
Harry Potter and The Book

7 year old Harry stumbles on a box of old Naruto manga. Inspired, he reaches deep within, using chakra to quickly become a phenomenal ninja.

pOtOtO53 · Movies
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93 Chs

Chapter 44

In any case, once the ninja had settled into his position, he no longer had need to consult as frequently, and consequently just stopped visiting for the most inane of paperwork inquiries.

Hayate, being a ninja, and consequently a person not given to wasting time, did not let too long pass in nostalgic contemplation.

"I come before you seeking guidance. As you have advised, I have sent men to the west, where they met an individual of unknown power and loyalty, as you have foretold. However, I cannot see the path I must take. What must I do? Speak and it shall be as you command."

Sometimes formality was just plain irritating. He could not fathom how anyone could possibly tolerate the flowery language he was forced to use.

The old lady shuffled a bit and replied.

"It is difficult to say, young lord. There is no clear advice I can give, the future is clouded in this matter. Follow your heart, warrior. And take care lest your men be too hasty in word and blade. I foresee much chaos in the wake of this man. He can be a most useful ally or most troublesome foe. I can give nothing more to aid you, I fear this is as much your trial as his..."

Hayate rose and bowed, unseen as it was and left in deep thought. That was the most the seer had said and the least. She had never been this vague before either. There was nothing he could clearly use, and the interpretations were many, and he really did not want to sit down and analyse just what it all meant.

Was it too much to ask for a straight answer?


Meanwhile, Tetsuya the super ninja extraordinaire (not) was in the middle of the forbidden forest with a very unwelcome individual in front of him. It was an assumption that was quite good really. Unknown fellow who was a veritable reproduction of Uchiha Itachi, complete with straw hat, and Akatsuki robe.

"Yes, it is I, Skywalker "...said in a creepy monotone.

The figure wore most curious garb, which of course, was straw hat, black cloak with red coats, which was distinctly unfamiliar to the confused fellow. It really didn't look like anything a shinobi would wear. The insanity angle that Takeda talked about was looking more plausible by the minute. However, Tetsuya couldn't afford to flee either. The transmitter that was currently hidden was under no circumstances allowed to be discovered. Hayate would have his head...separated from the rest of him.

"Skywalker san, I cannot say it is a pleasure to meet you. May I know the purpose of our current...meeting?"

The Itachi clone looked impassive. Then he replied in the same creepy monotone.

"The castle lacks entertainment. It remains to be seen if you are more worthy of my time."

Tetsuya was now definitely sure the guy was insane. MPD anyone?

And then Mr creepy monotone proceeded to whip out a large scroll from somewhere and open it, with one hand. The complex diagram on the scroll was not increasing his confidence.

And then, the guy slams his hand onto the scroll and onto the ground. For the briefest of seconds, a cloud of smoke blocked his view. And then he was treated to the sight of Skywalker standing on top of a vicious looking arachnoid thing, similarly patterned to the cloak he wore.

Tetsuya was just beginning to pale, when as if Lord Murphy was feeling particularly partial to him, an assortment of black blades just slid out of the limbs, body and the things jaws, the latter of which promptly began to snap at him, viciously.

Skywalker tilted his head. Tesuya gulped.

"Entertain me, Tetsuya kun"


Skywalker tilted his head. Tesuya gulped.

"Entertain me, Tetsuya kun"

Tetsuya hopped back a few feet, drawing a wakizashi as he did so. This was a really really bad situation. And to top it off, he had no backup.

Skywalker had yet to move. In fact, Tetsuya was pretty sure the fellow had yet to twitch, blink or even breathe. The spider thing on the other hand was practically a living animal, stretching limbs, and making clicking noises, not to mention the hissing sound that was too close to breathing for him to be comfortable.

In spite of himself, Tetsuya took a moment to appreciate the monstrosity that would no doubt rip him to shreds in short order. It had a demonic visage, a face worthy of a true akuma, something he previously had seen only from a distance, with blades that popped out from inside its unholy maw. The limbs seemed to be made of simple wooden shafts, if one discounted the multiple blades that popped up here and there, which had a vague symmetry to it that he could not immediately discern. The torso looked about 6 feet long and the limbs were all about 5 feet long each. And there was no doubt it was full of nasty surprises just itching to destroy him.

As for himself, Patrol armor would not save him from the bite of steel, no matter how good it was. Tetsuya finally lost his cool and snapped into action. He jumped backward onto a tree branch, even as a brace of shuriken flew at the face and torso of the his expressionless opponent. While he doubted a victory was possible, he definitely had the option of stalling for time, which was what he was trying to achieve. After all, stronger opponents seemed to have the tendency to, as Takeda put it, "play with their prey". Not the most ninja-ish thing to do, but it should work in his favour.

'I hope'



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