boss's boss. Correct?"

Startled a little Amelia said, "Yes... Yes... I suppose she is."

Putting his own two bobs in, the colonel then said firmly, "There is no 'suppose' about it, Madam Bones. Your Minister answers to Her Majesty. He is Her servant. And, as you work for your Ministry, you ultimately answer to her."

'Bless his little heart,' thought Harry smiling.

"But, she's a muggle," spluttered Augusta.

Turning to look at her, Harry said, "No, actually, She is not. And, please stop using the term 'muggle' when you're referring to non-magical folk. Either use 'non-magical' or 'mundane'. Do you not see that 'muggle' is actually a pretty derogatory name?"

That had the three magical folk in the room frowning and thinking about what Harry had just said; even Neville. The colonel had also turned to Harry and was smiling a little as he bobbed his head slightly in recognition of just what Harry had done.

Just then Susan came traipsing back into the room dressed in nice robes with her hair freshly brushed and laying loose about her shoulders. She suddenly stopped, looked around at the faces of the others in the room, and said, "What?"

Amelia, snapping out of it, turned to Susan and said, "Susan, we're going to visit Her Majesty, the Queen. While we are there please don't use the word 'muggle'. I'll explain why, later."

"Yes, Aunt 'Melia," replied Susan, clearly wondering what was going on.

"Thank you," said Amelia to her before turning back to the room. "I think that's everything. Will we be floo'ing there?"

"I think that would be best, Ma'am," replied Harry. "I know the palace's wards are still down to allow floo'ing in to the Queen's Audience Room. That will get us straight there."

Then, turning to the colonel, he asked, "Colonel? Floo'ing or apparating?

"Floo'ing!" the colonel quickly said.

"Good choice," Neville piped up with a small smile.

"Right, then," said Harry. "I believe I should go first as they already know me. Then, please send the colonel through."

He waited to see if anyone had anything to say, and said, "The address is 'Buckingham Palace'." He turned and stepped back to the fireplace.

Looking on the mantelpiece he saw a little open container and reached in to it. Taking a large pinch of what felt like floo powder within it and brought his hand out to look. It was, indeed, floo powder.

He stepped in and, hesitating, said, "Want to join me again, Nev?"

"Yeah!" gushed Neville, quickly jumping in beside Harry and wrapping an arm around his waist.

Harry did the same with his off hand, and throwing the powder at their feet, called, "Buckingham Palace!"


"Boys!" said Susan with a bit of disgust.

Amelia just snorted a bit with amusement.

# # #

Harry and Neville stepped lightly out of the fireplace where the goblins first arrived.

Neville, looking around, said, "Wow! Big room!"

Without even looking Harry just took an extra step forward and spun around calling, "Nev! Give me a hand to catch the colonel as he comes through."

"Yeah! Sure, Harry," he replied.

A few moments later the colonel flashed into existence and staggered out. Harry and Neville caught him on each side and helped the man to stand up straight. Harry then pulled him a bit further into the room and asked, "You alright, there, Colonel?"

"Oh, God," he muttered. "I quit!"

Harry just grinned at him.

Then, in quick order, the rest came through; Amelia with her wand out, Susan, then Augusta also with her wand out.

"Wands away, please, ladies," said Harry. "You're in Her Majesty's house here. You don't want her bodyguards thinking you're here to do her mischief."

Both, looking around a bit, put their wands away. Both went up the opposite sleeves of their wand hands.

'Interesting,' thought Harry.

Looking around himself for the first time, Harry noticed the room was empty; except for one of the Pages standing just off to the side of them. Clearly the man was waiting for their arrival.

Once Harry looked at him the Page them stepped a few paces forward.

"Is everyone here, My Lord?" he asked.

"Yes, thank you," replied Harry. "This is everyone."

Then the Page turned to the colonel and said, "Her Majesty is in the Games Room and asks that your guests join her other guests in the Green Drawing Room for tea."

"Thank you, Peter," responded the colonel.

Then, the colonel turned back to the others and said, "If you would follow me, please?" before heading off out through the door Harry had first entered.

Harry then hung back to shepherd the others out before him. He also noticed the Page had just stepped back and waited.

"Coming?" he asked the man.

The page hesitated for a bit before answering, "No, My Lord, two more guests to arrive, momentarily."

Harry thought about that for a moment before it dawned on him, and he said, "Ah!" Then he turned and followed the others.

Led out through the door and down the hall a bit, Harry could see the others looking about and gawking like tourists. He'd probably be doing the same if he wasn't so focussed on what he was here to accomplish.

The colonel was standing just inside a set of doors near the end of the hall where two other Pages were holding the doors open for them.

Following everyone inside he saw a nice light buffet laid out off to one side with waiters serving tea and light refreshments. The wafting of aromas from the table reached him and made his mouth water. Harry watched as the others were led to seats by wait staff.

'God, I'm starving!' he thought. 'I haven't eaten since before I arrived in the park!'

Paying little attention to anyone else he headed directly to the table. He was a boy on a mission!

He was stopped just shy of it by a waiter who said, "Please, take a seat, My Lord. I'll be serving you today."

Frowning with frustration Harry looked around to see who else was there. He noticed the Grangers all sitting together around one side of a large coffee table. Harry could see they were as nervous as cats in a house full of rocking chairs.

'I've got to calm them down,' he thought.

There were a few spare seats next to Dan, so he took the one closest to him and where he could see the others.

The wait person had obviously followed because he was right near Harry's ear when he asked, "Tea or coffee, My Lord?"

"Tea, please!" replied Harry. "And one of those honking big plates of sandwiches, please. I haven't eaten all day!"

Both Dan and Emma were looking at him with horror. Hermione, sitting opposite, was just grinning at him.

"Very good, My Lord," the wait person said, departing.

"You know what it's like, Sir," he said to Dan. "March when you're ordered, fight when you have to, eat and sleep when you can."

Dan snapped his head towards Harry before pausing to frown at him. He didn't say anything, though.

"I know a lot, Sir," said Harry having fun sounding all mysterious.

Now that all the heirs were in the palace, and knowing what was about to happen, Harry felt he could relax a little bit.

A few moments later, the wait person was back placing a tray bearing a tea cup and saucer with a couple of lumps of sugar on the side, a small pot of tea, and a tiny pitcher of milk.

"Oooh!" said Harry leaning forward. "Thank you!"

He quickly made a cup of tea, milk and two sugars, and then lifted the cup and saucer away to sit back and enjoy it; pretty much gulping it down.

"Ahhh..." he said after his first mouthful.

Moments later, the tray was removed and replaced with another bearing a plate with two sandwiches cut into quarters and a bit of garnishing on the side.

"Oooh!" he said again. "Thank you!"

Then he leaned forward, placed the saucer on the tray and grabbed the plate of sandwiches.

Sitting back and placing the plate balanced on one thigh, he grabbed a couple of the small sandwiches and gobbled them down.

Watching him eat for a bit from where she sat on Dan's other side, Emma slowly started to frown. Dan appeared a little amused.

'At least all three of them are slowly getting over their nervousness,' he thought.

"Young man," called Emma. "Please try to remember where you are!"

Swallowing as fast as he could what he had in his mouth, Harry innocently asked, "Sitting in a chair eating lunch?" Then immediately stuffed more sandwich into his mouth.

Dan snorted and tried not to laugh. He was mostly successful.

Emma, however, frowned at him even deeper.

Swallowing again, Harry said to Emma, "Doctor Granger, I really haven't eaten anything since early this morning. And I may not get another opportunity until this evening. I'm a growing lad, I need to eat!" Then stuffed more sandwich in.

Snorting again, Dan was now quietly chuckling away, trying not to with the back of his hand over his mouth, and turning red in the face.

Hermione, grinning even more, asked him, "Can I have one?"

Harry looked at her for a moment, then stuck his hand in the air and got the attention of one of the waiters. When he noticed one looking at him, he said, "Would you please organise a similar plate for Lady Granger and her parents? Thanks!"

The waiter bowed in return before turning away to assemble a plate for her.

Shortly thereafter a small plate of sandwiches was placed before Hermione. She picked it up and was happily eating one of the quartered sections.

About a minute later, Susan came over, dragging Neville with her. They plopped into the last two seats, as children are wont to do, next to Harry.

"Hey Harry," asked Susan. "Can I have one?"

"Hmm?" asked Harry, mouth full of sandwich.

"Can I have one?" Susan asked again.

Carefully swallowing again, Harry looked up and, again getting the notice of one of the wait staff, gestured for the man to come over. "Yes, My Lord?"

"Could we have a plate for Susan here..."

"Me too, please, Harry," Neville cut in.

"... and for Neville?"

"Of course, My Lord," the man bowed slightly before moving away.

Harry, in the mean time, had drunk a few large mouthfuls of tea before haring in to another sandwich.

Then he leaned forward while chewing and placed his empty teacup on the coffee table and sat back again.

Things had began to click for Dan, by this time, however.

"Son," he asked Harry directly, "how do you know who we are?"

Harry quickly swallowed what was in his mouth, polished off the last of his tea, and asked, "What do you mean, Sir?"

"You spoke to my wife by her title and name," said Dan.

To which Harry replied, " Because I'm the one who caused you to be brought here?"

Then, before Dan could ask any other question, Harry quickly stuffed another sandwich into his mouth.

Ignoring that fact Dan more directly asked anyway. "And, just why is that?"

Meanwhile, the wait person came back with plates of sandwiches for Susan and Neville placing them on the table in front of them.

Looking up, and deliberately ignoring Dan's question, Harry said to the wait person, "May I have another cup of tea, please? Oh, and I think the Grangers need their cups topped up."

"Certainly, Sir," the wait person said with the hint of a smile on his lips.

Without even thinking, both focused on Harry, Dan and Emma offered up their teacups and saucers.

"Now, young man," said Dan, "just why is it that you caused us to brought here?"

"Ah, Ah, Ahhh!" said Harry waggling a finger in the air. "That would be telling. I'll leave that for Her Majesty to decide when you know."

Dan just frowned, clearly not happy.

Tea was brought back for the Grangers and Harry, who set about making another cup for himself.

Harry, relenting a bit, sat more upright and said, "It's nothing bad, I promise. Hermione's going to love this."

Harry then looked at Hermione and said with a grin, "Get your Hogwarts letter yet, Hermione?"

Hermione suddenly sat bolt upright and exclaimed, "You, too?"

Her parents were quite startled with the question and nearly spilled their teas.

"Isn't it great? I had no..." Hermione began to gush.

Harry suddenly put his finger to his lips and said, "Shhh! Remember what Professor MacGonagall said to you. There are people in this room who do not know." And indicated the wait staff.

Hermione's mouth shut with an almost audible snap.

"But, perhaps I should at least introduce my two friends here," said Harry continuing. "Sitting next to me is Susan Bones, and next to her is Neville Longbottom. They, too, will be attending Hogwarts this year. All four of us will be First Years together."

Harry waited for that to sink in a little before continuing, "Susan and Nev; this is Hermione Granger and her parents Dr Daniel Granger and Dr Emma Granger. They are non-magicals but, as you've no doubt guessed, Hermione is not."

A round of hellos later, looking at Dan and Emma, Harry said, "Susan's aunt, Amelia Bones, and Neville's grandmother, Augusta Longbottom are old friends and having a chat with Colonel Benton behind you... and no doubt listening in."

"Sir!" they all heard Augusta say with indignation.

"Now, Hermione," Harry said turning to the little witch and ignoring the comments from behind, "I know you found it difficult to make friends at school, but that was only because you're scary-smart. You're so smart it frightened the other children. However, I can assure you, you have three friends right here."

"Really?" the look on Hermione's face was almost heart-breaking.

"Really," replied Harry firmly.

Suddenly, Hermione jumped out her chair, ducked around the table, and just about jumped on Harry giving him in a tight hug. Luckily, his reflexes were quick enough to allow him to get the expensive palace crockery out of the way before she just about dive-tackled him.

"Oof!" exclaimed Harry.

"Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!" was all he got out of the lass for a few moments.

Neville was almost openly laughing trying to hide behind his hands, and Susan was simply giggling. Even Augusta, Amelia and the colonel stood to look over the backs of the chairs to see what was going on.

Harry could just see the Granger's over Hermione's shoulder. Her parents, stunned by Hermione's... sudden move... were a bit slow to react.

"Hermione!" said her father firmly. "Don't crush the poor boy to death!"

"Hermione, dear. Please, sit down. Try to remember where you are," said her mother.

After a bit, Hermione climbed off Harry and contritely said, "Sorry." And quickly went back to sit on the edge of her chair.

Then she softly said, "I've just never really had a friend before."

Harry could see the Granger parents were trying to hold back tears; Emma, not so successfully. Their daughter, they knew, was without friends as she frightened the other kids in her school and neighbourhood with how smart she was.

"I think we're..." Harry said before he was interrupted by a soft chime coming from the ceiling high overhead.

"Ah!" said the colonel from where he was still standing over near the two older witches. "Her Majesty is ready for us."

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