
Chapter 1 - Awakening

Near the grounds of Hogwarts, deep in the Forbidden Forest there is a hidden cave entrance. It is hidden among an incredibly dense part of the forest filled with ancient trees. Surrounding the cave there are charms and spells to repel anyone who came near. It works like a muggle repelling charm but would work on all sentient life. Special crystals with runes inscribed in them to collect raw magic were embedded in a runic array on the floor of the cave. Though, after thousands of years the magic used to keep the spells active ran out, the spells broke. Suddenly, in a bright flash of light, a giant crystal shimmered into existence. It was floating and glowing with a silvery-gold light. As the light slowly dims it is soon revealed that there is a young girl frozen within. She looked about 11 years old. The crystal slowly sinks to the ground, and once it touches the ground the crystal shattered into nothingness. The girl collapses to the ground and she suddenly disappears in a flash of white.