
Harry Potter and the Four Heirs

Merlin, not happy with how the future unravelled for the life of Harry Potter, intervenes early to set the course of history back on track. Implied Pairing Only. Smart!Harry Bash!AD Idiot!RW WARNING I DO NOT OWN THIS STORY I MERELY PUT IT HERE FOR ALL OF US TO APPRECIATE T'S STORY!! THIS FANFIC WAS WRITTEN BY SINKYE

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13 Chs

C11 Sirius's Day

# # #

The next morning, Harry was up reasonably early and made his way direct to the Ministry to collect the copy he purchased of all the laws of magical Britain in written form.

Walking in, there was quite a few witches and wizards who gave him funny looks from the other side of the counter. The witch he spoke to yesterday lifted a clearly shrunken package from under the counter and placed it on top.

"This is all the laws, sir," she said. "They've been put in chronological order and shrunk for your convenience."

"Thank you," said Harry. "How much do I owe you?"

The witched looked a little surprised but said, "That's one hundred and forty-two galleons and eleven sickles, Sir."

Harry reached into his money pouch and easily pulled that much out. He placed it on the counter, between them. in stacks of ten, with the 'loose' coins set to the ends of the row.

"Receipt, please," he said.

The witch quickly created a receipt for him as he dropped the package into his satchel. Then, with the receipt following the laws into the satchel, he thanked the witch and left.

He took them back to the palace.

# # #

Late the next morning, Thursday, Harry received word via mirror from Amelia that Mister Doge had been busy. He'd paid for a major advertisement, together with an article, that appeared in that morning's copy of the Daily Prophet. It provided details, at length, of how Sirius never received a trial, how he was the Heir Apparent of perhaps the largest pure blood family in wizarding Britain, and how the Wizengamot and the Ministry had more than enough time to send him to the trial he should have had.

Harry headed straight for Diagon Alley to collect a copy of the Prophet for himself. He took it to the Leaky Cauldron and, sitting down, enjoyed reading both the advertisement and the article over a cup of tea.

The whole matter was the main talk, if not the only talk, up and down the Alley. Journalists were port keying in from across Europe and from as far afield as the Americas and Africa. There were already as many journalists in the Alley as there were shopkeepers and shoppers combined. Tobias O. Doge was having an absolute field day holding court and regaling journalists with the injustice of it all.

Seeing the size of the media contingent, Harry feared he'd not be able to get in to see the trial for himself. He mirrored Augusta and asked her to arrange a reserved seat for him. He would be attending under the guise of a freelance journalist, not his normal glamour, and he gave Augusta the name 'Joe White' to use.

The trial, though originally scheduled for the next morning, was re-scheduled for that night on the Minister's orders. The Minister claimed he would not allow just one more day to pass before justice was rightfully served. He had also ordered the court room in which the trial was to be held, enlarged to accommodate as many members of the press and public as they could fit in.

Obviously, the Minister was attempting to make the best of a bad situation. If he could, he would try and curry favor of the public through the press.

That made Harry chuckle.

As he had expected, the Minister and the Wizengamot wanted the matter done with. They did not want yet another copy of the Daily Prophet slamming the actions of either before it could be resolved.

'Good,' he thought. 'The less time the Minister and others had in building a case against Sirius, the better.'

He already knew Doge had everything he needed to win the case. Though she was supposed to be trying the case, Amelia also had her arguments prepared to aid Doge in the matter. And she and Augusta had spent quite some time going over their strategy for seeing Sirius freed.

# # #

Dumbledore was furious. No matter how much he paid in bribes to those idiots on the Wizengamot, and the Minister himself, he was being frustrated at just about every turn.

That morning Fudge demanded he, yet again, come straight to his office.

As soon as he'd stepped through the floo Fudge rounded on him immediately.

"Have you seen this?" demanded Fudge, waving a copy of that morning's Daily Prophet.

"Of course, I've seen it," said Dumbledore calmly, even though he had not. He didn't expect media coverage to occur quite so quickly. This would make it even more difficult to line the pockets of those he knew he could bribe.

"I've already been forced to move the trial from tomorrow morning to tonight!" bellowed the Minister. "I need this ended! This bad press coverage is causing great harm to my plans for re-election, and I won't have it!"

"Calm down, Minister," soothed Dumbledore. "This is the fault of your predecessor, not you. You just need to hold true to ensuring Black is sent back to Azkaban and you'll come out of this as a 'just' Minister. The people will adore you for it."

The Minister grumbled about it, but he couldn't fault Dumbledore's logic. If he played it right, he'd come out a hero to the people.

"Now," said Dumbledore, "since I'm already here I have people I need to see. So, I'll take my leave."

Without given leave, Dumbledore left the Minister's office in search of those he needed to bribe. He'd brought with him his secret stash of galleons from the Potter boy's vault to make sure the right hands were well and truly greased.

# # #

By late afternoon, early evening, Harry had tried to get in to see Tobias Doge in private, but that was just not possible.

He heard a rumor that Doge had disappeared into the Ministry and was, at that very moment, down in the holding cells talking with his client. He had tried to contact Amelia via mirror but, when she answered, she just said, 'Not now!' and terminated the connection.

He also found out the entire membership of the Wizengamot, except for Dumbledore, was in lockdown where they each found a sanctuary, as they'd all been harassed by the press and interested citizens in trying to find out more information.

Unusually, an evening edition of the Prophet, called the Evening Prophet, was released. Such a thing only ever occurred on matters of great importance to the wizarding world, not a simple trial.

This time there were no advertisements or paid stories appearing from Doge. They were almost all concerning the imminent trial of one Sirius Orion Black. Many of the articles claimed, 'unnamed sources' and 'sources who did not want to be named'. And many were based on letters the Prophet had received via owl post from the populace with most decrying the Minister, the Ministry and the Wizengamot for not giving Black a fair trial. Some, however, came out in support of the then Minister and Head of the DMLE for not wasting the court's time for a trial as 'everyone knew he was guilty'.

# # #

Dumbledore was quite livid. As soon as he left the Minister's office he was besieged by members of the press, both local and international, demanding answers to their questions. He could barely move, due to the crush of bodies around him.

"Out of my way!" he bellowed. "I have important business to conduct!"

But the press just howled louder.

"As the Chief Warlock of the Wizengamot, our readers want to know how it is possible for this to happen?" he heard.

"Our readers are frightened they may be the next to be thrown into Azkaban without the right to defend themselves. What assurances can you give them they won't be?" came from another.

"Why wasn't Black questioned about the details of other Death Eaters before he was thrown into Azkaban?" yet another called out.

Frustrated at every turn, he fled the building back to Hogwarts. He needed to get to the other members of the Wizengamot before the trial. But he couldn't get through to them.

He tried to contact them through the floo network, but his calls went unanswered; or were answered only by their underlings who, also, could not get through to their bosses.

'There has to be a way!' he thought.

In anger he hurled a book across the office, smashing a couple of his little monitoring charmed items. He did not even see the official document from the courts that had been left by owl on his desk but was partly obscured under other parchments.

# # #

Returning from the Alley, where he wandered around for a while, Harry was back at the Leaky Cauldron and trying to enjoy an evening meal before the trial. However, quite a number of the members of the press were trying to do the same thing. And his stomach felt as if it was tied in knots.

Instead, he patiently waited using shallow meditation techniques.

While in the Alley he had been approached no less than five times by journalists who wanted to know his views on the trial. As Harry was still under his glamour and didn't want anyone to know he was there, he simply gave the comment, "I really don't have any views on the trial. I'm only very concerned that our citizens can be hauled off to Azkaban so unjustly."

When asked for his details he said, "I don't want to be threatened for my views, so I don't want you printing that."

Then would say, conspiratorially, "There are suspected Death Eaters on the Wizengamot who might try to do me harm, if they find out who I am."

'Why throw one cat amongst the pigeons when you could almost as easily throw half a dozen?' he thought with a quiet chuckle.

Many of the shops had closed up early for the day. One even had a small sign in the window that read, 'Closed due to being hounded by the press.' A photographer was outside it is taking a photograph of the sign.

# # #

About half an hour before the trial was due to start, Harry ducked into a quiet spot out of sight and altered his glamour to someone indistinguishable but looking like a journalist.

Then he used the public floo to cross to the atrium in the Wizengamot where he joined hundreds of others. The workday was hours past, but the place was still very busy.

Going up to the security gate he gave his name as Joe White and that he was a VIP guest of Madam Augusta Longbottom.

Considering a long list before him, the guard said, "Yes, Sir. May I have your wand, please?"

"Knowing it would likely be confiscated. I did not bring it," replied Harry.

The guard then stepped around his podium and waved a wand around Harry. Satisfied, the guard said, "No wand, but I notice you have a couple of minor magical items in your bag."

"Oh, of course," said Harry, and he held up his bag for inspection.

The guard searched Harry's satchel but, not finding any item he thought of as being offensive weaponry, he handed it back to Harry.

"Thank you for your patience, Sir," the guard said and let Harry through the checkpoint.

As he stepped through, he was asked if he was attending the trial by another Ministry employee. Nodding in the affirmative, the employee gave him directions to the courtroom.

On entering through the public entry doors of the enlarged room, he was asked for his details. Giving his name as Joe White, he was immediately guided to a seat one row back from the front in the Visitor's Gallery.

A journalist sitting alongside him asked with a slightly French accent, "Which paper are you from?"

"I'm a freelancer," replied Harry. "I'm currently here for the The Quibbler."

The journalist looked back in surprise and asked, "That rag? I thought it only covered nonsense."

"Everybody wants an article for their paper on this story," replied Harry with a smile.

Harry could see the man now thought of him as 'no one of importance', so had turned to the person on his other side. Harry was left alone, as he preferred.

Having dismissed the man, he looked out across the floor with its chair with chains already sitting in the middle. Then right across the floor to where the entire Wizengamot would be sitting. There was no one there, yet.

He also knew there were five elaborate chairs currently hiding under the floor outside of detection directly underneath the back row and in the middle of the Wizengamot seats. Directly under where Madam Bones would be sitting as she tried the case.

Looking back down at the chained chair he could also see the wooden disk in the floor that hid the little pedestal and orb with the blood print for the right hand upon it. He and the other three Heirs would be using that to show their authority upon the Wizengamot and make their oaths. He wondered how long it had been since it was last used. He doubted anyone on the current Wizengamot had ever given their oath before taking their seat, nor even knew the existence of the podium or the five chairs.

The noise inside the courtroom was quite loud as journalists and guests talked amongst themselves. Harry hardly noticed. He was deep in thought.

# # #

Dumbledore was close to mental exhaustion with the amount of concentration and thought he had put into finding a way of getting to certain members of the Wizengamot.

He had discovered nothing. His only option was to get them when they were all together before they entered the courtroom.

Suddenly, the fireplace erupted with the message informing him his presence was immediately required in the Wizengamot antechamber to hear the case of Sirius Orion Black.

He quickly jumped through.

As he arrived, he tried to get the attention of the others he needed to bribe but, as soon as they arrived, they were all called immediately to the courtroom. He had no opportunity to talk to anyone. Except to say, 'Good evening.'

Damn them! His efforts were being blocked at every step, and he didn't even know who was doing it.

# # #

While in the midst of reviewing what he needed to do over the coming days with his head bowed, and what he'd already ticked off his mental to-do list, Harry brought himself out of his contemplative state when the room suddenly hushed.

Looking up, he saw a functionary of the Wizengamot walk out onto the floor.

"Hear ye!" the young man called with a bit of a tremulous voice. "This emergency session of the Wizengamot has been called to hear the case of wizarding Britain versus Sirius Orion Black, relating to events that occurred on the night of the 31st of October 1981, and the days surrounding it, in the village of Godric's Hollow! Please stand and be silent!"

As the young man walked away between the public gallery and the Wizengamot seats, the full Wizengamot entered the chamber and took their seats.

Harry noticed both Amelia and Augusta had stacks of files tucked under their arms. And it also appeared only one member was missing.

He also had his first opportunity to see Dumbledore in the flesh as the old man took his seat in the senior chair of the warlock section. He didn't look happy. And Harry couldn't have been happier to see it.

He was surprised, however, to see the Minister was quite calm and smiling. The Minister even took the opportunity to wave to those gathered in the visitor section. A couple of photographers took photos before they were immediately ordered to stop or have their cameras confiscated.

'Hmm, interesting,' thought Harry.

As the members settled into place, Amelia's voice was heard clearly through magical amplification. "The Wizengamot has been summoned to emergency session to hear the case of wizarding Britain versus Sirius Orion Black, relating to events that occurred on the night of the 31st of October 1981, and the days surrounding it, in the village of Godric's Hollow. Excused from attending is Lord Mulciber, who has taken ill and is currently under protected care at Saint Mungo's.

"Bring in the accused!" she called.

Before Sirius could be brought into the room Dumbledore rose and said, "Madam Bones, I cannot..."

Riding over the top of him, Amelia said, "Chief Warlock Dumbledore, you will have opportunity to speak in due course. Please be seated and hold your tongue!"

Harry heard mutters of surprise erupting around him.

Again, speaking out loud, Amelia said, "Those in the gallery will remain silent or they will be evicted from these proceedings!"

Immediately, silence descended.

Escorted by four Aurors and Tobias Doge, also carrying a stack of parchments, Sirius was brought into the chamber in chains. And was told to sit in the chair. Sirius looked around the room, clearly looking for someone. Harry suspected it was he.

To Harry, Sirius looked haggard and ill. But his eyes were alert and the expression on his face was alive with a mix of curiosity, satisfaction and... smugness.

Before anyone else could say anything, Tobias said, "Madam Bones, I must protest. Mister Black has not been found guilty of any crime and yet he is treated as a criminal by being chained like a beast!"

"Your protest is noted, Mister Doge," she intoned. "However, as Mister Black has been incarcerated almost ten years before being brought to trial, we fear harm to his mental state. To protect him and those around him, we would have him remained secured for now for everyone's safety including his own."

At first, Harry was annoyed they'd leave him chained. But he quickly worked out that Sirius could not be thought a threat if he was chained. No one could suddenly hit him with a curse if it was proven he could not harm anyone.

"Very well," Mister Doge huffed. "Mister Tobias Oswald Doge, solicitor at law, standing for the accused, Ma'am!"

A tall somewhat-elderly man standing off to the side stepped towards the center of the room and, looking up at Amelia, said, "Master Auror Rufus Scrimgeour standing for the prosecution, Ma'am!"

Harry wondered how much of this was staged. He guessed pretty much all of it was, so far. The comment from Tobias of 'not been found guilty of any charge' and Amelia's 'before being brought to trial' were nice touches.

Looking sternly down upon Sirius, Amelia said, "Sirius Orion Black. You are charged with twelve counts of murder of various muggles, the murder of Peter Pettigrew, conspiracy to commit murder in the murders of James Charlus Potter and Lily Evans-Potter, conspiracy to commit murder in the attempted murder of Harry James Potter, and being a member of the unlawful organization known as Death Eaters. How do you plead?"

Harry was a little startled to hear his name mentioned across the floor like that.

Sirius straightened himself up in his chair, chains and all, and said clearly and firmly, "Not guilty of all charges!"

Even louder mutters of surprise erupting around Harry than before.

"Silence!" bellowed Amelia.

'Wow!' thought Harry. 'She's a scary woman when she wants to be.'

"Aurors!" called Amelia, looking across at the Aurors who were standing at each end of the visitor's gallery. "You are to silence and immediately remove anyone within the visitor's gallery who interrupts the rest of this session!"

Once she had complete silence and control of the courtroom once again, she looked down at Scrimgeour and said, "Very well, Master Scrimgeour, you may start your prosecution."

What followed was Scrimgeour presenting evidence of various witnesses of the event, especially from the only living Auror left who heard Sirius say he'd killed James and Lily.

In response Doge brought in an expert from St Mungo's hospital who had experience with guilt trauma.

Scrimgeour gave a believable account of what he believed happened that night. And Doge tore a lot of it apart.

Arguments and evidence flew back and forth.

Then Scrimgeour said, "I believe I have proven all charges. I now rest my case."

'Proven, my butt,' thought Harry.

"Mister Doge," called Amelia. 'You may now start your defense!"

Then came the first very surprising twist.

"Madam," he intoned. "I would have, at this time, called Mister Harry James Potter as my first witness. However, he has not responded to the summons from your office. I would know why."

Harry was shocked to hear that. He didn't expect to hear his own name called to the defense. He suspected his cover was blown.

Sitting back in what looked like feigned surprise, Amelia then got the attention of one of the Aurors on the floor.

"Find out what happened to it," she commanded the young woman.

The young woman bobbed her head and quickly left the room.

'What are they playing at?' wondered Harry.

"In the meantime, Mister Doge," said Amelia. "Perhaps you could move on to the next piece of evidence?"

"Certainly, Madam," he said. "While Mister Potter's testimony may not have helped my defense of Mister Black, he may have shed light on certain events of that night."

Tobias then had his next two witnesses brought in, Millicent Bagnold and Barty Crouch Snr. Both denied the allegations of that night; and both were dosed with Veritaserum. And the truth was discovered about how Sirius was sent to Azkaban without a trial. Both were led away to cells to have charges laid against both of them after Sirius's trial.

As they each admitted their complicity under Veritaserum a couple of journalists or others had to be led from the gallery, magically bound and gagged by Aurors.

Other journalists were scribbling madly with quills on parchments or had auto-quills running full tilt.

During Barty Crouch Snr's interrogation, and the suppressing of the eruption of noise from the visitors' gallery, the young woman Auror returned to the room and ascending the stairs to the top of the Wizengamot seats, made her way to Amelia's side. She handed Amelia a slip of parchment and whispered in her ear before departing.

After Crouch's ignominious departure and silence had, once more, descended upon the courtroom, Amelia looked down at Tobias and said, "You have further evidence to present, Sir?"

"Certainly, Madam," stated Tobias firmly. "At this time, I call Sirius Orion Black to the stand."

"He may give evidence from where he is," replied Amelia. "Mister Black, you are aware you may be given Veritaserum?"

"Yes, Madam," replied Sirius. "I welcome it."

Looking surprised, though Harry knew she wasn't, Amelia said, "Very well. Master Scrimgeour, you may proceed."

Scrimgeour stepped forward and Sirius tilted his head back and stuck out his tongue. Scrimgeour dripped three large drops onto Sirius's tongue and stepped back.

After a few moments, he nodded to Amelia.

Tobias then stepped forward and asked, "What is your name?"

"Sirius Orion Black," said Sirius in a whimsical voice.

"Were you friends of James Charlus Potter and Lily Evans-Potter?"


"Was a Fidelius Charm cast upon their home at Godric's Hollow before the night of the 31st of October 1981?"


"Was that Fidelius Charm still active as of the night of the 31st of October 1981?"


"Who cast the Fidelius Charm?"

Dumbledore suddenly jumped to his feet and bellowed, "I object to this line of questioning. I fail to see..."

No one could hear Sirius's response.

Again, riding over the top of him, Amelia said, "Chief Warlock Dumbledore, I have already told you, you will have opportunity to speak in due course. Be seated and hold your tongue!"

"I will not be..." tried Dumbledore again.

Yet again riding over the top of him, Amelia bellowed back, "Silence!"

Once Amelia regained control of the room yet again, she looked down at Tobias and said, "You may continue, Mister Doge."

Nodding towards Amelia, Dog then turned back to Sirius and said, "Again, Mister Black; who cast the Fidelius Charm?"

"Albus Dumbledore."

"Were you the Secret Keeper?"


"Do you know who the Secret Keeper was?"

"Yes, Peter Pettigrew."

Harry heard a couple more murmurs from the assembled guests and journalists in the visitors' gallery, but it was not enough to see yet more people evicted.

"Did you betray the Potters by bringing the Death Eaters to their cottage in Godric's Hollow?" continued Tobias.


"Did you kill Peter Pettigrew?"


Harry heard yet more murmurs from the assembled, but it still wasn't enough to see yet more people evicted.

"Did you kill the muggles of which you have been accused?" continued Tobias.


"Do you know who did?"

"Yes, Peter Pettigrew."

Tobias paused for a bit, looking for all the world like he was thinking. Harry didn't believe it for a minute. He knew the man was using theatrics.

"Do you know what happened to Peter Pettigrew when you last saw him in that street where the muggles were killed?" he continued.


"What happened to him?"

"He changed into his Animagus form of a common brown rat and disappeared down the sewers."

"And what of his finger found at the scene?"

"He lost it in the explosion before changing into his Animagus form of a rat and disappearing down the sewers."

"Mister Pettigrew was not registered as an Animagus with the Ministry. Do you know why?"

"He didn't want anyone to know and wanted to keep it a secret."

Tobias then turned towards Amelia and said, "I have no further questions of this witness at this time, Madam."

"Very well," said Amelia. Turning to Scrimgeour, she asked, "Do you have any questions of the accused, Master Scrimgeour?"

"No, Madam; I do not," the Master Auror replied.

"Very well, Master Scrimgeour. You may give the antidote," she said. Turning toward Dumbledore she then said, "Chief Warlock Dumbledore, you will take the stand."

"What?" spluttered Dumbledore. "I will not!"

There were noises in both amongst the Wizengamot and the visitor's gallery.

"Silence!" bellowed Amelia again.

When she once more had silence, she again turned to Dumbles and firmly stated, "Chief Warlock Dumbledore, you will take the stand, or I will have you dragged there!"

Dumbledore huffed and spluttered but still rose to his feet.

More, but softer, murmurs were heard while Dumbledore tried to look as dignified as possible. He slowly stepped down and approached the stand.

Sitting, he glared back up at Amelia and grouched, "Well, I'm here!"

"Chief Warlock Dumbledore," intoned Amelia with a glare of her own. "You will explain to this gathering why the summons for Mister Harry James Potter is currently sitting on your desk in the Headmaster's office at Hogwarts."

"What?" spluttered Dumbledore again. "I don't know what you mean."

"Chief Warlock," said Amelia. "My office places tracking charms on all summons to ensure the people who are supposed to receive them, actually receive them! You will explain how it has come to be in your possession!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Amelia," said Dumbledore. "I assure you..."

Again, riding over the top of him, Amelia said, "Chief Warlock Dumbledore, we are not interested in your assurances. We are interested in the facts. If you do not provide us the information we need, we will send Aurors to your office in Hogwarts. They will locate the summons meant for young Mister Potter, and they will return with it here.

"Now, are you intercepting mail meant for Harry James Potter?"

"What?" spluttered Dumbledore yet again. "Now see here, Amelia, I will not..."

Again, riding over the top of him, Amelia said, "You will answer the question, Mister Dumbledore; or I will have you declared a hostile witness, and have Master Scrimgeour dose you with Veritaserum by force. We will have our answers!"

Still spluttering and grumbling Dumbledore said, "Very well!"

"Good!" said Amelia. "Now, are you intercepting mail meant for Harry James Potter?"

"Yes," grumbled Dumbledore. "But I'm his magical guardian and I need to check it for items that may harm him!"

"Are your forwarding any of it on to him?"

"I need to check all his mail..." said Dumbledore before he was again interrupted by Amelia.

"That was not my question, Mister Dumbledore," Amelia bored on. "Are your forwarding any of Harry James Potter's mail on to him?"

"As I said, I need to check..." said Dumbledore before he was yet again interrupted by Amelia.

"Master Scrimgeour, you..." began Amelia

"No! Wait!" shouted Dumbledore. "I'll answer your questions!"

"Then, again; are your forwarding any of Harry James Potter's mail on to him?"


"So, Harry James Potter has not received any of the mail ever sent to him from people within the magical community since the events that happened on the 31st of October 1981?"


Once again, both sides of the chamber were rocked with the shock of the people, both in the visitor's gallery and the Wizengamot itself.

"Silence!" bellowed Amelia for a third time.

When she once more had silence, she again turned to Dumbledore, "Where is Harry James Potter's mail?"

"As I said, I need..." said Dumbledore.

"Master Scrimgeour..." began Amelia

"No!" shouted Dumbledore, before he grumbled, "I sent any gifts sent to Harry to the orphanages throughout Britain!"

"And the rest of the mail?" demanded Amelia.

"I did not have the time to go through it, so I burned it," grumbled Dumbledore.

Yet again, both sides of the chamber were rocked with the shock of the people, both in the visitor's gallery and the Wizengamot itself.

"Silence!" bellowed Amelia yet again.

"Albus Dumbledore, at the conclusion of the business currently before us, you will be taken away and charged with mail tampering," snarled Amelia. "I have no doubt members of the press, present here in the visitor's gallery this evening; will be reporting far and wide what you have admitted to, this evening.

"I, for one, will be filing my own complaint against you, on behalf of my niece, who I know has been sending Mister Potter a small gift and a card on each of his birthdays. She has continued to do this every year since she was five years old, and she is now ten! She has done this, even though she has never received a letter in return from Mister Potter. I expect my office will be flooded by others also coming in to file their own complaints!

"It is now quite clear that the reason Mister Potter has not sent her, or anyone else, a return letter or a thank you note, is because you have been intercepting his mail and he has no idea what you have been doing. Those of us who have thought ill of young Mister Harry James Potter for his... rudeness... owe him an apology!

"Further, we wonder what Mister Potter must think of us all, considering he and his parents are responsible for saving the wizarding world, and he has never received one letter or message of thanks for the sacrifice of him and his family!"

Letting her temper subside while angry murmurs swirled about within the gallery and the Wizengamot seats, Amelia also knew Harry was there, in the gallery, listening to it all.

Harry was focused on Amelia while the woman had her eyes closed. When she opened them, Harry saw her look across towards him in the visitor's gallery. He saw her count off the seats and, when she reached him, her eyes locked with his.

Harry smiled back and winked. He saw the corner of her lip twitch a little in response.

Gathering her notes, Amelia again went on the attack.

"However, there is another matter before us this day. That is the trial of Sirius Orion Black," she said. "The second reason you are now sitting before us is to confirm something Mister Black said while under the effects of Veritaserum.

"Mister Dumbledore, did you cast the Fidelius Charm on the cottage where the Potters were staying shortly before the events of the night of the 31st of October 1981?"


"Who did you make the Secret Keeper?"

Another round of murmurs was heard as those listening in suddenly realized the reason for the questioning.

"Peter Pettigrew," grumbled Dumbledore.

"Why was it not Sirius Black?"

"Black begged the Potters at the last minute not to use him, because he believed everyone knew he was their best friend and that everyone would believe he was the Secret Keeper."

"Did you agree with this?"


Amelia's voice dropped to a low growl, "Since you knew, and have known, Sirius Black was not the Secret Keeper, and you knew the Secret Keeper was Peter Pettigrew, why have you not come forward with this information already?"

"I've been busy!" Dumbledore half-snarled.

"Then, perhaps this body can assist you with that workload you are apparently struggling under," said Amelia with a flat monotone. "It appears you have not had the time to report important facts concerning a mass murder of both magicals and muggles, and you have been too busy to properly deal with Mister Potter's mail.

"You are currently the Chief Warlock on this body, you are the Supreme Mugwump and represent magical Britain on the ICW, you are the Headmaster at Hogwarts, and you claim magical guardianship of Harry James Potter, and we are left wondering how lax you have been in properly training Mister Potter in his role in our community. Clearly, this is too much work for you to do.

"I believe this body should meet in the not-too-distant future and discuss removing you from some of those roles under which you are struggling."

"No!" bleated Dumbledore. "I have earned my place in this society! You will not do such a thing to me!"

"You are currently very lucky that this body will soon have to deal with the trials of Millicent Bagnold and Bartemius Crouch Senior, before we can move on to your own," snapped Amelia. "I suggest you consider what actions you will take before that time comes!"

Waiting a moment for that to sink in, she addressed Scrimgeour and Doge.

"Mister Doge," she asked. "Do you have any questions for this witness?"

"No, Madam," replied Tobias.

"Master Scrimgeour," she asked turning to the Master Auror. "Do you have any questions for this witness?"

"No, Ma'am," replied Scrimgeour.

"Mister Dumbledore," she stated. "Return to your seat, as it is still your seat... for now."

Dumbledore stomped off across the room and re-ascended to his seat amongst the warlocks.

Turning back to Tobias, she asked, "Do you rest your case, Mister Doge?"

"I do, Madam," said Tobias with a small bow.

Glancing then to each side, Amelia asked, "Are there questions from the Wizengamot relating to the matters before us here this evening?"

No one moved.

"In that case," she said, sitting back. "I call for the vote. All those who vote Sirius Orion Black guilty on all charges indicate by holding up and lighting the tips of their wands."

Five did so. Harry knew them all to be Death Eaters.

"All those who vote Sirius Orion Black innocent on all charges indicate by holding up and lighting the tips of their wands."

All the rest, but her own.

"Sirius Orion Black," intoned Amelia, "the Wizengamot finds you innocent on all charges. You are..."

"Madam Bones," interrupted Augusta, standing.

"Madam Longbottom?" asked Amelia, quite genially.

"Madam Bones, after investigations, it has come to our attention that Sirius Orion Black, on the death of his paternal grandfather only a few short months ago, has inherited the Head of House position for the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black. While he has not been able to claim his seat, he is still a Lord."

"What?" blurted Sirius. "No!"

Augusta sat down. Others on the Wizengamot, knowing Augusta Longbottom's dedication to the proper regards of its members and Lords, echoed a few 'Hear, hear's' in response. They seemed to think Sirius's outburst was a result of learning about the death of his grandfather. Harry knew different.

"My apologies, Lord Black," said Amelia solemnly.

"No!" spluttered Sirius. "You can't do this!"

"Poor man," said Amelia with much pity. "The Wizengamot finds you innocent on all charges. However, as you are clearly suffering from the effects of your incarceration..."

"I'm not Lord Black!" Sirius half-cried. "You can't make me..."

Sounds of pity came from all side of the courtroom.

"...you are to be taken from here to Saint Mungo's hospital by our Aurors," continued Amelia as if she hadn't heard a thing. "There, you will remain until you are well."

"You can't do this to me!"

"Aurors!" called Amelia, still not listening. "Take the poor man to Saint Mungo's and set up a twenty-four-hour protection detail for him. And strip him of those chains!"

"Wait! Wait!" Sirius was calling "I'm completely sane, I tell you! I do not accept the Lordship!"

As they were removing all the chains from Sirius, one of the Aurors said with a heavy, caring voice, "Yes, My Lord. We understand, My Lord."

"It's my choice! You can't force it on me!"

He was still demanding he not take up the Lordship as he was freed of the chains and suddenly side-along apparated out of the courtroom.

Harry was struggling mightily not to laugh. The man who had taken the seat on the other side of him said, "Are you alright? You look like you may be having a heart attack or something."

"No, I'm fine," said Harry, half-choking. "I'm just SOOO proud of our justice system today."

"If you're sure," the man said, clearly thinking Harry was unwell.

"Yes, thank you," said Harry calming down.

Nodding back the man then turned away. Possibly, because he thought whatever it was Harry had, may have been contagious.

# # #

After Sirius was whisked away to Saint Mungo's, Harry knew the time was getting late. The court case had gone on even longer than he felt it might. He left the Ministry building and headed for the quiet section of street outside Longbottom Manor, stepped through the wards and dropped his glamour.

Penny let him in, now clearly recognizing him; and he waited in the parlor. Madam Longbottom hadn't arrived back yet from the Wizengamot meeting, so he asked Penny to see if Neville was still awake.

The lad was he was waiting to hear what had happened at the trial. He, too, was just as nervous about Sirius, but for Harry's sake.

Harry told Neville what had happened at the trial and how his grandmother stood up and basically forced the court to recognize Sirius as Head of House Black. He described how Sirius had tried to turn it down, but everyone thought it was because he was probably a little 'unhinged' and didn't understand.

And he described how Sirius was still protesting when they side-along apparated him direct to the wards at Saint Mungo's.

By the end, Neville was practically rolling on the floor with laughter.

When Augusta came through the floo, Harry and Neville were sitting enjoying a glass of milk and a small plate of cookies each.

"What are you still doing up, young man?" Augusta asked Neville.

"Harry was telling me how you ambushed Sirius at the end of the trial, Gran," said Neville gleefully.

"I most certainly did not," huffed Augusta. "It is Lord Black's responsibility to accept the role whether he likes it or not."

"And, by all accounts, he definitely does not like it," giggled Harry. "He hated his family and ran away from it in his fifth year at Hogwarts."

"Be that as it may," said Augusta. "He will come to appreciate the role. Clearly, his grandfather wanted him to have it."

"I bet he's probably still arguing with the Aurors and the medical staff at Saint Mungo's, if they haven't already hit him with a calming or sleeping potion," said Harry with a chuckle. "I just hope Saint Mungo's are wise enough to put him somewhere where he can't escape for a while."

"They have, My Lord," said Augusta.

She turned to Neville and commanded, "Right, you. Off to bed. Lord Potter still has to visit Susan and to give her the next cube, too. And it's not polite for you to keep a young lady waiting."

"Okay, grandmother," said Neville, scurrying off to get changed for bed.

After he'd gone, Harry said, "I wonder if I may ask a favor."

"Ask, and I'll let you know, My Lord," replied Augusta.

"When is the next time you think you'll visit with Frank and Alice?" he asked.

"We plan on visiting them either tomorrow or Saturday," she answered. "Why?"

"I think Saint Mungo's will put Sirius in the same, or a similar ward, based on his behavior when he was side-along apparated away from the courtroom," explained Harry. "If that is the case, and that you're a respected member of the Wizengamot, I ask to join you on your visit so I may drop in on my godfather."

"You don't think you should go alone, My Lord?" Augusta asked curious.

"No, Ma'am," he replied. "Madam Bones gave orders Sirius was to be protected twenty-four hours a day. I doubt very much the Aurors will let me in to see him if I'm alone. I have to maintain my glamour when out and about, remember?"

"Ah, yes," she replied nodding. "You believe, with me there, we should be able to get past the Aurors because I'm both on the Wizengamot and I'm not considered to be someone who would harm your godfather."

"Yes, Ma'am," he replied.

"Then we shall go tomorrow afternoon," said Augusta. "There will be less people attending during the early afternoon as it's a workday."

Thank you, Ma'am," he said. "I know how difficult it is for you to visit Saint Mungo's at the best of times. So, I'm even more thankful you would allow me to tag along."

"Yes, well," she replied. "Now, I believe Neville will be ready for us. Shall we?" she gestured towards the stairs.

# # #

After setting Neville up with his next cube, Harry floo'ed through to the Ossuary and checked with their house elf, Eva, if Madam Bones had returned yet.

The little elf told him no, but he could make himself at home while he waited. He also asked if Susan was still awake and the little elf popped away for a few seconds before returning and saying she wasn't.

Harry decided to try to contact Amelia again and see if she could pop home for the few moments it took him to activate the cube.

Tapping the sixth rune he waited for Amelia to answer. And hoped she wouldn't just cut him off, this time.

"Hello," she said.

"Madam Bones, are you alone to chat for a moment?" asked Harry.

"Yes, I am," she replied. "I'm in my office doing paperwork that probably going to take me the greater part of the night."

"I wonder if I can impose upon you to drop back here to the Ossuary for the few seconds, I need to... do what I need to do," he asked.

Amelia nodded in understanding. "I shall be there momentarily," she replied. "I want to make sure Susan's safely in bed, anyway."

"Thank you, Ma'am," he said, terminating the connection.

Amelia stepped through just as Harry removed Susan's next cube from its case.

"You're ready?" she asked.

"Yes, Ma'am," he answered. "I didn't want to enter her room without you here. It just wouldn't be right."

"Certainly not!" she stated before saying, "Come on, then, My Lord."

Harry followed behind and waited for Amelia to check in Susan's room before she called him forward.

"She's asleep but decent," she whispered.

Harry nodded and went in. He immediately walked up to the bed, placed the cube softly on Susan's forehead so as not to wake her, and activated the cube in a soft voice.

He left and followed Amelia from the room.

In the parlor, Harry said, "That was a nice bit of theatrics you, Doge and Madam Bones engineered for this evening."

"My Lord, I'm sure I have no idea what you mean," she replied piously. "And don't forget Rufus Scrimgeour."

"Of course not, Ma'am. How could I?" chuckled Harry.

"Now I must be back to the office. You've created a lot of work for me, My Lord," she said with a smile. "But I'm relishing the legal punch to the nose I gave Albus Dumbledore."

"Just before you go," said Harry, reaching into his ever-present satchel. He pulled out the package he'd picked up that morning from the Ministry of all the laws and placed it on the occasional table near to his hand. Tapping nit, he said, "This is a copy of all the laws on the books I picked up from the Ministry. Susan's going to need them. Can you please make sure she gets them?"

"I'll ensure it," she said, rising from her chair.

"In that case," said Harry, also rising to his feet. "I bid you good night, Ma'am. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Good night, Harry," she said. "I trust you to let yourself out?"

"Of course," he answered.

And Amelia went back through the floo.

Harry walked out to the street and apparated to the Grangers. No gift for them tonight, though. They'll be surprised.

# # #

In his office at Hogwarts, Dumbledore was fuming. How could things have gone wrong, so fast?

Clearly the Bones woman had it in for him. He had no idea how she'd worked out he'd been redirecting the Potter boy's mail, but her line of questioning was no accident. Of that he was sure.

He thought himself lucky that Bagnold and Crouch were going to be tried before his, so called, actions were brought before the Wizengamot. That gave him time to grease the right palms and protest he was acting for The Greater Good with the boy's welfare solely what he was protecting, with those he knew were his strongest supporters.

Thankfully, Black's release and Bagnold and Crouch's arrest meant the articles about him would be way down the list of what held the interest of the public.

Also, thankfully, he hadn't been forced to take Veritaserum. And the questioning did not delve into where he was keeping the boy. That would have been a disaster.

All he had to do was keep people from asking where the boy was until the 1st of September, and the boy would be safely within the walls of Hogwarts where he would have full control of him.

# # #