
Harry potter and the cousin of the boy who lived

What changes would a fan of harry potter bring when he finds himself in the body of a eleven year old cousin of harry potter (not Dudley) will he follow the canonical story or will he change the story for the better or worse only time and fate can tell. The Protag will be the son of twin sister of Lily M. Potter who will replace Lily as the godmother of Luna and this will be an AU world with a few differences nothing big but a few that are important for the protag to be born. This is my first time writing a FanFic(not that kind of fan fic) hope you guys and gals like it. Its just a side project to unwind while i stress over my projects for University that i need to do. Disclaimer - I do not own the characters and the plot of the Harry Potter Universe.

Zerou · Movies
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13 Chs

Death and rebirth

* hey guys I Just Updated and fixed this chapter of the errors*

We see a man walking home after finally finishing his last project presentation at his university. As he gets off the train, the weather takes a turn for the worse, and it starts raining. He is glad he brought his umbrella with him, or his laptop and he would have been soaked. What he did not see was that the clouds above him were gathering lightning, ready to strike at any moment.

Protagonist POV

"Good thing I brought this umbrella. Did not wanna find out if this laptop bag is waterproof or not. Ahahaha," he muttered to himself. As he said that, he saw a flash of light, and then nothing—everything faded to darkness with no sound, no light, no smell, or feeling of any kind. Just endless darkness.

General POV

While the protagonist was walking home, the clouds above him released what seemed to be a powerful lightning strike. This strike ended his life and sent him to the void, where his adventure in the worlds of movies and TV shows would begin, at the whims of a being so powerful and bored that they simply took a random person from a random world under their domain for entertainment.

The Void

R.O.B. (Random Omnipotent Being): "Hmmmm, it seems like it hit someone. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! FINALLY, MY ENTERTAINMENT IS HERE!!!" With a powerful shout, the being made the void shake with just the release of his power. "Let's calm down; don't wanna kill my entertainment by mistake, hahaha."

A speck of light can be seen floating about the void. It is so small that if it were in its original world, it could be placed in between atoms as it moves in a random direction without any means to stop.

Protagonist POV (Don't Worry, He Will Get a Name Later)

"WTF was that?! Why can't I see or feel anything, and why can't I move???" The speck of light rushes around, glowing brighter and dimmer with every move. "Did I get kidnapped??? Was that the light of a truck or something???" As the speck of light moves about randomly, it is suddenly transported to a new location.


"This is the one that was chosen. From what I see, he is nothing special—weak-willed and lazy. He could do with some training first. Well, let's get this over with," R.O.B. says with a grin from ear to ear. With a simple thought, the light speck is transported to a room where he can communicate with the soul without completely obliterating it.

"Welcome, lucky one, to your new beginning," says R.O.B.

General POV

In a throne room, a transparent figure stands before a majestic throne made of different universes and realities. On this throne sits a being made of light with a dark outline (Imagine Truth from Full Metal Alchemist).

"WTF was that?" The speck of light says, transforming into a transparent version of himself. Frozen in instinctual fear, he gazes at the being in front of him, who seems to be contemplating something.

'He seems to be okay after that little trip to the VOID, and his soul is even stronger. Maybe this will be fun after all,' the being thinks while making plans on where to send this new source of entertainment.

"Welcome to the afterlife, young man," says the being, waiting for the soul to recover. "If you don't answer soon, I'll send you to a random world with a random power."

After hearing the being speak, everything made sense to the protagonist. He realized he was dead and felt sad about not seeing his parents, siblings, and friends again. But what could he do? There was no going back. "Hello, Sir. May I know what happens next? Is there a heaven and hell, or am I going to be reincarnated with my memories wiped?" the soul asked.

"Well, you can't go to the traditional heaven or hell because you were neither good nor bad in your life. You were mid at best, as they say in your world and timeline," the being responded.

'MID?! WTF is this guy? Why is he a boomer? WAIT! Can he read my mind?!' thought the soul.

"Yes, I can, young man, and I don't like to be called a boomer. I mean, I am older than most beings anywhere and nowhere," said the being with a smile.

"F*ck! S**t! Sorry about that. I did not mean to offend you, sir," the soul stammered.

"AHAHAHAHA, it's okay, young man. You seem to be doing quite well with your death," R.O.B. chuckled.

"Well, I can't do anything about it now that I'm already dead. I just hope my friends and family won't be too sad about my passing," the soul replied.

"Let's get this over with. You died by 'accident,' so I'll give you a second chance, but you can't go back to your world," R.O.B. explained.

"What do you mean 'accident,' and what other worlds are there?" the soul inquired.

"Well, accident meaning I sent a small bolt of my power to get someone to entertain me because I am bored," R.O.B. admitted.

"WTF?! YOU MEAN YOU KILLED ME!!! THAT'S NOT 'ACCIDENTAL' AT ALL!" the soul exclaimed, glowing slightly.

"Calm down, or I will obliterate you and get a new soul for my offer," R.O.B. warned.

"Okay, sir," the soul said, not liking that he died for someone's entertainment but realizing he could do nothing about it. "Will I be able to go to any world, even ones like Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, or even HARRY POTTER?" the soul asked, glowing brighter when mentioning Harry Potter.

"Yes, any world you can think of. As a bonus, I'll give you a small power-up," R.O.B. said, a light glowing from his hand and entering the soul, who felt scared and excited.

"What was that?" the soul asked.

"That was the bonus, which will help you in the world you choose in a form you are familiar with. Now, let's choose the world you will be going to, whether you want to be reincarnated or transmigrated," R.O.B. explained.

"Can it be a mix of both?" the soul asked, not wanting to be a baby again but also not wanting to take over someone else's body.

"Hmmm, I see. That can be done. You will be reincarnated but won't recover your memories until a later time," R.O.B. said, amused by the soul's idea.

"Thank you very much. I would like to go to the world of Harry Potter. It's one of my favourite series, and I've read a lot of fanfics about it," the soul said.

"Harry Potter world, okay. But it won't be the same world as the series you saw. It will be more like an AU with a few changes to accommodate you," R.O.B. said, creating a rift in reality itself, revealing Earth on the other side. "The world is set. Now, we have two more things to do: your new body and timeline." A light from his hands created a screen with a 3D model of a body.

"Is that the Harry Potter world? And what is this screen?" the soul asked, looking through the rift and at the new screen in front of him.

"That screen can be used for choosing the timeline and your new body," R.O.B. explained.

"OHHH, like a character creation screen. Let's do this," the soul said.

Character Creation

Timeline: Same age as Harry Potter


By Blood and Magic:The heir of Le FayThe heir of SlytherinThe heir of PeverellPossible heir of PotterPossible heir of Black

Looks: A mix of Sephiroth (Final Fantasy 7) and Shiba Tatsuya (Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei)

Hair: Black with dark red, dark purple, and silver-white strands mixed in very small amounts.

Eyes: Same as hair—black with dark red, dark purple, and silver-white around the iris.

Body: Max height 6'11" (1.8 meters).

After finishing the details, the soul looked satisfied, not thinking of the consequences of his choices.

"Done," the soul said, looking pleased with the choices.

"Well, it seems you picked quite the lineage and looks. HAHAHAHAHAHA," R.O.B. laughed at the soul's lack of curiosity about why he could choose those in the first place.

"With that set, off you POP, as they say in your new world," R.O.B. said, sending the soul flying through space and time to the rift and into the Harry Potter world.

"AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, this is going to be fun with those choices. He's going to be a good bit of entertainment," R.O.B. said, disappearing from the throne.

Protagonist POV

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH, WWWWWWTTTTTFFFF! Why did he not just teleport me there?" the soul screamed while still in soul form, falling to Earth.

Hello Guys Zerou here This was my First EVER Time Writing A FIC and hope you like. I have been reading a lot Fics and Desided to write one a little charification English is ot my first language so if there are any error pls let me know will try and fix them.

I will try to stick to a schedule of 1-3 chapers a week with no days in particular for the updates.

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