
Harry Potter and the Blood Traitor

Sometimes worlds are born from the willful creation of an Author that writes a story a lot of people would like to find themselves into. The collective intent of the readers is heard by the universe and it creates a world in another plane of existence.... Alas every author leaves some kind of loophole in a way or another and the story they write is never perfect, the world adjusts himself and many things may change: from the way an ipotetic magic would work to the choices the caracters in the story make, choices they would not have made if they werent forced by the author himself for the sake of plot.... A soul from Earth gets reincarnated into one of these worlds: a world born from the mind of J.K Rowling as the twin brother of Draco Malfoy: his new name is Raon Malfoy. The world he knows and love changed, some characters have different personalities from canon, some events major or minor adapted to these changes and even the way magic works is not the same anymore. He understands, the plot doesnt protect him, he wont find absolute power just by walking in the forest, neither will a celestial being protect him at the right moment and neither will he find a misterious teacher out of nowhere: unlike last life this time he swears to protect those close to him. i dont own any of the caracters or the world per se, they all belong to J.K.Rowling.

DodgeThatAuthor · Book&Literature
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Chapter 12:

''Enter Raon'' a voice echoed on the other side of the door I was about to go through

Opening the door I see three people standing Harry, Ron and Hermione all looking at me with different faces; in front of them sit Dumbledore looking at me with curious eyes

'' Good Morning Headmaster, sorry for being late my training took longer than expected'' I tell him with an expressionless face

''You do often not see wizards training their bodies...Anyways, I believe this is our first time meeting, isn't it? Lemon drop?'' asked Dumbledore holding a candy

''Yes this is our first meeting and thanks Headmaster but I'm fine, maybe next time'' I reply with a polite smile and tone, conveying the fact that I want to end the conversation quickly and cutting to the chase. The professor is not stupid, and he obviously gets the message

''Raon, as I already told your friends here'' he slightly pauses trying to see my reaction to the word friend but continues after looking at my emotionless face ''the matter regarding the Troll is a complicated one, the words you have spoken to the professors, although slightly venomous, are indeed true... We have been too sloppy in the handling of the matter and for that I would like to apologize for putting young students in danger'' he then stops looking at me in the eyes but not using any type of Legilimens...weird...

'now... I could just act petty and tell him something like you don't have to apologize to me but to Hermione hurr durr... yea no... the fact he did not use Legilimens this time means he wants to trust me knowing perfectly that I will not turn into someone like Voldy... my actions speak for themselves *a pureblood student risks his life to protect his muggle-born classmate* Tom would have never done that so he is at least 70% sure that I will not be a hindrance to his plan but could very well be used instead. Or simply he already knows I have big defenses and he does not try anything funny to show his good side. Or he knows Lucius wants to bring him down and will probably use this incident that put his son's life in peril to his advantage. Either way is good for me, I just need to answer politely, sound confident, add a bit of venom to keep the character going while also expressing my wish to end this conversation as fast as possible'

''Thankfully no one was seriously injured in the incident, after all a Troll even if stupid is still a Troll... I would not want to take any more time from you Headmaster, I believe the council is probably already expecting some answers, the work must be enormous'' I answer him with the most polite tone I could muster... but the venom.. maan I will transform into a basilisk... 'note that I did not in any way accept his meaningless apology, after all who would, it is his fault entirely and kids could have died here, however I am polite enough while showing respect to the man, covered in venom, but still respect'

He furrows his brows slightly before saying

''Indeed, the council is not giving me air to breathe, however you have shown great courage Raon discarding your safety for a girl of another house, this is truly commendable... since I have given already 20 points to Harry and Ron together I will give 50 points to Slytherin: not only did you save Hermione but you also killed the monster effectively stopping it from doing further damage'' he stops and looks at me directly in my eyes this time his eyes are shining and I can feel him trying to enter my mind; an attempt I skillfully block off showing him a big corpse monster I saw in an anime frightening him a little but like nothing happened he returned to his grandfatherly smile not even ashamed of his actions

'he gave me 50 points in hopes that more Slytherins would help other houses more or at least stopped the bullying seeing the easy points, he also does not care about entering minds and what he did just now confirms that, he just smiles as if nothing happened. Of course, the fact that I gave no reactions to his entering probably made his act more believable in his mind... oh well''

''Thanks headmaster'' I say with a smile

''Now since this is concluded I wish you all a good day'' says Dumbledore with a smile

'''' Thanks, Have a good day as well'''' we answered in unison before leaving the room

-Albus PoV-

I watched them leave the room

''Raon''....'' What was that in his mind... Did he notice me entering? He must have right?... He gave no reaction though... Did he expect me to enter his mind then? Or was that really what he was thinking about... I will need to monitor him closely... he is very similar to Tom, his ambition, his ability his house; however he is also very different, Tom would have never done what he did yesterday.... mhhhh I will ask Severus I guess..''

-end PoV-

-Quidditch- 9 November 1991 Saturday-

I am walking with Theo, our destination: the Quidditch Field.

''Ironic isn't it? The first match of the year is between the two biggest rivals... And we will even get to see the new star in action'' said playfully Theo before looking at me with an evil smirk ''And this time maybe you will not be the center of attention''

'Since what happened against the Troll in the dungeons people have been talking a lot about me, the rumors are many but the most important topics are how I saved a girl from the monster, how I, a Slytherin, actually risked my life for a Gryffin, how I used unusual and powerful magic to deal with it and many others making even my father proud ignoring the fact that the girl I saved was a Muggle-born...the hypocrisy... in the end politicians even in this world will use everything at their disposal to look better than their rival, even if those things clash against their principles... father was probably doing the same'

''Oh, still jealous that I get the girl's attention now?'' I say in the same playful tone ''do not worry I will introduce some to you, you are my friend after all'' I end with a smirk

''After all hu? So you have not forgotten about me? That's so nice of you Mr. Hero'' He says faking anger with a smirk

''Pfft, ahahahah don't call me that please, do you want me to steal the Gryffin trademark title?'' we both laugh at that

''And I don't need for you to introduce her to me, I already know her'' he says with a small smile looking ahead of him

I widen my eyes ''you already know her? woh?? How, I never see you interact with girls other than Pansy and Dap---- Don't tell me.....It is Pansy????'' I ask him with genuine surprise

''NO YOU IDIOT'' he answers loudly ''it... oh fuck it... don't laugh... it is... Daph'' he ends slightly embarrassed by what he told me

''Wait wait wait....'' I stop him in his tracks 'Didn't you always say you liked cute and reserved girls to live your life in peace? Why would you say Daph all of a sudden, you know she is not like that...''

''Oh you idiot! How can I say to her face that I like tomboyish girls with blonde hair, black eyes and black nails? It becomes obvious!'' He says may more embarrassed while almost shouting 'thank god there are no people around here'

''Dude... Thank you for telling me this... I will not break your trust, I will tell no one do not worry'' I then tap his shoulder and with a smile, I say ''I hope you will get her, now lets go before the match starts'' (A/N in this world btw Theodore not is a good looking guy, not extremely handsome but still good looking)

Still a bit embarrassed he gives a long sigh ''It's alright, I trust you... now let's go''

And talking about nothing in particular we go to the stands

We see a spot near pansy and a spot near Daph on either side I tell him with the most serious tone I could muster '' you go to the left(near Daph), I go to the right, I call it: Operation Sandwich'' he just looks at me in disbelief then laughs

''Ahahah sure then Operation Sandwich it is... I just hope she talks to me and does not look at the seventh years all day...'' he makes a wry smile

''That will depend on you man, will your conversation entertain her enough to divert her attention or will you helplessly watch her talk with Pansy all match?'' I say with a challenging look

''A bit of faith in your friend will ya''

'I have to say I don't like relationships where the guy always has to make the move, always trying to steer the conversation and always be the one to make suggestions... To me that's not a relationship but a one-way ticket to an unhappy marriage... I wanted to tell him this but... I want him to make experience on his own also. For a good and healthy relationship the girl also has to make the first move, she also has to try and get the conversation going, etc., etc. or else there will never be a real exchange of love (definition of love relationship) but only one giving and one taking, this will lead in the long run to unhappiness that keeps accumulating over and over the more time passes because they really do not feel fulfilled; at that point, it is only a matter of time till one of the two explodes'

''Hey girls you are here early, what happened? You are almost always late''I ask them

''Hello to you as well mister Hero'' says Daph smirking ''Hello Raon how are you?'' asks a shy Pansy

''Not you too Daph.. Why don't you take from Pansy, that's how you are supposed to greet people... And thanks I'm alright, what about you?'' I ask her

''great...thanks...'' she answers a bit out of it

''What is wrong with her'' asks Theo concerned

''That... well has to do why we came early, apparently she met a 5th year playing in the team and he asked her to come to watch him play... she has been spacing out since then...'' answers Daph with a knowing smile

''The hell is up with everyone finding their love now... If it goes on like this I will be left behind'' I joke with a helpless smirk, I can barely notice Daphne looking briefly at Theo, who btw did not hear what I said distracted by the brooms, with a big frown I would have missed if I did not watch her reaction specifically after I finished my words...

'oh-oh ara-ara Daphne, you worried he will get a girlfriend? Has she always shown these acts and I never noticed? Could it be that every time she mentions other guys she is just trying to get a reaction from Theo? Would make sense and fit her character... I will need to further investigate'

The match goes exactly as per canon with Snape's robe catching fire and Harry winning the game

During the game I noticed Theo and Daphne talking eagerly about something... It seems that my worries were not needed, if Theo could catch her attention and she makes effort to continue the conversation then it is fine like this... I steal a glance at Theo while Pansy was talking to me and mutter in my mind 'not bad kid, it seems you are good at stuff like that after all'

-30 November 1991-

''Fred, George may I have a bit of your time?'' I ask the duo

They look at each other wearily ''What can we do for you Slytherin?''

''Come on guys, I have a name, Raon... anyways, I have come to you to talk business are you interested?''

They look at each other again with a small business smile before saying ''we are always open to business''

''Ok so for this first year I plan to give you 50 Galleons per month without possible added bonuses per work well-done (meaning that the amount may increase) till the end of the school year to research on, starting next year I will increase that number to 100 if I can, but we will talk about that later'' I tell them ''for now, I would like you to keep expanding your business and perfecting your craft, we will talk about the real stuff next year, what do you think?''

they look at each other in surprise before Fred starts speaking '' We are very grateful for your offer but...'' George continues ''why, is the question, why are you willing to invest in us?''

I chuckle at them ''To tell you the truth I think you guys are great and your jokes can come a long way, this small investment this year is to see if you are really worth investing in the future or not; what I'm asking you for this year is to tell me your revenue and show me any new joke you can invent, no pressure really, I value quality more then quantity''

I could see them thinking before they both extend their hands and with a business smile they say in unison '' To a long term cooperation then mister Snake''

I smile and answer while shaking their hand ''To a long term cooperation''

We then depart not before handing them the first 50 Galleons for the month ' And so this is done as well, now let's go to the RoR I need to finish the third-year course and practice for the midterm exams next month.

'Harry has probably already found out about Nicolas Flamen will they ask me about him? Well no matter....'

-20 December 1991 Exam results before Christmas Break-

In this world the results are posted in the Great Hall during breakfast divided per house, the interesting bit is that the highest overall scorer in each year would win the respective house 20 points, 30 points instead for the finals. These scores can effectively single handedly declare the winner on their own...

Surprisingly there are 3 winners this midterm for the first years Raon (what a surprise), Hermione (fancy seeing you here) and, to my surprise, Alice with all of us scoring O (outstanding) in all subjects. In case of a tie like this one, it is up to the professors to effectively decide who deserve the win this year based on the performance during the year and their participation in classes.

It seems that the professor decided the true winner of the first year is, surprise surprise, magical ME.

After looking at the results I turn to the professor seating at the end of the all giving them a noble nod of my head with an imperceptible bow, which is the way noble families greet each other. I can see a smile on professor McGonagall's face while she nods back and a smile of approval on Snape's face obviously happy of the result.

I could see Hermione looking down in disappointment so I decide to congratulate with her

''Hey Hermione'' I say

Turning her head she sees me and shows a wry smile ''congratulation on the result Raon, it really is not a surprise to me seeing how well you could explain to me the things I did not understand in the library but still... It is disappointing'' she pouts a little there was no trace of her usual arrogance, seeing her like this made me a little concerned, she seriously took the blow

Ignoring all the glares the Gryffins were giving me, especially Ron's, probably waiting for me to say something offensive to attack me... Of course, that was not my intention, like... at all.

''Hermione, I have been studying magic since I was 6 (lies but let her believe it) it should be no surprise that I already knew the things we studied this year... You however just started when you received the letter; look at it this way, you not only scored higher than those who started the same you but you even scored higher than all those kids who should have known the subjects years before you even started... To me, this year, you are the one who achieved the most... Hope you can give me the same fight next semester'' I conclude with a big smile and an outstretched hand

She looks at me with surprise before smiling a bit still not completely convinced but with determination in her eyes ''I will best you next time'' she says before taking my hand and shaking it

I saw the Gryffins relax while Ron was fuming even harder

''Congrats Raon you are great'' said Harry with a smile

''Thanks Harry you did not do that bad yourself'' we continue with a light conversation while I proceed to ignore a fuming Glare-Girl (Alice) killing me in her mind 30 times over. Should I stop ignoring her? Mmh nahhhh I chuckle in my mind

-In the RoR-

''Stupeficium, Expelliarmus, Pietrificus Totalus'' I chant against the dummy

He avoids the first spell protecting the second and intercepting the third with a Stupeficium while commencing his counterattack with another Stupeficium and Levicorpus

I Accio a nearby table transfiguring it into metal and enhancing it with Protego effectively repelling the two spells

He does the same commencing a transfiguration battle

I then Transfigure the broken pieces into tarantulas scatering them towards the dummy, the dummy is not staying still he transforms the pieces into snakes and does the same

The battle between animals starts, and so does our battle

We exchange stupeficiums and expelliarmus left and right at high speed and precision

Our speels collide with each other while others are cast trying to predict our enemy movements

In the end, his experience starts to get the upper hand I crack a bit under all that pressure and let an expelliarmus hit me deciding the win. Our Transfigured beasts return to normal and he says

''Good job Raon, you have been improving a lot lately, I don't know if you noticed but your tarantulas were winning, if you were able to keep the concentration going you could have gotten the upper hand in the fight... Overall nice work''

''Ahhh so close'' I say with a sigh

I was returning to my room when an owl comes with a letter, under it the name: Andromeda Tonks

'Ohh, so you finally have answered, let's see what you will tell me' a smirk starts forming on my face while I go back to prepare myself for the winter break.


3171 words lel

As always release will be slow cause finals, will go back to the previous numbers when I'm finished with that. As always tell me if I made some grammar mistakes and such

Hope you enjoyed :3

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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